Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"


And they will answer with a resounding "Yes!"
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying heā€™s ā€œnot happy with this fieldā€ and thereā€™s no chance ā€œBernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy,ā€ said Matthews. ā€œIā€™m not happy with this field. I think theyā€™ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. Iā€™m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œWarren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess whoā€™s going to get it now? Bernieā€™s going to get it now,ā€ he added. ā€œWho is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.ā€

ā€˜VERGE OF TEARSā€™: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ā€˜Not Happyā€™ with Dem Candidates, All Have ā€˜Obvious Problemsā€™ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.

MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying heā€™s ā€œnot happy with this fieldā€ and thereā€™s no chance ā€œBernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy,ā€ said Matthews. ā€œIā€™m not happy with this field. I think theyā€™ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. Iā€™m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œWarren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess whoā€™s going to get it now? Bernieā€™s going to get it now,ā€ he added. ā€œWho is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.ā€

ā€˜VERGE OF TEARSā€™: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ā€˜Not Happyā€™ with Dem Candidates, All Have ā€˜Obvious Problemsā€™ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.
I bask in your anguish.
And yes, I love watching America haters suffer at their own hands.
I'm on steroids for one more day and I'm feeling pretty fucking grumpy. I'll bask your anguish, you pimple on a camel's ass.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying heā€™s ā€œnot happy with this fieldā€ and thereā€™s no chance ā€œBernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy,ā€ said Matthews. ā€œIā€™m not happy with this field. I think theyā€™ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. Iā€™m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œWarren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess whoā€™s going to get it now? Bernieā€™s going to get it now,ā€ he added. ā€œWho is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.ā€

ā€˜VERGE OF TEARSā€™: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ā€˜Not Happyā€™ with Dem Candidates, All Have ā€˜Obvious Problemsā€™ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.

Indeed he is, but that is not the only Bernie dilemma for the Democrats.

The other is if the establishment Democratic Party yanks the nomination out from under him as they did before, he will hack a leg off that party, take it with him, and that will be the story of 2020. It won't matter who ends up with the nomination. :auiqs.jpg:
Ahhh, thanks for the heads up. That would be horrid. Bernie MUST care more about this country than to pull that shit. I hope.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' ā€” Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism
Matthews is right. The Bernie Bros eagerly anticipate mass executions and gulags.

Second Bernie Sanders Staffer Praises Gulags
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I want to know why no one ever is. Yes, no one being held accountable is a huge problem.

Rob the 7-11 of $68 and you go to prison. Rob the taxpayers of millions and you get to retire in luxury.

Yes, it's always better to be rich than be poor. What's your point? That's why we should all aspire to be rich.

So you are going to support the status quo that you admit is backwards thinking. Does that really make sense to you?

Or just bow to the reality that as long as we are addicted to oil and the Zionists have our leader's balls in a lock box, we aren't going to change our Middle East policy no matter who is elected. You really think a Jew like Commie Bernie is going to turn his back on Israel?

Trump says we don't need the oil. Is he lying?
That's what I saw. That's what history has shown us. Your vague accusations are just that also. I stated specific policies where they were the same.

Actually that's not what history shows us.

The Economic Platform and Promises of Candidate Barack Obama in 2008

Are you going to actually make some argument of where Obama and Sanders differed?

Bernie is going to raise taxes. He has said as much. I know you Sanders lovers want to make him into Obama but he's not. And Bernie wants to dismantle Obamacare, he opposed trade deals that Obama proposed and really his opposition to wall street isn't even the same as Obamas. Obama did not propose free college education. You can say that all the democrats running proposed things Obama proposed because some things are long held democratic party beliefs, but Sanders did not propose the exact same things as Obama.

Any one is going to have to raise taxes. We are 23 Trillion in debt. Why do you support massive programs that are never paid for?

When are people going to step up and start paying the trillions the wars are costing us?
Here is where you and I part ways. I agree we are 23 trillion in debt. Taxes are not the answer. Spending reductions are.

Both are going to have to be. For a couple reasons. You can't just cut your way out of 23 Trillion in debt and unless people are actually forced to pay for things they won't insist on cuts.
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MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying heā€™s ā€œnot happy with this fieldā€ and thereā€™s no chance ā€œBernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy,ā€ said Matthews. ā€œIā€™m not happy with this field. I think theyā€™ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. Iā€™m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œWarren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess whoā€™s going to get it now? Bernieā€™s going to get it now,ā€ he added. ā€œWho is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.ā€

ā€˜VERGE OF TEARSā€™: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ā€˜Not Happyā€™ with Dem Candidates, All Have ā€˜Obvious Problemsā€™ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.

