Democrats Hound Biden To Pack The Supreme Court, Establish Term Limits After More Decisions They Don’t Like

No. Paranoid, insane nuttery. Nothing but excuses for republican criminals.

You would accuse the entire world of being corrupt criminals to shield a republican. Same shit all day every day, here on the right wing dumpster fire message board.
As you look the other way to shield corrupt Democrats?
AOC Says Impeachment Must Be on the Table for Supreme Court Justices: Court ‘Has Not Been Receiving Adequate Oversight’ (Video)

The witch hunt we saw Donald Trump go through, and is going through, will now be used to go after SCOTUS.

Now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, along with other pet court cases like Affirmative Action being overturned, the Left is bound and determined to destroy them at any cost.

First, we saw Chuck Schumer threaten the lives of SCOTUS if they dared mess with Roe vs. Wade

Then we saw them try to destroy the nomination of one of the justices, but claiming he raped a woman 30 years ago in one of the ugliest proceedings in US history. Even before the allegations, a Leftist protester smeared herself with blood from her own menses, thinking that the police would hesitate physically removing her because they would not want to touch or smell her.

I tried finding articles on this, but the Left has taken them all down. All that remains is conversations about the links that no longer exist.

Protester Smears Menstrual Bloody Mess in Kavanaugh Hearing - 24hourcampfire

Then the Left gives out the addresses of only conservatives on SCOTUS, as well as addresses of the schools their children attend so that lunatics might attack and murder them.

Activists Post SCOTUS Justices' Addresses After Roe v. Wade Overturned

Sure enough, one showed up to assassinate justice Kavanaugh.

FBI says man accused of attempting to kill Brett Kavanaugh said he was 'shooting for 3' justices | CNN Politics

Inexplicably, however, not one prominent member of the Democratic party denounced the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice.

Biden remains silent on attempted Kavanaugh assassination | Fox News

This was the first time I can remember that one party did not denounce the attempted assassination of high ranking government officials. I cannot think of a time when the GOP did not denounce such an attack, even on member of the opposing party. It is as if their silence was their support for such behavior. This was a new low for politics and for the country.

However, the Left was not done, because they are never done. When protestors showed up to protest outside the homes of SCOTUS, which is illegal to do, Merick Garland refused to stop it.

For you see, Merick Garland wanted them murdered along with every Leftist in the United States, because that is how they roll. Not doing his job was enough to impeach him, but I digress.

But none of the other high ranking democrats wanted to protect SCOTUS and their families either, as they opposed legislation to help protect members of SCOTUS who had almost been assassinated.

All the Democrats in Congress wanted them murdered along with Merick Garland, and no, not one word of condemnation for the crazy cult members of the DNC, like the one who tried to assassinate Kavanaugh.

And now this, AOC said she will investigate the members of SCOTUS she does not like, the ones she wants murdered as well, till they find something to impeach them for.

I've FUCKING had it!! The Democrat party is a murderous, hateful, terrorist organization that must be destroyed, or they will destroy the country

More than half the country has had enough of the leftard asswipes.

I'd like to see those fuckers try to riot again, it won't be received kindly.
AOC Says Impeachment Must Be on the Table for Supreme Court Justices: Court ‘Has Not Been Receiving Adequate Oversight’ (Video)

The witch hunt we saw Donald Trump go through, and is going through, will now be used to go after SCOTUS.

Now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, along with other pet court cases like Affirmative Action being overturned, the Left is bound and determined to destroy them at any cost.

First, we saw Chuck Schumer threaten the lives of SCOTUS if they dared mess with Roe vs. Wade

Then we saw them try to destroy the nomination of one of the justices, but claiming he raped a woman 30 years ago in one of the ugliest proceedings in US history. Even before the allegations, a Leftist protester smeared herself with blood from her own menses, thinking that the police would hesitate physically removing her because they would not want to touch or smell her.

I tried finding articles on this, but the Left has taken them all down. All that remains is conversations about the links that no longer exist.

Protester Smears Menstrual Bloody Mess in Kavanaugh Hearing - 24hourcampfire

Then the Left gives out the addresses of only conservatives on SCOTUS, as well as addresses of the schools their children attend so that lunatics might attack and murder them.

Activists Post SCOTUS Justices' Addresses After Roe v. Wade Overturned

Sure enough, one showed up to assassinate justice Kavanaugh.

FBI says man accused of attempting to kill Brett Kavanaugh said he was 'shooting for 3' justices | CNN Politics

Inexplicably, however, not one prominent member of the Democratic party denounced the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice.

Biden remains silent on attempted Kavanaugh assassination | Fox News

This was the first time I can remember that one party did not denounce the attempted assassination of high ranking government officials. I cannot think of a time when the GOP did not denounce such an attack, even on member of the opposing party. It is as if their silence was their support for such behavior. This was a new low for politics and for the country.

However, the Left was not done, because they are never done. When protestors showed up to protest outside the homes of SCOTUS, which is illegal to do, Merick Garland refused to stop it.

For you see, Merick Garland wanted them murdered along with every Leftist in the United States, because that is how they roll. Not doing his job was enough to impeach him, but I digress.

But none of the other high ranking democrats wanted to protect SCOTUS and their families either, as they opposed legislation to help protect members of SCOTUS who had almost been assassinated.

All the Democrats in Congress wanted them murdered along with Merick Garland, and no, not one word of condemnation for the crazy cult members of the DNC, like the one who tried to assassinate Kavanaugh.

And now this, AOC said she will investigate the members of SCOTUS she does not like, the ones she wants murdered as well, till they find something to impeach them for.

