Democrats hate Carson because he is black

Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders.

And why do we 'hate' Trump? And Cruz? And Rubio? And Fiorina? And Bush? And Huckabee? And Christie?
Which is the same response to the idiotic claims that Republicans hate Obama because he's black. They oppose Bubba Clinton, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, et al.

So you're conceding that the OP and all who agree with him are idiots.

Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders.

And why do we 'hate' Trump? And Cruz? And Rubio? And Fiorina? And Bush? And Huckabee? And Christie?
Which is the same response to the idiotic claims that Republicans hate Obama because he's black. They oppose Bubba Clinton, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, et al.

Republicans have been harping on his Kenyan roots for quite some time.

Did you guys even know he's Irish as well?

Why isn't that an issue, eh?
Haven't you guys heard his ridiculous comments on Jews and Hitler? It's not that he's black, it's that he is as stupid as fuck. Even you ding-a-lings have to admit that.

^ Racist fuckwit who believes that armed Jews would have marched off willing to the gas chambers
Of course they only hate him because he's black.

That's the rule they've been pushing since 2008, isn't it?

The funny part is when they get all defensive when the tables are turned on them.
It is funny to watch, isn't it?
yep...I am a conservative but I disagree with Obama because he is black. I disagree with Hillary because she is a woman.

But with the left?

They are allowed to express their ideological differences.


Pretty disgusting, then they make stupid claims like they call out racism when they see it. It is all bullshit and cowardly. They don't want to debate issues, they want cry racism, they use it to demean and minimize the opposition.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders.
So you believe other blacks follow these orders?

You expect to be taken seriously?

Anyone who does take you seriously is as f()cked as you are
Yes through ignorance. It is why progressives run the schools in black neighborhoods

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

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You're right. Nothing brings on the wrath of a liberal more than a minority they can't control. They are vicious to any minority who doesn't think or act the way the left believes they should.

The left is the epitome of racism the way they assume how any person should think because of the color of their skin. Liberals constantly chastise the right for not addressing the needs of the blacks and the Hispanics, as if they aren't like the rest of us.

They show their racism by the way they treat minorities like children who are unable to perform the simplest tasks, like obtaining ID, and they act as if they cannot survive without help from liberals. They managed to dumb down our schools, especially inner cities, enough that many believe they have no control over their lives and run to government to save them from the boogey men who will force them back down should they try to change their own lives. By constantly preaching that racism is at fault for their misery, it keeps anger up, it keeps people on the doles and it promotes a victimhood mentality that makes people feel justified taking from others. The left teaches that true benevolence is taking from one half to give to the other without having expectations from the receivers. I think a lot of the real anger from some minorities stems from the condescending attitude of the left. While some are hooked on government and know nothing but dependence, part of them knows they are missing out on a real life and will never discover their true potential.

The left holds Margaret Sanger up as some kind of hero even though she was open about her views toward minorities and made many comments about how important it was to reduce the minority population. Not much has changed in the way Planned Parenthood operates, but the language regarding their goals has changed to protect the guilty. Most of the abortions are performed on minority patients.

Ben Carson, like many other intelligent and successful minorities, are viewed by the left as a problem. To see a minority succeed without accepting the "help" from government and embracing the radical leftwing agenda threatens their control of other minorities. They always rush in to ridicule people like Ben because they don't want their dependents to get any big ideas. It really is about keeping them in their place. The average liberal is happier about riots in Ferguson than successful minorities being doctors or business owners. They always rush in to support the likes of BLM or Black Panthers, but when they see blacks like Ben Carson and Herman Cain elevating themselves, there is nothing but condemnation.
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The last thing any liberal talks about in regards to Ben Carson is his skin color.

Aside from the patently shocking and crazy things this guy spouts, he's running for the most powerful office in the world and he has zero experience in politics.

I guess that's why Carson has responded to being called an Uncle Tom. Are you claiming those on the right are calling him that?

Obama became a US Senator in January, 2005. He was sworn in as President 4 years later having served less than ONE term as senator if you can call missing as much as he did serving. Are you really saying that's enough experience.

Obama is the least qualified president in history, as his performance abundantly proves it time after time.

Also proven by his ridiculous statement about Muslim howling being the most beautiful sound.

The most beautiful sound is the laughing of happy little children. Of course, with parents they are unfortunate to have, his kids were probably only happy when he was not around them.

That's a patently ridiculous statement.

Most US presidents either come up from the military or the Senate. A few have been governors, previously.

Most of the founders were lawyers.

President Barack Obama came up through a pretty typical path, Lawyer => Senate => President.

Study history.
Please Crack open a book

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I think you're deflecting a bit.

We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?

60 million idiots elected someone they claim has such vast experience in politics despite his less than one term on the national level. Interesting how much so little time on the national level is deemed worthy when the color of your skin is that of a concept trying to be met.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders.
So you believe other blacks follow these orders?

You expect to be taken seriously?

Anyone who does take you seriously is as f()cked as you are
Yes through ignorance. It is why progressives run the schools in black neighborhoods

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Blacks run the schools in black neighborhoods. You need to get out more often
The ridiculous right blindly rushing to Carson's defense, someone clearly unqualified to be president, for no other reason than he's a Republican.

under obama the very richest got richer, the very poorest got poorer; both at FASTER PACE UNDER OBMA THAN UNDER REPUBLICANS. Republicans made the biggest gains in congress in seventy years

RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS is now called "forward progress"; for no other reason than ridiculous left-wing nutjobs cant admit the first "Black" President is a failure

Wait a minute....

