Democrats hate Carson because he is black

Please Crack open a book

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I think you're deflecting a bit.

We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?

60 million idiots elected someone they claim has such vast experience in politics despite his less than one term on the national level. Interesting how much so little time on the national level is deemed worthy when the color of your skin is that of a concept trying to be met. far, from the Obama haters...we have "zero political experience" and now "not enough political experience" guys should get your steps back in lock

How can you criticize Obama have having "little", without criticizing Carson for having none?

How can your left hemisphere look your right hemisphere in the eye?

Zero experience is not enough political experience but you guys elected Obama anyway. How can you say it's wrong for people to support Carson when you did the same thing with Obama.

That's the life of a two faced hypocrite. I'm not sure Carson is the one. but he has the same experience of that community agitator. and Obama lied to them even before he was elected. He promised he would do ONE term as a Senator in Congress before he ran for King. and they kicked Hillary to the curb FOR HIM

They chose skin color over reproductive organ.
Please Crack open a book

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I think you're deflecting a bit.

We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?

60 million idiots elected someone they claim has such vast experience in politics despite his less than one term on the national level. Interesting how much so little time on the national level is deemed worthy when the color of your skin is that of a concept trying to be met. far, from the Obama haters...we have "zero political experience" and now "not enough political experience" guys should get your steps back in lock

How can you criticize Obama have having "little", without criticizing Carson for having none?

How can your left hemisphere look your right hemisphere in the eye?

Zero experience is not enough political experience but you guys elected Obama anyway. How can you say it's wrong for people to support Carson when you did the same thing with Obama.

That's the life of a two faced hypocrite. I'm not sure Carson is the one. but he has the same experience of that community agitator. and Obama lied to them even before he was elected. He promised he would do ONE term as a Senator in Congress before he ran for King. and they kicked Hillary to the curb FOR HIM
Great! let's eliminate those without political experience from the GOP primaries.

Bye Trump and Carson...which leaves Rubio and Fiorina
Carson's got zero chance of becoming the Nominee. But like Cain, conservatives like the tout the fact they have a "black" guy running to "prove" they aren't racist.
To the rich we are all n*#rs. To a rich black man a poor white man is a n(#$er. White people aren't the only greedy arrogant kinds of rich people. Greedy evil rich people come in all colors and genders.

Remember Bruce Jenner is a staunch Republican. See? This proves the GOP isn't anti gay. lol
We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?
No, but then we did elect a zero with zero political experience.
The US Senate is not political experience?

What did one conservative poster just say a cracking open a book, or something like that?
We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?
No, but then we did elect a zero with zero political experience.
The US Senate is not political experience?

What did one conservative poster just say a cracking open a book, or something like that?

He's trying to say that because he personally believes that Obama wasn't experienced enough to be president,

Meathead now wants to elect someone with even less experience.
What I am saying is that Obama was a zero and still is. I will also say that you make mindless assumptions.

Please tell me you've stopped beating your wife.
I think you're deflecting a bit.

We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?

60 million idiots elected someone they claim has such vast experience in politics despite his less than one term on the national level. Interesting how much so little time on the national level is deemed worthy when the color of your skin is that of a concept trying to be met. far, from the Obama haters...we have "zero political experience" and now "not enough political experience" guys should get your steps back in lock

How can you criticize Obama have having "little", without criticizing Carson for having none?

How can your left hemisphere look your right hemisphere in the eye?

Zero experience is not enough political experience but you guys elected Obama anyway. How can you say it's wrong for people to support Carson when you did the same thing with Obama.

That's the life of a two faced hypocrite. I'm not sure Carson is the one. but he has the same experience of that community agitator. and Obama lied to them even before he was elected. He promised he would do ONE term as a Senator in Congress before he ran for King. and they kicked Hillary to the curb FOR HIM

They chose skin color over reproductive organ.
I hope it's okay if your post makes no sense to me
We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?
No, but then we did elect a zero with zero political experience.
The US Senate is not political experience?

