Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.
Tariffs played a major role in the growth of our nation. We were pax america at one time. We could actually take care of ourselves for the most part as if we were a planet by ourselves. He is imposing tariffs to help to bring manufacturing back to our nation. The tariffs reduce the amount of growth by a little. It ook us decades to get to this point. It will take a little time to get as much back as we can. Manufacturing pays more then service jobs. And you complain about the wages of them don't you? this isn't one of the Prog socialist communist slide rule programs designed to extort trillions of dollars from the working peasant for very little in return. This is big boy pants time. Watching those nut jobs at the Dem debates is painful.

You totally misunderstand my stance. I'm very pro-Trump and I believe the tariffs when used properly as a negotiating stance can be powerful. But you have to have the guy who won't blink. That guy is Trump.

Where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where you have to get the government's permission to trade with others?

You need to either learn to read or actually read what I wrote.

You are evading the point. Little else. My point is not whether there is good or bad in tariffs and trade deals. My point is that they are not capitalism.

And, I, in essence agreed with you. I said as such. Go back to the post where I first responded to you. You're going in circles.
That's the main reason for your support?

I do appreciate someone that doesn't change positions based upon which way the wind is blowing. That is true.

But I support his positions and since they are long held I have reason to believe he will follow through on them.

So you're for moving this country towards a Totalitarian government. Got it.

No more so than you.

The far right leads to Anarchy (libertarianism)

So - You're wrong about that.

And to be clear, I am definitely not far right. I'm more in the center.

The center is scared of everything and completely supports government control.

That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.
I do appreciate someone that doesn't change positions based upon which way the wind is blowing. That is true.

But I support his positions and since they are long held I have reason to believe he will follow through on them.

So you're for moving this country towards a Totalitarian government. Got it.

No more so than you.

The far right leads to Anarchy (libertarianism)

So - You're wrong about that.

And to be clear, I am definitely not far right. I'm more in the center.

The center is scared of everything and completely supports government control.

That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.
So you're for moving this country towards a Totalitarian government. Got it.

No more so than you.

The far right leads to Anarchy (libertarianism)

So - You're wrong about that.

And to be clear, I am definitely not far right. I'm more in the center.

The center is scared of everything and completely supports government control.

That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.

I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.
No more so than you.

The far right leads to Anarchy (libertarianism)

So - You're wrong about that.

And to be clear, I am definitely not far right. I'm more in the center.

The center is scared of everything and completely supports government control.

That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.

I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying he’s “not happy with this field” and there’s no chance “Bernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.”

“I’m not happy,” said Matthews. “I’m not happy with this field. I think they’ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. I’m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.”

“Warren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess who’s going to get it now? Bernie’s going to get it now,” he added. “Who is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.”

‘VERGE OF TEARS’: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ‘Not Happy’ with Dem Candidates, All Have ‘Obvious Problems’ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
The far right leads to Anarchy (libertarianism)

So - You're wrong about that.

And to be clear, I am definitely not far right. I'm more in the center.

The center is scared of everything and completely supports government control.

That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.

I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

They have all, every fucking president, supported wars. I'm disgusted by all of them for that.

If you want complete socialism you can't support capitalism.

It just can't happen.

Do you want "free" healthcare?
The far right leads to Anarchy (libertarianism)

So - You're wrong about that.

And to be clear, I am definitely not far right. I'm more in the center.

The center is scared of everything and completely supports government control.

That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.

I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

EVERY presidential candidate supports war in some form or fashion. Don't be fooled.
The center is scared of everything and completely supports government control.

That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.

I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

They have all, every fucking president, supported wars. I'm disgusted by all of them for that.

If you want complete socialism you can't support capitalism.

It just can't happen.

Do you want "free" healthcare?

Since we will not support capitalism I support a fairer system than what we have.

You can call it whatever you want but it's not capitalism.
The center is scared of everything and completely supports government control.