Indeed he is, but that is not the only Bernie dilemma for the Democrats.

The other is if the establishment Democratic Party yanks the nomination out from under him as they did before, he will hack a leg off that party, take it with him, and that will be the story of 2020. It won't matter who ends up with the nomination. :auiqs.jpg:
Ahhh, thanks for the heads up. That would be horrid. Bernie MUST care more about this country than to pull that shit. I hope.

Not a single Democrat is running for the benefit of the country.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying heā€™s ā€œnot happy with this fieldā€ and thereā€™s no chance ā€œBernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy,ā€ said Matthews. ā€œIā€™m not happy with this field. I think theyā€™ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. Iā€™m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œWarren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess whoā€™s going to get it now? Bernieā€™s going to get it now,ā€ he added. ā€œWho is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.ā€

ā€˜VERGE OF TEARSā€™: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ā€˜Not Happyā€™ with Dem Candidates, All Have ā€˜Obvious Problemsā€™ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.
There is zero right about Bernie. All 100% left.
We do what we do for one reason. To line the pockets of the few. Sanders has no reason to support that nor has he ever.

That is simplifying calculus into 2+2. Your argument fails in so many ways. That's a talking point by the left. It is meaningless.

I was asked a question. I answered it. You didn't actually do anything to counter my answer.

There is no counter. It's like asking me to do calculus with only having a + sign.

I'm not disagreeing that pockets are lined. Pockets of government officials have been lined by any opportunity that presents itself to an individual who has control of something. You can't get rid of that unless they are held accountable.

I want to know why no one ever is. Yes, no one being held accountable is a huge problem.

Rob the 7-11 of $68 and you go to prison. Rob the taxpayers of millions and you get to retire in luxury.

But it has little to nothing to do with why we war. We war because as a whole the people of the US want freedom for everyone in the world and sometimes we think we know what's best for the world and the people of another sovereign nation. We think we need to be the police of the world and to get the world to align with us because of fear. It's human nature. Until we evolve as a primate those fears will subside but that takes hundreds to thousands of years.

Odd how some do not support that and have seemed to have evolved.

And look where that fear has gotten us. All twisted up in the middle east, fucking things up and making new enemies. We need to control the fear, but I don't think that is likely to happen nor do I see a way of making it happen. Bernie isn't the answer. At some point, we do need to protect ourselves and I think Bernie may fuck that up. There is a balance to be sought.

So you are going to support the status quo that you admit is backwards thinking. Does that really make sense to you?

Most of our politics in the US are divided. There is little common ground. There are center based policies that can be utilized, but we seem to want winner take all. That will continue to divide us unless we begin to understand that winner take all won't ever work.

I don't disagree but things need put back on a more even keel.

It has never been on a more even keel. It gets better over time. You need to get a historical perspective. Check out the times of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Doheny and more.

1 million for me, 1 dollar for you is not evening things out.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying heā€™s ā€œnot happy with this fieldā€ and thereā€™s no chance ā€œBernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy,ā€ said Matthews. ā€œIā€™m not happy with this field. I think theyā€™ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. Iā€™m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œWarren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess whoā€™s going to get it now? Bernieā€™s going to get it now,ā€ he added. ā€œWho is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.ā€

ā€˜VERGE OF TEARSā€™: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ā€˜Not Happyā€™ with Dem Candidates, All Have ā€˜Obvious Problemsā€™ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.

Indeed he is, but that is not the only Bernie dilemma for the Democrats.

The other is if the establishment Democratic Party yanks the nomination out from under him as they did before, he will hack a leg off that party, take it with him, and that will be the story of 2020. It won't matter who ends up with the nomination. :auiqs.jpg:
Ahhh, thanks for the heads up. That would be horrid. Bernie MUST care more about this country than to pull that shit. I hope.

Not a single Democrat is running for the benefit of the country.
They are, Billy. They have different ideas of what is most important and how to go about it. But they are in it for the country, same as you.
Sen Klobuchar was very impressive and moderate enough to win the Heartland, rational gun owners, Women and the majority of Men (misogynists and abusers exempt). And, in a debate with trump, I'm sure she will be prepared to use deadly humor on the fat man-child
While she may be the only sane one running in the DFL. Outside of MN she is relatively an unknown. Placing 5th in Iowa a neighboring state doesn't bode well for her winning the heartland.

Despite her relative sanity in comparison, she is just another pandering leftist echoing whatever current narrative is popular at any given time. Usually changing on a weekly basis.