What did one conservative poster just say a cracking open a book, or something like that?
We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?
No, but then we did elect a zero with zero political experience.
The US Senate is not political experience?

What did one conservative poster just say a cracking open a book, or something like that?

He's trying to say that because he personally believes that Obama wasn't experienced enough to be president,

Meathead now wants to elect someone with even less experience.
What I am saying is that Obama was a zero and still is. I will also say that you make mindless assumptions.

Please tell me you've stopped beating your wife.
Wow....Obama is a "zero"......

The level of specificity has cleared up any follow up questions may have.

Thank you
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
He's a run away slave who defends the slave masters and blames the slaves for not being smart enough or lucky enough to run away.

Um, what?

Carson was never a "slave".

He did, by the way, take advantage of multiple government programs to help him achieve his success. And his mother was helped along the way as well.

What Carson wants to do is shut off the spigot for those behind him. Mainly? Because he's a selfish sociopath.

That's not a good quality in a politician.
Ben Carson says is a Christian nation as proven by founding documents like “the pledge of allegiance.” The pledge wasn’t written until the late 19th century. The words “under God” weren’t added until the 1950s. And it didn’t become “a founding document” until Carson made it one in 2015.
We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?
No, but then we did elect a zero with zero political experience.
The US Senate is not political experience?

What did one conservative poster just say a cracking open a book, or something like that?
We haven't elected a doctor with zero political experience to the white house yet......have we?
No, but then we did elect a zero with zero political experience.
The US Senate is not political experience?

What did one conservative poster just say a cracking open a book, or something like that?

He's trying to say that because he personally believes that Obama wasn't experienced enough to be president,

Meathead now wants to elect someone with even less experience.
What I am saying is that Obama was a zero and still is. I will also say that you make mindless assumptions.

Please tell me you've stopped beating your wife.
Wow....Obama is a "zero"......

The level of specificity has cleared up any follow up questions may have.

Thank you
Zero is specific, true.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
He's a run away slave who defends the slave masters and blames the slaves for not being smart enough or lucky enough to run away.

Um, what?

Carson was never a "slave".

He did, by the way, take advantage of multiple government programs to help him achieve his success. And his mother was helped along the way as well.

What Carson wants to do is shut off the spigot for those behind him. Mainly? Because he's a selfish sociopath.

That's not a good quality in a politician.

yeah, as did that Obama. Lizzy Warren LIED about her heritage to take advantage of government programs and YOU IN THEIR BASE.

so don't sit here and judge others when you didn't care about those I mentioned and instead VOTED for them to be your Masters
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
He's a run away slave who defends the slave masters and blames the slaves for not being smart enough or lucky enough to run away.

One of my biggest disappointment with Carson is how he has ignored the struggles of blacks that he grew up with and embraced the "Get a job you freeloader" policies of the Republicans

You would think he would bring some of his life experiences to the Republican Party
The presses will have to be running 24/7 to supply all the race cards that the Carson fans are flinging about so wildly.

Sadly, for many Republicans, every single thing is always entirely about race (or gender). They don't seem capable of the color-blind and gender-blind attitude of the liberals.

For the last, almost 7 years is every disagreement anyone has had with Obama and his policies, the left has screamed racism.

I have had it with the left and the race card. The left have called every black republican an Uncle Tom.

Take your liberal political bias and stick it.
We scream racism at racism, not at people disagreeing with Obama. Quit making stuff up.

I was called racist on another board because I didn't want Obamacare. I said there wasn't enough evidence on the Zimmerman case and was called racist.

Quit lying, you are looking stupid. Can't you libs tell the truth at least once?
You are calling me a liar, but I have never lied on these boards. That is as bad as these people calling you a racist. Shame on you.

You called me a liar and by doing so you are lying. Shame on YOU!
You told me to quit lying. You cannot even remember what you posted, which is pretty pathetic.
Even for a racist.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You're right. Nothing brings on the wrath of a liberal more than a minority they can't control. They are vicious to any minority who doesn't think or act the way the left believes they should.

