Democrats have been lying about DeSantis & what he did with Disney

True that. The reason why statists dish out these kinds of benes in the first place is to give them more power - so that they can revoke them if the beneficiaries piss them off. DeSantis is statist, no better than the liberals who play this game. And the Trumpsters cheer. Dumbasses.

I'll bitch about both. They're no different.
Like I said in another post. There is probably a lot more to this story than simply DeSantis punishing Disney for being woke assholes.

The Democrats in Orlando and Orange County have been trying to get their hands on more Disney money for as long as I can remember. The bill that was passed by the Legislature specifically allowed more taxes and impact fees at the country and city levels.

If I had to guess. Florida Republicans probably told the Disney turds to support more Republicans but the Hollywood Liberals wouldn't play ball. This is their punishment for not playing the politic game.

Anyway. Regardless of the reason a wrong was righted.
If I had to guess. Florida Republicans probably told the Disney turds to support more Republicans but the Hollywood Liberals wouldn't play ball. This is their punishment for not playing the politic game.
That's my guess as well. Do you like it when Democrats pull this kind of shit? Because now that Republicans are joining them in the practice, we're bound to see more.
So you are so full of Libtard partisan hate of DeSantis that if it was up to you then Disney would continue to be allowed to destroy the environment for corporate profits without any accountability?
A case would have to be made that the state government could do it better and cheaper. They never even tried. They tend to be on the side of big land developers anyway. The St. Joe company has a lot of sweetheart deals with the state but they support republicans. They control many, many times more wetland than Disney does. They clear cut forests like crazy here on the panhandle. No complaints.
hahah no it s not all that’s changed…the Govt runs this district now. Disney isn’t self governed

all they have any control over is future building projects, which Disney will just wait till there is a more friendly Gov to do any, or they will just focus on their other theme parks and let this one stay as it is
all they have any control over is future building projects, which Disney will just wait till there is a more friendly Gov to do any, or they will just focus on their other theme parks and let this one stay as it is
glad you are finally admitting there are massive changes.
That's my guess as well. Do you like it when Democrats pull this kind of shit? Because now that Republicans are joining them in the practice, we're bound to see more.
Politics in America is a contact sport.

The ship of integrity for any political party has sailed a long time ago.

The big winners in all of this? The Democrats running Orlando and Orange County. This will be a windfall for them.

I doubt DeSantis was directly influenced by the Democrats but they will reap hundreds of millions (if not billions over time) that use to go to Disney profits.

I hate the tourist lobby in my state. If it was up to me all the tourist shit and development would be shut down and Florida would revert to a Southern culture agriculture and fishing state like it was for 150 years.
glad you are finally admitting there are massive changes.

Minor, mostly cosmetic changes.

And no changes to the taxes, which was the whole point at first.

You were promised a filet mignon and got a tofu burger instead.

And since you are a loyal drone you are pretending to like tofu
A case would have to be made that the state government could do it better and cheaper. They never even tried. They tend to be on the side of big land developers anyway. The St. Joe company has a lot of sweetheart deals with the state but they support republicans. They control many, many times more wetland than Disney does. They clear cut forests like crazy here on the panhandle. No complaints.

So you agree with DeSantis that Disney should not be allowed to be its own government and not be subject to Environmental and other regulatory requirements?
So you agree with DeSantis that Disney should not be allowed to be its own government and not be subject to Environmental and other regulatory requirements?
I don't agree with Desantis on anything when his motives are to serve his political ambitions. Some of these issues have merit and should have been discussed but getting political revenge was all they were after.
haha the issue is disney was spreading the dembot lies about a bill,,,,spreading lies that harmed the people of FL…yes there are consequences to that…disney is facing them
the fact you didn’t read the bill and believe the cult lies is a you problem not mine or the people if FLs
Again, who is the person in Florida's government that determines the truth?
Again, who is the person in Florida's government that determines the truth?
um you don’t have to be in Govt to simply read the public law….all one has to do is read it, then compare it to what the dembots were saying.
um you don’t have to be in Govt to simply read the public law….all one has to do is read it, then compare it to what the dembots were saying.
Someone in the government decided that they get to be the arbiter of truth and punish people who don't adhere to their perspective.

Pretty weird that you support such authoritarianism, but I'm not surprised. Republicans ahve turned themselves into thugs.
Someone in the government decided that they get to be the arbiter of truth and punish people who don't adhere to their perspective.