She will not be president either.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying heā€™s ā€œnot happy with this fieldā€ and thereā€™s no chance ā€œBernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy,ā€ said Matthews. ā€œIā€™m not happy with this field. I think theyā€™ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. Iā€™m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œWarren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess whoā€™s going to get it now? Bernieā€™s going to get it now,ā€ he added. ā€œWho is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.ā€

I drink his tears like a fine wine.

You shouldn't.

Here's the place where I'm sensing Deja Vu. I remember all the sensible, establishment REPUBLICANS who said the same kinds of things about Trump, how Trump could never win, etc.

Now almost all of them are drinking the Trump Koolaid. You guys are denouncing Mitt Romney,John McCain and the Bush family.

Here's why Bernie should be worrisome to you guys. Biden in many ways is like Mondale, or Bob Dole, or John Kerry or Mitt Romney... He's the nice safe establishment guy that no one is terribly enthusiastic about, but you put him up anyway because he's been vetted.

Bernie is more like Trump or Obama or Reagan... he's someone who strikes an emotional chord with the base. It really doesn't matter if his ideas are stupid or not... he's someone people can get behind.

Biden has supporters. Bernie has an Army.

And Trump is still not liked by most Americans. A correction in the stock market could blow a big hole in his "But the economy's good" narrative.
sensible, establishment REPUBLICANS
They were all beaten in the Republican primary . Egad you are such a doofus...
MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying heā€™s ā€œnot happy with this fieldā€ and thereā€™s no chance ā€œBernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy,ā€ said Matthews. ā€œIā€™m not happy with this field. I think theyā€™ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. Iā€™m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œWarren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess whoā€™s going to get it now? Bernieā€™s going to get it now,ā€ he added. ā€œWho is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.ā€

ā€˜VERGE OF TEARSā€™: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ā€˜Not Happyā€™ with Dem Candidates, All Have ā€˜Obvious Problemsā€™ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.
I drink his tears like a fine wine.
That's because you're a prick. That is all your emotional argument is ever about--making the left cry.
Hannity can spin it anyway he likes, but Matthews is right about Bernie. Someone might as well say it.
Will you vote for Bernie if he get the nomination?
"I've seen what socialism's like, and I don't like it. OK? It's not only not free, it doesn't frickin' work."

Matthews distinguished between Democrats, who he said were to the left of Republicans and preferred more social programs, to socialists that he identified with the communists and other revolutionaries.

Perhaps Mr Matthews could extent his discontent past the '20 candidates and onto QE4, where private industry helps itself to national assets, IE > a socialist handout to the tune of nearly a trillion of tax payer dollars

Seems both parties were moot on that!!!


Even Nobel Prize economists are that stupid:

Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
It has a more positive outcome for ALL people. Socialism is shared misery. Until we are fully automated (and I mean FULL automation), capitalism is the best system.

I'm not sure how that works at all. Full automation just means the guys who own the machines get rich.
Before the airplane, there were balloons. Problem with you Joe is you're and idiot who doesnt understand progress.
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"
4 more years of this, you betcha, love it when you are all butthurt....
Read this. This is a truly enlightening post. This is the state of why socialism fails. Human nature is never taken into account when one aspires to an ideology such as socialism or capitalism. I'm for capitalism because it has been proven to have a positive outcome for most people.

Uh, guy, that's not what I said at all. Capitalism does NOT have a positive outcome for most people. In the US, 60% of us are living paycheck to paycheck. Most of us would be wiped out by a major medical emergency.

Capitalism is bad because it indulges the worst of human nature.

Capitalism worked okay for most white Americans* in the middle of the last century because it was modified by a government system that looked out for workers and workers rights. There was an all too breif period when Republicans and Democrats kind of agreed on this, starting with FDR and ending with Reagan. Then the GOP went full out Plutocracy and the Democrats went full out Welfare State, and here's where we are at.

(* of course, if you were a person of color in America, it generally still sucked overall.)

Aspiring to greatness will never work with socialism. It is a race to mediocrity and much, much worse. The poor will be poorer and the rich will be poor. There has to be control on the reins of capitalism because it leads to oligarchy. There is something to be said for a mix. Over time, as man has less and less labor because it is automated, it will be essential for the the country and world to move toward socialism. The rate at which it moves must controlled such that freedoms are not infringed upon with a totalitarian government control.

I'm not sure if this is true, either. What needs to happen is that we need to make sure that even menial service economy jobs STILL pay a living wage. They actually require more technical skill than something that can now be done by a machine, but they pay less. This is why you have Bernie. Kids go to college for 4 years, get their degree, and then find themselves working a menial job.
Is Oprah white, or Shaq, or Morgan Freeman? Seems they must be pretty white in their capitalist richness....
We do what we do for one reason. To line the pockets of the few. Sanders has no reason to support that nor has he ever.

