Democrats inheriting Dow, U/E, and Oil Prices


Slobbers the nut who actually claimed Biden said he will resign as president within days of being sworn in if he has a moral disagreement with Barack Obama.


As noted, you're a pathological liar without a shred of integrity nor a hint of dignity.

{ She'll say I think we should do a, B, C, or D, and I'll say I like A, don't like B or C. Okay, and like I told Barack, if I read something where there's a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign,” Biden said. }


Everyone here knows you're a fucking liar without even a hint of honor - everyone Farouk.

Oh, and Muhammad sucks Jewish cocks in hell. :thup:

What's wrong with you? That's the way losers debate.
Fruitcake is batshit insane. That's what's wrong with him. He thinks I'm a DNC operative. :cuckoo: First he thought I'm from North Korea. :cuckoo: Now he thinks I'm from Iran. :cuckoo:

I'm actually from the Bronx originally. He's as crazy as they come.

LOLOL.. He's just stupid and belligerent.

Fruitcake, you can't even get that quote right. Biden said "reach," not "read." And again, the part you're incapable of comprehending... Biden was recalling a conversation with Obama, not Harris. It was Obama he claims to have told he would resign, not Harris...

"Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there's a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."


No stupid fuck, you're making shit up again.

You're as stupid as you are dishonest. That's not easy, given that you're a pathological liar. :thup:
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You're fucked in the head, Fruitcake. Not even your dementia can save you now.

Unemployment was 4.7% when Crazy Donald became president. It's 6.7% now. That's a 2 point increase.

Crazy Donald will leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when he started. Just like every other Republican president on record before him except for Reagan. Yet more evidence you cult freaks are brain-dead for voting for Republican presidents.

Nah, you're just a pathological liar - as everyone here knows.

No matter how many times your lying little face is shoved into the facts, you just keep lying.

You have no honor - you serve your Mullahs and say anything to further their aims.

Fruitcake, the BLS backs every word I said.

Do you even know how crazy you appear?

Fuckwad, what was the unemployment rate 6 months ago, after democrats had their 14 days to flatten the curve?

No matter how much you lie, Trump lowered unemployment more in 6 months than Iran's little bitch did in 8 years.

Oh, and is the curve flattened yet? I'm starting to question Fauci's math abilities - they seem on the same level as your integrity.
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LOLOL.. You don't know much about Iran. You think Arabic came from Africa?

The dialect of Arabic most often spoken in Iran is Khuzestani Arabic, an Iraqi Arabic dialect.

LOLOL you don't know much about Middle East history.

The "Arabs" came to the Middle East during the great drought of North Africa in the 3rd century AD. The Mediterranean had receded to the point that they could walk across from Cairo to Damascus. The Red Sea offered dry land into what is now Saudi Arabia - no miracle needed. The Hittites, Medes, Greeks, Persians, et al. had spent a thousand years slaughtering each other. These indigenous people were easy pickings for the invading Africans. By 600 AD the Africans were the dominate population. Absolute genocide of the Hittites and Medes - Rome no longer could contain them.

African dialects mixed with dialects of the indigenous people they displaced and slaughtered.

The Arabs have been migrating north in waves for 10,000 years. The Marsh Arabs have been living south of Basra for 6,000 years.. You could always walk from Cairo to Damascus.

The Red Sea opened up 20-30 million years ago, you nincompoop... The fault runs all the way to the Dead Sea in Jordan.

I always love leftist who fist off say utterly nothing, then offer no support or citations, then become haughty in the face of facts already presented.

You and Farouk should start dating....
You don't know jack shit about the oil business or what is going on with the oil glut. Why don't you sit down and STFU?

My, aren't you an angry little turd.

Quid Pro is working hard to get oil prices up, Maduro and Putin are counting on him - and expecting a return on all the cash filled envelopes they've slipped into his pockets over the years.

Quid Pro serves foreign despots.

Fruitcake, you can't even get that quote right. Biden said "reach," not "read." And again, the part you're incapable of comprehending... Biden was recalling a conversation with Obama, not Harris. It was Obama he claims to have told he would resign, not Harris...

"Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there's a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."


No stupid fuck, you're making shit up again.

You're as stupid as you are dishonest. That's not easy, given that you're a pathological liar. :thup:

You demented, Fruitcake. I quoted Biden. That's the opposite of making up shit.

"Like I told Barack..."
You're fucked in the head, Fruitcake. Not even your dementia can save you now.

Unemployment was 4.7% when Crazy Donald became president. It's 6.7% now. That's a 2 point increase.

Crazy Donald will leave office with the unemployment rate higher than when he started. Just like every other Republican president on record before him except for Reagan. Yet more evidence you cult freaks are brain-dead for voting for Republican presidents.

