Democrats inheriting Dow, U/E, and Oil Prices

Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

SOP. Now, lets take care of "Trumps Pandemic" shall we?
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
You can bet when XiBiden and his two cronies in the Senate and Congress start fucking up this country, they "will" blame President Trump. It is their way to push their failed policies not on themselves, but someone else. But i will tell you this, when the poor really starts to suffer, i am going to ask them who they voted for. If they say Biden, i am going to tell them, "tuff fucking luck buddy, you voted for your misery now live with it"...

You are projecting.. Do you like being upset?
Is that all you can come up with? What did the brown turd Obama do during his terms of office? The exact same thing about Bush, because big ears, couldnt do shit for the economy, but he sure did fuck over a lot of people...

I realize an embittered racist asshole like yourself will never give credit to Obama for saving the US economy from total destruction, but that is what he did.

He also restored respect for the USA throughout the world. All things that Donald Trump has utterly destroyed.
You much prefer an incompetent, racist white idiot as President.
Was it the cash for clunkers that saved America, or the 1/2 billion dollars to Solyndra, or the Quantitative Easing forever that had to print 4.5 trillion dollars, that saved the economy?

Im thinking the biggest boon to the US over the past 200 years was obamaphones.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
The dow has raisins on news of tRump's end.

Unemployment is nearly twice what it was when tRump inherited it from President Obama.

Gas prices here were under $2.00 a gallon 4 years ago.

Take your weak attacks elsewhere.

How is holding Democrats accountable to the metrics they are inheriting an “attack”? The Dow is at 30, U/E is more than 50 percent lower than it was when the pandemic hit, and gas prices are under $3. Whether these metrics improve or decline, whether Obama gets credit or Trump gets blame, Democrats are now accountable for these metrics.
You never did that for tRump. You're just looking for excuses to criticize.

Saying Democrats are accountable is “criticizing”? I knew your side was soft but to equate accountability with critique shows it all. Predictably, I have yet to see a Democrat or liberal say how and why they are going to do better than Trump. They are simply doubling down on the notion of being held accountable. That is pathetic.

Trump didn't do anything except Tweet, brag and make enemies.

Trump has always bragged and made enemies. Tweeting is just a medium. He also signed on to legislation that lowered taxes and reduced regulation. Biden-Harris and Democrats have already stated that undoing Trump tax cuts and bringing back more regulations. If this action results in an enhancement to the metrics I sited that are in place today, great! Either way, Democrats now own it. Why are Democrats and their supporters viewing accountability to maintaining, enhancing, or otherwise not moving away from these metrics as such a negative??
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

SOP. Now, lets take care of "Trumps Pandemic" shall we?

Do you believe that Trump could've acted in a manner which would have completely and totally prevented the spread of the virus here in the United States?
And a failed pandemic response....

Oh STFU with the Democrat Talking Point LIES you continue to push in the face of FACTS.

As the evidence is still coming out that C-19 was created in and released from a Chinese Lab and that the CCP lied and hid the facts AND the WHO covered for them all - to include the Democrats.

Due to the Democrats being laser-focused on affecting a treasonous, admitted Political Partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERPO witnesses, the Democrats never saw C-19 coming!

This is clear because while President Trump was declaring a national emergency, energizing the CDC, standing up the Infectious Disease Committee, and imposing LIFE-SAVING travel bans it is on official record that Joe Biden called the travel ban 'xenophobic' and led the Democrat opposition to the LIFE-SAVING travel bans.

While President Trump was already taking action to protect the country / Americans, taking the actions mentioned above, Democrats were authoring legislation to not only block the LIFE-SAVING travel bans but intended to strip the President of more powers he could use to protect the country....

While President Trump took these actions Democrats were giving Americans advice that would have spread the virus more and would have resulted in many more Americans DEAD:
- 'There is nothing to the virus. Go about your lives as normal. Ignore the Trump administration.'
- 'Come to China Town.'
- 'Ride subways, gather in large herds, there is nothing to worry about.'

During this whole pandemic, the Democratic Party Manchurian Candidate, Joe Biden - whose family the DHS and Treasury Departments said publicly they have financial documents and other evidence proving Joe and the Bidens took over $1 BILLION from the CCP - has been acting as China's BITCH, blaming President Trump for the CCP's pandemic and the deaths caused by CHINA!