That is simplifying calculus into 2+2. Your argument fails in so many ways. That's a talking point by the left. It is meaningless.

I was asked a question. I answered it. You didn't actually do anything to counter my answer.

There is no counter. It's like asking me to do calculus with only having a + sign.

I'm not disagreeing that pockets are lined. Pockets of government officials have been lined by any opportunity that presents itself to an individual who has control of something. You can't get rid of that unless they are held accountable.

I want to know why no one ever is. Yes, no one being held accountable is a huge problem.

Rob the 7-11 of $68 and you go to prison. Rob the taxpayers of millions and you get to retire in luxury.

But it has little to nothing to do with why we war. We war because as a whole the people of the US want freedom for everyone in the world and sometimes we think we know what's best for the world and the people of another sovereign nation. We think we need to be the police of the world and to get the world to align with us because of fear. It's human nature. Until we evolve as a primate those fears will subside but that takes hundreds to thousands of years.

Odd how some do not support that and have seemed to have evolved.

And look where that fear has gotten us. All twisted up in the middle east, fucking things up and making new enemies. We need to control the fear, but I don't think that is likely to happen nor do I see a way of making it happen. Bernie isn't the answer. At some point, we do need to protect ourselves and I think Bernie may fuck that up. There is a balance to be sought.

So you are going to support the status quo that you admit is backwards thinking. Does that really make sense to you?

Most of our politics in the US are divided. There is little common ground. There are center based policies that can be utilized, but we seem to want winner take all. That will continue to divide us unless we begin to understand that winner take all won't ever work.

I don't disagree but things need put back on a more even keel.

It has never been on a more even keel. It gets better over time. You need to get a historical perspective. Check out the times of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Doheny and more.

Yeah, we do need to look back to the Gilded Age, when the spread of wealth went up and never trickled down, until the labor movement forced child labor laws, the 40 hours work week and collective bargaining.

Trumpism is reactionary, we (collectively) need to look back to when the Age of Reason began known as the Enlightenment and understand that the chaos trump has brought rejects the Rights of Man and vision left to us in the Declaration of Independence and The Preamble.
That is simplifying calculus into 2+2. Your argument fails in so many ways. That's a talking point by the left. It is meaningless.

I was asked a question. I answered it. You didn't actually do anything to counter my answer.

There is no counter. It's like asking me to do calculus with only having a + sign.

I'm not disagreeing that pockets are lined. Pockets of government officials have been lined by any opportunity that presents itself to an individual who has control of something. You can't get rid of that unless they are held accountable.

I want to know why no one ever is. Yes, no one being held accountable is a huge problem.

Rob the 7-11 of $68 and you go to prison. Rob the taxpayers of millions and you get to retire in luxury.

But it has little to nothing to do with why we war. We war because as a whole the people of the US want freedom for everyone in the world and sometimes we think we know what's best for the world and the people of another sovereign nation. We think we need to be the police of the world and to get the world to align with us because of fear. It's human nature. Until we evolve as a primate those fears will subside but that takes hundreds to thousands of years.

Odd how some do not support that and have seemed to have evolved.

And look where that fear has gotten us. All twisted up in the middle east, fucking things up and making new enemies. We need to control the fear, but I don't think that is likely to happen nor do I see a way of making it happen. Bernie isn't the answer. At some point, we do need to protect ourselves and I think Bernie may fuck that up. There is a balance to be sought.

So you are going to support the status quo that you admit is backwards thinking. Does that really make sense to you?

Most of our politics in the US are divided. There is little common ground. There are center based policies that can be utilized, but we seem to want winner take all. That will continue to divide us unless we begin to understand that winner take all won't ever work.

I don't disagree but things need put back on a more even keel.

It has never been on a more even keel. It gets better over time. You need to get a historical perspective. Check out the times of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Doheny and more.

Yeah, we do need to look back to the Gilded Age, when the spread of wealth went up and never trickled down, until the labor movement forced child labor laws, the 40 hours work week and collective bargaining.

Trumpism is reactionary, we (collectively) need to look back to when the Age of Reason began known as the Enlightenment and understand that the chaos trump has brought rejects the Rights of Man and vision left to us in the Declaration of Independence and The Preamble.

Like I've been saying a slow shift to the left based on not sinking the ship. Too fast and we're fucked. Right now there are many that believe the shift left isn't fast enough. I feel if it moved at the rate they wanted, it would sink the ship.

Trump is a result of the political base (both fucking sides) lying to the American people, their greed, lack of getting anything done and their general sleeziness. You think he's corrupt, but he's losing his ass in this role he took on. 1 Billion in loses.

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