Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you are referring to trade tariffs, I don't disagree. I never said it wasn't. Tariffs have traditionally been a democrat position and they still are. Anything our government does to interfere with the economy and social construct are a move toward socialism and totalitarianism. Social Security, Medicare and many other programs are included in this group.

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you haven't noticed, Trump has stolen a lot of the democratic platform ideas. It has made the dems move farther left because they have to give up those positions. It's a reason the dems platform has been reduced to identity politics. I don't think a lot of the democratic politicians really understand it is hurting their position. They forgot to take care of their base - you know - the people in the middle of the country. Fly-over country - the people that are looked down upon by the liberal elite living on the coasts. This is the new democratic party. The one that doesn't give a shit about the average blue collar worker. Identity politics is much more important. You can't be everything to every small minority. Those small minorities have a large number of conflicting values. That along with the socialism stance that is dividing the party are going to cause the party to fracture and then implode.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you are referring to trade tariffs, I don't disagree. I never said it wasn't. Tariffs have traditionally been a democrat position and they still are. Anything our government does to interfere with the economy and social construct are a move toward socialism and totalitarianism. Social Security, Medicare and many other programs are included in this group.

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.

See - you don't even see the positions Trump has stolen from the democrat party platform.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you haven't noticed, Trump has stolen a lot of the democratic platform ideas. It has made the dems move farther left because they have to give up those positions. It's a reason the dems platform has been reduced to identity politics. I don't think a lot of the democratic politicians really understand it is hurting their position. They forgot to take care of their base - you know - the people in the middle of the country. Fly-over country - the people that are looked down upon by the liberal elite living on the coasts. This is the new democratic party. The one that doesn't give a shit about the average blue collar worker. Identity politics is much more important. You can't be everything to every small minority. Those small minorities have a large number of conflicting values. That along with the socialism stance that is dividing the party are going to cause the party to fracture and then implode.

I support Sanders. Sanders is the same person he was 40 years ago.
No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you are referring to trade tariffs, I don't disagree. I never said it wasn't. Tariffs have traditionally been a democrat position and they still are. Anything our government does to interfere with the economy and social construct are a move toward socialism and totalitarianism. Social Security, Medicare and many other programs are included in this group.

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.

See - you don't even see the positions Trump has stolen from the democrat party platform.

This is comparable to Democrats trying to blame Russia for the election.

Trade deals are a major portion of Trump's platform but all the same, I've said there is little difference in the run of the mill (R) and (D).
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you haven't noticed, Trump has stolen a lot of the democratic platform ideas. It has made the dems move farther left because they have to give up those positions. It's a reason the dems platform has been reduced to identity politics. I don't think a lot of the democratic politicians really understand it is hurting their position. They forgot to take care of their base - you know - the people in the middle of the country. Fly-over country - the people that are looked down upon by the liberal elite living on the coasts. This is the new democratic party. The one that doesn't give a shit about the average blue collar worker. Identity politics is much more important. You can't be everything to every small minority. Those small minorities have a large number of conflicting values. That along with the socialism stance that is dividing the party are going to cause the party to fracture and then implode.

I support Sanders. Sanders is the same person he was 40 years ago.

That's the main reason for your support?
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you are referring to trade tariffs, I don't disagree. I never said it wasn't. Tariffs have traditionally been a democrat position and they still are. Anything our government does to interfere with the economy and social construct are a move toward socialism and totalitarianism. Social Security, Medicare and many other programs are included in this group.

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.
Tariffs played a major role in the growth of our nation. We were pax america at one time. We could actually take care of ourselves for the most part as if we were a planet by ourselves. He is imposing tariffs to help to bring manufacturing back to our nation. The tariffs reduce the amount of growth by a little. It ook us decades to get to this point. It will take a little time to get as much back as we can. Manufacturing pays more then service jobs. And you complain about the wages of them don't you? this isn't one of the Prog socialist communist slide rule programs designed to extort trillions of dollars from the working peasant for very little in return. This is big boy pants time. Watching those nut jobs at the Dem debates is painful.
Bill Mahrer was right last night. We already had a preview of a Trump v. Sanders contest. That was the Johnson v. Corbin election in the UK. Corbin was routed.

We don’t need Hillary the sequel.
No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you haven't noticed, Trump has stolen a lot of the democratic platform ideas. It has made the dems move farther left because they have to give up those positions. It's a reason the dems platform has been reduced to identity politics. I don't think a lot of the democratic politicians really understand it is hurting their position. They forgot to take care of their base - you know - the people in the middle of the country. Fly-over country - the people that are looked down upon by the liberal elite living on the coasts. This is the new democratic party. The one that doesn't give a shit about the average blue collar worker. Identity politics is much more important. You can't be everything to every small minority. Those small minorities have a large number of conflicting values. That along with the socialism stance that is dividing the party are going to cause the party to fracture and then implode.

