Democrats inheriting Dow, U/E, and Oil Prices

Fracking has been in common use since 1960 .. Obama opposed it on public land which makes NO difference since none of the oil majors will drill on public land.. Even when Dubya was in office there were thousands of unused oil leases available on public lands.

Oh look, a fucking liar.

How cute.

Actually fracking has been around since the 1930s.. and NOBODY drills on public lands.
This thread is getting lamer and lamer.'

The OP said all that needs to be said.

Take note of where the Dow is...where unemployment is, where GDP is.

We'll see over time
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

Its called fracking and obama was against it. Try again.

Fracking has been in common use since 1960 .. Obama opposed it on public land which makes NO difference since none of the oil majors will drill on public land.. Even when Dubya was in office there were thousands of unused oil leases available on public lands.
New ways of fracking were developed and Obama was totally against it. So he gets no credit for it.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
What the fuck kind of drugs are you on? Obamas economy sucked.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
You can bet when XiBiden and his two cronies in the Senate and Congress start fucking up this country, they "will" blame President Trump. It is their way to push their failed policies not on themselves, but someone else. But i will tell you this, when the poor really starts to suffer, i am going to ask them who they voted for. If they say Biden, i am going to tell them, "tuff fucking luck buddy, you voted for your misery now live with it"...

You are projecting.. Do you like being upset?
Is that all you can come up with? What did the brown turd Obama do during his terms of office? The exact same thing about Bush, because big ears, couldnt do shit for the economy, but he sure did fuck over a lot of people...

I realize an embittered racist asshole like yourself will never give credit to Obama for saving the US economy from total destruction, but that is what he did.

He also restored respect for the USA throughout the world. All things that Donald Trump has utterly destroyed.
You much prefer an incompetent, racist white idiot as President.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

Its called fracking and obama was against it. Try again.

Fracking has been in common use since 1960 .. Obama opposed it on public land which makes NO difference since none of the oil majors will drill on public land.. Even when Dubya was in office there were thousands of unused oil leases available on public lands.
New ways of fracking were developed and Obama was totally against it. So he gets no credit for it.

Really. Then why didn't he stop it if he was so opposed to it? Anything to negate what Obama did for the nation. Deny, deny, deny.
Same revisionist lies. Modernization took away the jobs Obama was specifically talking about. Trumpybear has not broiugh any of those pre-modern jobs back has he?

Yes, you are telling the same revisionist lies.

{ According to manufacturing employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, since Mr. Obama took office in 2009, the U.S. has lost about 303,000 manufacturing jobs. I’m not sure how one even spins that into a positive. }

The drop in manufacturing jobs began long before the 2008 recession. But like all economic indicators, it had been steadily rising until the new virus came along.
And a failed pandemic response....

Oh STFU with the Democrat Talking Point LIES you continue to push in the face of FACTS.

As the evidence is still coming out that C-19 was created in and released from a Chinese Lab and that the CCP lied and hid the facts AND the WHO covered for them all - to include the Democrats.

Due to the Democrats being laser-focused on affecting a treasonous, admitted Political Partisan Impeachment based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERPO witnesses, the Democrats never saw C-19 coming!

This is clear because while President Trump was declaring a national emergency, energizing the CDC, standing up the Infectious Disease Committee, and imposing LIFE-SAVING travel bans it is on official record that Joe Biden called the travel ban 'xenophobic' and led the Democrat opposition to the LIFE-SAVING travel bans.

While President Trump was already taking action to protect the country / Americans, taking the actions mentioned above, Democrats were authoring legislation to not only block the LIFE-SAVING travel bans but intended to strip the President of more powers he could use to protect the country....

While President Trump took these actions Democrats were giving Americans advice that would have spread the virus more and would have resulted in many more Americans DEAD:
- 'There is nothing to the virus. Go about your lives as normal. Ignore the Trump administration.'
- 'Come to China Town.'
- 'Ride subways, gather in large herds, there is nothing to worry about.'

During this whole pandemic, the Democratic Party Manchurian Candidate, Joe Biden - whose family the DHS and Treasury Departments said publicly they have financial documents and other evidence proving Joe and the Bidens took over $1 BILLION from the CCP - has been acting as China's BITCH, blaming President Trump for the CCP's pandemic and the deaths caused by CHINA!

After China publicly declared they would MURDER MILLIONS OF AMERICANS by withholding critical drugs Americans depended on, Biden was out being the CCP's bought and paid for cheerleader. You can lookup and watch for yourself CCP Joe declaring after this how 'great' the Chinese people are and how they are not our competitors.

The documented FACTS are is that President Trump NEVETR did anything to harm Americans, only protect them, and that not 1 action he took COST American lives, which the Democrats can NOT say!

After publicly acknowledging the elderly were the most likely to die from the virus, D-Gov Cuomo made the decision to SACRIFICE elderly New Yorkers by packing nursing homes with virus-infected patients. He knew damn-well what was going to happen! Because of the DIRECT ACTION Cuomo took, over 10,000 elderly Americans were murdered
-- Manslaughter: The unintentional death of a person or persons due to action taken.
Cuomo wanted to keep NY hospital beds open for an expected wave of hospital-required C-19 infections...a wave that NEVER CAME. He sacrificed over 10,000 Americans for NOTHING.

Cuomo's 'leadership' resulted in a lack of ventilator beds he was told years ago by the CDC he needed for future pandemics, but he refused to and wasted the money. PRESIDENT TRUMP GAVE HIM ALL THE BEDS HE NEEDED.

