Democrats Hate American Children Part 384745

You did not say they were neighbors. Your post said "the school district.." Either you were too fucking stupid to know that Waterbury and Milford are actually different school districts or you figured no one would call you on your lie.

You are quite stupid, and quite dishonest.

Democrats Hate American Children Part 384745 | Page 11 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Here is your attempt to mislead into believing that the Milford School district recognized Mulsim holidays. You never said neighboring school district until I pointed out that your link was to a story about a different district:
that Save your bullshit Comrade, no one believes you.

The board voted to recognize Eid Al-Fitr, "
Your case were cites to two stories about the same School District, Waterbury, two hundred miles from Milford who decided to let their Muslims Students take off on their holidays, just like they let Jewish students do. And you did not cite to any statistic about the town were are discussing, Milford CT. You have been caught in serial lies.

Again, Connecticut has a rapidly growing Muslim population. The "cultural sensitivity" is bowing to pressure from Muslims and the democrats backing them.

Look, you're a hack. you have a party and zero integrity. The party supports Islam so you foam at the mouth should anyone point out that acts like this are on behalf of the newly established DNC religion.

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.
You may have a point. Leftists in the school system take up causes they were never asked to, fighting for people who didn't ask them too. I have yet to meet a Jew who was offended at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene. The same likely goes for Muslims. The asshole Leftists imagine what might be offensive without ever having actually asked anyone. That's just how they roll.

Woosh, over your head.
No not really. The satire in my post went over your head.
Your case were cites to two stories about the same School District, Waterbury, two hundred miles from Milford who decided to let their Muslims Students take off on their holidays, just like they let Jewish students do. And you did not cite to any statistic about the town were are discussing, Milford CT. You have been caught in serial lies.

Again, Connecticut has a rapidly growing Muslim population. The "cultural sensitivity" is bowing to pressure from Muslims and the democrats backing them.

Look, you're a hack. you have a party and zero integrity. The party supports Islam so you foam at the mouth should anyone point out that acts like this are on behalf of the newly established DNC religion.

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.
You may have a point. Leftists in the school system take up causes they were never asked to, fighting for people who didn't ask them too. I have yet to meet a Jew who was offended at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene. The same likely goes for Muslims. The asshole Leftists imagine what might be offensive without ever having actually asked anyone. That's just how they roll.
And yet, everywhere around the country were assholes complained about Halloween, they were conservative Christians assholes like you. You cannot find a single example of a leftist protesting Halloween.

But you can find scores of examples of the Democrats cancelling traditional American celebrations due to political correctness and silly "all-inclusiveness" nonsense, and the attempts are growing in number.
Like flying the flag of racists and traitors? Is that the traditional American celebration you referred to?
Wow, banning Halloween is so progressive. Let's ban Christmas the next time and celebrate Ramadan instead to be even more tolerant...
In a follow-up, parents bring out the hammers, Halloween reinstated.

Milford, Conn. Schools Reinstate Halloween Costume Parades After Parents Complain
Good for them standing up to the right wing Christians trying to force their views on the children.
How? And who, exactly, has done this? Cite, reference, link plz.

It has always been right wing Christians that have objected to halloween. Why would this be any different?
And yet, everywhere around the country were assholes complained about Halloween, they were conservative Christians assholes like you. You cannot find a single example of a leftist protesting Halloween.

Who were ignored for hundreds of years.

Then suddenly, schools are banning it...

What change? I mean, the ruling democrats adopted Islam as the established religion of the party and the nation, maybe that has something to do with it?
Here is your attempt to mislead into believing that the Milford School district recognized Mulsim holidays.

Here is where I said neighboring, you lying little shit

You never said neighboring school district until I pointed out that your link was to a story about a different district:
that Save your bullshit Comrade, no one believes you.

The board voted to recognize Eid Al-Fitr, "

The link shows otherwise, you lying little shit.

Like that Christian tradition of burning witches at the stake.

Sorry 'bout that.

Oh, and when was the last time Christians did that, Comrade? Was it earlier or latter than the last time your Muslim allies cut the head off of a Christian? Before or after you Communist marched millions into death camps?

Like that Christian tradition of burning witches at the stake.

Sorry 'bout that.

Oh, and when was the last time Christians did that, Comrade? Was it earlier or latter than the last time your Muslim allies cut the head off of a Christian? Before or after you Communist marched millions into death camps?

In this country or around the globe, Stormtrooper?
And yet, everywhere around the country were assholes complained about Halloween, they were conservative Christians assholes like you. You cannot find a single example of a leftist protesting Halloween.

Who were ignored for hundreds of years.

Then suddenly, schools are banning it...

What change? I mean, the ruling democrats adopted Islam as the established religion of the party and the nation, maybe that has something to do with it?

I dunno about established, but Islam and the illegal invaders are certainly their new boyfriends, and Democrat blacks have become their Palestinians, a proxy army to attack America.
Here is your attempt to mislead into believing that the Milford School district recognized Mulsim holidays.

Here is where I said neighboring, you lying little shit

You never said neighboring school district until I pointed out that your link was to a story about a different district:
that Save your bullshit Comrade, no one believes you.

The board voted to recognize Eid Al-Fitr, "

The link shows otherwise, you lying little shit.
No, the link shows that the school district that allowed Muslim children to honor their holidays was in Waterbury when you tried to pawn it off as "the school district" we were discussing, in Milford.
And yet, everywhere around the country were assholes complained about Halloween, they were conservative Christians assholes like you. You cannot find a single example of a leftist protesting Halloween.

Who were ignored for hundreds of years.

Then suddenly, schools are banning it...

What change? I mean, the ruling democrats adopted Islam as the established religion of the party and the nation, maybe that has something to do with it?
You assholes are getting louder and more insistent.
NYC has the biggest Halloween parade in the country.

It's also one of the Original colonies and ground zero for Liberal ideology.

Gawd, what a vacuous nit.

Classical liberal ideology coalesced in the 17th Century, primarily driven by the English philosopher John Locke, who most assuredly did NOT live in New York.

BTW, that nonsense you call liberalism isn't.

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