Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

And who’s going to beat Trump?

According to the polls, almost anyone.

RealClearPolitics - National General Election Polls

Biden leads him by 5.4% in the RCP Average. Bernie leads him by 3.7, Bloomberg by 5.2%.

Even Buttigeig leads him by a fraction.

No one seriously thinks Trump can win the popular vote this time, either. They are hoping he can pull off another EC win, but this time, people will be paying attention.
1. The Electoral College isn't a technicality, its the Constitution speaking.
2. OK, you prefer "the squad" to Carville and Matthews. We'll see who the voters prefer in November.
3. Pete is in a committed relationship...ok, if that's your idea of the first family, its not mine. Trump's family is a good sign of his priorities

1) The concept of elections is you listen the voice of the people, not a mechanism set up by slave rapists 200 years ago.
2) Carville and Matthews have no idea what it's like to worry about when the next paycheck comes in, unlike 62% of us who are living paycheck to paycheck.
3) Your homophobia is your own problem, not mine. If the guy has been divorced twice and has to pay porn stars for sex because he can't get it up with his supermodel wife, his family is not a "good sign".

1. Slave rapists? Got any proof of that? I have the Constitution. You have fairy tales.
2. Wages are going up under Trump, you're welcome. See graph below.
3. We disagree on values. NP.


Your graph shows wages on the same path they have been on since 1996.

Can I assume this was a reason to vote for Obama?
1. Slave rapists? Got any proof of that? I have the Constitution. You have fairy tales.

Uh, sorry, the Founding Fathers were slave rapists. Thomas Jefferson fathered 6 children on Sally Hemmings. Since she was property, she couldn't "consent'> Therefore, rape.

Wages are going up under Trump, you're welcome. See graph below.

They are still below where they were in 1973

3. We disagree on values. NP.

You don't have any values. It could be revealed tomorrow that Trump paid for an abortion, you'd still support him.
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism
Col dinosaur still believes socialism is communism. Absolute idiocy
Big secret! He wrote a bestseller end of story. Just like Obama and Hillary and Bill. We know because we have their tax returns. Now what about your lying hypocrite heroes? If you are a republican of course
There has not been an administration that has lied like this one.
True. The others lied differently.

One's administratio's lies led to millions and millions of Americans losing their healthcare plans and / or choice of doctors.

One led to a terrorists Caliphate being created, and terrorists being funded with 100s of $Billions.

One led to the illegal spying of the opposition campaign.

One led to the IRS being used to silence political opponents.
None of these things happened.

It's a little vague but basically yes it did under Obama. The "you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor" was a lie. No, millions and millions did not lose their plans but they saw changes to them that they were told would not happen.

100's of Billions? I don't know how you measure that but the Obama administration did arm Isis out of Libya to fight in Syria. Something he promised not to do.

Spying? The courts snacked the Obama administration down more than once over it's spying. You can argue all day about who they targeted but it was wrong, period. You would think a "Constitutional Scholar" would know better wouldn't you?

It was proven the IRS went after politics on the right. This did a lot of damage to the country.
You believe a mountain of crap. Your phony scandals have all been investigated and there is nothing there but garbage propaganda and ignoramuses like you. Law enforcement and journalists around the world all believe you are totally misinformed. the only people that agree with you or basically Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh. Real swine liars Non-Stop....

Obama's lie on doctors was the campaign promise that Congress changed 2 years later. That is not a lie. That was a prediction or a hope or what he would have done. He did not want a mandate either
Twitter is on fire after Chris Matthews went after Bernie Sanders last night, conjecturing on an MSNBC panel that he would be shot down in Central Park should the Revolution happen--ie, should Bernie's brand of "socialism" be instilled.

This is a full-on Democrat panic. I could go into details but I suspect I don't need to. Bernie can't win a general election and will not, and yet, it looks unlikely that the Dems will be able to win without the Bernie Bros, since many of them will not vote for a "centrist".

How much metaphorical popcorn can a human ingest in about nine months, anyway?

