Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

We don't get into the useless wars, searching old ladies at airports, etc without the large middle supporting that.

They support it because of irrational fear.

I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

EVERY presidential candidate supports war in some form or fashion. Don't be fooled.

If Sanders lies about it like Bush, Obama and Trump I will not continue to support him.

He'll have no choice. Once he takes the presidency, he will be filled in with information that will fry his brain and begin to understand why we do the things we do.

My problem is our Middle East Policy has been so fucked up for the last 50 years it will take a long time to get our ass out of there. Trump is trying, Obama tried, Bush aided in it continuing (war monger) etc...

We have tried the same shit for 50 years and made it worse every single fucking time.

We need to exit as soon as possible.

We do what we do for one reason. To line the pockets of the few. Sanders has no reason to support that nor has he ever.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism
it's quite possible this is where we see the extreme left start to eat themselves and their own ever changing rules of play start caving in.

lord i hope so and maybe we can move onto stopping as much of the stupidity as possible.

can't get rid of all of it. never will be able to. but we can sure tone it down quite a bit.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

No you couldn't go into anything but a republican propaganda laced tired of fake news. You don't even really know what socialism is and Chris Matthews is ignorant of it also. Totalitarianism is not socialism and that's what Matthews described. Like I said, people like you talk like all those prognosticators that predicted the 49ers would beat the Chiefs before the game started. When the democrats get a nominee and they start ripping trump to shreds, you'll understand that you ejaculated prematurely.
Yep like you loons predicted Hillary would be president. Also after three years of you loons running around in pussy hats trying to destroy Trump. You loons just gave Trump 4 more years!
I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

EVERY presidential candidate supports war in some form or fashion. Don't be fooled.

If Sanders lies about it like Bush, Obama and Trump I will not continue to support him.

He'll have no choice. Once he takes the presidency, he will be filled in with information that will fry his brain and begin to understand why we do the things we do.

My problem is our Middle East Policy has been so fucked up for the last 50 years it will take a long time to get our ass out of there. Trump is trying, Obama tried, Bush aided in it continuing (war monger) etc...

We have tried the same shit for 50 years and made it worse every single fucking time.

We need to exit as soon as possible.

We do what we do for one reason. To line the pockets of the few. Sanders has no reason to support that nor has he ever.
It's as I've said for a long time. The Democrats are noting that Sanders isn't actually a Democrat. What that is saying is that outside of a few social issues there is very little differences in the Democrats and Republicans.

Sanders is basically running on Obama's platform. Matthews had tingles running down his leg when Obama said the things Sanders is.

It's sad to now understand how many understood that when Obama said them, they were all a lie.
Sanders is not running on Obamas platform.

Ending wars. Health care for all. Affordable education. Lessen the influence of big business on the government.

He absolutely is. It's just that Obama was lying.
I know you would like to believe this, but Bernies proposals were not the same as Obamas. And Obama didn't lie about those thing but that's what the RRWM told you.
A family will save $2500 dollars a year. Lie
You can keep your doctor. Lie
The healthcare debate will be televised on cspan. Lie
I will take advice from republicans and democrats on the healthcare debate. Lie
Just to name a few Obama lies on our healthcare. Oh then he forced people who couldn't afford it to pay for it anyway.
Unfortunately there are those that have been taught by college profs that it isn’t evil and haven’t seen enough real life yet to know they are lying to them. It is taught to be only fair.

Or that you really haven't made a case why socialism by itself is "evil", other than dragging out bircher propaganda about how bad Stalin and Mao were. By that logic, you could make the case the capitalism is evil by pointing out slavery, the genocide of Native Americans, the exploitation of India by the British Empire, etc.

No, me, personally, I think socialism fails because it fails to understand human nature and the desire to aspire. Capitalism fails because it indulges the worst of human nature. Maybe we need to stop acting like these are the only two choices on the menu.

Final point- The Democrats are going through the kind of existential angst that Republicans had in 2016. Bernie, like Trump, appeals to the lizard brain id of the Democratic base. It doesn't matter he's completely unfit for office, like Trump is, it's that he personifies decades of disappointment and resentment... just like Trump.

The problem is, like Trump, the establishment is afraid to take him on and alienate his supporters.


Read this. This is a truly enlightening post. This is the state of why socialism fails. Human nature is never taken into account when one aspires to an ideology such as socialism or capitalism. I'm for capitalism because it has been proven to have a positive outcome for most people. Aspiring to greatness will never work with socialism. It is a race to mediocrity and much, much worse. The poor will be poorer and the rich will be poor. There has to be control on the reins of capitalism because it leads to oligarchy. There is something to be said for a mix. Over time, as man has less and less labor because it is automated, it will be essential for the the country and world to move toward socialism. The rate at which it moves must controlled such that freedoms are not infringed upon with a totalitarian government control.

