Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

MSNBC host Chris Matthews was on the verge of tears on the day of the Iowa Caucus Monday; saying heā€™s ā€œnot happy with this fieldā€ and thereā€™s no chance ā€œBernie Sanders is going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œIā€™m not happy,ā€ said Matthews. ā€œIā€™m not happy with this field. I think theyā€™ve got to find a candidate for President who can beat Trump. Iā€™m still looking. They all have problems, obvious problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be President of the United States.ā€

ā€œWarren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep, then she got a lot of scrutiny. Does this stuff add up? Guess whoā€™s going to get it now? Bernieā€™s going to get it now,ā€ he added. ā€œWho is this guy ideologically? Why does he say the stuff he does about Maduro.ā€

ā€˜VERGE OF TEARSā€™: Chris Matthews RIPS Bernie, ā€˜Not Happyā€™ with Dem Candidates, All Have ā€˜Obvious Problemsā€™ | Sean Hannity

I drink his tears like a fine wine.

I always wanted to see Ed Shultz or Kieth Olberman have an on-air stroke.

Now my hopes are with Chris.

if donny keeps shoving that fast food crap down his gullet - he might be the first.
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
What that is saying is that outside of a few social issues there is very little differences in the Democrats and Republicans
Actually there is little difference between a Sanders socialist and the rest of the Democrats. He's just much more vocal about his agenda

The only difference in a Sanders socialist and a Trump socialist is who benefits the most from the socialism.
OMG, you still cling to the 2016 popular vote straw, that's pathetic. Trump won, period.

Except the people loudly said "no". I'm not sure why you are so proud you won on a technicality.

Trump is winning no matter where you look, and the democrats are EVEN CRAZIER as admitted by Carville and Chris Matthews

Carville and Matthews are the "Republican Lite" Democrats... not terribly interested in what they have to say at this point.

OK, which would you brag about fucking, Stormy or Pete's buttplug?

Okay, let's look at that.

Trump had to PAY Stormy Daniels to fuck her. Then he had to pay her to keep her mouth shut. And this is a guy who is married to a supposed Supermodel.

Buttigeig is in a committed relationship... Hmmm...

This wasn't my point, of course. My point to Islamophobic Twat was that Christians are now making excuses for all sorts of immoral behavior because they are so desperate to have government validate their superstitions.

1. The Electoral College isn't a technicality, its the Constitution speaking.
2. OK, you prefer "the squad" to Carville and Matthews. We'll see who the voters prefer in November.
3. Pete is in a committed relationship...ok, if that's your idea of the first family, its not mine. Trump's family is a good sign of his priorities
That's what I saw. That's what history has shown us. Your vague accusations are just that also. I stated specific policies where they were the same.

Actually that's not what history shows us.

The Economic Platform and Promises of Candidate Barack Obama in 2008

Are you going to actually make some argument of where Obama and Sanders differed?

Bernie is going to raise taxes. He has said as much. I know you Sanders lovers want to make him into Obama but he's not. And Bernie wants to dismantle Obamacare, he opposed trade deals that Obama proposed and really his opposition to wall street isn't even the same as Obamas. Obama did not propose free college education. You can say that all the democrats running proposed things Obama proposed because some things are long held democratic party beliefs, but Sanders did not propose the exact same things as Obama.

Any one is going to have to raise taxes. We are 23 Trillion in debt. Why do you support massive programs that are never paid for?

When are people going to step up and start paying the trillions the wars are costing us?
Here is where you and I part ways. I agree we are 23 trillion in debt. Taxes are not the answer. Spending reductions are.

a few less nukes might do it along with rescinding them thar tax cuts the uber rich don't really need. tell me what did the rise in the inheritance tax (b4 anything is paid on ) - from 11 million to $22,000,000.00 do for you exactly?
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
The Movement Eats Itself has never seemed more....realistic?

Again, I remember people saying the same thing with Trump in 2016, including moderate Republicans.

Now all your Christian Rightists are saying why it's perfectly okay for Trump to fuck Porn Stars, because he hate Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus does.

you forgot the part where jesus must think it's ok that he fucks porn stars without protection, thereby putting his 3rd trophy wife & their precious newborn son ( who wasn't aborted because pro lifers 'believe' all life is sacred ) at risk for any number of nasty STDs.
1. The Electoral College isn't a technicality, its the Constitution speaking.
2. OK, you prefer "the squad" to Carville and Matthews. We'll see who the voters prefer in November.
3. Pete is in a committed relationship...ok, if that's your idea of the first family, its not mine. Trump's family is a good sign of his priorities