The left is the epitome of racism the way they assume how any person should think because of the color of their skin. Liberals constantly chastise the right for not addressing the needs of the blacks and the Hispanics, as if they aren't like the rest of us.

They show their racism by the way they treat minorities like children who are unable to perform the simplest tasks, like obtaining ID, and they act as if they cannot survive without help from liberals. They managed to dumb down our schools, especially inner cities, enough that many believe they have no control over their lives and run to government to save them from the boogey men who will force them back down should they try to change their own lives. By constantly preaching that racism is at fault for their misery, it keeps anger up, it keeps people on the doles and it promotes a victimhood mentality that makes people feel justified taking from others. The left teaches that true benevolence is taking from one half to give to the other without having expectations from the receivers. I think a lot of the real anger from some minorities stems from the condescending attitude of the left. While some are hooked on government and know nothing but dependence, part of them knows they are missing out on a real life and will never discover their true potential.

The left holds Margaret Sanger up as some kind of hero even though she was open about her views toward minorities and made many comments about how important it was to reduce the minority population. Not much has changed in the way Planned Parenthood operates, but the language regarding their goals has changed to protect the guilty. Most of the abortions are performed on minority patients.

Ben Carson, like many other intelligent and successful minorities, are viewed by the left as a problem. To see a minority succeed without accepting the "help" from government and embracing the radical leftwing agenda threatens their control of other minorities. They always rush in to ridicule people like Ben because they don't want their dependents to get any big ideas. It really is about keeping them in their place. The average liberal is happier about riots in Ferguson than successful minorities being doctors or business owners. They always rush in to support the likes of BLM or Black Panthers, but when they see blacks like Ben Carson and Herman Cain elevating themselves, there is nothing but condemnation.
Linda Gordon was a well known NYU professor, and a Sanger biographer. She sent me an email a few years back when I wrote her about how misrepresented Sanger is regarding Eugenics and her views on contraception/abortion.

Sanger's only concern was the reproductive rights of mostly impoverished women who were barefoot and pregnant till they died during labor, and the resulting neglected children
Sanger was a eugenics worshiper who hates black people....

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders. This is the real reason he is being attacked. They hate him because he is a runaway slave. He was a man who grew up poor in bad neighborhoods and became a accomplished brain surgeon with h D work and intelligence. He proves that you don't need the slave masters of the democrat party to become successful.

Ben Carson is proving the truth us conservatives already knew that the oldest American hate group the democrat party has never really changed.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Democrats don't hate Rain Man Carson. We just think he's an idiot savant.
Democrats and thier sycophants in the media attack and lie about Ben Carson because he is a black man who doesn't follow thier orders.
So you believe other blacks follow these orders?

You expect to be taken seriously?

Anyone who does take you seriously is as f()cked as you are
Yes through ignorance. It is why progressives run the schools in black neighborhoods

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Blacks run the schools in black neighborhoods. You need to get out more often
Lmao you think this is true? School boards don't create curriculum

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most of the blacks schools are in cities run by black administrators and politicians and educators.

you need to get out more
Lol this is funny. Tell me do they make the curriculum?

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Of course they only hate him because he's black.
That's the rule they've been pushing since 2008, isn't it? The funny part is when they get all defensive when the tables are turned on them..
It is funny to watch, isn't it?
The PC Police is so deeply invested - both politically and emotionally - in controlling that tactic that they appear to short out when confronted with it. I've seen it so many times here - "how is that racist, tell me how that's racist, prove that's racist" - that they actually get defensive even though they know they do it themselves.

Pretty freaking amazing to watch. It appears that yet another behavior of hardcore partisan ideologues is the ability to completely compartmentalize stuff like this - they do it to others all the time, yet freak out and get defensive when it's done to them. They literally don't see the tables being turned. Fascinating stuff.

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