Democrats Hate the United States of America. Not Even an Argument There


May 23, 2014
Been out to destroy the United States of America since 1968. Hateful people. Run cities and states into the grave and promote racism every chance they get. Promote killing law enforcement officers. Scumbags. Totally worthless pieces of shit.
Been out to destroy the United States of America since 1968. Hateful people. Run cities and states into the grave and promote racism every chance they get. Promote killing law enforcement officers. Scumbags. Totally worthless pieces of shit.

The proof is irrefutable.
Bush92 and theHawk got their first boners in decades when they found out Trump approved Russian bounties on American soldiers.
They have bounties on U.S. soldier's now? When I was in the military...we just assumed that. It was all about WW3
They are trying to hide the bounties democrats pay to blacks to kill police.
Boy, the MSM is really getting pissed off at Tucker. He’s speaking the truth about them, and they HATE that more than anything.
Tucker Carlson is 100% spot on!
Bush92 and theHawk got their first boners in decades when they found out Trump approved Russian bounties on American soldiers.
They have bounties on U.S. soldier's now? When I was in the military...we just assumed that. It was all about WW3
They are trying to hide the bounties democrats pay to blacks to kill police.
That's no shit. 100% true. My brother is a law enforcement officer. They have a bounty on him.
Democrats and their Media are the enemies of real Americans. China could not ask for a better attack force on America than the Democrats. And now with the Black Lives Matter Marxists gaining power, it is not looking good for the home team. China is eating our lunch right now and laughing their asses off at our stupidity. Pull down that statue! And that one too! Paint that street! Rename those teams! Yay we're winning!
Democrats and their Media are the enemies of real Americans. China could not ask for a better attack force on America than the Democrats. And now with the Black Lives Matter Marxists gaining power, it is not looking good for the home team. China is eating our lunch right now and laughing their asses off at our stupidity. Pull down that statue! And that one too! Paint that street! Rename those teams! Yay we're winning!

There is no such thing as "real Americans." There are Americans who support both political parties. Grow up. I support Democratic candidates because the republican party has turned itself into a group of worthless hoodlums who entirely lack any system of values..
Democrats and their Media are the enemies of real Americans. China could not ask for a better attack force on America than the Democrats. And now with the Black Lives Matter Marxists gaining power, it is not looking good for the home team. China is eating our lunch right now and laughing their asses off at our stupidity. Pull down that statue! And that one too! Paint that street! Rename those teams! Yay we're winning!

There is no such thing as "real Americans." There are Americans who support both political parties. Grow up. I support Democratic candidates because the republican party has turned itself into a group of worthless hoodlums who entirely lack any system of values..

You said that there is no such thing as "antifa"?

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