Democrats Hate American Children Part 384745

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

If that were true, then the celebration would go on as always.

But of course it isn't true;

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Even though schools are banning Halloween due to Muslim and religious protest, Halloween seems to be bigger than ever. With record numbers in costume buying and party going things are not slowing down for Halloween.

Evite, the leading social event planning service on the Web, proves that Halloween bashes are bigger than ever. More than 100,000 Halloween parties were planned this year using Evite to send spook-tacular online invitations to over 4 million guests, a 22%+ increase over last year.

Overall, Halloween continues to be a growing business with more than $5 billion in costumes, candy and party supply sales in 2007 (Source: the National Retail Federation). More than 30% of party store sales are now generated by Halloween alone (Source: the National Retail Federation), further confirming how big the holiday has become for seasonally driven businesses.}

. In essence, Halloween represents the devil worshipper's New
Year. Muslim commemoration of such a day is therefore si
nful and haram; as it involves the most evil elements of polytheism and disbel
ief. Indeed, participation in Halloween is worse than participation in Christmas, E
aster or Good Friday, as those innovated days commemorate the birth and supposed
death of a Prophet, whereas Halloween is a commemoration of the worshippers
of Satan. Thus,participation in it is more sinful than congratulating
the Christians for their prostration to the crucifix.}

It's cool though, if you were ever accurate about anything, I would think someone hijacked your account. :thup:

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.


{It's that time of year again... fall is in full swing and Halloween is fast approaching. Morgan Hill Bible Church participates in Morgan Hill's annual Downtown Safe Trick-or-Treat where kids can enjoy the fun and excitement of Halloween in a family-friendly environment.}

Safe Trick-or-Treat
The best party in my town on Halloween is at First Christian church. EVERYBODY goes, they have games set up and serve hotdogs, it's a blast!
It's funny how hard Conservatives want local control of schools, but when they see what local control looks like, they respond with revoltion. Unless when they say 'local control' they mean Conservative control.

Multiculturalism needs to be ejected from the public school system outright.
It's funny how hard Conservatives want local control of schools, but when they see what local control looks like, they respond with revoltion. Unless when they say 'local control' they mean Conservative control.
It's funny how hard Conservatives want local control of schools, but when they see what local control looks like, they respond with revoltion. Unless when they say 'local control' they mean Conservative control.

Multiculturalism needs to be ejected from the public school system outright.
Why? What makes conformity so appealing? You must be young and not aware of the changes in this nation. It ain't ever again look as it did in the 50s
It's funny how hard Conservatives want local control of schools, but when they see what local control looks like, they respond with revoltion. Unless when they say 'local control' they mean Conservative control.

Multiculturalism needs to be ejected from the public school system outright.
Why? What makes conformity so appealing? You must be young and not aware of the changes in this nation. It ain't ever again look as it did in the 50s
Republicans are 90% white. Kind of explains what they want.
It's funny how hard Conservatives want local control of schools, but when they see what local control looks like, they respond with revoltion. Unless when they say 'local control' they mean Conservative control.

Multiculturalism needs to be ejected from the public school system outright.
Why? What makes conformity so appealing? You must be young and not aware of the changes in this nation. It ain't ever again look as it did in the 50s
Republicans are 90% white. Kind of explains what they want.
So as long as that local control of schools is in the Wonder Bread and mayonaisse vein, everything would be cool for the Conservatives.
It's funny how hard Conservatives want local control of schools, but when they see what local control looks like, they respond with revoltion. Unless when they say 'local control' they mean Conservative control.

Multiculturalism needs to be ejected from the public school system outright.
Why? What makes conformity so appealing?

I'm an American, you idiot. I want people here to be American, and nothing else. If you want to be where you came from, then stay the hell home and be there. But don't come here and try to change me into you, or my country into yours. I'm not interested.

You must be young and not aware of the changes in this nation.

I am old enough to have been in awe of Sputnik. You, on the other hand, strike me as a recent and well-indoctrinated college boy.

It ain't ever again look as it did in the 50s

Then why are the Democrats sending it back that way with their constant racial nonsense?
It's funny how hard Conservatives want local control of schools, but when they see what local control looks like, they respond with revoltion. Unless when they say 'local control' they mean Conservative control.

Multiculturalism needs to be ejected from the public school system outright.
Why? What makes conformity so appealing? You must be young and not aware of the changes in this nation. It ain't ever again look as it did in the 50s
Republicans are 90% white. Kind of explains what they want.

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

If that were true, then the celebration would go on as always.

But of course it isn't true;

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Even though schools are banning Halloween due to Muslim and religious protest, Halloween seems to be bigger than ever. With record numbers in costume buying and party going things are not slowing down for Halloween.

