Democrats’ Impeachment Proceedings Hold Spotlight on 2020 Candidate Joe Biden

"I love to have kids sit on my lap." - Creepy Joe Biden

But he did brag about little kids rubbing his legs in the swimming pool.
"I love to have kids in my lap." - Creepy Joe Biden, who bragged about blackmailing the Ukrainian president
He's SO BAD that Obama said he's not ready to be president, after naming him Vice President...
You're lying. There was no blackmail by Biden. And you can't prove that.
"I love to have kids sit on my lap." - Creepy Joe Biden

But he did brag about little kids rubbing his legs in the swimming pool.
"I love to have kids in my lap." - Creepy Joe Biden, who bragged about blackmailing the Ukrainian president
He's SO BAD that Obama said he's not ready to be president, after naming him Vice President...
You're lying. There was no blackmail by Biden. And you can't prove that.
Your "reply" has nothing to do with what I posted. That's not very honest of you.
Top diplomats have repeatedly linked President Donald Trump’s posture toward Ukraine to John Solomon, the journalist whose reports gave false credence to a number of Ukraine-related conspiracies that have found a receptive audience in Trump and some of his closest allies.

Solomon, 52, had been working until recently as an opinion writer at The Hill and is now a FOX News Contributor

Solomon’s commentary for The Hill has generated the most buzz. In 2017, he played a major role in pushing the inaccurate Uranium One conspiracy, alleging that Hillary Clinton sold a share of America’s uranium to Russia in exchange for a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation.

In 2018, The Hill began labeling Solomon’s articles as opinion. Then, in March and April 2019, Solomon published a series of columns alleging conspiracies involving Democrats and Ukraine.

One of his key sources, apparently, was former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer.

"I really turned my stuff over to John Solomon," Giuliani told the New York Times.

Another repub narrative to change the subject based on a known reporter for making outlandish claims in the hope that one will stick
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Dimwit Biden (but I repeat myself) can't even get the support of his former friend, Barack Incompetent Obama who said Biden's not ready to be president.


Tweedle Dumb and Vice Tweedle Dumb
"I love to have kids sit on my lap." - Creepy Joe Biden

But he did brag about little kids rubbing his legs in the swimming pool.
"I love to have kids in my lap." - Creepy Joe Biden, who bragged about blackmailing the Ukrainian president
He's SO BAD that Obama said he's not ready to be president, after naming him Vice President...
You're lying. There was no blackmail by Biden. And you can't prove that.
"I love to have kids sit on my lap." - Creepy Joe Biden

But he did brag about little kids rubbing his legs in the swimming pool.
"I love to have kids in my lap." - Creepy Joe Biden, who bragged about blackmailing the Ukrainian president
He's SO BAD that Obama said he's not ready to be president, after naming him Vice President...
You're lying. There was no blackmail by Biden. And you can't prove that.
Your "reply" has nothing to do with what I posted. That's not very honest of you.
I didn't respond to you.
Dimwit Biden (but I repeat myself) can't even get the support of his former friend, Barack Incompetent Obama who said Biden's not ready to be president.


Tweedle Dumb and Vice Tweedle Dumb
I'll ask again. What is your proof Biden was bragging about blackmail?
How to Trump impeachment


PAT CIPOLLONE, presidential lawyer.

In January, the Washington Post gleefully reported, "As Mueller Closes In, White House Hires 17 New Lawyers."

11 months later, Democrats are saying Mueller Who? 11 months from now, they will deny ever hearing the word impeachment.

Go-ahead-and-impeach-make-my-day Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. President Trump would eat them alive on the witness stand.

Putting an actual witness on the stand would make them pay for impeachment.

If impeached, President Donald John Trump would seize the trial in the Senate as a means of settling the score once and for all on Obama and the rest of the rats who abused power by using the Deep State to spy on him and other Americans.

Joe Biden selling America out to Ukraine and Red China for jobs and investments to his coke-addled party boy, Hunter, was almost as bad as Hillary the Troll demanding tribute from foreign governments to her Fake Charity when she was secretary of state. Her acceptance of emoluments had the blessing of Obama but not Congress, as the Constitution requires.

A more corrupt administration we never had.