'Socialism doesn't frickin' work!' — Chris Matthews stuns MSNBC panel with rant against socialism
Matthews was going on about the USSR China and Cuba. That is communism everywhere in the world but brainwashed Cold war dinosaur American idiots oops brainwash functional idiots.... It's a UK American English speaking Savage capitalist strategy-the two worst parties in the modern world the GOP and tories. socialism now is simply fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net maybe a nationalization of healthcare and energy and that's about it. Wake up and smell the coffee. "We are all socialists now!"Finland prime minister when Obama Care passed. Of course he didn't realize what scum obstructionists the GOP and its silly dupes are.
1. The Electoral College isn't a technicality, its the Constitution speaking.
2. OK, you prefer "the squad" to Carville and Matthews. We'll see who the voters prefer in November.
3. Pete is in a committed relationship...ok, if that's your idea of the first family, its not mine. Trump's family is a good sign of his priorities

1) The concept of elections is you listen the voice of the people, not a mechanism set up by slave rapists 200 years ago.
2) Carville and Matthews have no idea what it's like to worry about when the next paycheck comes in, unlike 62% of us who are living paycheck to paycheck.
3) Your homophobia is your own problem, not mine. If the guy has been divorced twice and has to pay porn stars for sex because he can't get it up with his supermodel wife, his family is not a "good sign".

1. Slave rapists? Got any proof of that? I have the Constitution. You have fairy tales.
2. Wages are going up under Trump, you're welcome. See graph below.
3. We disagree on values. NP.

Your graph shows wages on the same path they have been on since 1996.

Can I assume this was a reason to vote for Obama?

The graph was in response to a comment that wages have stagnated under Trump. If Obama gets some credit for rising wages too, fine.
There has not been an administration that has lied like this one.
True. The others lied differently.

One's administratio's lies led to millions and millions of Americans losing their healthcare plans and / or choice of doctors.

One led to a terrorists Caliphate being created, and terrorists being funded with 100s of $Billions.

One led to the illegal spying of the opposition campaign.

One led to the IRS being used to silence political opponents.
None of these things happened.

It's a little vague but basically yes it did under Obama. The "you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor" was a lie. No, millions and millions did not lose their plans but they saw changes to them that they were told would not happen.

100's of Billions? I don't know how you measure that but the Obama administration did arm Isis out of Libya to fight in Syria. Something he promised not to do.

Spying? The courts snacked the Obama administration down more than once over it's spying. You can argue all day about who they targeted but it was wrong, period. You would think a "Constitutional Scholar" would know better wouldn't you?

It was proven the IRS went after politics on the right. This did a lot of damage to the country.
You believe a mountain of crap. Your phony scandals have all been investigated and there is nothing there but garbage propaganda and ignoramuses like you. Law enforcement and journalists around the world all believe you are totally misinformed. the only people that agree with you or basically Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh. Real swine liars Non-Stop....

Rush agrees with very little of what I believe. When did Rush become a big supporter of Sanders?

Obama's lie on doctors was the campaign promise that Congress changed 2 years later. That is not a lie. That was a prediction or a hope or what he would have done. He did not want a mandate either

No, that is not what happened. He won "Lie of the Year" for that one.

PolitiFact - Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
And who’s going to beat Trump?

According to the polls, almost anyone.

RealClearPolitics - National General Election Polls

Biden leads him by 5.4% in the RCP Average. Bernie leads him by 3.7, Bloomberg by 5.2%.

Even Buttigeig leads him by a fraction.

No one seriously thinks Trump can win the popular vote this time, either. They are hoping he can pull off another EC win, but this time, people will be paying attention.
That and $6 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Trump won on a fluke, guy. He lost the popular vote and only won the electoral college because too many people pissed away their votes on third parties thinking he couldn't possibly win.

Please don't mistake a fluke in a flawed system as an endorsement.

Now, Trump PROBABLY would have been in better shape if he actually ROSE to the occassion. You know, instead of acting like a Reality TV Rodeo Clown, act like a president with dignity and decorum.