Nah, you're just a pathological liar - as everyone here knows.

No matter how many times your lying little face is shoved into the facts, you just keep lying.

You have no honor - you serve your Mullahs and say anything to further their aims.

Fruitcake, the BLS backs every word I said.

Do you even know how crazy you appear?

Fuckwad, what was the unemployment rate 6 months ago, after democrats had their 14 days to flatten the curve?

No matter how much you lie, Trump lowered unemployment more in 6 months than Iran's little bitch did in 8 years.

Oh, and is the curve flattened yet? I'm starting to question Fauci's math abilities - they seem on the same level as your integrity.
That you have to cherry pick dates reveals your lies, Fruitcake. With Obama, you look at his entire president. With Trump, you want to cherry pick the months with the biggest gains. You don't want to look at his entire presidency and you certainly don't want to look at last April when we had the worst month in our recorded history when the unemployment rate skyrocketed from 4.4% to 14.7%. And you either have to give him blame/credit for April and the months which followed or you have to admit he had nothing to do with either since the same thing affected both. The unemployment went up in March and more in April because of shutdowns, which had nothing to do with Trump, and the unemployment rate has been coming down since as mostly those same people are going back to work, also having nothing to do with Trump.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

Enjoy them.

They'll be gone within months if not a few weeks.
Demand is down everywhere because of Covid.. They have to stay in business and the margins remain at 7%. It will right itself in a few months when Covid in under control

Quid Pro will ban fracking and get us dependent on foreign oil again, earning his pay from Maduro and Putin.

Only on federal lands which won't matter. Besides the Domestic producers are finally learning how to do fracking properly/
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

Zero confidence in the us government planet wide
Bit coin will be hitting 50 grand sooner then I thought

You demented, Fruitcake. I quoted Biden. That's the opposite of making up shit.

"Like I told Barack..."

Nope, you're a fucking liar.

I linked to the video - you're making shit up because you're a pile of shit.
I'm quoting Biden from that video, ya flamin' fruitcake.

"Like I told Barack..."

Nope, you're a fucking liar.

I linked to the video, and the transcript, you drooling retard - you're making shit up because you're a pile of shit.
You are as ignorant of the oil business as it gets.

Quid Pro has serious dementia and like all democrats, not a shred or hint of integrity.

He has VOWED to ban fracking then to ban fracking on the kings lands, then ban ALL fossil fuels on the kings lands, then ban new permits on the kings lands. Quid Pro can't keep his story straight.

Amusing for you to impugn my knowledge of the oil business, which is slight at best, give your attempt to bullshit about Fracking -which you either lied about or were abjectly ignorant of and I had to correct you with actual facts.

Of course this issue is politics, corrupt politics with the most corrupt politician in history at the center of it working on behalf of Maduro and Putin.

Xi's man is for sale, has been for 47 years. If you have the cash, Quid Pro will deliver the policy. Putin has given lots of cash to Biden, so Biden will attack domestic energy on behalf of Putin.

You demented, Fruitcake. I quoted Biden. That's the opposite of making up shit.

"Like I told Barack..."

Nope, you're a fucking liar.

I linked to the video - you're making shit up because you're a pile of shit.
I'm quoting Biden from that video, ya flamin' fruitcake.

"Like I told Barack..."

Nope, you're a fucking liar.

I linked to the video, and the transcript, you drooling retard - you're making shit up because you're a pile of shit.

Fruitcake, even you posted 'like I told Barack...', so who knows why you claim I'm lying about that other than it exposes how nuts you are.

You are as ignorant of the oil business as it gets.

Quid Pro has serious dementia and like all democrats, not a shred or hint of integrity.

He has VOWED to ban fracking then to ban fracking on the kings lands, then ban ALL fossil fuels on the kings lands, then ban new permits on the kings lands. Quid Pro can't keep his story straight.

Amusing for you to impugn my knowledge of the oil business, which is slight at best, give your attempt to bullshit about Fracking -which you either lied about or were abjectly ignorant of and I had to correct you with actual facts.

Of course this issue is politics, corrupt politics with the most corrupt politician in history at the center of it working on behalf of Maduro and Putin.

Xi's man is for sale, has been for 47 years. If you have the cash, Quid Pro will deliver the policy. Putin has given lots of cash to Biden, so Biden will attack domestic energy on behalf of Putin.

Fracking has been in common use in every oil field in the Middle East since 1960.. Its relatively new to the US.. and until recently poorly done.

However, Standard Oil of New Jersey did do some fracking in the North East in the 1930s.

Tell me about your first hand experience in the Permian Basin, or Manifa or Ghawar.. or the Gulf or anywhere.

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