Democrats hit PlayStation users with staggering 9% “amusement tax” know....they haven’t taxed you enough already.
Starting Wednesday, PlayStation users will be hit with the same 9% tax charged to other streaming service customers in Chicago.
The left is just repulsive. We are literally drowning in taxes (federal income, state income, local income, property, sales, gas, death, capital gains, etc.) and it’s just not enough for those greedy bastards. It’s never enough. Sickening.

PlayStation users in Chicago to be slapped with 9 percent ‘amusement’ tax

You mean the big government parasite Crapius - who mooches off of society - doesn’t have a problem with big government crushing citizens with more absurd taxes? Oh the surprise!
Oh come on now, we all know you "rich" conservative types are really red state welfare queens. You don't have to put up a front kid, you're among friends.
I’m not the one celebrating more taxes are. Oops.
Who's celebrating? I'm just refusing to get all worked up.over nothing.
I guess you figure that since you are already on your knees, whats another cock or two, eh?
Here come the republican homoerotic fantasies again.

It must be mighty crowded in that closet.
Don't blame Me for your willingness to be the bitch to others. know....they haven’t taxed you enough already.
Starting Wednesday, PlayStation users will be hit with the same 9% tax charged to other streaming service customers in Chicago.
The left is just repulsive. We are literally drowning in taxes (federal income, state income, local income, property, sales, gas, death, capital gains, etc.) and it’s just not enough for those greedy bastards. It’s never enough. Sickening.

PlayStation users in Chicago to be slapped with 9 percent ‘amusement’ tax
Can we get that here? I am looking for a good reason to get my kid off that shit. That's all he fucking does.

Oh come on now, we all know you "rich" conservative types are really red state welfare queens. You don't have to put up a front kid, you're among friends.
I’m not the one celebrating more taxes are. Oops.
Who's celebrating? I'm just refusing to get all worked up.over nothing.
I guess you figure that since you are already on your knees, whats another cock or two, eh?
Here come the republican homoerotic fantasies again.

It must be mighty crowded in that closet.
Don't blame Me for your willingness to be the bitch to others.
Where did I blame you for anything?
Obviously the powers that be want to discourage people from being amused as a bored and miserable populace is much better
They don't even need xbox or nintendo really, just step out into the hood................and get the real thing.
let's make a motion for "junk bonds not junk laws", and upgrade our infrastructure.

there is no reason capitalists can't make money by investing in the general welfare instead of the general warfare.
You mean they're gonna hafta pay the same as everyone else? Oh the horrors!
You mean the big government parasite Crapius - who mooches off of society - doesn’t have a problem with big government crushing citizens with more absurd taxes? Oh the surprise!
Oh come on now, we all know you "rich" conservative types are really red state welfare queens. You don't have to put up a front kid, you're among friends.
I’m not the one celebrating more taxes are. Oops.
Who's celebrating? I'm just refusing to get all worked up.over nothing.
You are. The fact that you need that pointed out to you is the perfect illustration of your limited intellect. No wonder you need to live off of government.
Why shouldn't a user pay a tax for using taxpayer subsidized infrastructure?
Well...for’ve already taxed the fucking bejesus out of our income (income tax) for that. Why the need to tax me some more? Because you’re too incompetent to figure out a budget and stay within it? :dunno:
You need to have your taxes increased because corporations and the rich received a permanent tax cut.
Aside from that being an egregious lie (that’s all you dimwits do) that still doesn’t explain you inability to create a budget and stay within it. Would you like to try again?
Upgrading infrastructure could make it more cost effective. Supply side economics should be supplying the left wing with better solutions at lower cost, not trickle down.
Conservative “trickle down” economic policy has resulted in the greatest economic prosperity the world has ever know. Meanwhile, “flood up poverty” economics from the left has resulted in more misery than the world has ever known.
I still can't believe the depth of this tragedy. A tax on streaming services was applied to a streaming service run by Playstation. Oh, the humanity!

No wonder P@triot is blubbering so helplessly. But then, if he doesn't weep six times before breakfast, he goes into withdrawal. It didn't help that it was couch-dwelling gamers complaining. Pajama bois have to stick together, so P@triot bravely jumped in.
Mammaries is sooooo upset at the thought of people shining a light on the despicable taxes that he uses to mooch off of society.
You mean they're gonna hafta pay the same as everyone else? Oh the horrors!
You mean the big government parasite Crapius - who mooches off of society - doesn’t have a problem with big government crushing citizens with more absurd taxes? Oh the surprise!
Oh come on now, we all know you "rich" conservative types are really red state welfare queens. You don't have to put up a front kid, you're among friends.
I’m not the one celebrating more taxes are. Oops.
Who's celebrating? I'm just refusing to get all worked up.over nothing.
You are. The fact that you need that pointed out to you is the perfect illustration of your limited intellect. No wonder you need to live off of government.
Lol, wait! You can tell I'm celebrating but I didn't notice?

And you think I'm the one with the limited intellect?

You kids just get funnier every day. know....they haven’t taxed you enough already.
Starting Wednesday, PlayStation users will be hit with the same 9% tax charged to other streaming service customers in Chicago.
The left is just repulsive. We are literally drowning in taxes (federal income, state income, local income, property, sales, gas, death, capital gains, etc.) and it’s just not enough for those greedy bastards. It’s never enough. Sickening.

PlayStation users in Chicago to be slapped with 9 percent ‘amusement’ tax

Teach em young how the commiecrats will pick their pockets, they'll be republicans for life.


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