Evite, the leading social event planning service on the Web, proves that Halloween bashes are bigger than ever. More than 100,000 Halloween parties were planned this year using Evite to send spook-tacular online invitations to over 4 million guests, a 22%+ increase over last year.

Overall, Halloween continues to be a growing business with more than $5 billion in costumes, candy and party supply sales in 2007 (Source: the National Retail Federation). More than 30% of party store sales are now generated by Halloween alone (Source: the National Retail Federation), further confirming how big the holiday has become for seasonally driven businesses.}

. In essence, Halloween represents the devil worshipper's New
Year. Muslim commemoration of such a day is therefore si
nful and haram; as it involves the most evil elements of polytheism and disbel
ief. Indeed, participation in Halloween is worse than participation in Christmas, E
aster or Good Friday, as those innovated days commemorate the birth and supposed
death of a Prophet, whereas Halloween is a commemoration of the worshippers
of Satan. Thus,participation in it is more sinful than congratulating
the Christians for their prostration to the crucifix.}

It's cool though, if you were ever accurate about anything, I would think someone hijacked your account. :thup:

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.


{It's that time of year again... fall is in full swing and Halloween is fast approaching. Morgan Hill Bible Church participates in Morgan Hill's annual Downtown Safe Trick-or-Treat where kids can enjoy the fun and excitement of Halloween in a family-friendly environment.}

Safe Trick-or-Treat
The best party in my town on Halloween is at First Christian church. EVERYBODY goes, they have games set up and serve hotdogs, it's a blast!
Nothing like the Christians, celebrating a pagan holiday. Just like Christmas, another Pagan holiday,
It's funny how hard Conservatives want local control of schools, but when they see what local control looks like, they respond with revoltion. Unless when they say 'local control' they mean Conservative control.

Multiculturalism needs to be ejected from the public school system outright.
Yes, because there are no kids from other cultures there, and they will never meet any. Perfect.
No, it is factually false that democrats had anything to do with this.

So post your documentation and make me a liar.
Paddy's documentation is "You're a big dummy and you didn't say such and such but I'm going to pretend you did!"
You fucking morons claimed there were Muslims complaining and have not been able to prove a single thing to support that. I have provided numerous examples of christians in other parts of the country causing halloween celebrations to be cancelled.

Please post where I said that Muslims were complaining. You seem quite confused.
This is what paddy does. She gets all het up over stuff she makes up.
I've made up? Jesus but you are twisted. I posted links to articles about repeated attempts by Christians to stop Halloween activities in schools and the actual demographic makeup of the town where the op idiot claims there is an exploding Muslim population that proved just the opposite. I have dared either of you pricks to produce any proof that in this incident in Milford or anywhere else in the country a single Muslim complained about Halloween and you produced nothing. You post nonsense about all kids celebrating Halloween as a religious holiday.
Your case were cites to two stories about the same School District, Waterbury, two hundred miles from Milford who decided to let their Muslims Students take off on their holidays, just like they let Jewish students do. And you did not cite to any statistic about the town were are discussing, Milford CT. You have been caught in serial lies.

Again, Connecticut has a rapidly growing Muslim population. The "cultural sensitivity" is bowing to pressure from Muslims and the democrats backing them.

Look, you're a hack. you have a party and zero integrity. The party supports Islam so you foam at the mouth should anyone point out that acts like this are on behalf of the newly established DNC religion.

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.
You may have a point. Leftists in the school system take up causes they were never asked to, fighting for people who didn't ask them too. I have yet to meet a Jew who was offended at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene. The same likely goes for Muslims. The asshole Leftists imagine what might be offensive without ever having actually asked anyone. That's just how they roll.
I love political correctness. It achieves such great goals, and never wastes time or resources.

You know which "culture" Halloween most offends?


Halloween Hits Streak Of Bad Luck in School (

I'm Christian. I am not offended. I don't know any Christians who are.

I'm not.
Your case were cites to two stories about the same School District, Waterbury, two hundred miles from Milford who decided to let their Muslims Students take off on their holidays, just like they let Jewish students do. And you did not cite to any statistic about the town were are discussing, Milford CT. You have been caught in serial lies.

Again, Connecticut has a rapidly growing Muslim population. The "cultural sensitivity" is bowing to pressure from Muslims and the democrats backing them.

Look, you're a hack. you have a party and zero integrity. The party supports Islam so you foam at the mouth should anyone point out that acts like this are on behalf of the newly established DNC religion.

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.
You may have a point. Leftists in the school system take up causes they were never asked to, fighting for people who didn't ask them too. I have yet to meet a Jew who was offended at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene. The same likely goes for Muslims. The asshole Leftists imagine what might be offensive without ever having actually asked anyone. That's just how they roll.
And yet, everywhere around the country were assholes complained about Halloween, they were conservative Christians assholes like you. You cannot find a single example of a leftist protesting Halloween.
Your case were cites to two stories about the same School District, Waterbury, two hundred miles from Milford who decided to let their Muslims Students take off on their holidays, just like they let Jewish students do. And you did not cite to any statistic about the town were are discussing, Milford CT. You have been caught in serial lies.

