Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

It's not going to happen. No one is even suggesting anything like that.

Why not?
Because they aren't really interested in solving the problem and they don't want to be crucified by the lying press.

It seems pretty straight forward to me. Every one of our politicians, on both sides, are cowards and care more for their bankroll and power than they do about this country.

Ok but solutions that are never going to happen really aren't solutions.
That is why we, as a nation, need to force that to happen. Otherwise, it's just more capitulation and pissing and moaning on Internet forums; getting off by calling each other names.

When someone said, "That is too hard." Americans used to hand them their beer and say, "Watch this!".

As I said, I do not believe that will happen unless people are hit in their own pockets.
They will be. The problem is, when it does happen, it will take the entire planet down in flames with it.

*shrug* Sometimes, you have to have the apocalypse to learn I guess.

I agree with the general idea. It will be forced on us.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

It's all mental masturbation.

Little Mike Bloomberg bought the democrat nomination. All the rest is Kabuki theater, Bloomberg is the nominee of the Communist party - end of story.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

It's all mental masturbation.

Little Mike Bloomberg bought the democrat nomination. All the rest is Kabuki theater, Bloomberg is the nominee of the Communist party - end of story.

I believe in Iowa he registered at 0%.
It's as I've said for a long time. The Democrats are noting that Sanders isn't actually a Democrat. What that is saying is that outside of a few social issues there is very little differences in the Democrats and Republicans.

Sanders is basically running on Obama's platform. Matthews had tingles running down his leg when Obama said the things Sanders is.

It's sad to now understand how many understood that when Obama said them, they were all a lie.
Sanders is not running on Obamas platform.
You get all funnys and no agrees
"Not Worth Answering" Gives a New Meaning to NWA, Which Preppy Progressive Whiteys Hating Whitey Finance and Promote

I'd write a rebuttal, but his arrogant bratty demand that I do so exemplifies what my rebuttal would be all about: Postmodern Leftists are pushy spoiled brats who'd be nobodies without their Daddies' Money. They want everything their way, right away, including elimination of negative response icons.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

It's all mental masturbation.

Little Mike Bloomberg bought the democrat nomination. All the rest is Kabuki theater, Bloomberg is the nominee of the Communist party - end of story.

I believe in Iowa he registered at 0%.

Doesn't matter, the democrats sold the nomination to little Mike. Doesn't matter what you peons do.
It's as I've said for a long time. The Democrats are noting that Sanders isn't actually a Democrat. What that is saying is that outside of a few social issues there is very little differences in the Democrats and Republicans.

Sanders is basically running on Obama's platform. Matthews had tingles running down his leg when Obama said the things Sanders is.

It's sad to now understand how many understood that when Obama said them, they were all a lie.
Sanders is not running on Obamas platform.
You get all funnys and no agrees
"Not Worth Answering" Gives a New Meaning to NWA, Which Preppy Progressive Whiteys Hating Whitey Finance and Promote

I'd write a rebuttal, but his arrogant bratty demand that I do so exemplifies what my rebuttal would be all about: Postmodern Leftists are pushy spoiled brats who'd be nobodies without their Daddies' Money. They want everything their way, right away, including elimination of negative response icons.

If you are not interested in a back and forth discussion why participate in a place such as this?
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

It's all mental masturbation.

Little Mike Bloomberg bought the democrat nomination. All the rest is Kabuki theater, Bloomberg is the nominee of the Communist party - end of story.

I believe in Iowa he registered at 0%.

Doesn't matter, the democrats sold the nomination to little Mike. Doesn't matter what you peons do.

This is one we will be able to refer back to in a few months.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

It's all mental masturbation.

Little Mike Bloomberg bought the democrat nomination. All the rest is Kabuki theater, Bloomberg is the nominee of the Communist party - end of story.

I believe in Iowa he registered at 0%.

Doesn't matter, the democrats sold the nomination to little Mike. Doesn't matter what you peons do.

