Democrats Have No Moral High Ground On Racism

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
I don't see Trump down at Planned Parenthood holding the door open for predominantly minority people so they can slaughter their own race. Lieberals' lack of self control and personal responsibility is a Democrat supported policy. No matter who you are you can't argue against personal responsibility. Unless you're a brain dead protected class.

Democrats can't argue they're outraged when they originated slavery and racism in this country and they're the only major political party holding on to bigotry to make it out of the last century intact. Consolidation was a LBJ policy while he made millions off of dead Americans in Viet Nam. Does Brown & Root ring any bells?

They rail about symbols they erected. They suckered the minorities into urban plantations with someone else's money to lock up those identity political segments and votes. They controlled Congress for sixty years. Now they claim the Conservatives who freed them in the first place are their worst enemy.

Democrats own the KKK. Who knew the statement, "soft bigotry of low expectations" would become profound?
Here is a good racist demcrat right here........

John C. Stennis - Wikipedia

Looks like he's a typical racist Democrat asshole. I lived in Nawlins' for a couple years. What the Democrats did to that city was out right criminal.

The 9th Ward was so disgusting, and the Democrats were down there every day telling them how good they had it. Pathetic losers even hit me up for cash to elect a Democrat judge who put them all in chains. Fucking losers.
Democrats are against racism, well except for the ones in the Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, LULAC, Muslim Brotherhood, BLM, Aztlan Nationalist, CAIR…….
I don't see Trump down at Planned Parenthood holding the door open for predominantly minority people so they can slaughter their own race. Lieberals' lack of self control and personal responsibility is a Democrat supported policy. No matter who you are you can't argue against personal responsibility. Unless you're a brain dead protected class.

Democrats can't argue they're outraged when they originated slavery and racism in this country and they're the only major political party holding on to bigotry to make it out of the last century intact. Consolidation was a LBJ policy while he made millions off of dead Americans in Viet Nam. Does Brown & Root ring any bells?

They rail about symbols they erected. They suckered the minorities into urban plantations with someone else's money to lock up those identity political segments and votes. They controlled Congress for sixty years. Now they claim the Conservatives who freed them in the first place are their worst enemy.

Democrats own the KKK. Who knew the statement, "soft bigotry of low expectations" would become profound?

Damn! I learn something here every day! The democrats originated slavery here, which, if I remember correctly, began in the mid 1600's! I'm glad that Thomas Jefferson didn't know this! He thought that he was the first head of the party around 1800, that later was relabeled Democrats!
Almost all of the Confederate statues that conservatives zealously defend were Democrats.

...which explains Democrats' desire to eradicate them all - to hide their history of 'racism', making it easier to deny that history.
Actually since 1964 the Democrats have, in fact, held the moral high ground on racism. A few bad eggs here and there, but generally speaking that moral high ground has gotten higher and higher with each passing decade.
I don't see Trump down at Planned Parenthood holding the door open for predominantly minority people so they can slaughter their own race. Lieberals' lack of self control and personal responsibility is a Democrat supported policy. No matter who you are you can't argue against personal responsibility. Unless you're a brain dead protected class.

Democrats can't argue they're outraged when they originated slavery and racism in this country and they're the only major political party holding on to bigotry to make it out of the last century intact. Consolidation was a LBJ policy while he made millions off of dead Americans in Viet Nam. Does Brown & Root ring any bells?

They rail about symbols they erected. They suckered the minorities into urban plantations with someone else's money to lock up those identity political segments and votes. They controlled Congress for sixty years. Now they claim the Conservatives who freed them in the first place are their worst enemy.

Democrats own the KKK. Who knew the statement, "soft bigotry of low expectations" would become profound?

Conservatives freed the slaves. That is a Big Lie of the biggest proportions.
Almost all of the Confederate statues that conservatives zealously defend were Democrats.

...which explains Democrats' desire to eradicate them all - to hide their history of 'racism', making it easier to deny that history.

