Democrats inheriting Dow, U/E, and Oil Prices

Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

What happened good during Trump's presidency? He bragged a lot and lied a lot, but what did he DO?
Mandate gone, gorsuch, kav and Amy, lowered taxes, got rid of the Iran deal, got rid of the paris accord to name a few everything that the left hates

Shame about the Paris Accord and the Iran agreement.. bog set backs for the US.

Please. The Paris Accord was so heavily tilted against us.

And fuck Iran...

You must not have looked at the Paris Accord.
View attachment 438104

Trump doesn't know anything about the Paris Accord or Iran or the TPP.. He just wanted to slam Obama..


Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.

Annualized real GDP

With recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 1.9%
Trump: 1.0%

Without recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 2.2%
Trump: 2.5%

But nut cases cry, Obama's economy sucked and Trump's economy was the best evah!
Please. The Paris Accord was so heavily tilted against us. And fuck Iran...

The Paris Accord was beloved by Barry, as it was a step towards making his daddy's dream of eliminating the US as a world power and world influence a reality.

Obama's Un-Constitutional negotiating his own treaty with Iran was treasonous. He immediately negotiated from a position of weakness:

- He remained at the table while Iran's military practiced mock attacks against US carriers, their top leaders mocked Barry by claiming they could do anything and he would not walk away, and while the Ayatollahs led chants f 'Death to America' during the negotiations. FEARING the Iranians would walk away from negotiations,

Barry refused to make the release of US hostages part of his treaty, choosing instead to pay a massive ransom for their release afterwards instead.

(Yes, snowflakes, we all know that you believe delivering hundreds of millions of dollars on an unmarked plane to Iran in the middle of the night so another plane waiting to take off at another airport once the money was delivered is NOT a 'ransom'. :p )

Before the ink had dried on Barry's illegitimate, NON-binding treaty, Barry rushed to the U.N. to have the treaty ratified by the 'world' before even allowing our US politicians read the damn thing.

What a f*ing Joke.

Barry and Democrats love(d) the Iranians almost as much as Al Qaeda and ISIS - the way they wept and told Iran how they were behind them after their world's leading terrorist was killed was pathetic. This scumbag killed thousands of men, women, and children around the world, not to mention a score of US soldiers. The Democrats solidarity with Iran over his being taken out was 'touching'.

You know even less about Iran than Trump.
Yep. Manufacturing has been leaving the US steadily since the 1980s.
Aluminum Mill to Bring 550 Jobs Back to Kentucky Town ...

President Obama is officially on record for setting a new US record for imposing the most number of job-destroying, negative economy impacting regulations in USA history....and, as demonstrated, gave up on ever trying to get manufacturing back.

One of the things President Trump did to achieve so much economic success was to eliminate most of those restrictions. Biden has already publicly declared he will bring back those Obama regulations, signaling he intends to torpedo the US economy and re-instate the Obama/Democrat policies of 'economic slavery'.

Not counting the recessions or pandemic:

Obama: +643,000
Trump: +475,000

Counting the recessions or pandemic:

Obama: -192,000
Trump: -116,000

Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.

Annualized real GDP

With recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 1.9%
Trump: 1.0%

Without recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 2.2%
Trump: 2.5%

But nut cases cry, Obama's economy sucked and Trump's economy was the best evah!
Obamas stagnant economy sucked, while Trumps economy was undeniably the greatest economy ever.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.

Annualized real GDP

With recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 1.9%
Trump: 1.0%

Without recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 2.2%
Trump: 2.5%

But nut cases cry, Obama's economy sucked and Trump's economy was the best evah!
Obamas stagnant economy sucked, while Trumps economy was undeniably the greatest economy ever.

You can see why TRump LOVES the uneducated.
Same revisionist lies. Modernization took away the jobs Obama was specifically talking about. Trumpybear has not broiugh any of those pre-modern jobs back has he?

Yes, you are telling the same revisionist lies.

{ According to manufacturing employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, since Mr. Obama took office in 2009, the U.S. has lost about 303,000 manufacturing jobs. I’m not sure how one even spins that into a positive. }

The drop in manufacturing jobs began long before the 2008 recession. But like all economic indicators, it had been steadily rising until the new virus came along.

Yet rebounded under Trump when he stood up to Biden's boss Xi.

Don't worry though. Quid Pro will restore China to supremacy.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.

Annualized real GDP

With recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 1.9%
Trump: 1.0%

Without recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 2.2%
Trump: 2.5%

But nut cases cry, Obama's economy sucked and Trump's economy was the best evah!
Obamas stagnant economy sucked, while Trumps economy was undeniably the greatest economy ever.

Trump placed severe sanctions on Iran.

Trump's policies may have helped America, but did nothing for Fawn / Farouk or his country.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.

Annualized real GDP

With recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 1.9%
Trump: 1.0%

Without recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 2.2%
Trump: 2.5%

But nut cases cry, Obama's economy sucked and Trump's economy was the best evah!
Obamas stagnant economy sucked, while Trumps economy was undeniably the greatest economy ever.
Only in the mind of a rightard is 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment the greatest economy ever.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.

Annualized real GDP

With recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 1.9%
Trump: 1.0%

Without recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 2.2%
Trump: 2.5%

But nut cases cry, Obama's economy sucked and Trump's economy was the best evah!
Obamas stagnant economy sucked, while Trumps economy was undeniably the greatest economy ever.
Only in the mind of a rightard is 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment the greatest economy ever.
I think its cute how you think those stats mean something. You clearly dont understand the economy if that ^ is your best rebuttal.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.