Our ideology is moving left too quickly in my estimation in regards to control of business. If you remove any and/or all incentive to excel you will have a failing society and everyone will suffer except for the oligarchy that is created from the ashes of capitalism.
I don't support wars and I'm in the center. Your logic fails you.

Your fear of Capitalism is irrational as well.

I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

EVERY presidential candidate supports war in some form or fashion. Don't be fooled.

If Sanders lies about it like Bush, Obama and Trump I will not continue to support him.

He'll have no choice. Once he takes the presidency, he will be filled in with information that will fry his brain and begin to understand why we do the things we do.

My problem is our Middle East Policy has been so fucked up for the last 50 years it will take a long time to get our ass out of there. Trump is trying, Obama tried, Bush aided in it continuing (war monger) etc...

We have tried the same shit for 50 years and made it worse every single fucking time.

We need to exit as soon as possible.

We do what we do for one reason. To line the pockets of the few. Sanders has no reason to support that nor has he ever.

That is simplifying calculus into 2+2. Your argument fails in so many ways. That's a talking point by the left. It is meaningless.
Who votes for a socialist?

People for whom Capitalism is a Shit Sandwich.

That would be about 60% of the population, really.

You don't do much world travel do you? This "shit sandwich" is the envy of much of the world, which is why we are having such a hard time controlling immigration to this country.
Ah Joe, you said you are your own businessman. Are you saying you are a shit sandwich?
His business is receiving his monthly welfare check.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying he’s “not happy with this field” and there’s no chance “Bernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.”

“I’m not happy,” said Matthews. “I’m not happy with this field. I think they’ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. I’m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.”

“Warren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess who’s going to get it now? Bernie’s going to get it now,” he added. “Who is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.”

‘VERGE OF TEARS’: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ‘Not Happy’ with Dem Candidates, All Have ‘Obvious Problems’ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.
I bask in your anguish.
And yes, I love watching America haters suffer at their own hands.
The focus is off impeachment, they didn't get the huge impact they'd hoped for in terms of poll numbers and now they're left only with themselves running on their own merits and policies.

Not even some of them like how that looks, it would seem....
Trump gained 10 points during the attempted coup, it’s like the Left are working for Trump.
I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

EVERY presidential candidate supports war in some form or fashion. Don't be fooled.

If Sanders lies about it like Bush, Obama and Trump I will not continue to support him.

He'll have no choice. Once he takes the presidency, he will be filled in with information that will fry his brain and begin to understand why we do the things we do.

My problem is our Middle East Policy has been so fucked up for the last 50 years it will take a long time to get our ass out of there. Trump is trying, Obama tried, Bush aided in it continuing (war monger) etc...

We have tried the same shit for 50 years and made it worse every single fucking time.

We need to exit as soon as possible.

We do what we do for one reason. To line the pockets of the few. Sanders has no reason to support that nor has he ever.
View attachment 305509

Socialism in a nutshell. Support will be a requirement and mandated. The people will no longer have a voice. The government will control the people instead of the intent of our nation and constitution as to be the people who control the government.
I support capitalism. Some day maybe we will practice it.

You are going to vote for the one that is still carrying out the wars, right?

EVERY presidential candidate supports war in some form or fashion. Don't be fooled.

If Sanders lies about it like Bush, Obama and Trump I will not continue to support him.

He'll have no choice. Once he takes the presidency, he will be filled in with information that will fry his brain and begin to understand why we do the things we do.

My problem is our Middle East Policy has been so fucked up for the last 50 years it will take a long time to get our ass out of there. Trump is trying, Obama tried, Bush aided in it continuing (war monger) etc...

We have tried the same shit for 50 years and made it worse every single fucking time.

We need to exit as soon as possible.

We do what we do for one reason. To line the pockets of the few. Sanders has no reason to support that nor has he ever.

That is simplifying calculus into 2+2. Your argument fails in so many ways. That's a talking point by the left. It is meaningless.

I was asked a question. I answered it. You didn't actually do anything to counter my answer.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying he’s “not happy with this field” and there’s no chance “Bernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.”

“I’m not happy,” said Matthews. “I’m not happy with this field. I think they’ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. I’m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.”

“Warren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess who’s going to get it now? Bernie’s going to get it now,” he added. “Who is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.”

‘VERGE OF TEARS’: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ‘Not Happy’ with Dem Candidates, All Have ‘Obvious Problems’ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.

Oh he has a tingle! It is the hot tingle of pee running down his leg, as he surveys the Democratic field-)
It's as I've said for a long time. The Democrats are noting that Sanders isn't actually a Democrat. What that is saying is that outside of a few social issues there is very little differences in the Democrats and Republicans.

Sanders is basically running on Obama's platform. Matthews had tingles running down his leg when Obama said the things Sanders is.

It's sad to now understand how many understood that when Obama said them, they were all a lie.
Sanders is not running on Obamas platform.

Ending wars. Health care for all. Affordable education. Lessen the influence of big business on the government.

