Democrats in Meltdown: Chris Matthews Goes After Sanders

I was asked a question. I answered it. You didn't actually do anything to counter my answer.

There is no counter. It's like asking me to do calculus with only having a + sign.

I'm not disagreeing that pockets are lined. Pockets of government officials have been lined by any opportunity that presents itself to an individual who has control of something. You can't get rid of that unless they are held accountable.

I want to know why no one ever is. Yes, no one being held accountable is a huge problem.

Rob the 7-11 of $68 and you go to prison. Rob the taxpayers of millions and you get to retire in luxury.

But it has little to nothing to do with why we war. We war because as a whole the people of the US want freedom for everyone in the world and sometimes we think we know what's best for the world and the people of another sovereign nation. We think we need to be the police of the world and to get the world to align with us because of fear. It's human nature. Until we evolve as a primate those fears will subside but that takes hundreds to thousands of years.

Odd how some do not support that and have seemed to have evolved.

And look where that fear has gotten us. All twisted up in the middle east, fucking things up and making new enemies. We need to control the fear, but I don't think that is likely to happen nor do I see a way of making it happen. Bernie isn't the answer. At some point, we do need to protect ourselves and I think Bernie may fuck that up. There is a balance to be sought.

So you are going to support the status quo that you admit is backwards thinking. Does that really make sense to you?

Most of our politics in the US are divided. There is little common ground. There are center based policies that can be utilized, but we seem to want winner take all. That will continue to divide us unless we begin to understand that winner take all won't ever work.

I don't disagree but things need put back on a more even keel.

It has never been on a more even keel. It gets better over time. You need to get a historical perspective. Check out the times of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Doheny and more.

Yeah, we do need to look back to the Gilded Age, when the spread of wealth went up and never trickled down, until the labor movement forced child labor laws, the 40 hours work week and collective bargaining.

Trumpism is reactionary, we (collectively) need to look back to when the Age of Reason began known as the Enlightenment and understand that the chaos trump has brought rejects the Rights of Man and vision left to us in the Declaration of Independence and The Preamble.

Like I've been saying a slow shift to the left based on not sinking the ship. Too fast and we're fucked. Right now there are many that believe the shift left isn't fast enough. I feel if it moved at the rate they wanted, it would sink the ship.

Trump is a result of the political base (both fucking sides) lying to the American people, their greed, lack of getting anything done and their general sleeziness. You think he's corrupt, but he's losing his ass in this role he took on. 1 Billion in loses.

I agree with your first parapraph, and I've warned in posts that the greed of Wall Street and the Support of Wall Street*** would bring forth a reaction as history has recorded.

***my use of Wall Street is the greed which created the Plutocracy which today makes our laws. the recent Tax Fraud signed by trump is an example.

Trump is an example of a dishonest used car salesman; the left cannot be blamed for his rise to the Presidency. Greed, Ignorance, bigotry (racism and misogyny) plus hate and fear rhetoric is the foundation of his demagoguery.

I don't think trump is corrupt, I know he is. The evidence from many sources is not only smoke, it is a conflagration. He is mentally unfit to have the power given to him, and even that is not sufficient for he abuses it to the extreme. He destroys the lives of people without any guilt or concern, a character flaw seen in the most infamous criminals.

Postscript: Those who find my post funny are telling the reader that they cannot write a rebuttal. That they are so brainwashed, and too poorly educated to respond with an expository argument finding flaws in my post.
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Better dead than red … said Chris Matthews.

The MSNBC host went into a protracted monologue after the Democratic debate in New Hampshire Friday night in which he condemned the evils of socialism and warned of public executions in Central Park if it ever came to the United States.

“I have my own views of the word socialist and I’ll be glad to share them with you in private and they go back to the early 1950s,” he told a post-debate analysis panel.