1) The concept of elections is you listen the voice of the people, not a mechanism set up by slave rapists 200 years ago.
2) Carville and Matthews have no idea what it's like to worry about when the next paycheck comes in, unlike 62% of us who are living paycheck to paycheck.
3) Your homophobia is your own problem, not mine. If the guy has been divorced twice and has to pay porn stars for sex because he can't get it up with his supermodel wife, his family is not a "good sign".
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

ya, cause wyoming has as many people voting as NY? lol...........

i'll bet deven nunez' cow is in there somewhere!!!!
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

ya, cause wyoming has as many people voting as NY? lol...........

i'll bet deven nunez' cow is in there somewhere!!!!
Shitholes are filled with Democrats, ponder on that.
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
And whoā€™s going to beat Trump?
1. The Electoral College isn't a technicality, its the Constitution speaking.
2. OK, you prefer "the squad" to Carville and Matthews. We'll see who the voters prefer in November.
3. Pete is in a committed relationship...ok, if that's your idea of the first family, its not mine. Trump's family is a good sign of his priorities

1) The concept of elections is you listen the voice of the people, not a mechanism set up by slave rapists 200 years ago.
2) Carville and Matthews have no idea what it's like to worry about when the next paycheck comes in, unlike 62% of us who are living paycheck to paycheck.
3) Your homophobia is your own problem, not mine. If the guy has been divorced twice and has to pay porn stars for sex because he can't get it up with his supermodel wife, his family is not a "good sign".

I don't like Trump and I didn't nor will I ever support him but saying that Hillary won the popular vote is not impressive.

She lost states (even if it was close) she never should have lost and the only reason she won the popular vote is California. Take their votes out and she lost the popular vote with the rest of the country.

The Democrats are clamoring for another Hillary. I have no idea why. There are too many of us now that won't vote for a particular parties candidate no matter what.

If for some reasons the Democrats got Bloomberg in there the only choice for those like me is third party.

The lesser evil is still evil. There is no way blacks will vote for "Stop and Frisk" Bloomberg either.

Hillary ignored and took a large portion of the country for granted to hob nob with the rich and famous in California. That's why the electoral college was created.
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

All states that the election shouldn't have been even close in. (OK, Pennsylvania being close would be understandable)

She lost Michigan for crying out loud.
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

ya, cause wyoming has as many people voting as NY? lol...........

i'll bet deven nunez' cow is in there somewhere!!!!
Shitholes are filled with Democrats, ponder on that.

the appalachians are filled with poorly educated opiate addicts - who despite living on medicaid & disability - will vote (R) against their best interests because they wanna be like donny someday & believe they will.

ā€œThe final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves. but they can get very excited by those who do. That is why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest, the greatest and the most spectacular.ā€
Last edited:
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
And whoā€™s going to beat Trump?

the nominee hasn't been decided yet. & all the leaked info nor bolton's book is out yet either. parnas' lawyer will be helping out as time goes on... how did that WH manuscript get leaked? hmmmm - me thinx it's the dude or dudette that wrote the 'anonymous' op/eds who said they will be coming fwd in due time.
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

I don't care if it came down to one vote. Trump won a decisive EC upset victory when the MSM gave Hillary a 95% probability of Winning.
Trump had absolutely no way to 270 EC votes, according to the MSM. In case you forgot what happened, please see this video

Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

All states that the election shouldn't have been even close in. (OK, Pennsylvania being close would be understandable)

She lost Michigan for crying out loud.

she lost those swing states cause she took them for granted. BIG mistake on her part. hillary ran her 2016 campaign as if it were still the 90s. the technology she had at her disposal went ignored as well. oooOOoo she had a youtube & facebook page - but she didn't get into the propaganda blitzing that trump did (with roooskie help ) donny's bots & trolls got into gaming sites &just hit all the demographics that are his base now.
Trump only won and will win again because Democrats work full time to get voters to turn to him.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

I don't care if it came down to one vote. Trump won a decisive EC upset victory when the MSM gave Hillary a 95% probability of Winning.
Trump had absolutely no way to 270 EC votes, according to the MSM. In case you forgot what happened, please see this video

i know what happened & how it happened.
1. The Electoral College isn't a technicality, its the Constitution speaking.
2. OK, you prefer "the squad" to Carville and Matthews. We'll see who the voters prefer in November.
3. Pete is in a committed relationship...ok, if that's your idea of the first family, its not mine. Trump's family is a good sign of his priorities

1) The concept of elections is you listen the voice of the people, not a mechanism set up by slave rapists 200 years ago.
2) Carville and Matthews have no idea what it's like to worry about when the next paycheck comes in, unlike 62% of us who are living paycheck to paycheck.
3) Your homophobia is your own problem, not mine. If the guy has been divorced twice and has to pay porn stars for sex because he can't get it up with his supermodel wife, his family is not a "good sign".

1. Slave rapists? Got any proof of that? I have the Constitution. You have fairy tales.
2. Wages are going up under Trump, you're welcome. See graph below.
3. We disagree on values. NP.


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