I support Sanders. Sanders is the same person he was 40 years ago.

That's the main reason for your support?

I do appreciate someone that doesn't change positions based upon which way the wind is blowing. That is true.

But I support his positions and since they are long held I have reason to believe he will follow through on them.
No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you are referring to trade tariffs, I don't disagree. I never said it wasn't. Tariffs have traditionally been a democrat position and they still are. Anything our government does to interfere with the economy and social construct are a move toward socialism and totalitarianism. Social Security, Medicare and many other programs are included in this group.

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.
Tariffs played a major role in the growth of our nation. We were pax america at one time. We could actually take care of ourselves for the most part as if we were a planet by ourselves. He is imposing tariffs to help to bring manufacturing back to our nation. The tariffs reduce the amount of growth by a little. It ook us decades to get to this point. It will take a little time to get as much back as we can. Manufacturing pays more then service jobs. And you complain about the wages of them don't you? this isn't one of the Prog socialist communist slide rule programs designed to extort trillions of dollars from the working peasant for very little in return. This is big boy pants time. Watching those nut jobs at the Dem debates is painful.

Argue if you wish that Tariffs are great. You can make arguments to that affect.

Just don't argue that they have anything to do with capitalism.
No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.

Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you are referring to trade tariffs, I don't disagree. I never said it wasn't. Tariffs have traditionally been a democrat position and they still are. Anything our government does to interfere with the economy and social construct are a move toward socialism and totalitarianism. Social Security, Medicare and many other programs are included in this group.

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.
Tariffs played a major role in the growth of our nation. We were pax america at one time. We could actually take care of ourselves for the most part as if we were a planet by ourselves. He is imposing tariffs to help to bring manufacturing back to our nation. The tariffs reduce the amount of growth by a little. It ook us decades to get to this point. It will take a little time to get as much back as we can. Manufacturing pays more then service jobs. And you complain about the wages of them don't you? this isn't one of the Prog socialist communist slide rule programs designed to extort trillions of dollars from the working peasant for very little in return. This is big boy pants time. Watching those nut jobs at the Dem debates is painful.

You totally misunderstand my stance. I'm very pro-Trump and I believe the tariffs when used properly as a negotiating stance can be powerful. But you have to have the guy who won't blink. That guy is Trump.
Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you haven't noticed, Trump has stolen a lot of the democratic platform ideas. It has made the dems move farther left because they have to give up those positions. It's a reason the dems platform has been reduced to identity politics. I don't think a lot of the democratic politicians really understand it is hurting their position. They forgot to take care of their base - you know - the people in the middle of the country. Fly-over country - the people that are looked down upon by the liberal elite living on the coasts. This is the new democratic party. The one that doesn't give a shit about the average blue collar worker. Identity politics is much more important. You can't be everything to every small minority. Those small minorities have a large number of conflicting values. That along with the socialism stance that is dividing the party are going to cause the party to fracture and then implode.

I support Sanders. Sanders is the same person he was 40 years ago.

That's the main reason for your support?

I do appreciate someone that doesn't change positions based upon which way the wind is blowing. That is true.

But I support his positions and since they are long held I have reason to believe he will follow through on them.

So you're for moving this country towards a Totalitarian government. Got it.
Sanders or Mayor Pete sounds great to me to run against Trump.

Maybe a Sanders/Pete ticket is the ticket!

I love it!
Socialism always leads to Totalitarianism. You need to get educated and find out why.

How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you are referring to trade tariffs, I don't disagree. I never said it wasn't. Tariffs have traditionally been a democrat position and they still are. Anything our government does to interfere with the economy and social construct are a move toward socialism and totalitarianism. Social Security, Medicare and many other programs are included in this group.

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.
Tariffs played a major role in the growth of our nation. We were pax america at one time. We could actually take care of ourselves for the most part as if we were a planet by ourselves. He is imposing tariffs to help to bring manufacturing back to our nation. The tariffs reduce the amount of growth by a little. It ook us decades to get to this point. It will take a little time to get as much back as we can. Manufacturing pays more then service jobs. And you complain about the wages of them don't you? this isn't one of the Prog socialist communist slide rule programs designed to extort trillions of dollars from the working peasant for very little in return. This is big boy pants time. Watching those nut jobs at the Dem debates is painful.

You totally misunderstand my stance. I'm very pro-Trump and I believe the tariffs when used properly as a negotiating stance can be powerful. But you have to have the guy who won't blink. That guy is Trump.