“I have an attitude about them. I remember the Cold War. I have an attitude toward [Fidel] Castro,” he added. “I believe if Castro and the reds had won the Cold War there would have been executions in Central Park and I might have been one of the ones getting executed. And certain other people would be there cheering.”

So is Matthews voicing the concerns of the DNC?
It's as I've said for a long time. The Democrats are noting that Sanders isn't actually a Democrat. What that is saying is that outside of a few social issues there is very little differences in the Democrats and Republicans.

Sanders is basically running on Obama's platform. Matthews had tingles running down his leg when Obama said the things Sanders is.

It's sad to now understand how many understood that when Obama said them, they were all a lie.
Sanders is not running on Obamas platform.
You get all funnys and no agrees
There is no counter. It's like asking me to do calculus with only having a + sign.

I'm not disagreeing that pockets are lined. Pockets of government officials have been lined by any opportunity that presents itself to an individual who has control of something. You can't get rid of that unless they are held accountable.

I want to know why no one ever is. Yes, no one being held accountable is a huge problem.

Rob the 7-11 of $68 and you go to prison. Rob the taxpayers of millions and you get to retire in luxury.

But it has little to nothing to do with why we war. We war because as a whole the people of the US want freedom for everyone in the world and sometimes we think we know what's best for the world and the people of another sovereign nation. We think we need to be the police of the world and to get the world to align with us because of fear. It's human nature. Until we evolve as a primate those fears will subside but that takes hundreds to thousands of years.

Odd how some do not support that and have seemed to have evolved.

And look where that fear has gotten us. All twisted up in the middle east, fucking things up and making new enemies. We need to control the fear, but I don't think that is likely to happen nor do I see a way of making it happen. Bernie isn't the answer. At some point, we do need to protect ourselves and I think Bernie may fuck that up. There is a balance to be sought.

So you are going to support the status quo that you admit is backwards thinking. Does that really make sense to you?

Most of our politics in the US are divided. There is little common ground. There are center based policies that can be utilized, but we seem to want winner take all. That will continue to divide us unless we begin to understand that winner take all won't ever work.

I don't disagree but things need put back on a more even keel.

It has never been on a more even keel. It gets better over time. You need to get a historical perspective. Check out the times of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Doheny and more.

Yeah, we do need to look back to the Gilded Age, when the spread of wealth went up and never trickled down, until the labor movement forced child labor laws, the 40 hours work week and collective bargaining.

Trumpism is reactionary, we (collectively) need to look back to when the Age of Reason began known as the Enlightenment and understand that the chaos trump has brought rejects the Rights of Man and vision left to us in the Declaration of Independence and The Preamble.

Like I've been saying a slow shift to the left based on not sinking the ship. Too fast and we're fucked. Right now there are many that believe the shift left isn't fast enough. I feel if it moved at the rate they wanted, it would sink the ship.

Trump is a result of the political base (both fucking sides) lying to the American people, their greed, lack of getting anything done and their general sleeziness. You think he's corrupt, but he's losing his ass in this role he took on. 1 Billion in loses.

I agree with your first parapraph, and I've warned in posts that the greed of Wall Street and the Support of Wall Street*** would bring forth a reaction as history has recorded.

***my use of Wall Street is the greed which created the Plutocracy which today makes our laws. the recent Tax Fraud signed by trump is an example.

Trump is an example of a dishonest used car salesman; the left cannot be blamed for his rise to the Presidency. Greed, Ignorance, bigotry (racism and misogyny) plus hate and fear rhetoric is the foundation of his demagoguery.

I don't think trump is corrupt, I know he is. The evidence from many sources is not only smoke, it is a conflagration. He is mentally unfit to have the power given to him, and even that is not sufficient for he abuses it to the extreme. He destroys the lives of people without any guilt or concern, a character flaw seen in the most infamous criminals.