Pretty weird that you support such authoritarianism, but I'm not surprised. Republicans ahve turned themselves into thugs.
no, you don’t have to be in govt to read the bill and then listen to people talk about what’s in it
Politics in America is a contact sport.
The ship of integrity for any political party has sailed a long time ago.
uh huh
The big winners in all of this? The Democrats running Orlando and Orange County. This will be a windfall for them.
can't care
I doubt DeSantis was directly influenced by the Democrats but they will reap hundreds of millions (if not billions over time) that use to go to Disney profits.
if you say so
I hate the tourist lobby in my state. If it was up to me all the tourist shit and development would be shut down and Florida would revert to a Southern culture agriculture and fishing state like it was for 150 years.
Whatever. DeSantis is no different than any other thin skinned vindictive twat of a politician. But Trumpsters love that shit, so there's a good chance he'll turn the whole country into a fascist hell hole. And only the idiot fucks who vote for him will be to blame.

uh huh

can't care

if you say so

Whatever. DeSantis is no different than any other thin skinned vindictive twat of a politician. But Trumpsters love that shit, so there's a good chance he'll turn the whole country into a fascist hell hole. And only the idiot fucks who vote for him will be to blame.
The real idiots are the dumbasses that vote for Leftest that promise the moon and the stars and deliver them nothing.

DeSantst has been a good governor for this state. We could have done a lot worse. Unlike any of the Democrats would have done I haven't lost any liberties. I may even get Constitutional Carry from him. I love his anti woke campaign.

He did a great job managing the Pandemic on the state level by not shutting down the state. Nether my son or his wife lost their jobs because he kept things as open as was feasible. My granddaughter is performing on a grade level because he wouldn't allow the schools to be shut down.

However, I am pissed at him for signing the bill that established that filthy ass Internet tax.
I don't agree with Desantis on anything when his motives are to serve his political ambitions. Some of these issues have merit and should have been discussed but getting political revenge was all they were after.

See this is your problem Moon Bat. You are a stupid partisan asshole. DeSantis did a great thing making Disney start playing on a even playing field like everybody else but your filthy partisan hate makes you pretty much a piece of shit.

The difference between a partisan dickhead like you and a real American like me?

If a Democrat would have done the same thing as DeSantis for any reason I would have congratulated him/her because it was the right thing to do.

You, on the other hand, knowing that it was the right thing to do, spouted your filthy ass partisan hate and that makes you a turd.

Grow up asshole!
The real idiots are the dumbasses that vote for Leftest that promise the moon and the stars and deliver them nothing.
Yep. Them, and the idiots who keep voting for Republicans. Lesser-of-two-evils is a scam.
See this is your problem Moon Bat. You are a stupid partisan asshole. DeSantis did a great thing making Disney start playing on a even playing field like everybody else but your filthy partisan hate makes you pretty much a piece of shit.

The difference between a partisan dickhead like you and a real American like me?

If a Democrat would have done the same thing as DeSantis for any reason I would have congratulated him/her because it was the right thing to do.

You, on the other hand, knowing that it was the right thing to do, spouted your filthy ass partisan hate and that makes you a turd.

Grow up asshole!
I quit using gratuitous insults in place of a real argument long ago. You grow up. Not going to cheer anything this guy does in the name of his dark political ambitions. Should he succeed he will step off to Washington and never look back at the damage he caused auditioning for president here.
I quit using gratuitous insults in place of a real argument long ago. You grow up. Not going to cheer anything this guy does in the name of his dark political ambitions. Should he succeed he will step off to Washington and never look back at the damage he caused auditioning for president here.

He does everything to make Florida great again.
The overwhelming majority seems to love what he is doing.
He turned a close victory the first time into a landslide victory this time.
Yep. Them, and the idiots who keep voting for Republicans. Lesser-of-two-evils is a scam.
There is really only party. The Party of Big Government.

The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch of the Party. The Republicans are the more moderate but big government never-the-less.

The Democrats promise bad government and they always deliver.

The Republicans promise good government but most of the time deliver the same bad government as the Democrats would have delivered.

DeSantis agreeing to that filthy ass Internet tax is a great example of an otherwise Conservative delivering the same big government as we would got with a Democrat turd.

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