After China publicly declared they would MURDER MILLIONS OF AMERICANS by withholding critical drugs Americans depended on, Biden was out being the CCP's bought and paid for cheerleader. You can lookup and watch for yourself CCP Joe declaring after this how 'great' the Chinese people are and how they are not our competitors.

The documented FACTS are is that President Trump NEVETR did anything to harm Americans, only protect them, and that not 1 action he took COST American lives, which the Democrats can NOT say!

After publicly acknowledging the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus, D-Gov Cuomo made the decision to SACRIFICE elderly New Yorkers by packing nursing homes with virus-infected patients. He knew damn-well what was going to happen! Because of the DIRECT ACTION Cuomo took, over 10,000 elderly Americans were murdered
-- Manslaughter: The unintentional death of a person or persons due to action taken.
Cuomo wanted to keep NY hospital beds open for an expected wave of hospital-required C-19 infections...a wave that NEVER CAME. He sacrificed over 10,000 Americans for NOTHING.

Cuomo's 'leadership' resulted in a lack of ventilator beds he was told years ago by the CDC he needed for future pandemics, but he refused to and wasted the money. PRESIDENT TRUMP GAVE HIM ALL THE BEDS HE NEEDED.

Cuomo squealed about hospitals being over-burdened. TRUMP BUILT HIM A NEW HOSPITAL AND SENT HIM A USN HOSPITAL SHIP. Cuomo had all the beds he needed, and yet he still sentenced over 10,000 seniors to die needlessly. Due to lack of use the hospital was de-constructed and the hospital ship sailed out of NY.

Cuomo was the 'poster boy' for Democrat FU@K-UPs and for the Democrats' response to COVID-19.

And despite the overwhelming number of times your and other snowflakes lies, false talking points, and false claims have been debunked over and over again by irrefutable records, timelines, and evidence to all of this you continue to repeat the same bullshit over and over again, hoping if you say it enough people will believe you.

The vaccines that have been created in such a short time are another US historical 1st, another achievement Democrats declared could NOT be done.
-- Of course, now snowflakes want to blame President Trump for state and local mismanagement in distributing / giving the vaccines.

You have proven over and over you have no credibility, that you are a complete liar pushing socialist democrat propaganda, attempting to re-write history regarding this subject. Since you have proven you will not cease your continued actions I am simply going to ignore you because there is no reason to discuss this with you.

You may not like it...but that's why Trump lost

What would be a successful one to you, please be specific
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

SOP. Now, lets take care of "Trumps Pandemic" shall we?

Do you believe that Trump could've acted in a manner which would have completely and totally prevented the spread of the virus here in the United States?

No. Just sarcastically giving him credit for something bad that happened during his presidency.
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

What happened good during Trump's presidency? He bragged a lot and lied a lot, but what did he DO?
Mandate gone, gorsuch, kav and Amy, lowered taxes, got rid of the Iran deal, got rid of the paris accord to name a few everything that the left hates
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

SOP. Now, lets take care of "Trumps Pandemic" shall we?
Shoot yourself?

And a failed pandemic response....

Oh STFU with the Democrat Talking Point LIES you continue to push in the face of FACTS.

As the evidence is still coming out that C-19 was created in and released from a Chinese Lab and that the CCP lied and hid the facts AND the WHO covered for them all - to include the Democrats.

Due to the Democrats being laser-focused on affecting a treasonous, admitted Political Partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERPO witnesses, the Democrats never saw C-19 coming!

This is clear because while President Trump was declaring a national emergency, energizing the CDC, standing up the Infectious Disease Committee, and imposing LIFE-SAVING travel bans it is on official record that Joe Biden called the travel ban 'xenophobic' and led the Democrat opposition to the LIFE-SAVING travel bans.

While President Trump was already taking action to protect the country / Americans, taking the actions mentioned above, Democrats were authoring legislation to not only block the LIFE-SAVING travel bans but intended to strip the President of more powers he could use to protect the country....

