Democrats have set course on Full Unicorn.


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
to demonstrate, let's take a look at an op-ed in the failing New York Times

where the hell is there any opportunity for compromise when the fringe is being glorified and celebrated by the other side?

they SHOULD have the advantage in the midterms, but are hell bent on pushing as hard and radical as they can - I think our side shows up to the polls in November and prevents any balance of power changing blue wave

"supposed radicalization"

Opinion | Radical Democrats Are Pretty Reasonable

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s upset primary victory has produced a huge amount of punditry about the
supposed radicalization of the Democratic party, how it’s going to hurt the party because her positions won’t sell in the Midwest (and how well would Steve King’s positions sell in the Bronx?), etc., etc.. But I haven’t seen much about the substance of the policies she advocates, which on economics are mainly Medicare for All and a federal job guarantee.

So here’s what you should know: the policy ideas are definitely bold, and you can make some substantive arguments against them. But they aren’t crazy. By contrast, the ideas of Tea Party Republicans are crazy; in fact, Ocasio-Cortez’s policy positions are a lot more sensible than those of the Republican mainstream, let alone the GOP’s more radical members.
Opinion | Radical Democrats Are Pretty Reasonable

Sure They're Reasonable
To A Fringe NY Columnist At The NYTimes
So Ensconced In His Leftist Echo Chamber
He Thinks He's Mainstream

Nevermind They've Been Getting Walloped At The Polls Since 2010
At The Time The Elites Were Saying To Republicans
'You'll Just Keep Losing Elections' -- Remember ??

Dem's In Generic Polls
Have Lost Their Substantial Point Lead In Just A Few Months
And Are Now Trailing

There Will Be No Blue Wave
So Much For 50 Offices In 'Jersey And Virginia
Being A 'Tsunami'

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