Democrats Hound Biden To Pack The Supreme Court, Establish Term Limits After More Decisions They Don’t Like

No they won't. And they are extremists.
Give them a chance. We have to slow the agitating between ethnic and cultural backgrounds. These decisions are not eliminating as much as causing a conversation we never had on them. Our nation is in trouble. I have read a few time that over 60% of people in college are women. That is crazy. No insult to them. However, many males are becoming lost. Gangs and primal ways of living are returning and there are now women getting more brazen in this. If the economic ever tanks, we are all going to be stuck where we are at and then things get worse.
What is this whiny nonsense? None of it is against the rules.
When you abuse your power for political gain then you should pay the price for that. Still, it's good of you to acknowledge that that is indeed happening. Most of your side refuse to admit that. So, kudos to you for admitting the abuse of power for political reasons out loud.
When you abuse your power for political gain then you should pay the price for that. Still, it's good of you to acknowledge that that is indeed happening. Most of your side refuse to admit that. So, kudos to you for admitting the abuse of power for political reasons out loud.
Ya mean like holding a SC seat open until you get a Republican President and then slamming another appointee in weeks before the next Presidential election?

Like that?
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Yes, the founding intent was white male preference.

Look shitstain, since whites were the majoriity race comprising about 85% of the USA when AA was implemented, intended to introduce a greater DIVERSITY of ethnicity, IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN GEARED TO FURTHER WHITES INSTEAD.
That is just such stupid BULLSHIT, one might as well argue that sunrises are really GREEN and occur in the west with a 4 year old.\

Are you a four year old?

Here is the opinion of a poll taken of about 1600 people in very white, very liberal BOSTON:

Screen Shot 2023-07-03 at 8.27.18 PM.png

And here is the opinion of HARVARD UNIVERSITY on the matter:

Affirmative action was developed in the 1960s to address racial inequality and racial exclusion in American society. Colleges and universities wanted to be seen as forward-thinking on issues of race. Then, in the late 1970s, affirmative action went to the United States Supreme Court. There, the only justification accepted, by Justice Powell, was the compelling state interest in a diverse student body in which everyone benefits from a range of perspectives in the classroom.

I partially agree with you.
Before term limits for the Judiciary, Let's impose term limits on both Congress and the Senate.
Perhaps age limits need to be looked at as well. I saw somewhere that if there was an age limit of 70 for Senate, then over 75% of the Senate at that time would have been ousted.
Look shitstain, since whites were the majoriity race comprising about 85% of the USA when AA was implemented, intended to introduce a greater DIVERSITY of ethnicity, IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN GEARED TO FURTHER WHITES INSTEAD.
That is just such stupid BULLSHIT, one might as well argue that sunrises are really GREEN and occur in the west with a 4 year old.\

Are you a four year old?

Here is the opinion of a poll taken of about 1600 people in very white, very liberal BOSTON:

View attachment 801156

And here is the opinion of HARVARD UNIVERSITY on the matter:

Affirmative action was developed in the 1960s to address racial inequality and racial exclusion in American society. Colleges and universities wanted to be seen as forward-thinking on issues of race. Then, in the late 1970s, affirmative action went to the United States Supreme Court. There, the only justification accepted, by Justice Powell, was the compelling state interest in a diverse student body in which everyone benefits from a range of perspectives in the classroom.

So now polls are how we judge SC decisions?

Know how Dobbs is polling??
So now polls are how we judge SC decisions?

Why not? You douchebags use polling to justify and explain your every other position, when it SUITS YOU. Listening to the left, the greatest civil, legal and moral issues should all be left up to the polling of the "popular vote" no matter how unilluminated the masses are.
Why not? You douchebags use polling to justify and explain your every other position, when it SUITS YOU. Listening to the left, the greatest civil, legal and moral issues should all be left up to the polling of the "popular vote" no matter how unilluminated the masses are.
So you use polls when it suits you

Got it hypocrite
Ya mean like holding a SC seat open until you get a Republican President and then slamming another appointee in weeks before the next Presidential election?

Like that?

Yep....all according to the rules......

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