While President Trump took these actions Democrats were giving Americans advice that would have spread the virus more and would have resulted in many more Americans DEAD:
- 'There is nothing to the virus. Go about your lives as normal. Ignore the Trump administration.'
- 'Come to China Town.'
- 'Ride subways, gather in large herds, there is nothing to worry about.'

During this whole pandemic, the Democratic Party Manchurian Candidate, Joe Biden - whose family the DHS and Treasury Departments said publicly they have financial documents and other evidence proving Joe and the Bidens took over $1 BILLION from the CCP - has been acting as China's BITCH, blaming President Trump for the CCP's pandemic and the deaths caused by CHINA!

After China publicly declared they would MURDER MILLIONS OF AMERICANS by withholding critical drugs Americans depended on, Biden was out being the CCP's bought and paid for cheerleader. You can lookup and watch for yourself CCP Joe declaring after this how 'great' the Chinese people are and how they are not our competitors.

The documented FACTS are is that President Trump NEVETR did anything to harm Americans, only protect them, and that not 1 action he took COST American lives, which the Democrats can NOT say!

After publicly acknowledging the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus, D-Gov Cuomo made the decision to SACRIFICE elderly New Yorkers by packing nursing homes with virus-infected patients. He knew damn-well what was going to happen! Because of the DIRECT ACTION Cuomo took, over 10,000 elderly Americans were murdered
-- Manslaughter: The unintentional death of a person or persons due to action taken.
Cuomo wanted to keep NY hospital beds open for an expected wave of hospital-required C-19 infections...a wave that NEVER CAME. He sacrificed over 10,000 Americans for NOTHING.

Cuomo's 'leadership' resulted in a lack of ventilator beds he was told years ago by the CDC he needed for future pandemics, but he refused to and wasted the money. PRESIDENT TRUMP GAVE HIM ALL THE BEDS HE NEEDED.

Cuomo squealed about hospitals being over-burdened. TRUMP BUILT HIM A NEW HOSPITAL AND SENT HIM A USN HOSPITAL SHIP. Cuomo had all the beds he needed, and yet he still sentenced over 10,000 seniors to die needlessly. Due to lack of use the hospital was de-constructed and the hospital ship sailed out of NY.

Cuomo was the 'poster boy' for Democrat FU@K-UPs and for the Democrats' response to COVID-19.

And despite the overwhelming number of times your and other snowflakes lies, false talking points, and false claims have been debunked over and over again by irrefutable records, timelines, and evidence to all of this you continue to repeat the same bullshit over and over again, hoping if you say it enough people will believe you.

The vaccines that have been created in such a short time are another US historical 1st, another achievement Democrats declared could NOT be done.
-- Of course, now snowflakes want to blame President Trump for state and local mismanagement in distributing / giving the vaccines.

You have proven over and over you have no credibility, that you are a complete liar pushing socialist democrat propaganda, attempting to re-write history regarding this subject. Since you have proven you will not cease your continued actions I am simply going to ignore you because there is no reason to discuss this with you.

You may not like it...but that's why Trump lost

Using huge, bold, red font to scream out 'Nuh-Uh' despite the overwhelming, irrefutable facts that proved President Trump was the ONLY one to respond to the spreading pandemic in an appropriate and timely manner, that he was the only one whose actions did NOT result in the deaths of Americans, does not magically give you unwarranted credibility and will not make your debunked lies valid. It only continues to prove you are a mentally unstable, highly emotional, irrational, hate-driven snowflake who never got over the 2016 loss, even openly weeping and running out into the streets and screaming at the sky.

I would recommend you seek professional help, but I fear you are too far gone for that to do any good.

Don't look now, snowflake, but you can continue to remain stuck on 'Orange Man Bad', but the Socialist Democrats are now on the clock.
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

What happened good during Trump's presidency? He bragged a lot and lied a lot, but what did he DO?
Mandate gone, gorsuch, kav and Amy, lowered taxes, got rid of the Iran deal, got rid of the paris accord to name a few everything that the left hates

Shame about the Paris Accord and the Iran agreement.. big set backs for the US.
Last edited:
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

What happened good during Trump's presidency? He bragged a lot and lied a lot, but what did he DO?
Mandate gone, gorsuch, kav and Amy, lowered taxes, got rid of the Iran deal, got rid of the paris accord to name a few everything that the left hates

Shame about the Paris Accord and the Iran agreement.. bog set backs for the US.