Postscript: Those who find my post funny are telling the reader that they cannot write a rebuttal. That they are so brainwashed, and too poorly educated to respond with an expository argument finding flaws in my post.
Broke non self sustainers always chirping about those who made their life good
Bitter and jealous like Pelosi, go rip up some fake money and feel better.
Socialism this socialism that....socialism is about as real as Bigfoot is. Some think capitalism is in danger? How shallow thinking can one be?
There is no counter. It's like asking me to do calculus with only having a + sign.

I'm not disagreeing that pockets are lined. Pockets of government officials have been lined by any opportunity that presents itself to an individual who has control of something. You can't get rid of that unless they are held accountable.

I want to know why no one ever is. Yes, no one being held accountable is a huge problem.

Rob the 7-11 of $68 and you go to prison. Rob the taxpayers of millions and you get to retire in luxury.

But it has little to nothing to do with why we war. We war because as a whole the people of the US want freedom for everyone in the world and sometimes we think we know what's best for the world and the people of another sovereign nation. We think we need to be the police of the world and to get the world to align with us because of fear. It's human nature. Until we evolve as a primate those fears will subside but that takes hundreds to thousands of years.

Odd how some do not support that and have seemed to have evolved.

And look where that fear has gotten us. All twisted up in the middle east, fucking things up and making new enemies. We need to control the fear, but I don't think that is likely to happen nor do I see a way of making it happen. Bernie isn't the answer. At some point, we do need to protect ourselves and I think Bernie may fuck that up. There is a balance to be sought.

So you are going to support the status quo that you admit is backwards thinking. Does that really make sense to you?

Most of our politics in the US are divided. There is little common ground. There are center based policies that can be utilized, but we seem to want winner take all. That will continue to divide us unless we begin to understand that winner take all won't ever work.

I don't disagree but things need put back on a more even keel.

It has never been on a more even keel. It gets better over time. You need to get a historical perspective. Check out the times of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Doheny and more.

Yeah, we do need to look back to the Gilded Age, when the spread of wealth went up and never trickled down, until the labor movement forced child labor laws, the 40 hours work week and collective bargaining.

Trumpism is reactionary, we (collectively) need to look back to when the Age of Reason began known as the Enlightenment and understand that the chaos trump has brought rejects the Rights of Man and vision left to us in the Declaration of Independence and The Preamble.

Like I've been saying a slow shift to the left based on not sinking the ship. Too fast and we're fucked. Right now there are many that believe the shift left isn't fast enough. I feel if it moved at the rate they wanted, it would sink the ship.

Trump is a result of the political base (both fucking sides) lying to the American people, their greed, lack of getting anything done and their general sleeziness. You think he's corrupt, but he's losing his ass in this role he took on. 1 Billion in loses.

I agree with your first parapraph, and I've warned in posts that the greed of Wall Street and the Support of Wall Street*** would bring forth a reaction as history has recorded.

***my use of Wall Street is the greed which created the Plutocracy which today makes our laws. the recent Tax Fraud signed by trump is an example.

Trump is an example of a dishonest used car salesman; the left cannot be blamed for his rise to the Presidency. Greed, Ignorance, bigotry (racism and misogyny) plus hate and fear rhetoric is the foundation of his demagoguery.

I don't think trump is corrupt, I know he is. The evidence from many sources is not only smoke, it is a conflagration. He is mentally unfit to have the power given to him, and even that is not sufficient for he abuses it to the extreme. He destroys the lives of people without any guilt or concern, a character flaw seen in the most infamous criminals.

Postscript: Those who find my post funny are telling the reader that they cannot write a rebuttal. That they are so brainwashed, and too poorly educated to respond with an expository argument finding flaws in my post.

"too poorly educated to respond"

This shows your elite better than thou attitude. You posting it is not a flaw. It's a flaw in your character.

You are mostly posting your beliefs. Doesn't necessarily make it true no matter how much you want it be. It also doesn't merit response nor would any response be productive.

