Democrats have gone full Stalin

Perry was a participant in the attack on the Capitol.

There’s no excuse for that and he SHOULD be banned from holding office

The "attack on the Capitol" is overly melodramatic and just another excuse for the Dems / Socialists to manipulate elections.
The "attack on the Capitol" is overly melodramatic and just another excuse for the Dems / Socialists to manipulate elections.
Yea we know… it was just a bunch of tourists who happened to beat the shit out of cops and smash the place up while they hunted lawmakers
Yea we know… it was just a bunch of tourists who happened to beat the shit out of cops and smash the place up while they hunted lawmakers

I can only give you 3 / 10 for that flaming melodrama.

Were you weepy eyed at listening to the harrowing tale from AOC?
I can only give you 3 / 10 for that flaming melodrama.

Were you weepy eyed at listening to the harrowing tale from AOC?
Are you denying what happened?

We all saw it on the TV machine nitwit.

We’ve all seen the videos
Are you denying what happened?

We all saw it on the TV machine nitwit.

We’ve all seen the videos

That's all very melodramatic but you spend too much time on the TV machine watching Joy Reid and the flaming Leftist loons.
No. It's more like: Support trump in any way and you support the end of democracy.
Let's see if this rings true. If TRUMP! gets the most EC votes, he's president. That's perfectly legal and is the way our government works. It's not the end of democracy. If he wants to pass laws, he has to go through Congress, who is also elected according to the law. Again, not the end of democracy. Then, any laws can be challenged to the Supreme Court, whose Justices are placed there, again, according to the law. Democracy still there, so what's the problem? The ONLY way your paranoia comes true is if TRUMP! somehow marches into the Oval Office after losing the EC vote count and kicks out the occupant, using the military to enforce control, and that's not going to happen. Or he gets into office and uses the military to suppress and render the opposition illegal. Again, not going to happen. So, how again is electing someone going to end democracy?

I do believe you equate Republican power with the end of democracy, and that's simply false. Here's the thing, if TRUMP! is elected next year, he stays in office for 4 years, then leaves when the next president is elected. His cabinet leaves and the cycle starts all over again. Democracy does not fail. Here's a secret you may not know. If you don't want TRUMP! to be president, get enough people to vote for someone else, that'll work every time. Just be sure they don't vote for a democrat, though, because that would be bad.
"Free and Fair" ONLY if Demoturds like you win. You fuckers whine every fucking time you lose. 2000 ring a bell, huh?
Yes it does. History shows that after all the legal appeals were decided by the courts in 2000, Al Gore publicly conceded the race. He also presided over the Jan 6th 2001 counting of the EC votes of the states declaring GWB the victor. Furthermore, in the wee hours the morning after election day in 2016, when the race was called by the networks, Hillary Clinton graciously called the Trumpybear and conceded the race. In her concession speech later that day, she told her followers to accept defeat and look to the future battles with the Neo-GOP. She nor any of the Democrats launched an unconstitutional effort to overturn the free and fair election of 2016.
That was your dear leader.

Detention Camps, “Vermin” Rivals, and a Government Purge

View attachment 883674
Vanity Fair › News › donald trump
Nov 13, 2023 — The ex-president recently claimed that America's greatest threat “is from within” government, vowing to root out “communists, Marxists, ...

He's right, but 4 years too late. In any event, once again, he's just talking to hear his own voice; he won't life a fucking finger against against anyone in the government
Let's see if this rings true. If TRUMP! gets the most EC votes, he's president.
How about this one. If Trumpybear gets fewer EC votes he can still be president if he proclaims loud enough and often enough that the election was rigged. After losing nearly every single court cases he and his devotees filed, he can continue to make the unsubstantiated claims of fraud, he can still be president. He can cook up a scheme where fraudulent slates of electors are switched out after the VP throws out several states certified votes and he can still be president. Inciting a riot on that day and do nothing about it for hours, and he can still be president.

We all know what the MAGA Authoritarian Benedict Donald, God of Retribution, has in mind if he wins. It's not more Democracy.
How about this one. If Trumpybear gets fewer EC votes he can still be president if he proclaims loud enough and often enough that the election was rigged. After losing nearly every single court cases he and his devotees filed, he can continue to make the unsubstantiated claims of fraud, he can still be president. He can cook up a scheme where fraudulent slates of electors are switched out after the VP throws out several states certified votes and he can still be president. Inciting a riot on that day and do nothing about it for hours, and he can still be president.

We all know what the MAGA Authoritarian Benedict Donald, God of Retribution, has in mind if he wins. It's not more Democracy.

Cool conspiracy theory.
How about this one. If Trumpybear gets fewer EC votes he can still be president if he proclaims loud enough and often enough that the election was rigged. After losing nearly every single court cases he and his devotees filed, he can continue to make the unsubstantiated claims of fraud, he can still be president. He can cook up a scheme where fraudulent slates of electors are switched out after the VP throws out several states certified votes and he can still be president. Inciting a riot on that day and do nothing about it for hours, and he can still be president.
Sounds totally implausible. Do you really think the government is so weak that a few disgruntled rioters with no weapons could literally overthrow it? Not happening unless democrats go along with it.
We all know what the MAGA Authoritarian Benedict Donald, God of Retribution, has in mind if he wins. It's not more Democracy.
Nope. All that needs to happen to completely thwart anything like that is for every state to ensure that only eligible voters actually vote, no districts with more ballots than registered voters, no dead people voting, no ballot box stuffing. You know, none of the stuff democrats are famous for doing.
Yes it does. History shows that after all the legal appeals were decided by the courts in 2000, Al Gore publicly conceded the race. He also presided over the Jan 6th 2001 counting of the EC votes of the states declaring GWB the victor. Furthermore, in the wee hours the morning after election day in 2016, when the race was called by the networks, Hillary Clinton graciously called the Trumpybear and conceded the race. In her concession speech later that day, she told her followers to accept defeat and look to the future battles with the Neo-GOP. She nor any of the Democrats launched an unconstitutional effort to overturn the free and fair election of 2016.
Hell, you fuckers whined when you finally lost the House after FORTY FUCKING YEARS of one party rule there in 1994.
Yes it does. History shows that after all the legal appeals were decided by the courts in 2000, Al Gore publicly conceded the race. He also presided over the Jan 6th 2001 counting of the EC votes of the states declaring GWB the victor. Furthermore, in the wee hours the morning after election day in 2016, when the race was called by the networks, Hillary Clinton graciously called the Trumpybear and conceded the race. In her concession speech later that day, she told her followers to accept defeat and look to the future battles with the Neo-GOP. She nor any of the Democrats launched an unconstitutional effort to overturn the free and fair election of 2016.
Not to mention you fuckers NEVER conceded 2000, nor 2016. Your antiFAG and Burn Loot Murder thugs began their riots during the 2017 inauguration

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