The president's top lawyer, Pat Cipollone, certainly has a plan to turn inside out this effort by Democrats to brand President Trump with impeachment. They want to impeach by Christmas and force the Senate to deal with it beginning on January 3, when Congress returns from the Christmas holidays.

In a letter to Nadler on Sunday, Cipollone made it clear that he will assert and defend the president's right to an actual trial by a jury of his peers, also known as the Senate.

The letter said,

"I write in response to your letter of November 26, 2019, to President Trump regarding the purported 'impeachment inquiry' currently being conducted by Democrats in the House of Representatives. As you know, this baseless and highly partisan inquiry violates all past historical precedent, basic due process rights, and fundamental fairness. Your letter asked that the President notify the House Committee on the Judiciary by December 1, 2019, whether the Administration intends to participate in a hearing scheduled for December 4, 2019. You scheduled this initial hearing -- no doubt purposely -- during the time that you know the President will be out of the country attending the NATO Leaders Meeting in London."​

My interpretation is the president's schedule matters. This NATO meeting was determined by NATO and not the president.

I believe Cipollone pointed out that President Donald John Trump fulfilling his official duties takes precedent over impeachment because under the presumption of innocence, he is president until 67 senators decide he is not.

The letter continued,

"Your letter provides little information about the upcoming hearing. It vaguely indicates that you intend to hold a hearing to discuss the 'historical and constitutional basis of impeachment.' We understand from rumors and press reports (though not from any notice provided in your letter or in the official notice of the hearing) that the hearing will consist of an academic discussion by law professors. We understand this to mean that your initial hearing will include no fact witnesses at all."​

My interpretation is that Cipollone is pointing out that press accounts and other rumors count for nothing legally. The clock on impeachment does not begin for the president until the House votes to impeach him. That is extremely important.

As a lawyer, Cipollone was a Wood Chipper gobbling up the kangaroo court proceedings of Schiff and Nadler's proposed rules.

Given Schiff's failure to lay a glove on the president, I believe Nancy wants this impeachment voted down.

If impeached, Cipollone can make Democrats pay in many ways. For example, he can demand on Day One of the trial 60 days for discovery and the deposition of witnesses. Nowhere else in the judiciary today does an indictment lead to a trial the next day.

Whether such a delay stops all Senate action until the trial begins is a decision of the presiding judge, Chief Justice John Roberts.

To be sure, this delay would allow the nitwit Democrat senators running for president to campaign. Winter in Iowa and New Hampshire are a fate only wished on one's worst political enemies, so happy trails Fauxcahontas and Spartacus.

But the president is unencumbered by the proceeding. He can hold rallies, meet with heads of state, fire dissidents, and otherwise do as he pleases.

Dems can't back out now!
Top diplomats have repeatedly linked President Donald Trump’s posture toward Ukraine to John Solomon, the journalist whose reports gave false credence to a number of Ukraine-related conspiracies that have found a receptive audience in Trump and some of his closest allies.

Solomon, 52, had been working until recently as an opinion writer at The Hill and is now a FOX News Contributor

Solomon’s commentary for The Hill has generated the most buzz. In 2017, he played a major role in pushing the inaccurate Uranium One conspiracy, alleging that Hillary Clinton sold a share of America’s uranium to Russia in exchange for a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation.

In 2018, The Hill began labeling Solomon’s articles as opinion. Then, in March and April 2019, Solomon published a series of columns alleging conspiracies involving Democrats and Ukraine.

One of his key sources, apparently, was former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer.

"I really turned my stuff over to John Solomon," Giuliani told the New York Times.

Another repub narrative to change the subject based on a known reporter for making outlandish claims in the hope that one will stick

Dems try to pretend away the serious evidence of Ukrainian 2016 meddling

Dems deliberately conflate two separate theories of Ukrainian collusion in the 2016 election. One of these is discredited, the other is quite viable. Democrats pretend both been debunked.

This is exactly the kind of cynicism that fuels concerns about the unaccountable “deep state" in league with Democrats and the Fake News Media.

There were were public professions of support for Clinton and opposition to Trump by Ukrainian officials. There were acknowledgments by Ukrainian investigators that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. And in 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — conceded that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.

Ukrainian officials absolutely put their thumbs on the scale for Clinton.
Top diplomats have repeatedly linked President Donald Trump’s posture toward Ukraine to John Solomon, the journalist whose reports gave false credence to a number of Ukraine-related conspiracies that have found a receptive audience in Trump and some of his closest allies.