But there's going to be a point in November where sensible people are going to ask themselves, "Do we really want four more years of this insanity?"

donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

All states that the election shouldn't have been even close in. (OK, Pennsylvania being close would be understandable)

She lost Michigan for crying out loud.

she lost those swing states cause she took them for granted. BIG mistake on her part. hillary ran her 2016 campaign as if it were still the 90s. the technology she had at her disposal went ignored as well. oooOOoo she had a youtube & facebook page - but she didn't get into the propaganda blitzing that trump did (with roooskie help ) donny's bots & trolls got into gaming sites &just hit all the demographics that are his base now.
Pfffft. Hillary lost because of Russia. And racism, sexism, homophobia, RW conspiracies, the cost of bricks, and the RW media.
1. Slave rapists? Got any proof of that? I have the Constitution. You have fairy tales.

Uh, sorry, the Founding Fathers were slave rapists. Thomas Jefferson fathered 6 children on Sally Hemmings. Since she was property, she couldn't "consent'> Therefore, rape.

Wages are going up under Trump, you're welcome. See graph below.

They are still below where they were in 1973

3. We disagree on values. NP.

You don't have any values. It could be revealed tomorrow that Trump paid for an abortion, you'd still support him.

Your claim of "slave rapists" is proven bullshit in this link. Sally agreed to the liaison, i.e. gave her consent.
Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account

Wages being well below where they were in 1973 is because the establishment of both parties wanted to keep wages low, even if it meant giving tax breaks to move jobs and factories overseas. Trump is working his ass off to move good jobs back to the US.

You just don't get that its how the bus is being driven more so than the personality of the bus driver.
I could list Trump's "promises kept" but here is the link: Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Here are the policies that the democrats are running on, all of which I oppose, many on "values":

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerner" in charge of your access to healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Decriminalize all drug use and possession, Opioid deaths increase across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines and no offshore drilling
16. Medicare for all means rural hospitals will close
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Increase domestic surveillance, especially on "white supremacist" organizations
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants
37. Eliminate Hallmark channel for being racist, sexist and anti-LGBTQ
38. Eliminate the "cash bail system" whereby all criminals walk out after committing a crime.
39. Nationalize all of the electric utilities making them green by 2030
40. Pass "The New Way Forward Act", bringing back 480,000 deported illegals, givinng them free everything
donny only won by about 75K votes in the swing states.
View attachment 305663

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

All states that the election shouldn't have been even close in. (OK, Pennsylvania being close would be understandable)

She lost Michigan for crying out loud.

she lost those swing states cause she took them for granted. BIG mistake on her part. hillary ran her 2016 campaign as if it were still the 90s. the technology she had at her disposal went ignored as well. oooOOoo she had a youtube & facebook page - but she didn't get into the propaganda blitzing that trump did (with roooskie help ) donny's bots & trolls got into gaming sites &just hit all the demographics that are his base now.
Pfffft. Hillary lost because of Russia. And racism, sexism, homophobia, RW conspiracies, the cost of bricks, and the RW media.

hillary lost because of propaganda & a lousy campaign. i never said the rest but making shit up is what you do best.
Your claim of "slave rapists" is proven bullshit in this link. Sally agreed to the liaison, i.e. gave her consent.


You stupid fuck, how can you even intake oxygen without assistance.

Sally Hemmings was PROPERTY. She could be beaten, sold or raped without any recourse to law. The fact that Jefferson started fucking her when she was 15 and he was 43 makes it even MORE creepy.

We needed Doctor Who to drop off Chris Hansen in 1776!

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

All states that the election shouldn't have been even close in. (OK, Pennsylvania being close would be understandable)

She lost Michigan for crying out loud.

she lost those swing states cause she took them for granted. BIG mistake on her part. hillary ran her 2016 campaign as if it were still the 90s. the technology she had at her disposal went ignored as well. oooOOoo she had a youtube & facebook page - but she didn't get into the propaganda blitzing that trump did (with roooskie help ) donny's bots & trolls got into gaming sites &just hit all the demographics that are his base now.
Pfffft. Hillary lost because of Russia. And racism, sexism, homophobia, RW conspiracies, the cost of bricks, and the RW media.

hillary lost because of propaganda & a lousy campaign. i never said the rest but making shit up is what you do best.