This is one we will be able to refer back to in a few months.

Indeed we will.
It has never been on a more even keel. It gets better over time. You need to get a historical perspective. Check out the times of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Doheny and more.

Yeah, we do need to look back to the Gilded Age, when the spread of wealth went up and never trickled down, until the labor movement forced child labor laws, the 40 hours work week and collective bargaining.

Trumpism is reactionary, we (collectively) need to look back to when the Age of Reason began known as the Enlightenment and understand that the chaos trump has brought rejects the Rights of Man and vision left to us in the Declaration of Independence and The Preamble.

Like I've been saying a slow shift to the left based on not sinking the ship. Too fast and we're fucked. Right now there are many that believe the shift left isn't fast enough. I feel if it moved at the rate they wanted, it would sink the ship.

Trump is a result of the political base (both fucking sides) lying to the American people, their greed, lack of getting anything done and their general sleeziness. You think he's corrupt, but he's losing his ass in this role he took on. 1 Billion in loses.

I agree with your first parapraph, and I've warned in posts that the greed of Wall Street and the Support of Wall Street*** would bring forth a reaction as history has recorded.

***my use of Wall Street is the greed which created the Plutocracy which today makes our laws. the recent Tax Fraud signed by trump is an example.

Trump is an example of a dishonest used car salesman; the left cannot be blamed for his rise to the Presidency. Greed, Ignorance, bigotry (racism and misogyny) plus hate and fear rhetoric is the foundation of his demagoguery.

I don't think trump is corrupt, I know he is. The evidence from many sources is not only smoke, it is a conflagration. He is mentally unfit to have the power given to him, and even that is not sufficient for he abuses it to the extreme. He destroys the lives of people without any guilt or concern, a character flaw seen in the most infamous criminals.

Postscript: Those who find my post funny are telling the reader that they cannot write a rebuttal. That they are so brainwashed, and too poorly educated to respond with an expository argument finding flaws in my post.

"too poorly educated to respond"

This shows your elite better than thou attitude. You posting it is not a flaw. It's a flaw in your character.

You are mostly posting your beliefs. Doesn't necessarily make it true no matter how much you want it be. It also doesn't merit response nor would any response be productive.

Your beliefs aren't flaws - they are yours to have and hold and cherish. I have no problem with that. I have my own too. Your postscript is where you went astray.

Nice try pal, responding with an ad hominem is not close to a rebuttal nor anything approaching an expository essay.

I'll cop to the ad hominem as it is obvious. Your insulting of the general board population is arrogant.

As I said, there is nothing in your post to provide a rebuttal to.
Yeah, we do need to look back to the Gilded Age, when the spread of wealth went up and never trickled down, until the labor movement forced child labor laws, the 40 hours work week and collective bargaining.

Trumpism is reactionary, we (collectively) need to look back to when the Age of Reason began known as the Enlightenment and understand that the chaos trump has brought rejects the Rights of Man and vision left to us in the Declaration of Independence and The Preamble.

Like I've been saying a slow shift to the left based on not sinking the ship. Too fast and we're fucked. Right now there are many that believe the shift left isn't fast enough. I feel if it moved at the rate they wanted, it would sink the ship.

Trump is a result of the political base (both fucking sides) lying to the American people, their greed, lack of getting anything done and their general sleeziness. You think he's corrupt, but he's losing his ass in this role he took on. 1 Billion in loses.

I agree with your first parapraph, and I've warned in posts that the greed of Wall Street and the Support of Wall Street*** would bring forth a reaction as history has recorded.

***my use of Wall Street is the greed which created the Plutocracy which today makes our laws. the recent Tax Fraud signed by trump is an example.

Trump is an example of a dishonest used car salesman; the left cannot be blamed for his rise to the Presidency. Greed, Ignorance, bigotry (racism and misogyny) plus hate and fear rhetoric is the foundation of his demagoguery.