Please. The Paris Accord was so heavily tilted against us.

And fuck Iran...
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

What happened good during Trump's presidency? He bragged a lot and lied a lot, but what did he DO?
Mandate gone, gorsuch, kav and Amy, lowered taxes, got rid of the Iran deal, got rid of the paris accord to name a few everything that the left hates

Shame about the Paris Accord and the Iran agreement.. bog set backs for the US.

Please. The Paris Accord was so heavily tilted against us.

And fuck Iran...

You must not have looked at the Paris Accord.
Please. The Paris Accord was so heavily tilted against us. And fuck Iran...

The Paris Accord was beloved by Barry, as it was a step towards making his daddy's dream of eliminating the US as a world power and world influence a reality.

Obama's Un-Constitutional negotiating his own treaty with Iran was treasonous. He immediately negotiated from a position of weakness:

- He remained at the table while Iran's military practiced mock attacks against US carriers, their top leaders mocked Barry by claiming they could do anything and he would not walk away, and while the Ayatollahs led chants f 'Death to America' during the negotiations. FEARING the Iranians would walk away from negotiations,

Barry refused to make the release of US hostages part of his treaty, choosing instead to pay a massive ransom for their release afterwards instead.

(Yes, snowflakes, we all know that you believe delivering hundreds of millions of dollars on an unmarked plane to Iran in the middle of the night so another plane waiting to take off at another airport once the money was delivered is NOT a 'ransom'. :p )

Before the ink had dried on Barry's illegitimate, NON-binding treaty, Barry rushed to the U.N. to have the treaty ratified by the 'world' before even allowing our US politicians read the damn thing.

What a f*ing Joke.

Barry and Democrats love(d) the Iranians almost as much as Al Qaeda and ISIS - the way they wept and told Iran how they were behind them after their world's leading terrorist was killed was pathetic. This scumbag killed thousands of men, women, and children around the world, not to mention a score of US soldiers. The Democrats solidarity with Iran over his being taken out was 'touching'.
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

What happened good during Trump's presidency? He bragged a lot and lied a lot, but what did he DO?
Mandate gone, gorsuch, kav and Amy, lowered taxes, got rid of the Iran deal, got rid of the paris accord to name a few everything that the left hates

Shame about the Paris Accord and the Iran agreement.. bog set backs for the US.

Please. The Paris Accord was so heavily tilted against us.

And fuck Iran...

You must not have looked at the Paris Accord.

Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

What happened good during Trump's presidency? He bragged a lot and lied a lot, but what did he DO?
Mandate gone, gorsuch, kav and Amy, lowered taxes, got rid of the Iran deal, got rid of the paris accord to name a few everything that the left hates

Shame about the Paris Accord and the Iran agreement.. big set backs for the US.
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

What happened good during Trump's presidency? He bragged a lot and lied a lot, but what did he DO?
Mandate gone, gorsuch, kav and Amy, lowered taxes, got rid of the Iran deal, got rid of the paris accord to name a few everything that the left hates

Shame about the Paris Accord and the Iran agreement.. bog set backs for the US.

Please. The Paris Accord was so heavily tilted against us.

And fuck Iran...

You must not have looked at the Paris Accord.

I did; in depth.

It required much from us; too much, in fact. Many countries have failed to meet their goals and, in fact, some have actually increased their emissions.

It was a cluster-fuck from the start, and one of Trump's great achievements was to remove us from such a lopsided treaty...
Just as democrats gave credit for to Obama for everything good which occurred during Trump's presidency, so will Republicans rightly give credit for everything bad which happens during Biden's presidency.

Fair is fair...

What happened good during Trump's presidency? He bragged a lot and lied a lot, but what did he DO?
Mandate gone, gorsuch, kav and Amy, lowered taxes, got rid of the Iran deal, got rid of the paris accord to name a few everything that the left hates

Shame about the Paris Accord and the Iran agreement.. bog set backs for the US.

Please. The Paris Accord was so heavily tilted against us.

And fuck Iran...

You must not have looked at the Paris Accord.

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