Democrats have no proof of voter suppression

So far you haven't proven that people are being stopped from voting. You guys call everything vote suppression. If you purge dead people off the voting rolls you call that vote suppression because you are making it harder for dead people to vote. I guess the left want to make it as easy as possible for dead people to vote.

Deceased Americans are an EXTREMELY important voting bloc for democrats. Republicans disenfranchising these voters makes it impossible for democrats to seize power.

The democrat motto when it comes to voting is "No ID? No Pulse? No Problem!"
Nazis are right wing.

Ah the big lie.

Typical exchange with a democrat:

democrat: Fascism is right wing
American: What makes it right wing?
d: Because it's fascist
A: Okay, but what makes fascism right wing?
d: because it's capitalist
A: Weren’t Mussolini and Hitler collectivists with the state controlling the means of production?
d: They were corporatists
A: So they sold stock in and exchange?
d: well, there were private owners
A: So there was no exchange or stock involved like a corporation would use?
d: greedy Capitalists pigs
A: but there was no stock for the public to buy and ownership was set by the party that ruled the government?
d: see - capitalists
A: Government controlling the means of production is capitalism?
d: Racist
A: isn't racism a collectivist concept? The denial of individualism in favor of group identity?
d: Racism is right wing
A: From the trail of tears, slavery, the Klan, Jim Crow, to BLM, haven't the democrats been behind virtually all racism in America?
d: Democrats were Republicans back then
A: That's just stupid. Back to fascism.
d: Fascism is right wing
A: Fascism holds that the state - the government, is supreme. Isn't that what democrats claim?
d: Republicans are fascists
A: Don't Republicans advocate for individual civil rights?
d: We need courts to make laws at the federal level to ensure rights for women by imposing law from the top
A: shouldn't people decide for themselves on a state by state basis?
d: You're destroying democracy

Racist nationalists who are brainwashed with hate. Just like you funny eh?

Yes, you really are quite insane.

Take a history class, moron.
Yes. If you are a registered voter. And they will check your signature. A bipartisan team of 2 will check every vote.

What pisses me off is in 1996 Madame Butterfly in charge of Florida's elections was a Republican. Then she suddenly changed to Democrat and Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris put her in charge of the 2000 election? That was odd wouldn't you say?

And I heard someone else recently did the same thing. Can't think of who but that's some shady shit. You pretend to be a Democrat but you're actually a Republican. Bloomberg?

No, it was Crist is Florida. The guy running against DeSantos. Charlie Crist. Wasn't he a Republican and now he's one of us? I don't like it.
I was being sarcastic. No, you shouldn't just mail out 180 million random ballots without proof of who you are.

Are you going to bring in hand writing experts to match signatures? How long would that take? What if you haven't updated your signature card in awhile, and your signature has changed?

Wasn't signature verification one of the issues they had in the 2020 election? Didn't Pennsylvania scotus say that signature verification was not needed?

If we go to all mail in ballots, how does that square with states, like PA who may not reject ballots based on signature mismatch, or even missing?
Yet not a single Nazi on this board can come up with even a single verified case of a legal voter being denied the right to vote.

The term is " conspiracy theory."

There is no suppression.
Suppression is different from denial, dingbat. Suppression just makes it more difficult so people don't bother. Do you need a diagram?
In Florida 2000 70% of their white citizens showed up to vote. Only 60% of the blacks voted. If 70% of the blacks voted, Gore won by even more than he already won by before they stole the state.

No stupid.

Because 10% of the black population is small fraction of 10% of the white population, you drooling retard.

Blacks are 12% of the population - whites are 64%. If 100% if blacks vote for the Nazis, and 70% of the whites vote for the Republican - the Republican still wins, because 46 whites will vote American for every black that votes Nazi.

It's called "math," stupid.

Republicans have done a good job convincing blacks voting doesn't matter.

Look at how they showed up for Obama. Had they showed up for Hillary like that, she would have won too.

Blacks vote against you for many reasons. Stop telling us they are going to wake up and suddenly forget how racist you are.

Yet your biggest meltdown is that a black man is defeating your Reich in Georgia, because you can't cheat the way you did in 2020.

By all rights Oz should mop the floor with Uncle Fester in Pennsylvania. But Schmucky still thinks Nazis will hold the state - which means that the Nazi fraud machine intends MASSIVE election fraud in Pennsylvania - a state that did NOT shore up election integrity after the 2020 outrage.
^ this is a valid point. You can't walk into anywhere and get anything with only your signature. You have to provide ID.
Which is what voters do when they register duh.... Registration. Registration. Registration. There's never been any problem with this because it's a stupid idea.... only morons would think there would be a problem. The problem is when you put in corrupt people to run the election like Republicans are trying to do. Brainwashed functional moron GOP base to the rescue....
Suppression is different from denial, dingbat. Suppression just makes it more difficult so people don't bother. Do you need a diagram?