That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.

I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

EVERY presidential candidate supports war in some form or fashion. Don't be fooled.

If Sanders lies about it like Bush, Obama and Trump I will not continue to support him.
He knows a full-blown, unapologetic commie has no chance. He prefers his commies to be subtle and sneaky. This is why we should read them all out and execute them.

Fuck latent commies.

Kill a commie for mommy.

MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying he’s “not happy with this field” and there’s no chance “Bernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.”

“I’m not happy,” said Matthews. “I’m not happy with this field. I think they’ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. I’m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.”

“Warren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess who’s going to get it now? Bernie’s going to get it now,” he added. “Who is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.”

‘VERGE OF TEARS’: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ‘Not Happy’ with Dem Candidates, All Have ‘Obvious Problems’ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.
Every one of the libtard pundits comes from a dysfunctional family background and hates the world because of it.
Unfortunately there are those that have been taught by college profs that it isn’t evil and haven’t seen enough real life yet to know they are lying to them. It is taught to be only fair.

Or that you really haven't made a case why socialism by itself is "evil", other than dragging out bircher propaganda about how bad Stalin and Mao were. By that logic, you could make the case the capitalism is evil by pointing out slavery, the genocide of Native Americans, the exploitation of India by the British Empire, etc.

No, me, personally, I think socialism fails because it fails to understand human nature and the desire to aspire. Capitalism fails because it indulges the worst of human nature. Maybe we need to stop acting like these are the only two choices on the menu.

Final point- The Democrats are going through the kind of existential angst that Republicans had in 2016. Bernie, like Trump, appeals to the lizard brain id of the Democratic base. It doesn't matter he's completely unfit for office, like Trump is, it's that he personifies decades of disappointment and resentment... just like Trump.

The problem is, like Trump, the establishment is afraid to take him on and alienate his supporters.
That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.

I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

They have all, every fucking president, supported wars. I'm disgusted by all of them for that.

If you want complete socialism you can't support capitalism.

It just can't happen.

Do you want "free" healthcare?

Since we will not support capitalism I support a fairer system than what we have.

You can call it whatever you want but it's not capitalism.

If you're paddling up a stream in a canoe and the wheel falls off, how many pancakes fit in a doghouse?

None. Cuz Ice Cream doesn't have bones.

The focus is off impeachment, they didn't get the huge impact they'd hoped for in terms of poll numbers and now they're left only with themselves running on their own merits and policies.

Not even some of them like how that looks, it would seem....
That's why Democrats have tried to turn Nationalism into a dirty word akin to racism.

That... and it is akin to racism.

We all live in one world, to say that the lives of Americans are somehow more important than the lives of others is silly. It's not what this country stands for.
That's a load of Horseshit. You can be economically conservative and socially liberal and vice versa. You just slung a bunch of shit at the wall. It's not going to stick. The center can be many things but in full support of government control is SOCIALISAM. That very far left. Scared of others not being like them is far right. Scared of Capitalism is far left. The center is neither. It's a mix.

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.

I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

EVERY presidential candidate supports war in some form or fashion. Don't be fooled.

If Sanders lies about it like Bush, Obama and Trump I will not continue to support him.

He'll have no choice. Once he takes the presidency, he will be filled in with information that will fry his brain and begin to understand why we do the things we do.

My problem is our Middle East Policy has been so fucked up for the last 50 years it will take a long time to get our ass out of there. Trump is trying, Obama tried, Bush aided in it continuing (war monger) etc...

We have tried the same shit for 50 years and made it worse every single fucking time.

We need to exit as soon as possible.
Bill Mahrer was right last night. We already had a preview of a Trump v. Sanders contest. That was the Johnson v. Corbin election in the UK. Corbin was routed.

We don’t need Hillary the sequel.

Actually, Corbin was routed because he was in the inevitable position of having to support staying in the EU after decades of pointing out why the EU is a terrible idea.

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