Your beliefs aren't flaws - they are yours to have and hold and cherish. I have no problem with that. I have my own too. Your postscript is where you went astray.
Socialism this socialism that....socialism is about as real as Bigfoot is. Some think capitalism is in danger? How shallow thinking can one be?

Ignorance is not necessarily bliss.

Political positions of Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia
Socialist organizations
American socialists and representatives belonging to the Democratic Socialists of America, Socialist Workers Party and Socialist Party USA have criticized Sanders, arguing that he is not a socialist because he aims to reform capitalism rather than to replace it with an entirely different socialist system.[13] Despite these criticisms, the Democratic Socialists of America "strongly support(ed)" his campaign for President.[14] Former Sanders colleague, Peter Diamondstone, claimed that Sanders was a socialist during his time in the Liberty Union Party but is no longer a true socialist.[15]
Bhaskar Sunkara, the founder, editor, and publisher of the socialist journal Jacobin, considered Sanders to be a social democrat and not a socialist.[6]

You can google the socialist organizations to see their policies.
Socialism this socialism that....socialism is about as real as Bigfoot is. Some think capitalism is in danger? How shallow thinking can one be?

Socialism is very real and has been tried many times.

As many times as it has failed.
Socialism this socialism that....socialism is about as real as Bigfoot is. Some think capitalism is in danger? How shallow thinking can one be?

Tell that to the Venezuelans, mr. shallow thinker.
Every one of the libtard pundits comes from a dysfunctional family background and hates the world because of it.

Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Countess

From the beginning, the Socialist leaders have been spoiled sheltered snobs born in the upper class. They hated their Daddies either for being selfish greedy tyrants or workoholic zombies who neglected them.

The Left branch of the guillotine-fodder heiristocracy has always been a cover for an attempt by the born-rich to take over democratic movements and become dictators over those who weren't born rich. We won't live free until richkids live in fear. Wherever they pretend to be on the spectrum, Left or Right, that class has no right to exist.

Are you going to actually make some argument of where Obama and Sanders differed?

Bernie is going to raise taxes. He has said as much. I know you Sanders lovers want to make him into Obama but he's not. And Bernie wants to dismantle Obamacare, he opposed trade deals that Obama proposed and really his opposition to wall street isn't even the same as Obamas. Obama did not propose free college education. You can say that all the democrats running proposed things Obama proposed because some things are long held democratic party beliefs, but Sanders did not propose the exact same things as Obama.

Any one is going to have to raise taxes. We are 23 Trillion in debt. Why do you support massive programs that are never paid for?

When are people going to step up and start paying the trillions the wars are costing us?
Here is where you and I part ways. I agree we are 23 trillion in debt. Taxes are not the answer. Spending reductions are.

Both are going to have to be. For a couple reasons. You can't just cut your way out of 23 Trillion in debt and unless people are actually forced to pay for things they won't insist on cuts.
I disagree. We have a three trillion dollar budget. Cut a trillion per year and pay that directly to the debt as a principal payment. Like a home mortgage, if you pay an additional payment directly to principle, you half the time needed to pay off the balance and you do it cheaper because you don't have to pay that additional time in interest.

So, 23 trillion becomes less than 12 years.
Are you going to actually make some argument of where Obama and Sanders differed?

Bernie is going to raise taxes. He has said as much. I know you Sanders lovers want to make him into Obama but he's not. And Bernie wants to dismantle Obamacare, he opposed trade deals that Obama proposed and really his opposition to wall street isn't even the same as Obamas. Obama did not propose free college education. You can say that all the democrats running proposed things Obama proposed because some things are long held democratic party beliefs, but Sanders did not propose the exact same things as Obama.

Any one is going to have to raise taxes. We are 23 Trillion in debt. Why do you support massive programs that are never paid for?

When are people going to step up and start paying the trillions the wars are costing us?
Here is where you and I part ways. I agree we are 23 trillion in debt. Taxes are not the answer. Spending reductions are.