I don't think trump is corrupt, I know he is. The evidence from many sources is not only smoke, it is a conflagration. He is mentally unfit to have the power given to him, and even that is not sufficient for he abuses it to the extreme. He destroys the lives of people without any guilt or concern, a character flaw seen in the most infamous criminals.

Postscript: Those who find my post funny are telling the reader that they cannot write a rebuttal. That they are so brainwashed, and too poorly educated to respond with an expository argument finding flaws in my post.

"too poorly educated to respond"

This shows your elite better than thou attitude. You posting it is not a flaw. It's a flaw in your character.

You are mostly posting your beliefs. Doesn't necessarily make it true no matter how much you want it be. It also doesn't merit response nor would any response be productive.

Your beliefs aren't flaws - they are yours to have and hold and cherish. I have no problem with that. I have my own too. Your postscript is where you went astray.

Nice try pal, responding with an ad hominem is not close to a rebuttal nor anything approaching an expository essay.

I'll cop to the ad hominem as it is obvious. Your insulting of the general board population is arrogant.

As I said, there is nothing in your post to provide a rebuttal to.

S1: The one eyed man is king in the land of the blind.

S2: A Lie! You responded to my thoughts on the D Debate as funny. Mocking my opinions on something I suspect you didn't watch is at best childish.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

It's all mental masturbation.

Little Mike Bloomberg bought the democrat nomination. All the rest is Kabuki theater, Bloomberg is the nominee of the Communist party - end of story.

A very stupid comment ^^^, not unexpected. Trump supporters, aka neo fascist supporters, spent their time attacking the appearance and character of Democrats with lies and pejoratives, always without a bit of evidence.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism

It's all mental masturbation.

Little Mike Bloomberg bought the democrat nomination. All the rest is Kabuki theater, Bloomberg is the nominee of the Communist party - end of story.

A very stupid comment ^^^, not unexpected. Trump supporters, aka neo fascist supporters, spent their time attacking the appearance and character of Democrats with lies and pejoratives, always without a bit of evidence.

Stalinist democrats have no honor, ethics, integrity, or character. Which is why they sold the nomination the the highest bidder. Little Mike bought it. You can whine, cry, lie and scream. Makes not a bit of difference Bloomberg is your nominee.
Socialism this socialism that....socialism is about as real as Bigfoot is. Some think capitalism is in danger? How shallow thinking can one be?

Matthews may indeed be scaremongering.

But he knows that the United States spent fifty years nose-to-nose with the most extreme form of socialism and survived the contest.

The kind of sissy-mary socialism that deals with worker's rights and healthcare and old-age pensions is actually more blessing than curse.

The kind of vicious authoritarian socialism that forces massive social engineering and reallocates resources at gunpoint is The Enemy.

Just ask Chris' buddy Joe Biden... he'll tell you ! :cry:
And they will answer with a resounding "Yes!"

I've not talked to one person who voted for Hillary who loves Trump now. I've talked to a lot of suburban who've voted for Trump in 2016 but are embarrassed by him now.

Were you even paying attention in 2018? When Republicans got routed in the Rust Belt?
They were all beaten in the Republican primary . Egad you are such a doofus...

I knew there were too many big words for you there, Corky.

The GOP stopped becoming a political party and turned into a cult.
And they will answer with a resounding "Yes!"

I've not talked to one person who voted for Hillary who loves Trump now. I've talked to a lot of suburban who've voted for Trump in 2016 but are embarrassed by him now.

Were you even paying attention in 2018? When Republicans got routed in the Rust Belt?

2018 was when Mueller was going to out Trump as a Russian asset, remember?
The MSM was touting the Mueller Investigation 24/7
Also, 2018 was a normal mid-term as far as seats lost by the party in power, so don't overstate or over-interpret the results
2020 will tell the tale of how many of those 31 seats the dems won in Trump districts that they can keep.

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