Democrats Have Forgotten the American People


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
In their crazed zeal to make President Trump look bad (by staging a futile impeachment spectacle), dozens of urgent needs are going unattended to. The victims ? The American people. While congressional Democrats scurry around spending weeks and months on whatever scam is popular at the moment, important issues like infrastructure, immigration/deportation, the economy, affirmative action, school security, ISIS, and education reform go neglected.

Disastrous consequences loom in southern Kentucky and central Tennessee in relation to the Wolf Creek Dam, which upon failure,could put the Tennessee state capital under 20 feet of water. The stadium of the Tennessee Titans would look more like SeaWorld. In California, an earthquake in the delta areas north of San Francisco would cause salt water intrusion, forcing the closure of the forebay holding much of southern California's fresh water supply. An evacuation of most of southern California (millions of people) would ensue. Democrats' response ? Crickets.

Millions of illegal aliens still remain in the US, depriving US workers of jobs, lowering their wages, and draining welfare budgets.

Affirmative Action, the # 1 racial discrimination in America, victimizing millions of whites, still remains legal in 42 states.

Schools, run by liberals, still have lesson plans devoid of information about criminal law and law enforcement. Many still have programs like Obama's Promise Program, that enabled Nicolas Cruz to buy his guns, while his criminal record was kept hidden from gun sellers.

ISIS continued to operate under the direction of al Baghdadi until Trump and his military commanders took action, while clueless Democrats were busy with their scams (Russian collusion, Ukraine, etc)

This listing is a small fraction of the whole problem, Many more examples could be added.
Democrats haven't "forgotten" us...they consider us DEPLORABLE.

We the people are a threat to their elitism! The filth would kill us all if they could!
I wish they would bring back prohibition to stop these haters of Democrats! I tell you inebriated people say any thing when they drink the Happy Juice or Firecracker Gin. Slow down on the bottle...
Democrats haven't "forgotten" us...they consider us DEPLORABLE.

We the people are a threat to their elitism! The filth would kill us all if they could!
Hillary and her followers don't represent many people anymore.
A lot of Democrats will have a 'come to Jesus' awakening when Stzrok, Ohr and these others are indicted. It's coming.

I voted for Bernie in 2016 but I'm with Trump now unless Tulsi wins the nod which ain't gonna happen, any more than Kucinich would have won in 04.
I wish they would bring back prohibition to stop these haters of Democrats! I tell you inebriated people say any thing when they drink the Happy Juice or Firecracker Gin. Slow down on the bottle...
Democrats are the haters. Totally.
What do those in Nashville, TN and southern California have to say about this ?

If I were living in the path of a catastrophe, I'd have something to say about Democrats' impeachment hearings, and all their neglect.
Democrats never do poop for the working class except try to sell us dresses and drugs

Democrats never do poop for the working class except try to sell us dresses and drugs

They threw the US working class under the bus a long time ago, and continue to, by importing foreign workers, and giving the illegals sanctuary.

The first loyalty of Democrats is to the Democratic Party. That's why they hope for an economic disaster.
In their crazed zeal to make President Trump look bad (by staging a futile impeachment spectacle), dozens of urgent needs are going unattended to. The victims ? The American people. While congressional Democrats scurry around spending weeks and months on whatever scam is popular at the moment, important issues like infrastructure, immigration/deportation, the economy, affirmative action, school security, ISIS, and education reform go neglected.

Disastrous consequences loom in southern Kentucky and central Tennessee in relation to the Wolf Creek Dam, which upon failure,could put the Tennessee state capital under 20 feet of water. The stadium of the Tennessee Titans would look more like SeaWorld. In California, an earthquake in the delta areas north of San Francisco would cause salt water intrusion, forcing the closure of the forebay holding much of southern California's fresh water supply. An evacuation of most of southern California (millions of people) would ensue. Democrats' response ? Crickets.

Millions of illegal aliens still remain in the US, depriving US workers of jobs, lowering their wages, and draining welfare budgets.

Affirmative Action, the # 1 racial discrimination in America, victimizing millions of whites, still remains legal in 42 states.

Schools, run by liberals, still have lesson plans devoid of information about criminal law and law enforcement. Many still have programs like Obama's Promise Program, that enabled Nicolas Cruz to buy his guns, while his criminal record was kept hidden from gun sellers.

ISIS continued to operate under the direction of al Baghdadi until Trump and his military commanders took action, while clueless Democrats were busy with their scams (Russian collusion, Ukraine, etc)

This listing is a small fraction of the whole problem, Many more examples could be added.

I dont think they have forgotten us. I think they hate us.

Affirmative Action, the # 1 racial discrimination in America, victimizing millions of whites, still remains legal in 42 states..

You poor sad white dudes who need to blame your personal failures on 'affirmative action' and claim you are the real victims of racial discrimination.

When McConnell will even allow debate of the bills the Democrats send the Senate....then we can talk.
The first loyalty of Democrats is to the Democratic Party. That's why they hope for an economic disaster.

The first loyalty of Republicans is to white supremacy. Which is why they have linked their fortunes to Donald Trump.
Hillary and her followers don't represent many people anymore.
A lot of Democrats will have a 'come to Jesus' awakening when Stzrok, Ohr and these others are indicted. It's coming.

I respect your opinion...but I think when the arrests begin, we will see antifa violence like we have never imagined. Especially when CNN tells the masses that certain people were arrested because they are BLACK.

They will leave us no choice but to exterminate them.
You poor sad white dudes who need to blame your personal failures on 'affirmative action' and claim you are the real victims of racial discrimination.

When McConnell will even allow debate of the bills the Democrats send the Senate....then we can talk.
NO, we talk NOW, and all your ridiculous denial of affirmative action discrimination against whites, doesn't amount to anything. It's just another issue Democrats are ignoring while they engage in meaningless scams.

And the current one (impeachment) will emerge as big victory for Trump, when the Senate trashes the whole stupid thing.
Hillary and her followers don't represent many people anymore.
A lot of Democrats will have a 'come to Jesus' awakening when Stzrok, Ohr and these others are indicted. It's coming.

I respect your opinion...but I think when the arrests begin, we will see antifa violence like we have never imagined. Especially when CNN tells the masses that certain people were arrested because they are BLACK.

They will leave us no choice but to exterminate them.
Antifa will be shut down faster than you can say "Occupy What Street ?"

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