Both are going to have to be. For a couple reasons. You can't just cut your way out of 23 Trillion in debt and unless people are actually forced to pay for things they won't insist on cuts.
I disagree. We have a three trillion dollar budget. Cut a trillion per year and pay that directly to the debt as a principal payment. Like a home mortgage, if you pay an additional payment directly to principle, you half the time needed to pay off the balance and you do it cheaper because you don't have to pay that additional time in interest.

So, 23 trillion becomes less than 12 years.

It's not going to happen. No one is even suggesting anything like that.

Why not?
Bernie is going to raise taxes. He has said as much. I know you Sanders lovers want to make him into Obama but he's not. And Bernie wants to dismantle Obamacare, he opposed trade deals that Obama proposed and really his opposition to wall street isn't even the same as Obamas. Obama did not propose free college education. You can say that all the democrats running proposed things Obama proposed because some things are long held democratic party beliefs, but Sanders did not propose the exact same things as Obama.

Any one is going to have to raise taxes. We are 23 Trillion in debt. Why do you support massive programs that are never paid for?

When are people going to step up and start paying the trillions the wars are costing us?
Here is where you and I part ways. I agree we are 23 trillion in debt. Taxes are not the answer. Spending reductions are.

Both are going to have to be. For a couple reasons. You can't just cut your way out of 23 Trillion in debt and unless people are actually forced to pay for things they won't insist on cuts.
I disagree. We have a three trillion dollar budget. Cut a trillion per year and pay that directly to the debt as a principal payment. Like a home mortgage, if you pay an additional payment directly to principle, you half the time needed to pay off the balance and you do it cheaper because you don't have to pay that additional time in interest.

So, 23 trillion becomes less than 12 years.

It's not going to happen. No one is even suggesting anything like that.

Why not?
Because they aren't really interested in solving the problem and they don't want to be crucified by the lying press.

It seems pretty straight forward to me. Every one of our politicians, on both sides, are cowards and care more for their bankroll and power than they do about this country.

ETA: BTW, I am suggesting that. If any politician ran on that, regardless of party, I'd vote for them in a heartbeat.
Any one is going to have to raise taxes. We are 23 Trillion in debt. Why do you support massive programs that are never paid for?

When are people going to step up and start paying the trillions the wars are costing us?
Here is where you and I part ways. I agree we are 23 trillion in debt. Taxes are not the answer. Spending reductions are.

Both are going to have to be. For a couple reasons. You can't just cut your way out of 23 Trillion in debt and unless people are actually forced to pay for things they won't insist on cuts.
I disagree. We have a three trillion dollar budget. Cut a trillion per year and pay that directly to the debt as a principal payment. Like a home mortgage, if you pay an additional payment directly to principle, you half the time needed to pay off the balance and you do it cheaper because you don't have to pay that additional time in interest.

So, 23 trillion becomes less than 12 years.

It's not going to happen. No one is even suggesting anything like that.

Why not?
Because they aren't really interested in solving the problem and they don't want to be crucified by the lying press.

It seems pretty straight forward to me. Every one of our politicians, on both sides, are cowards and care more for their bankroll and power than they do about this country.

Ok but solutions that are never going to happen really aren't solutions.
Here is where you and I part ways. I agree we are 23 trillion in debt. Taxes are not the answer. Spending reductions are.

Both are going to have to be. For a couple reasons. You can't just cut your way out of 23 Trillion in debt and unless people are actually forced to pay for things they won't insist on cuts.
I disagree. We have a three trillion dollar budget. Cut a trillion per year and pay that directly to the debt as a principal payment. Like a home mortgage, if you pay an additional payment directly to principle, you half the time needed to pay off the balance and you do it cheaper because you don't have to pay that additional time in interest.

So, 23 trillion becomes less than 12 years.

It's not going to happen. No one is even suggesting anything like that.

Why not?
Because they aren't really interested in solving the problem and they don't want to be crucified by the lying press.