Solomon, 52, had been working until recently as an opinion writer at The Hill and is now a FOX News Contributor

Solomon’s commentary for The Hill has generated the most buzz. In 2017, he played a major role in pushing the inaccurate Uranium One conspiracy, alleging that Hillary Clinton sold a share of America’s uranium to Russia in exchange for a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation.

In 2018, The Hill began labeling Solomon’s articles as opinion. Then, in March and April 2019, Solomon published a series of columns alleging conspiracies involving Democrats and Ukraine.

One of his key sources, apparently, was former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer.

"I really turned my stuff over to John Solomon," Giuliani told the New York Times.

Another repub narrative to change the subject based on a known reporter for making outlandish claims in the hope that one will stick

Dems try to pretend away the serious evidence of Ukrainian 2016 meddling

Dems deliberately conflate two separate theories of Ukrainian collusion in the 2016 election. One of these is discredited, the other is quite viable. Democrats pretend both been debunked.

This is exactly the kind of cynicism that fuels concerns about the unaccountable “deep state" in league with Democrats and the Fake News Media.

There were were public professions of support for Clinton and opposition to Trump by Ukrainian officials. There were acknowledgments by Ukrainian investigators that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. And in 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — conceded that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.

Ukrainian officials absolutely put their thumbs on the scale for Clinton.

Your evidence is an opinion piece. It is the opinion of the writer that blah blah blah happen which is what Trump is trying to push. How convenient

Artem Sytnik, the head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, said he had revealed the information about Paul Manafort “in accordance with the law in effect at the time

Is the court trying to curry favor with Trump

Is Ukraine trying to curry favor with Trump

Ukraine is looking for US aid and whats to buy Javelin missiles and this court ruling supports Trump not Clinton

But wait Mueller investigation did not begin until 2017 and after Trump had already won the election

Even if Manfort was under investigation for committing a crime that he ultimately confessed to then why is it wrong for the country he was working to provide information about a crime that manfort was involved in to a legitimate investigation

Countries provide information to each other in criminal cases

Just because he was in Trumps camp is a problem for Trump as he hired him pro bono

An investigation is not going to stop just because they are in a political campaign

Manfort to the lead in 2016 and a few months later he resigned or was fired.

the information is true and a crime was committed then its not going to be put on hold until after an election. Manford activities involved his action while he was in Ukraine

If you thing US is split in its politics then Ukraine which has pro Russian factions and pro west factions is really split

So is this an attempt by Russian to support Trump once more using Ukraine surrogates

The investigation concluded Russia did things in favor of Trump

It was the obama admin in which Clinton was SOS that put Biden as the front man in anti corruption attempts in Ukraine and threaten to withhold money if they did not cooperate with the UK investigation into money laundering

Why would they support Clinton

Its Russian meddling again and this time the repubs are doing the work for them

PS Fiona Hills testimony was that the Russian did it
It was the obama admin in which Clinton was SOS that put Biden as the front man in anti corruption attempts in Ukraine and threaten to withhold money if they did not cooperate with the UK investigation into money laundering

Why would they (Russia? Ukraine? UK? You certainly know how to obfuscate.) support Clinton

Its Russian meddling again and this time the repubs are doing the work for them

PS Fiona Hills testimony was that the Russian did it

Why "ANYONE" would support Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 was the overweening press claims and fawning, combined with surveys showing her a shoo-in. "Why am I not ahead by 50 points?" Hillary said at one rally. "91% chance of winning" said the New York Times, one of America's premier Fake News outlets.

Everyone expected Hillary to win, so supporting her up front would win political points. Is that too hard for you to comprehend? Plus she outspent Trump 2 to 1 and STILL lost! Precious. Could not happen to a more malicious, more incompetent, more corrupt candidate and party.

Hateful Hillary
It was the obama admin in which Clinton was SOS that put Biden as the front man in anti corruption attempts in Ukraine and threaten to withhold money if they did not cooperate with the UK investigation into money laundering

Why would they (Russia? Ukraine? UK? You certainly know how to obfuscate.) support Clinton

Its Russian meddling again and this time the repubs are doing the work for them

PS Fiona Hills testimony was that the Russian did it

Why "ANYONE" would support Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 was the overweening press claims and fawning, combined with surveys showing her a shoo-in. "Why am I not ahead by 50 points?" Hillary said at one rally. "91% chance of winning" said the New York Times, one of America's premier Fake News outlets.