Hillary lost because she is a lying war monger that sold out to Wall Street.
Your claim of "slave rapists" is proven bullshit in this link. Sally agreed to the liaison, i.e. gave her consent.


You stupid fuck, how can you even intake oxygen without assistance.

Sally Hemmings was PROPERTY. She could be beaten, sold or raped without any recourse to law. The fact that Jefferson started fucking her when she was 15 and he was 43 makes it even MORE creepy.

We needed Doctor Who to drop off Chris Hansen in 1776!
Except she enjoyed her relationship with TJ.
While in France she was a free woman.
Yet she returned with TJ.
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)
by John McCormack
| November 10, 2016 03:13 PM
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

All states that the election shouldn't have been even close in. (OK, Pennsylvania being close would be understandable)

She lost Michigan for crying out loud.

she lost those swing states cause she took them for granted. BIG mistake on her part. hillary ran her 2016 campaign as if it were still the 90s. the technology she had at her disposal went ignored as well. oooOOoo she had a youtube & facebook page - but she didn't get into the propaganda blitzing that trump did (with roooskie help ) donny's bots & trolls got into gaming sites &just hit all the demographics that are his base now.
Pfffft. Hillary lost because of Russia. And racism, sexism, homophobia, RW conspiracies, the cost of bricks, and the RW media.

hillary lost because of propaganda & a lousy campaign. i never said the rest but making shit up is what you do best.

Hillary lost because she is a lying war monger that sold out to Wall Street.

ya, that was it.


don't ferget the purists that sat it out cause bernie didn't get the nomination even though he told y'all what the stakes were & you had & still have him on a pedestal that he can't even live up to.
All states that the election shouldn't have been even close in. (OK, Pennsylvania being close would be understandable)

She lost Michigan for crying out loud.

she lost those swing states cause she took them for granted. BIG mistake on her part. hillary ran her 2016 campaign as if it were still the 90s. the technology she had at her disposal went ignored as well. oooOOoo she had a youtube & facebook page - but she didn't get into the propaganda blitzing that trump did (with roooskie help ) donny's bots & trolls got into gaming sites &just hit all the demographics that are his base now.
Pfffft. Hillary lost because of Russia. And racism, sexism, homophobia, RW conspiracies, the cost of bricks, and the RW media.

hillary lost because of propaganda & a lousy campaign. i never said the rest but making shit up is what you do best.

Hillary lost because she is a lying war monger that sold out to Wall Street.

ya, that was it.


don't ferget the purists that sat it out cause bernie didn't get the nomination even though he told y'all what the stakes were & you had & still have him on a pedestal that he can't even live up to.

I didn't sit out. I voted for Jill Stein. Go ahead, nominate Bloomberg. You will see history repeat itself.
she lost those swing states cause she took them for granted. BIG mistake on her part. hillary ran her 2016 campaign as if it were still the 90s. the technology she had at her disposal went ignored as well. oooOOoo she had a youtube & facebook page - but she didn't get into the propaganda blitzing that trump did (with roooskie help ) donny's bots & trolls got into gaming sites &just hit all the demographics that are his base now.
Pfffft. Hillary lost because of Russia. And racism, sexism, homophobia, RW conspiracies, the cost of bricks, and the RW media.

hillary lost because of propaganda & a lousy campaign. i never said the rest but making shit up is what you do best.

Hillary lost because she is a lying war monger that sold out to Wall Street.

ya, that was it.


don't ferget the purists that sat it out cause bernie didn't get the nomination even though he told y'all what the stakes were & you had & still have him on a pedestal that he can't even live up to.

I didn't sit out. I voted for Jill Stein. Go ahead, nominate Bloomberg. You will see history repeat itself.

m'k.... a protest vote by going third party. look what that got america.

lol.... i voted for nader in 2000. i learned my lesson.

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