Say stupid, have any of you Nazi pukes come up with even a single verified case of a legal voter being denied the right to vote?


Then shut the fuck up with your moronic conspiracy theory - whackjob.
No stupid.

Because 10% of the black population is small fraction of 10% of the white population, you drooling retard.

Blacks are 12% of the population - whites are 64%. If 100% if blacks vote for the Nazis, and 70% of the whites vote for the Republican - the Republican still wins, because 46 whites will vote American for every black that votes Nazi.

It's called "math," stupid.

Yet your biggest meltdown is that a black man is defeating your Reich in Georgia, because you can't cheat the way you did in 2020.

By all rights Oz should mop the floor with Uncle Fester in Pennsylvania. But Schmucky still thinks Nazis will hold the state - which means that the Nazi fraud machine intends MASSIVE election fraud in Pennsylvania - a state that did NOT shore up election integrity after the 2020 outrage.
Congratulations, you are more out to lunch than anyone else on here.....
They could have given you 61 examples

Bullshit in each state you loons claim voter suppression there is record voter turn out.

Which is what voters do when they register duh.... Registration. Registration. Registration. There's never been any problem with this because it's a stupid idea.... only morons would think there would be a problem. The problem is when you put in corrupt people to run the election like Republicans are trying to do. Brainwashed functional moron GOP base to the rescue....
So, you're saying you have to provide ID when you register...that kinda blows the whole thing about not having an ID to vote out of the water.

Signatures can change, and, at least in PA, signature mismatch is not a valid reason to reject a ballot, essentially saying you can vote without ever having to prove citizenship or even who you are.

Why is everyone so opposed to more secure elections?

Let me ask you, straight up, do you believe illegals should vote? Do you believe you should even have to prove citizenship or that you are who you say you are, to vote?

Let's look at PA ID requirements:

option 1

Include one of these ID numbers on your absentee or mail-in ballot form:

  • Current and valid Pennsylvania driver's license
  • PennDOT photo ID card
So, you dont need the ID, just the number. No picture.

option 2

If you don't have one of the documents listed under option 1, you can include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number on your absentee or mail-in ballot form.

Hmm, so if you don't have an ID, just upload the last 4 digits of your SSN. You don't even need the whole thing, just the last 4. That would be fairly easy to find the last 4 of someone's ssn and put it down to impersonate someone.

option 3

If you don't have one of the documents listed under option 1 or a Social Security number, you can provide a photocopy of one of the following IDs with your absentee or mail-in ballot application. The photocopy must show name, a photo, and an expiration date that is current.

  • U.S. Passport
  • U.S. Military ID (active duty and retired military ID may designate an expiration date that is indefinite). Military dependents' ID must contain a current expiration date.
  • Employee photo identification issued by Federal, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania county, or Pennsylvania municipal government.
  • Photo identification issued by an accredited Pennsylvania public or private institution of higher learning.
  • Photo identification issued by a Pennsylvania care facility, including long-term care facilities, assisted living residences and personal care homes.
Ok, so in option 3, we finally have a requirement for ID, except, not really. They accept student IDs and drivers licenses.


Please click on one of the links below to view a list of acceptable documents for proof of identity and residency for U.S. and Non-U.S. Citizens.

drivers license for non citizens? I think PA is, or has a bill allowing non citizens to get a DL


If you do not have any bills in your name, two proofs of residency are still required. One such proof is to bring a person with whom you reside along with their Driver's License or Photo ID to the Driver License Center where they will be required to sign an affidavit stating that you reside with them.

So, you don't even have to have an ID, just have someone vouch for you.

You will also need to provide a second proof of residency such as official mail (bank statement, tax notice, magazine, etc.) that has your name and address on it. The address must match that of the person with whom you reside.

Magazine???? A magazine subscription will suffice for secondary ID?

None of these requirements are proof of citizenship, just that you are a resident, or living with a resident of PA.

For the online registration instructions it says :

Before you begin, be sure to have your Pennsylvania driver’s license or PennDOT ID card handy. If you don’t have one, you can upload a signature or print and sign the form.

So, if you don't have an ID, just upload a signature. So, you can apparently register to vote online, without an ID.

And then there this:

So, you're ballot can't be rejected because of signature mismatch, the form.of ID you all are saying should be all that is required to vote.

I say all this to say that, in some states, voter registration and proof of citizenship requirements are very loose. Even some states have motor voter laws, which register everyone with a DL to vote, and they allow illegals get a DL.
So, you're saying you have to provide ID when you register...that kinda blows the whole thing about not having an ID to vote out of the water.