Annualized real GDP

With recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 1.9%
Trump: 1.0%

Without recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 2.2%
Trump: 2.5%

But nut cases cry, Obama's economy sucked and Trump's economy was the best evah!
Obamas stagnant economy sucked, while Trumps economy was undeniably the greatest economy ever.
Only in the mind of a rightard is 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment the greatest economy ever.
I think its cute how you think those stats mean something. You clearly dont understand the economy if that ^ is your best rebuttal.

Dumbfuck, GDP and unemployment are the strongest economic indicators. It's not my problem you're too ignorant to know that and too butthurt to accept the reality they expose.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.

Annualized real GDP

With recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 1.9%
Trump: 1.0%

Without recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 2.2%
Trump: 2.5%

But nut cases cry, Obama's economy sucked and Trump's economy was the best evah!
Obamas stagnant economy sucked, while Trumps economy was undeniably the greatest economy ever.
Only in the mind of a rightard is 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment the greatest economy ever.
I think its cute how you think those stats mean something. You clearly dont understand the economy if that ^ is your best rebuttal.

Dumbfuck, GDP and unemployment are the strongest economic indicators. It's not my problem you're too ignorant to know that and too butthurt to accept the reality they expose.
Youre so stupid. You still have no idea why those numbers are meaningless.
Only in the mind of a rightard is 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment the greatest economy ever.

Farouk you lying fuck; the economic crises caused by the Wuhan Designer Virus (Product of Communist China Inc.®) was dozens of times worse than the sub-prime meltdown. But Trump turned it around, reducing unemployment by 13% in 6 months. Obama couldn't move the UE rates 5 points in 6 years. Trump is far more competent than the little gay Marxist turd.
Youre so stupid. You still have no idea why those numbers are meaningless.

You're making a mistake. You can't reason with Farouk. You won't convince him of anything. He is an agent of Iran and has no integrity, no honor, no shame. He is not rational, he cannot be reasoned with, His objective is to destroy the Great Satan. He doesn't give a fuck about facts of reality.

Mock him, expose him as the fucking lying pile of shit he is, but never reason with the vile fuck. Understand what you are dealing with.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.

Annualized real GDP

With recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 1.9%
Trump: 1.0%

Without recessions/pandemic:

Obama: 2.2%
Trump: 2.5%

But nut cases cry, Obama's economy sucked and Trump's economy was the best evah!
Obamas stagnant economy sucked, while Trumps economy was undeniably the greatest economy ever.
Only in the mind of a rightard is 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment the greatest economy ever.
I think its cute how you think those stats mean something. You clearly dont understand the economy if that ^ is your best rebuttal.

Dumbfuck, GDP and unemployment are the strongest economic indicators. It's not my problem you're too ignorant to know that and too butthurt to accept the reality they expose.
Youre so stupid. You still have no idea why those numbers are meaningless.
Only in the mind of a rightard is 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment the greatest economy ever.

Farouk you lying fuck; the economic crises caused by the Wuhan Designer Virus (Product of Communist China Inc.®) was dozens of times worse than the sub-prime meltdown. But Trump turned it around, reducing unemployment by 13% in 6 months. Obama couldn't move the UE rates 5 points in 6 years. Trump is far more competent than the little gay Marxist turd.

Fruitcake, you're making a fool of yourself again.

That 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment is excluding the period during the pandemic.

You get bitchslapped so often, it's a testament to how stupid you are that you keep coming back for more.

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Youre so stupid. You still have no idea why those numbers are meaningless.

You're making a mistake. You can't reason with Farouk. You won't convince him of anything. He is an agent of Iran and has no integrity, no honor, no shame. He is not rational, he cannot be reasoned with, His objective is to destroy the Great Satan. He doesn't give a fuck about facts of reality.

Mock him, expose him as the fucking lying pile of shit he is, but never reason with the vile fuck. Understand what you are dealing with.

Slobbers the nut who actually claimed Biden said he will resign as president within days of being sworn in if he has a moral disagreement with Barack Obama.

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Only in the mind of a rightard is 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment the greatest economy ever.

Farouk you lying fuck; the economic crises caused by the Wuhan Designer Virus (Product of Communist China Inc.®) was dozens of times worse than the sub-prime meltdown. But Trump turned it around, reducing unemployment by 13% in 6 months. Obama couldn't move the UE rates 5 points in 6 years. Trump is far more competent than the little gay Marxist turd.

Fruitcake, you're making a fool of yourself again.

That 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment is excluding the period during the pandemic.

You get bitchslapped so often, it's a testament to how stupid you are that you keep coming back for more.


Lying Turd, even with the Plannedemic Trump was a astound, driving unemployment back down to 7% in 6 months - moving the needle far more than Iran's little bitch Barry did in 8 years.
Only in the mind of a rightard is 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment the greatest economy ever.

Farouk you lying fuck; the economic crises caused by the Wuhan Designer Virus (Product of Communist China Inc.®) was dozens of times worse than the sub-prime meltdown. But Trump turned it around, reducing unemployment by 13% in 6 months. Obama couldn't move the UE rates 5 points in 6 years. Trump is far more competent than the little gay Marxist turd.

Fruitcake, you're making a fool of yourself again.

That 2.5% GDP growth and a 1.2 point drop in unemployment is excluding the period during the pandemic.

You get bitchslapped so often, it's a testament to how stupid you are that you keep coming back for more.


Lying Turd, even with the Plannedemic Trump was a astound, driving unemployment back down to 7% in 6 months - moving the needle far more than Iran's little bitch Barry did in 8 years.

You don't know anything about Iran, do you? Have you ever spent time there? I have.. Quite a lot of time actually. The US has made a number of stupid blunders in Iran since 1951... We have gotten it completely wrong again and again.. Our meddling is the reason they are ruled by the crazy Mullahs.

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