That is by far the dumbest take on this whole subject.
I am not the one who pointed out that the 'racists' the Leftists sought / seek to pull down were / are Democrats....
Actually since 1964 the Democrats have, in fact, held the moral high ground on racism. A few bad eggs here and there, but generally speaking that moral high ground has gotten higher and higher with each passing decade.

Are you Al Sharpton's spokesperson? Fucking race hustlers are the worst of racists.
Almost all of the Confederate statues that conservatives zealously defend were Democrats.

...which explains Democrats' desire to eradicate them all - to hide their history of 'racism', making it easier to deny that history.

I know that this conflicts with your Rush Limbaugh indoctrination, but we democrats don't give a rat's ass which party did what over 150 years ago.
Almost all of the Confederate statues that conservatives zealously defend were Democrats.

...which explains Democrats' desire to eradicate them all - to hide their history of 'racism', making it easier to deny that history.

I know that this conflicts with your Rush Limbaugh indoctrination, but we democrats don't give a rat's ass which party did what over 150 years ago.

Oh course that's your response to his statement. You just proved his point, moron. You don't want your history exposed. ROFL
Almost all of the Confederate statues that conservatives zealously defend were Democrats.

...which explains Democrats' desire to eradicate them all - to hide their history of 'racism', making it easier to deny that history.

I know that this conflicts with your Rush Limbaugh indoctrination, but we democrats don't give a rat's ass which party did what over 150 years ago.

Oh course that's your response to his statement. You just proved his point, moron. You don't want your history exposed. ROFL

Whereas Donald, does not mind having his favorite history exposed, at all, having hung a picture of Andrew Jackson on his wall, who was responsible for the worst government initiated genocide against native Americans in American history!

But, really Rick, I am only kidding. the Right's pathetic attempt to spin slavery on today's Democrats is equivalent to claiming that George Washington was a traitor, for waging war on his king. Frankly, nobody takes that shit seriously except you, Rush, and a few other dittoheads.
Almost all of the Confederate statues that conservatives zealously defend were Democrats.

...which explains Democrats' desire to eradicate them all - to hide their history of 'racism', making it easier to deny that history.

I know that this conflicts with your Rush Limbaugh indoctrination, but we democrats don't give a rat's ass which party did what over 150 years ago.

Oh course that's your response to his statement. You just proved his point, moron. You don't want your history exposed. ROFL

Whereas Donald, does not mind having his favorite history exposed, at all, having hung a picture of Andrew Jackson on his wall, who was responsible for the worst government initiated genocide against native Americans in American history!

But, really Rick, I am only kidding. the Right's pathetic attempt to spin slavery on today's Democrats is equivalent to claiming that George Washington was a traitor, for waging war on his king. Frankly, nobody takes that shit seriously except you, Rush, and a few other dittoheads.

Total fail. I haven't listened to a Rush broadcast in 20 years. So there goes that attempt to paint me.

Liberals rail about systemic racism but it was Democrats who controlled government for most of the last century. Another failed attempt to paint conservatives as the problem. You believe any bullshit.

And to clear up your other failed attempt to deflect, the pathetic left are the ones trying to paint all Conservatives as racist and it cost you clowns over 1000 elected seats in government over the last six years.

I'd suggest you clowns stop with that narrative before Democrats lose even more representation.
I don't see Trump down at Planned Parenthood holding the door open for predominantly minority people so they can slaughter their own race. Lieberals' lack of self control and personal responsibility is a Democrat supported policy. No matter who you are you can't argue against personal responsibility. Unless you're a brain dead protected class.

Democrats can't argue they're outraged when they originated slavery and racism in this country and they're the only major political party holding on to bigotry to make it out of the last century intact. Consolidation was a LBJ policy while he made millions off of dead Americans in Viet Nam. Does Brown & Root ring any bells?

They rail about symbols they erected. They suckered the minorities into urban plantations with someone else's money to lock up those identity political segments and votes. They controlled Congress for sixty years. Now they claim the Conservatives who freed them in the first place are their worst enemy.

Democrats own the KKK. Who knew the statement, "soft bigotry of low expectations" would become profound?
Never trust those that comes up to you baring gift aand or pretending to care..



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