It seems pretty straight forward to me. Every one of our politicians, on both sides, are cowards and care more for their bankroll and power than they do about this country.

Ok but solutions that are never going to happen really aren't solutions.
That is why we, as a nation, need to force that to happen. Otherwise, it's just more capitulation and pissing and moaning on Internet forums; getting off by calling each other names.

When someone said, "That is too hard." Americans used to hand them their beer and say, "Watch this!".
Both are going to have to be. For a couple reasons. You can't just cut your way out of 23 Trillion in debt and unless people are actually forced to pay for things they won't insist on cuts.
I disagree. We have a three trillion dollar budget. Cut a trillion per year and pay that directly to the debt as a principal payment. Like a home mortgage, if you pay an additional payment directly to principle, you half the time needed to pay off the balance and you do it cheaper because you don't have to pay that additional time in interest.

So, 23 trillion becomes less than 12 years.

It's not going to happen. No one is even suggesting anything like that.

Why not?
Because they aren't really interested in solving the problem and they don't want to be crucified by the lying press.

It seems pretty straight forward to me. Every one of our politicians, on both sides, are cowards and care more for their bankroll and power than they do about this country.

Ok but solutions that are never going to happen really aren't solutions.
That is why we, as a nation, need to force that to happen. Otherwise, it's just more capitulation and pissing and moaning on Internet forums; getting off by calling each other names.

When someone said, "That is too hard." Americans used to hand them their beer and say, "Watch this!".

As I said, I do not believe that will happen unless people are hit in their own pockets.
I disagree. We have a three trillion dollar budget. Cut a trillion per year and pay that directly to the debt as a principal payment. Like a home mortgage, if you pay an additional payment directly to principle, you half the time needed to pay off the balance and you do it cheaper because you don't have to pay that additional time in interest.

So, 23 trillion becomes less than 12 years.

It's not going to happen. No one is even suggesting anything like that.

Why not?
Because they aren't really interested in solving the problem and they don't want to be crucified by the lying press.

It seems pretty straight forward to me. Every one of our politicians, on both sides, are cowards and care more for their bankroll and power than they do about this country.

Ok but solutions that are never going to happen really aren't solutions.
That is why we, as a nation, need to force that to happen. Otherwise, it's just more capitulation and pissing and moaning on Internet forums; getting off by calling each other names.

When someone said, "That is too hard." Americans used to hand them their beer and say, "Watch this!".

As I said, I do not believe that will happen unless people are hit in their own pockets.
They will be. The problem is, when it does happen, it will take the entire planet down in flames with it.

*shrug* Sometimes, you have to have the apocalypse to learn I guess.
I want to know why no one ever is. Yes, no one being held accountable is a huge problem.

Rob the 7-11 of $68 and you go to prison. Rob the taxpayers of millions and you get to retire in luxury.

Odd how some do not support that and have seemed to have evolved.

So you are going to support the status quo that you admit is backwards thinking. Does that really make sense to you?

I don't disagree but things need put back on a more even keel.

It has never been on a more even keel. It gets better over time. You need to get a historical perspective. Check out the times of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Doheny and more.

Yeah, we do need to look back to the Gilded Age, when the spread of wealth went up and never trickled down, until the labor movement forced child labor laws, the 40 hours work week and collective bargaining.

Trumpism is reactionary, we (collectively) need to look back to when the Age of Reason began known as the Enlightenment and understand that the chaos trump has brought rejects the Rights of Man and vision left to us in the Declaration of Independence and The Preamble.

Like I've been saying a slow shift to the left based on not sinking the ship. Too fast and we're fucked. Right now there are many that believe the shift left isn't fast enough. I feel if it moved at the rate they wanted, it would sink the ship.

Trump is a result of the political base (both fucking sides) lying to the American people, their greed, lack of getting anything done and their general sleeziness. You think he's corrupt, but he's losing his ass in this role he took on. 1 Billion in loses.