He absolutely is. It's just that Obama was lying.
I know you would like to believe this, but Bernies proposals were not the same as Obamas. And Obama didn't lie about those thing but that's what the RRWM told you.
A family will save $2500 dollars a year. Lie
You can keep your doctor. Lie
The healthcare debate will be televised on cspan. Lie
I will take advice from republicans and democrats on the healthcare debate. Lie
Just to name a few Obama lies on our healthcare. Oh then he forced people who couldn't afford it to pay for it anyway.

He lied every day of his presidency. They all do.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying he’s “not happy with this field” and there’s no chance “Bernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.”

“I’m not happy,” said Matthews. “I’m not happy with this field. I think they’ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. I’m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.”

“Warren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess who’s going to get it now? Bernie’s going to get it now,” he added. “Who is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.”

‘VERGE OF TEARS’: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ‘Not Happy’ with Dem Candidates, All Have ‘Obvious Problems’ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.
You’re all Commies.

WATCH: Only 1 Democrat Indicates They Have Problem With Socialist Being Nominee
The focus is off impeachment, they didn't get the huge impact they'd hoped for in terms of poll numbers and now they're left only with themselves running on their own merits and policies.

Not even some of them like how that looks, it would seem....
Trump gained 10 points during the attempted coup, it’s like the Left are working for Trump.

The voters are smart enough to see what they're really trying to accomplish. Spending all of this time, effort and money to try to enhance their political position isn't doing "the people's business" and it would seem at least some of "the people" know it.
EVERY presidential candidate supports war in some form or fashion. Don't be fooled.

If Sanders lies about it like Bush, Obama and Trump I will not continue to support him.

He'll have no choice. Once he takes the presidency, he will be filled in with information that will fry his brain and begin to understand why we do the things we do.

My problem is our Middle East Policy has been so fucked up for the last 50 years it will take a long time to get our ass out of there. Trump is trying, Obama tried, Bush aided in it continuing (war monger) etc...

We have tried the same shit for 50 years and made it worse every single fucking time.

We need to exit as soon as possible.

We do what we do for one reason. To line the pockets of the few. Sanders has no reason to support that nor has he ever.

That is simplifying calculus into 2+2. Your argument fails in so many ways. That's a talking point by the left. It is meaningless.

I was asked a question. I answered it. You didn't actually do anything to counter my answer.

There is no counter. It's like asking me to do calculus with only having a + sign.

I'm not disagreeing that pockets are lined. Pockets of government officials have been lined by any opportunity that presents itself to an individual who has control of something. You can't get rid of that unless they are held accountable.

But it has little to nothing to do with why we war. We war because as a whole the people of the US want freedom for everyone in the world and sometimes we think we know what's best for the world and the people of another sovereign nation. We think we need to be the police of the world and to get the world to align with us because of fear. It's human nature. Until we evolve as a primate those fears will subside but that takes hundreds to thousands of years.

And look where that fear has gotten us. All twisted up in the middle east, fucking things up and making new enemies. We need to control the fear, but I don't think that is likely to happen nor do I see a way of making it happen. Bernie isn't the answer. At some point, we do need to protect ourselves and I think Bernie may fuck that up. There is a balance to be sought.

Much of our politics in the US are divided. There is little common ground. There are center based policies that can be utilized, but we seem to want winner take all. That will continue to divide us unless we begin to understand that winner take all won't ever work.
Strange how only one of them had the guts to raise their hand against Socialism.....and Bernie thinks he can get away with raising his hand for it.
Read this. This is a truly enlightening post. This is the state of why socialism fails. Human nature is never taken into account when one aspires to an ideology such as socialism or capitalism. I'm for capitalism because it has been proven to have a positive outcome for most people.

Uh, guy, that's not what I said at all. Capitalism does NOT have a positive outcome for most people. In the US, 60% of us are living paycheck to paycheck. Most of us would be wiped out by a major medical emergency.

Capitalism is bad because it indulges the worst of human nature.

Capitalism worked okay for most white Americans* in the middle of the last century because it was modified by a government system that looked out for workers and workers rights. There was an all too breif period when Republicans and Democrats kind of agreed on this, starting with FDR and ending with Reagan. Then the GOP went full out Plutocracy and the Democrats went full out Welfare State, and here's where we are at.

(* of course, if you were a person of color in America, it generally still sucked overall.)

Aspiring to greatness will never work with socialism. It is a race to mediocrity and much, much worse. The poor will be poorer and the rich will be poor. There has to be control on the reins of capitalism because it leads to oligarchy. There is something to be said for a mix. Over time, as man has less and less labor because it is automated, it will be essential for the the country and world to move toward socialism. The rate at which it moves must controlled such that freedoms are not infringed upon with a totalitarian government control.

I'm not sure if this is true, either. What needs to happen is that we need to make sure that even menial service economy jobs STILL pay a living wage. They actually require more technical skill than something that can now be done by a machine, but they pay less. This is why you have Bernie. Kids go to college for 4 years, get their degree, and then find themselves working a menial job.

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