Signatures can change, and, at least in PA, signature mismatch is not a valid reason to reject a ballot, essentially saying you can vote without ever having to prove citizenship or even who you are.

Why is everyone so opposed to more secure elections?

Let me ask you, straight up, do you believe illegals should vote? Do you believe you should even have to prove citizenship or that you are who you say you are, to vote?

Let's look at PA ID requirements:

So, you dont need the ID, just the number. No picture.

Hmm, so if you don't have an ID, just upload the last 4 digits of your SSN. You don't even need the whole thing, just the last 4. That would be fairly easy to find the last 4 of someone's ssn and put it down to impersonate someone.

Ok, so in option 3, we finally have a requirement for ID, except, not really. They accept student IDs and drivers licenses.


drivers license for non citizens? I think PA is, or has a bill allowing non citizens to get a DL


So, you don't even have to have an ID, just have someone vouch for you.

Magazine???? A magazine subscription will suffice for secondary ID?

None of these requirements are proof of citizenship, just that you are a resident, or living with a resident of PA.

For the online registration instructions it says :

So, if you don't have an ID, just upload a signature. So, you can apparently register to vote online, without an ID.

And then there this:

So, you're ballot can't be rejected because of signature mismatch, the form.of ID you all are saying should be all that is required to vote.

I say all this to say that, in some states, voter registration and proof of citizenship requirements are very loose. Even some states have motor voter laws, which register everyone with a DL to vote, and they allow illegals get a DL.
Nobody in the real world gives a damn about all your baloney. There is no problem with people faking themselves so they can vote. When they register they don't need ID they need things like bills for electricity etcetera etcetera and guess what it works fine because this is so stupid only an idiot like you could believe that people would bother registering fake people. Absolute idiocy. The only way to steal an election is the way trump tried to do it and he'll try again....
Nobody in the real world gives a damn about all your baloney. There is no problem with people faking themselves so they can vote. When they register they don't need ID they need things like bills for electricity etcetera etcetera and guess what it works fine because this is so stupid only an idiot like you could believe that people would bother registering fake people. Absolute idiocy. The only way to steal an election is the way trump tried to do it and he'll try again....

No one believes you, especially not you.
Nobody in the real world gives a damn about all your baloney. There is no problem with people faking themselves so they can vote. When they register they don't need ID they need things like bills for electricity etcetera etcetera and guess what it works fine because this is so stupid only an idiot like you could believe that people would bother registering fake people. Absolute idiocy. The only way to steal an election is the way trump tried to do it and he'll try again....
Lots of people care about it, apparently the only ones that don't are you dems.

I show you holes in the system and you say "well, because there's no proof, we don't need to fix potential problems".

If people don't need ID to register to vote, and they don't need ID to actually vote, how do you know there's no illegals voting? They end up getting swept up and counted as registered voters, but are not eligible.
So, you're saying you have to provide ID when you register...that kinda blows the whole thing about not having an ID to vote out of the water.

Signatures can change, and, at least in PA, signature mismatch is not a valid reason to reject a ballot, essentially saying you can vote without ever having to prove citizenship or even who you are.

Why is everyone so opposed to more secure elections?

Let me ask you, straight up, do you believe illegals should vote? Do you believe you should even have to prove citizenship or that you are who you say you are, to vote?

Let's look at PA ID requirements:

So, you dont need the ID, just the number. No picture.

Hmm, so if you don't have an ID, just upload the last 4 digits of your SSN. You don't even need the whole thing, just the last 4. That would be fairly easy to find the last 4 of someone's ssn and put it down to impersonate someone.

Ok, so in option 3, we finally have a requirement for ID, except, not really. They accept student IDs and drivers licenses.


drivers license for non citizens? I think PA is, or has a bill allowing non citizens to get a DL


So, you don't even have to have an ID, just have someone vouch for you.

Magazine???? A magazine subscription will suffice for secondary ID?

None of these requirements are proof of citizenship, just that you are a resident, or living with a resident of PA.

For the online registration instructions it says :

So, if you don't have an ID, just upload a signature. So, you can apparently register to vote online, without an ID.

And then there this:

So, you're ballot can't be rejected because of signature mismatch, the form.of ID you all are saying should be all that is required to vote.

I say all this to say that, in some states, voter registration and proof of citizenship requirements are very loose. Even some states have motor voter laws, which register everyone with a DL to vote, and they allow illegals get a DL.
BS, ignoramus dupe...and illegals don't try to vote
BS, ignoramus dupe...and illegals don't try to vote
Sign a FORM?

Well damn.

Remember, in California it remains legal for illegals to vote.


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