Everyone expected Hillary to win, so supporting her up front would win political points. Is that too hard for you to comprehend? Plus she outspent Trump 2 to 1 and STILL lost! Precious. Could not happen to a more malicious, more incompetent, more corrupt candidate and party.

Hateful Hillary

The point was why would anyone in Ukraine support Hillary Clinton or really care about who would be elected president

support for Ukraine was supported by both parties

Sorry Trump has proven who is more malicious, more incompetent, more corrupt candidate in history
Top diplomats have repeatedly linked President Donald Trump’s posture toward Ukraine to John Solomon, the journalist whose reports gave false credence to a number of Ukraine-related conspiracies that have found a receptive audience in Trump and some of his closest allies.

Solomon, 52, had been working until recently as an opinion writer at The Hill and is now a FOX News Contributor

Solomon’s commentary for The Hill has generated the most buzz. In 2017, he played a major role in pushing the inaccurate Uranium One conspiracy, alleging that Hillary Clinton sold a share of America’s uranium to Russia in exchange for a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation.

In 2018, The Hill began labeling Solomon’s articles as opinion. Then, in March and April 2019, Solomon published a series of columns alleging conspiracies involving Democrats and Ukraine.

One of his key sources, apparently, was former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s personal lawyer.

"I really turned my stuff over to John Solomon," Giuliani told the New York Times.

Another repub narrative to change the subject based on a known reporter for making outlandish claims in the hope that one will stick

Dems try to pretend away the serious evidence of Ukrainian 2016 meddling

Dems deliberately conflate two separate theories of Ukrainian collusion in the 2016 election. One of these is discredited, the other is quite viable. Democrats pretend both been debunked.

This is exactly the kind of cynicism that fuels concerns about the unaccountable “deep state" in league with Democrats and the Fake News Media.

There were were public professions of support for Clinton and opposition to Trump by Ukrainian officials. There were acknowledgments by Ukrainian investigators that their Obama administration counterparts encouraged them to investigate Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Ukrainian officials leaked information damaging to Manafort (a ledger of payments, possibly fabricated) that forced Manafort’s ouster from the Trump campaign, triggering waves of negative publicity for the campaign.

A Ukrainian court, in late 2018, concluded that two Ukrainian officials meddled in the election. And in 2018 House testimony, Nellie Ohr — who worked for Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research firm that produced the lurid and discredited Steele dossier — conceded that a pro-Clinton Ukrainian legislator was a Fusion informant.

Ukrainian officials absolutely put their thumbs on the scale for Clinton.

Your evidence is an opinion piece. It is the opinion of the writer that blah blah blah happen which is what Trump is trying to push. How convenient...
Andrew McCarthy led the prosecution the Blind Sheikh that first tried to bring down the Twin Towers and locked him up for life. He is one of the leading authorities on counter intelligence operations.

A Ukraine court officially found that Ukrainian officials interfered with the 2016 election. This article was a tremendous rebuttal of the Dems ham-fisted attempts to conflate two independent theories of Ukraine interference in the 2016 election and pretend that evidence refuting one of the theories refuted both.
...Countries provide information to each other in criminal cases...
Tell the Dems.
Just because he was in Trumps camp is a problem for Trump as he hired him pro bono
So what?
... the information is true and a crime was committed then its not going to be put on hold until after an election. Manford activities involved his action while he was in Ukraine...
Tell that to the Democrats and Biden
... The investigation concluded Russia did things in favor of Trump...
So what? Hillary purchased Russian Disinformation from Kremlin linked sources and Obama's FBI and DOJ used it to illegally spy on the Trump campaign and then the Obama leftovers tried to use this "insurance policy" to overturn the election by driving Trump from office, an effort that Schiff and the Democrats are continuing to this very day.
Hateful Hillary

The point was why would anyone in Ukraine support Hillary Clinton or really care about who would be elected president

support for Ukraine was supported by both parties

Sorry Trump has proven who is more malicious, more incompetent, more corrupt candidate in history

I explained but you aren't interested in facts, only in the hateful, malicious, mendacious Talking Points spittled by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times and all of Hillary's other supporters.