I've FUCKING had it!! The Democrat party is a murderous, hateful, terrorist organization that must be destroyed, or they will destroy the country

That's been a given for a while now.
First off, Senators don’t get impeached, so stop using words you don’t understand.

Second, the job of the Senate is to advise and consent when a judge is nominated. They chose to advise and consent until after the election. There is no established timeframe that it has to be completed by and McConnell did absolutely nothing illegal by waiting. Was it unethical and a dirty trick? Yeah, maybe, but there was nothing illegal done, so you can stop hyperventilating like a hormonal 14 year old.
Oh bullshit. They held that seat open until the White House changed hands...and then did the opposite to slam Barett in
A simple plan.

1. Starting in the first year after the next Presidential election, each President will nominate one Justice every odd-numbered year, until the number of Justices fills up to 13, equaling the number of Federal Districts.
2. Empty seats, whether by creation or by death or retirement, stay empty until the next nomination year.
3. If the Supreme Court is full when the nominated year arrives, the term of the longest-serving Justice comes to an end. The President then nominates their successor as usual.
4. The Senate has a time limit on how long to confirm or deny the nominee (details to come). If no one has been confirmed by a certain point late in the year (again, specifics to be determined), the President may use a recess appointment.

- No changes will be made until the American people have a chance to vote on the nominating President. If this were passed today, for example, it would not benefit President Biden one bit.
- Every President will get the same number of nominees per term.
- It will put to an end strategic retirement, forced longevity, and death watches, and will remove the possibility of judicial reform through assassination.
- The makeup of the Court would more accurately represent the people.
- The Senate will not be able to "pocket reject" a nomination by stalling.
- Nomination will never happen while an election is going on.

If this was passed today:
- The Court would not change a bit right now.
- The President elected next year would nominate Justices for seats 10 and 11 in 2025 and 2027.
- The President elected in 2028 would nominate for seats 12 and 13 in 2029 and 2031.
- Assuming no deaths or retirements, in 2033 the Justice with the longest tenure (Clarence Thomas, who would be 84 at the time, having served for 42 years) would retire. If a Justice died or retired before then, their seat would stay empty until this time, and Thomas would keep going. The 2032 Presidential winner would fill the empty seat either way.
- Again assuming everyone is still alive and working, in 2035, Chief Justice Roberts would step down (turning 80 that January, and having served 29 years), with the successor to Seat One named by the same President.
- And on from there.

Supreme Court reformed, and no one gets free gifts. Easy peasy.
Partisans, in general, do. It's the fundamental flaw of plurality voting, of the two-party system. Neither side seeks consensus. They just want to "own" the other side.

Your position is that elections don't matter.
The White House, The Senate, The DOJ, The FBI, The Media both TV and Social, public education, colleges.....
The Senate is hardly a bastion of the liberals considering the filibuster.

The media is not a government institution and between Fox and all the right wing online shit and Sinclair and're well represented

The FBI has NEVER had a Democrat in charge of it during it's entire existence.

Stop whining bitch. You're nuts
Oh bullshit. They held that seat open until the White House changed hands...and then did the opposite to slam Barett in
And besides, O rolled over. He did nothing to combat McConnell or fight for Garland. He either was too tired or knew he’d get nowhere.
My position is that the in-your-face partisanship expressed by "elections have consequences" is poison. We can't hope to have a stable society when half the country hates their leaders.
If our elected morons would OBEY THE RULES we wouldn't have these problems.
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So you are saying you really don't give a shit about the integrity of the court....or upholding The U.S. long as "technically" no laws were broken in subverting it?

I believe I addressed all of that in my opening post.
A simple plan.

1. Starting in the first year after the next Presidential election, each President will nominate one Justice every odd-numbered year, until the number of Justices fills up to 13, equaling the number of Federal Districts.
2. Empty seats, whether by creation or by death or retirement, stay empty until the next nomination year.
3. If the Supreme Court is full when the nominated year arrives, the term of the longest-serving Justice comes to an end. The President then nominates their successor as usual.
4. The Senate has a time limit on how long to confirm or deny the nominee (details to come). If no one has been confirmed by a certain point late in the year (again, specifics to be determined), the President may use a recess appointment.

- No changes will be made until the American people have a chance to vote on the nominating President. If this were passed today, for example, it would not benefit President Biden one bit.
- Every President will get the same number of nominees per term.
- It will put to an end strategic retirement, forced longevity, and death watches, and will remove the possibility of judicial reform through assassination.
- The makeup of the Court would more accurately represent the people.
- The Senate will not be able to "pocket reject" a nomination by stalling.
- Nomination will never happen while an election is going on.

If this was passed today:
- The Court would not change a bit right now.
- The President elected next year would nominate Justices for seats 10 and 11 in 2025 and 2027.
- The President elected in 2028 would nominate for seats 12 and 13 in 2029 and 2031.
- Assuming no deaths or retirements, in 2033 the Justice with the longest tenure (Clarence Thomas, who would be 84 at the time, having served for 42 years) would retire. If a Justice died or retired before then, their seat would stay empty until this time, and Thomas would keep going. The 2032 Presidential winner would fill the empty seat either way.
- Again assuming everyone is still alive and working, in 2035, Chief Justice Roberts would step down (turning 80 that January, and having served 29 years), with the successor to Seat One named by the same President.
- And on from there.

Supreme Court reformed, and no one gets free gifts. Easy peasy.
Go pound sand
The court was meant to reflect the number of Circuit courts... There are now 13...

Of course there should be term limits, I would suggest that ideally a justice should be appointed once every two years (odd Years) and thus your term is 26 years.. It means each election would be for two justices...
And the new Justice should be from the district of the outgoing Justice. Every district should always have one Justice.

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