Where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where you have to get the government's permission to trade with others?
How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you haven't noticed, Trump has stolen a lot of the democratic platform ideas. It has made the dems move farther left because they have to give up those positions. It's a reason the dems platform has been reduced to identity politics. I don't think a lot of the democratic politicians really understand it is hurting their position. They forgot to take care of their base - you know - the people in the middle of the country. Fly-over country - the people that are looked down upon by the liberal elite living on the coasts. This is the new democratic party. The one that doesn't give a shit about the average blue collar worker. Identity politics is much more important. You can't be everything to every small minority. Those small minorities have a large number of conflicting values. That along with the socialism stance that is dividing the party are going to cause the party to fracture and then implode.

I support Sanders. Sanders is the same person he was 40 years ago.

That's the main reason for your support?

I do appreciate someone that doesn't change positions based upon which way the wind is blowing. That is true.

But I support his positions and since they are long held I have reason to believe he will follow through on them.

So you're for moving this country towards a Totalitarian government. Got it.

No more so than you.
How is trade deals not totalitarian? It's the government attempting to completely control who you can trade with?

If you are referring to trade tariffs, I don't disagree. I never said it wasn't. Tariffs have traditionally been a democrat position and they still are. Anything our government does to interfere with the economy and social construct are a move toward socialism and totalitarianism. Social Security, Medicare and many other programs are included in this group.

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.
Tariffs played a major role in the growth of our nation. We were pax america at one time. We could actually take care of ourselves for the most part as if we were a planet by ourselves. He is imposing tariffs to help to bring manufacturing back to our nation. The tariffs reduce the amount of growth by a little. It ook us decades to get to this point. It will take a little time to get as much back as we can. Manufacturing pays more then service jobs. And you complain about the wages of them don't you? this isn't one of the Prog socialist communist slide rule programs designed to extort trillions of dollars from the working peasant for very little in return. This is big boy pants time. Watching those nut jobs at the Dem debates is painful.

You totally misunderstand my stance. I'm very pro-Trump and I believe the tariffs when used properly as a negotiating stance can be powerful. But you have to have the guy who won't blink. That guy is Trump.

Where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where you have to get the government's permission to trade with others?

You need to either learn to read or actually read what I wrote.
If you haven't noticed, Trump has stolen a lot of the democratic platform ideas. It has made the dems move farther left because they have to give up those positions. It's a reason the dems platform has been reduced to identity politics. I don't think a lot of the democratic politicians really understand it is hurting their position. They forgot to take care of their base - you know - the people in the middle of the country. Fly-over country - the people that are looked down upon by the liberal elite living on the coasts. This is the new democratic party. The one that doesn't give a shit about the average blue collar worker. Identity politics is much more important. You can't be everything to every small minority. Those small minorities have a large number of conflicting values. That along with the socialism stance that is dividing the party are going to cause the party to fracture and then implode.

I support Sanders. Sanders is the same person he was 40 years ago.

That's the main reason for your support?

I do appreciate someone that doesn't change positions based upon which way the wind is blowing. That is true.

But I support his positions and since they are long held I have reason to believe he will follow through on them.

So you're for moving this country towards a Totalitarian government. Got it.

No more so than you.

The far right leads to Anarchy (libertarianism)

So - You're wrong about that.

And to be clear, I am definitely not far right. I'm more in the center.
If you are referring to trade tariffs, I don't disagree. I never said it wasn't. Tariffs have traditionally been a democrat position and they still are. Anything our government does to interfere with the economy and social construct are a move toward socialism and totalitarianism. Social Security, Medicare and many other programs are included in this group.

No, they are a major part of Trump's platform. He is crowing about his trade deals all the time.
Tariffs played a major role in the growth of our nation. We were pax america at one time. We could actually take care of ourselves for the most part as if we were a planet by ourselves. He is imposing tariffs to help to bring manufacturing back to our nation. The tariffs reduce the amount of growth by a little. It ook us decades to get to this point. It will take a little time to get as much back as we can. Manufacturing pays more then service jobs. And you complain about the wages of them don't you? this isn't one of the Prog socialist communist slide rule programs designed to extort trillions of dollars from the working peasant for very little in return. This is big boy pants time. Watching those nut jobs at the Dem debates is painful.

You totally misunderstand my stance. I'm very pro-Trump and I believe the tariffs when used properly as a negotiating stance can be powerful. But you have to have the guy who won't blink. That guy is Trump.

Where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where you have to get the government's permission to trade with others?

You need to either learn to read or actually read what I wrote.

You are evading the point. Little else. My point is not whether there is good or bad in tariffs and trade deals. My point is that they are not capitalism.
I support Sanders. Sanders is the same person he was 40 years ago.

That's the main reason for your support?

I do appreciate someone that doesn't change positions based upon which way the wind is blowing. That is true.

But I support his positions and since they are long held I have reason to believe he will follow through on them.

So you're for moving this country towards a Totalitarian government. Got it.

No more so than you.

The far right leads to Anarchy (libertarianism)

So - You're wrong about that.

And to be clear, I am definitely not far right. I'm more in the center.

The center is scared of everything and completely supports government control.

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