Are you looking for a ....Redistribution of Wealth?

you would think that. thats why nobody takes you seriously

Then why would you be complainig about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer under Obama?
Of course they only hate him because he's black.

That's the rule they've been pushing since 2008, isn't it?

The funny part is when they get all defensive when the tables are turned on them.
It is funny to watch, isn't it?
yep...I am a conservative but I disagree with Obama because he is black. I disagree with Hillary because she is a woman.

But with the left?

They are allowed to express their ideological differences.

I admire the honesty in that, but not the knuckle dragging generalzation
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You're right. Nothing brings on the wrath of a liberal like a minority that they don't control. They are intolerant of any minority who doesn't think and act the way the left thinks they should. It's the epitome of racism when you assume how a person thinks by looking at their skin.

I am still amazed that the left criticizes the right for not addressing the needs of black or Hispanic Americans, as if they aren't like the whites and must be treated differently.

From their treatment of non-liberal minorities to their support of Margaret Sanger, who wanted to reduce the black population, the left demonstrates their real feelings toward minorities. The way they treat minorities like children, even to the point of claiming they find it too difficult to do something as simple as obtain an ID, shows that they don't believe that minorities are as good or as smart as whites. The dumbing down of students, especially in cities, helps the left fool so many people into believing that those who give them things without expect
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You're right. Nothing brings on the wrath of a liberal more than a minority they can't control. They are vicious to any minority who doesn't think or act the way the left believes they should.

The left is the epitome of racism the way they assume how any person should think because of the color of their skin. Liberals constantly chastise the right for not addressing the needs of the blacks and the Hispanics, as if they aren't like the rest of us.

They show their racism by the way they treat minorities like children who are unable to perform the simplest tasks, like obtaining ID, and they act as if they cannot survive without help from liberals. They managed to dumb down our schools, especially inner cities, enough that many believe they have no control over their lives and run to government to save them from the boogey men who will force them back down should they try to change their own lives. By constantly preaching that racism is at fault for their misery, it keeps anger up, it keeps people on the doles and it promotes a victimhood mentality that makes people feel justified taking from others.

The left holds Margaret Sanger up as some kind of hero even though she was open about her views toward minorities and made many comments about how important it was to reduce the minority population. Not much has changed in the way Planned Parenthood operates, but the language regarding their goals has changed to protect the guilty. Most of the abortions are performed on minority patients.

Ben Carson, like many other intelligent and successful minorities, are viewed by the left as a problem. To see a minority succeed without accepting the "help" from government and embracing the radical leftwing agenda threatens their control of other minorities. They always rush in to ridicule people like Ben because they don't want their dependents to get any big ideas. It really is about keeping them in their place. The average liberal is happier about riots in Ferguson than successful minorities being doctors or business owners. They always rush in to support the likes of BLM or Black Panthers, but when they see blacks like Herman Cain elevating themselves, there is nothing but condemnation.

I guess the very successful Asian and Jewish minorities in the US vote OVERWHELMINGLY Democrats because they want the free cheese?

goddam you people are idiots.
Of course they only hate him because he's black.

That's the rule they've been pushing since 2008, isn't it?

The funny part is when they get all defensive when the tables are turned on them.
It is funny to watch, isn't it?
yep...I am a conservative but I disagree with Obama because he is black. I disagree with Hillary because she is a woman.

But with the left?

They are allowed to express their ideological differences.


Pretty disgusting, then they make stupid claims like they call out racism when they see it. It is all bullshit and cowardly. They don't want to debate issues, they want cry racism, they use it to demean and minimize the opposition.

What issues don't I want to debate with you?

Bring it on, big talker.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders.
So you believe other blacks follow these orders?

You expect to be taken seriously?

Anyone who does take you seriously is as f()cked as you are
Yes through ignorance. It is why progressives run the schools in black neighborhoods

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Blacks run the schools in black neighborhoods. You need to get out more often
Lmao you think this is true? School boards don't create curriculum

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?
No, but then we did elect a zero with zero political experience.
The US Senate is not political experience?

What did one conservative poster just say a cracking open a book, or something like that?

He's trying to say that because he personally believes that Obama wasn't experienced enough to be president,

Meathead now wants to elect someone with even less experience.
Of course they only hate him because he's black.

That's the rule they've been pushing since 2008, isn't it?

The funny part is when they get all defensive when the tables are turned on them.
It is funny to watch, isn't it?
yep...I am a conservative but I disagree with Obama because he is black. I disagree with Hillary because she is a woman.

But with the left?

They are allowed to express their ideological differences.


Pretty disgusting, then they make stupid claims like they call out racism when they see it. It is all bullshit and cowardly. They don't want to debate issues, they want cry racism, they use it to demean and minimize the opposition.

What issues don't I want to debate with you?

Bring it on, big talker.

On a thread about the Roseburg, all you did was side track with irrelevant issues. You are very good at bringing up irrelevant point to side track. Many libs are good at that. I give you credit.

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