Now please adjourn to my Ignore List. You (Kilroy2) have nothing to add.
The Democrat-directed impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump has cast a harsher light on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s dealings in Ukraine, prompting Senate Republicans to request detailed records from the federal government. As the House Intelligence Committee wrapped up the public impeachment hearings on Nov. 21, Senate Republicans sent another set of records requests to acquire information into the Obama administration’s meetings and decisions related to Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that payed Hunter Biden tens of thousands of dollars a month to serve on its board. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Nov. 21, sent a letter to the National Archives requesting records of January 2016 White House meetings with senior Ukrainian officials. The senators cite events detailed in an April 25 article by investigative reporter John Solomon, who quoted firsthand witnesses, including Ukrainian officials, who attended the White House meeting and were encouraged to reopen an investigation into the Trump campaign and halt an investigation into Burisma. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), also requested records from the State Department regarding all contact in 2016 between Biden, former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and their relevant office staff, including all communications and documents.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Thanks to the DemonRATS we now know
HUnter Biden is a crook. And a drug and sex addict!
Nasty Pelosi's son is involved in this crap.
John Kerry's spawn is involved.
And last but not least... Mittens Romney's son has his hands in that cookie jar.
Thank You DemonRATS!! Now lets get to throwing these crooks in jail.
The Senate Republicans, just like the tard herd here, are obediently echoing Trump's hoax. Just like they did with the imaginary five million illegal Mexicans who voted without a single one being caught.

The Ukrainians have stated unequivocally that the Bidens did nothing wrong.

But the spineless lickspittles will throw as many red herrings as they can to distract from Trump's attempted extortion scheme in the Ukraine.

That's what the Trump Cult does.
Hateful Hillary

The point was why would anyone in Ukraine support Hillary Clinton or really care about who would be elected president

support for Ukraine was supported by both parties

Sorry Trump has proven who is more malicious, more incompetent, more corrupt candidate in history

I explained but you aren't interested in facts, only in the hateful, malicious, mendacious Talking Points spittled by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times and all of Hillary's other supporters.


Now please adjourn to my Ignore List. You (Kilroy2) have nothing to add.

Oh did I hurt the your feeling but but but your didn't present any facts

just opinion and repeating what you read

You have not answered why Ukraine would support Clinton over Trump but now are clearly supporting Trump

They need the money and were in a fight with Russia it didn't matter who the prez was to them but it seems that they had a guy on the inside of the Trump team. We will get to that later

These two ukraine judges made a ruling. Well what was the case where they had to make a ruling

Did the ukraine president ask two judges for there opinion

Is it there opinion

who are these judges and what was the case

Then this guy says he gave someone information on manfort and it was according to the law at that time. He did not give information about Trump

Trump fired manfort is that a lie

In a July 31 interview on NBC's "Meet the Press, Manafort was asked about changes that were made to the Republican Party platform in the committee meetings that were held before the convention. One change that drew some attention was the softening of language on how the Republican Party treated arms deals with Ukraine and Russia, though Manafort later denied any involvement.

On Aug. 14, The New York Times reported that Manafort's name appears on a list of so-called black ledger accounts made by the since-toppled Ukrainian president amounting to $12.7 million from 2007 to 2012.

Manafort denied any wrongdoing

is that a lie also

On Aug. 19 Trump fired him. Well what did Trump know

So it is painfully clear with Manafort on team trump that he was pushing for more Ukraine support while on team trump but Trump still fired him

The mueller investigation did not start until Trump was president

still it seems to be convenient that these judges and the issue with the government official suddenly comes to light after Trump asked the ukraine president for a favor

You can make stuff up but you still will get it wrong

you have provided no proof of anything just a story being told and we all know how repubs like stories

you only repeat what Trump says and believe what he says

Not even Melanie believes what he says

There was no investigation until the Mueller investigation now there might have been inquires into Manafort as even the RNC knew that manafort was a problem for team trump but I really don't care about that as he plead guilty

Ukraine did it is just a Russian narrative but hey if you are Russian then you probably do believe it as you do that American Intelligence got it wrong

right comrade just repeat your little story
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