" Democrats have ' Drank the Kool-Aid ' "

Has Biden or Harris even been taken to task for Gross Negligence.
They have a sworn duty to Protect America and Americans.They are doing the
exact opposite.They are willfully allowing Illegals to cross into our Country.
Crafting bills to help them seek safe harbor and even bussing/flying them into
states w/o consent.
Those like Director of the CDC or NIH { Francis Collins } and Fauci { the highest
paid government servant at $ 418,000 a year } are not accountable to
We the People but they are to those who allow them { Democrats in charge }
to carry out Pandemic responces that break with Our Bill of rights.
Every citizen has a right to decide what goes into their body.
No different than the Democrat insistence over abortion.The right to
States do have a right under Governors to call for Martial law in the event
of major disasters and outbreaks..Like the Bubonic or Pneumonic plague.
Like in the 50's movie - Panic in the Streets - { 1950 }.
Where a Doctor acting as a Public Health official with the title of
Lt.Commander is at odds with the police over whether to declare
it a public emergency and lock down the city { New Orleans }.
They mayor is on board to lockdown but not the Police Captain.
Fearing it would cause a mass hysteria and ... Panic in the streets.
Dig ... Sherlock.

How come all this came to light immediately Biden was elected?

You need medical help for yoyr paranoia and hatred. Piss off.
Drinking Kool-Aid just ain't what it used to be.

When I first saw the images on the little screen back in the late 70's I thought "look at all the trash bags those people left lying all over the place. Holy shit it's "Solvent Green", I mean People!"
How come all this came to light immediately Biden was elected?

You need medical help for yoyr paranoia and hatred. Piss off.
Because Mr.Sheer clueless there wasn't any storming of our
Border UNTIL Dr.Joe Blow Biden sat down at the Oval Office desk and
Immediately signing as many blue Executive orders as he could.
Starting with shutting down the Keystone Pipeline.
The worthhless piece of shit has yet to visit the Border.Why.
The same way a bank robber steers clear of any Bank they rob.
Simpleton personified.
Drinking Kool-Aid just ain't what it used to be.

When I first saw the images on the little screen back in the late 70's I thought "look at all the trash bags those people left lying all over the place. Holy shit it's "Solvent Green", I mean People!"
Just imagine that 60's commercial of a Native American Indian at the side of
road with tears streaming as he looks at the landscape.Strewn with garbage.
Think how that same Native American would react today under Biden.
He'd immediately does a Rain Dance with headdress and not stop until the
gods responded.For Help.
Because Mr.Sheer clueless there wasn't any storming of our
Border UNTIL Dr.Joe Blow Biden sat down at the Oval Office desk and
Immediately signing as many blue Executive orders as he could.
Starting with shutting down the Keystone Pipeline.
The worthhless piece of shit has yet to visit the Border.Why.
The same way a bank robber steers clear of any Bank they rob.
Simpleton personified.

Ooooooooh how sad. My heart bleeds for you. And that naughty trump destroyed every legacy Obama instituted.

What difference do you think it would make if he visited the border?
What would you moan about if he did?
If that's you're best excuse you have sweet fk all.
Ooooooooh how sad. My heart bleeds for you. And that naughty trump destroyed every legacy Obama instituted.

What difference do you think it would make if he visited the border?
What would you moan about if he did?
If that's you're best excuse you have sweet fk all.
Any Sane President would easily understand the import of visiting a border
under attack.But at this point most Americans fully understand that Biden is not
right in the head.The Proof.
His belligerent resistance to taking a simple Cognition test.
He just won't.Trump wasted no time in taking a Cognition test.
Oh! and Trump also Aced his Cognition test.
30 out of 30.Administered at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
So don't even try to poke fun at where it was administered.
Is this site deploying Shadow bans.I ain't knowed amateur
message boarder.Been at it since the late 90's.
Cutting my teeth at Imdb where Liberals ran the roost.
I mean,same exact deployment of shaming and Saul Alinsky
- Rules - as the last decade under Obama.
What would stop a Message Board site from doing what Twitter,
Facebook and Google ply.
Manipulation.That is one area where Conservatives Do Not Go.
They delight in active and hearty debate.
Just wondering.
It's called wordwrap, trust the system.
I can wonder what Ambrose Bierce { Inventor of The Enlarged Devils Dictionary }
would say about a word such as { word-wrap }.
No I doesn't.
He might cite his defintion of { Un-American },adj. Wicked,
Yeah ... that's the ticket.I make that case nearly every message board session.
The heathenish commandments of yer untethered Leftists'.
Where all it takes is the celebrated dictum of cogito ergo cogito sum.
" I think that I think "
Ya Tink ?
Last edited:
I can wonder what Ambrose Bierce { Inventor of The Enlarged Devils Dictionary }
would say about a word such as { word-wrap }.
No I doesn't.
He might cite his defintion of { Un-American },adj. Wicked,
Yeah ... that's the ticket.I make that case nearly every message board session.
The heathenish commandments of yer unvarnished Leftists'.
Where all it takes is the celebrated dictum of cogito ergo cogito sum.
" I think that I think "
Ya Tink ?

Mr. Bierce would respect using a fair width of the page.
I can wonder what Ambrose Bierce { Inventor of The Enlarged Devils Dictionary }
would say about a word such as { word-wrap }.
No I doesn't.
He might cite his defintion of { Un-American },adj. Wicked,
Yeah ... that's the ticket.I make that case nearly every message board session.
The heathenish commandments of yer untethered Leftists'.
Where all it takes is the celebrated dictum of cogito ergo cogito sum.
" I think that I think "
Ya Tink ?
Drank it?

Democrats are the ones who mixed it and poured it. It's everyone else that's drinking it.

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