I agree with your first parapraph, and I've warned in posts that the greed of Wall Street and the Support of Wall Street*** would bring forth a reaction as history has recorded.

***my use of Wall Street is the greed which created the Plutocracy which today makes our laws. the recent Tax Fraud signed by trump is an example.

Trump is an example of a dishonest used car salesman; the left cannot be blamed for his rise to the Presidency. Greed, Ignorance, bigotry (racism and misogyny) plus hate and fear rhetoric is the foundation of his demagoguery.

I don't think trump is corrupt, I know he is. The evidence from many sources is not only smoke, it is a conflagration. He is mentally unfit to have the power given to him, and even that is not sufficient for he abuses it to the extreme. He destroys the lives of people without any guilt or concern, a character flaw seen in the most infamous criminals.

Postscript: Those who find my post funny are telling the reader that they cannot write a rebuttal. That they are so brainwashed, and too poorly educated to respond with an expository argument finding flaws in my post.

"too poorly educated to respond"

This shows your elite better than thou attitude. You posting it is not a flaw. It's a flaw in your character.

You are mostly posting your beliefs. Doesn't necessarily make it true no matter how much you want it be. It also doesn't merit response nor would any response be productive.

Your beliefs aren't flaws - they are yours to have and hold and cherish. I have no problem with that. I have my own too. Your postscript is where you went astray.

Nice try pal, responding with an ad hominem is not close to a rebuttal nor anything approaching an expository essay.
I want to know why no one ever is. Yes, no one being held accountable is a huge problem.

Rob the 7-11 of $68 and you go to prison. Rob the taxpayers of millions and you get to retire in luxury.

Odd how some do not support that and have seemed to have evolved.

So you are going to support the status quo that you admit is backwards thinking. Does that really make sense to you?

I don't disagree but things need put back on a more even keel.

It has never been on a more even keel. It gets better over time. You need to get a historical perspective. Check out the times of Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Doheny and more.

Yeah, we do need to look back to the Gilded Age, when the spread of wealth went up and never trickled down, until the labor movement forced child labor laws, the 40 hours work week and collective bargaining.

Trumpism is reactionary, we (collectively) need to look back to when the Age of Reason began known as the Enlightenment and understand that the chaos trump has brought rejects the Rights of Man and vision left to us in the Declaration of Independence and The Preamble.

Like I've been saying a slow shift to the left based on not sinking the ship. Too fast and we're fucked. Right now there are many that believe the shift left isn't fast enough. I feel if it moved at the rate they wanted, it would sink the ship.

Trump is a result of the political base (both fucking sides) lying to the American people, their greed, lack of getting anything done and their general sleeziness. You think he's corrupt, but he's losing his ass in this role he took on. 1 Billion in loses.

I agree with your first parapraph, and I've warned in posts that the greed of Wall Street and the Support of Wall Street*** would bring forth a reaction as history has recorded.

***my use of Wall Street is the greed which created the Plutocracy which today makes our laws. the recent Tax Fraud signed by trump is an example.

Trump is an example of a dishonest used car salesman; the left cannot be blamed for his rise to the Presidency. Greed, Ignorance, bigotry (racism and misogyny) plus hate and fear rhetoric is the foundation of his demagoguery.

I don't think trump is corrupt, I know he is. The evidence from many sources is not only smoke, it is a conflagration. He is mentally unfit to have the power given to him, and even that is not sufficient for he abuses it to the extreme. He destroys the lives of people without any guilt or concern, a character flaw seen in the most infamous criminals.

Postscript: Those who find my post funny are telling the reader that they cannot write a rebuttal. That they are so brainwashed, and too poorly educated to respond with an expository argument finding flaws in my post.

Broke non self sustainers always chirping about those who made their life good
Bitter and jealous like Pelosi, go rip up some fake money and feel better.

Who are "Broke non self sustainers"? Since you responded to my post, I suspect I have more liquid assets than you've made in the last 10 years.

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