Again, Connecticut has a rapidly growing Muslim population. The "cultural sensitivity" is bowing to pressure from Muslims and the democrats backing them.

Look, you're a hack. you have a party and zero integrity. The party supports Islam so you foam at the mouth should anyone point out that acts like this are on behalf of the newly established DNC religion.

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.
You may have a point. Leftists in the school system take up causes they were never asked to, fighting for people who didn't ask them too. I have yet to meet a Jew who was offended at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene. The same likely goes for Muslims. The asshole Leftists imagine what might be offensive without ever having actually asked anyone. That's just how they roll.

Woosh, over your head.
Your case were cites to two stories about the same School District, Waterbury, two hundred miles from Milford who decided to let their Muslims Students take off on their holidays, just like they let Jewish students do. And you did not cite to any statistic about the town were are discussing, Milford CT. You have been caught in serial lies.

Again, Connecticut has a rapidly growing Muslim population. The "cultural sensitivity" is bowing to pressure from Muslims and the democrats backing them.

Look, you're a hack. you have a party and zero integrity. The party supports Islam so you foam at the mouth should anyone point out that acts like this are on behalf of the newly established DNC religion.

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.
You may have a point. Leftists in the school system take up causes they were never asked to, fighting for people who didn't ask them too. I have yet to meet a Jew who was offended at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene. The same likely goes for Muslims. The asshole Leftists imagine what might be offensive without ever having actually asked anyone. That's just how they roll.
And yet, everywhere around the country were assholes complained about Halloween, they were conservative Christians assholes like you. You cannot find a single example of a leftist protesting Halloween.

But you can find scores of examples of the Democrats cancelling traditional American celebrations due to political correctness and silly "all-inclusiveness" nonsense, and the attempts are growing in number.
Your case were cites to two stories about the same School District, Waterbury, two hundred miles from Milford who decided to let their Muslims Students take off on their holidays, just like they let Jewish students do. And you did not cite to any statistic about the town were are discussing, Milford CT. You have been caught in serial lies.

Again, Connecticut has a rapidly growing Muslim population. The "cultural sensitivity" is bowing to pressure from Muslims and the democrats backing them.

Look, you're a hack. you have a party and zero integrity. The party supports Islam so you foam at the mouth should anyone point out that acts like this are on behalf of the newly established DNC religion.

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.
You may have a point. Leftists in the school system take up causes they were never asked to, fighting for people who didn't ask them too. I have yet to meet a Jew who was offended at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene. The same likely goes for Muslims. The asshole Leftists imagine what might be offensive without ever having actually asked anyone. That's just how they roll.
And yet, everywhere around the country were assholes complained about Halloween, they were conservative Christians assholes like you. You cannot find a single example of a leftist protesting Halloween.

NYC has the biggest Halloween parade in the country.

It's also one of the Original colonies and ground zero for Liberal ideology.
Your case were cites to two stories about the same School District, Waterbury, two hundred miles from Milford who decided to let their Muslims Students take off on their holidays, just like they let Jewish students do. And you did not cite to any statistic about the town were are discussing, Milford CT. You have been caught in serial lies.

Again, Connecticut has a rapidly growing Muslim population. The "cultural sensitivity" is bowing to pressure from Muslims and the democrats backing them.

Look, you're a hack. you have a party and zero integrity. The party supports Islam so you foam at the mouth should anyone point out that acts like this are on behalf of the newly established DNC religion.

Well no, you're the hack.

Muslims, like Jews, basically don't give a fuck about most of the "celebrations" outside their own communities. Many Muslims actually like Halloween.

Christians absolutely abhor it. Christianity is one of the most intolerant religions around. They cannot stand anything outside what they view as "Christian Culture". And they believe that this is a "Christian Nation".

Left up to the White American Christians? This nation would be purged of all non-whites and all non-Christians.
You may have a point. Leftists in the school system take up causes they were never asked to, fighting for people who didn't ask them too. I have yet to meet a Jew who was offended at a Christmas tree or a Nativity scene. The same likely goes for Muslims. The asshole Leftists imagine what might be offensive without ever having actually asked anyone. That's just how they roll.
And yet, everywhere around the country were assholes complained about Halloween, they were conservative Christians assholes like you. You cannot find a single example of a leftist protesting Halloween.

But you can find scores of examples of the Democrats cancelling traditional American celebrations due to political correctness and silly "all-inclusiveness" nonsense, and the attempts are growing in number.


Like that Christian tradition of burning witches at the stake.

Sorry 'bout that.

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