Cuomo squealed about hospitals being over-burdened. TRUMP BUILT HIM A NEW HOSPITAL AND SENT HIM A USN HOSPITAL SHIP. Cuomo had all the beds he needed, and yet he still sentenced over 10,000 seniors to die needlessly. Due to lack of use the hospital was de-constructed and the hospital ship sailed out of NY.

Cuomo was the 'poster boy' for Democrat FU@K-UPs and for the Democrats' response to COVID-19.

And despite the overwhelming number of times your and other snowflakes lies, false talking points, and false claims have been debunked over and over again by irrefutable records, timelines, and evidence to all of this you continue to repeat the same bullshit over and over again, hoping if you say it enough people will believe you.

The vaccines that have been created in such a short time are another US historical 1st, another achievement Democrats declared could NOT be done.
-- Of course, now snowflakes want to blame President Trump for state and local mismanagement in distributing / giving the vaccines.

You have proven over and over you have no credibility, that you are a complete liar pushing socialist democrat propaganda, attempting to re-write history regarding this subject. Since you have proven you will not cease your continued actions I am simply going to ignore you because there is no reason to discuss this with you.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

Not to worry, Democrats will screw it up. Gas prices are already rising in my neighborhood.
Fracking has been in common use since 1960 .. Obama opposed it on public land which makes NO difference since none of the oil majors will drill on public land.. Even when Dubya was in office there were thousands of unused oil leases available on public lands.

Oh look, a fucking liar.

How cute.

Actually fracking has been around since the 1930s.. and NOBODY drills on public lands.

Actually, drilling on public lands was part of the (Teddy) Roosevelt National Park move. Drilling (farming, grazing, etc.) on public lands has been around since the federal government began seizing land in the name of the king - er, I mean "the people."

Fracking as we know it today, high volume hydraulic fracking, was developed in the early 2000's.

{ . It wasn’t until the beginning of the 21st century, however, that two key changes helped spark fracking’s current boom. One was the use of a certain type of fracturing fluid: slickwater, a mix of water, sand, and chemicals to make the fluid less viscous. The other innovation was the pairing of fracking with horizontal drilling, a technique that increases the productive potential of each well because it can reach more of the rock formation that contains the oil and gas. These advances, combined with an influx of investment amid high global fossil fuel prices, sent fracking into overdrive. Indeed, of the approximately one million U.S. wells that were fractured between 1940 and 2014, about one-third of those were fractured after 2000. }

Now you could be ignorant, or you could be lying - more likely you just spew whatever shit the party tells you.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

How did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling president do it?
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

How did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling president do it?

Obama didn't "do" anything.. The ppb went to $100 so everyone started ordering rigs and drilling.
Fracking has been in common use since 1960 .. Obama opposed it on public land which makes NO difference since none of the oil majors will drill on public land.. Even when Dubya was in office there were thousands of unused oil leases available on public lands.

Oh look, a fucking liar.

How cute.

Actually fracking has been around since the 1930s.. and NOBODY drills on public lands.

Actually, drilling on public lands was part of the (Teddy) Roosevelt National Park move. Drilling (farming, grazing, etc.) on public lands has been around since the federal government began seizing land in the name of the king - er, I mean "the people."

Fracking as we know it today, high volume hydraulic fracking, was developed in the early 2000's.

{ . It wasn’t until the beginning of the 21st century, however, that two key changes helped spark fracking’s current boom. One was the use of a certain type of fracturing fluid: slickwater, a mix of water, sand, and chemicals to make the fluid less viscous. The other innovation was the pairing of fracking with horizontal drilling, a technique that increases the productive potential of each well because it can reach more of the rock formation that contains the oil and gas. These advances, combined with an influx of investment amid high global fossil fuel prices, sent fracking into overdrive. Indeed, of the approximately one million U.S. wells that were fractured between 1940 and 2014, about one-third of those were fractured after 2000. }

Now you could be ignorant, or you could be lying - more likely you just spew whatever shit the party tells you.
Only a liberal would suggest being pro green energy would equal lower oil prices
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
You can bet when XiBiden and his two cronies in the Senate and Congress start fucking up this country, they "will" blame President Trump. It is their way to push their failed policies not on themselves, but someone else. But i will tell you this, when the poor really starts to suffer, i am going to ask them who they voted for. If they say Biden, i am going to tell them, "tuff fucking luck buddy, you voted for your misery now live with it"...

You are projecting.. Do you like being upset?
Is that all you can come up with? What did the brown turd Obama do during his terms of office? The exact same thing about Bush, because big ears, couldnt do shit for the economy, but he sure did fuck over a lot of people...

I realize an embittered racist asshole like yourself will never give credit to Obama for saving the US economy from total destruction, but that is what he did.

He also restored respect for the USA throughout the world. All things that Donald Trump has utterly destroyed.
You much prefer an incompetent, racist white idiot as President.
Dumping billions into solar and wind projects didnt save shit. He just took several trillion dollars and threw it around. Our economy SLOWLY crawled back despite of his wasteful spending.
Fracking has been in common use since 1960 .. Obama opposed it on public land which makes NO difference since none of the oil majors will drill on public land.. Even when Dubya was in office there were thousands of unused oil leases available on public lands.

Oh look, a fucking liar.

How cute.

Actually fracking has been around since the 1930s.. and NOBODY drills on public lands.

Currently 12.8 million acres of public land is producing oil.

Took me 30 seconds to find that tidbit. You should have looked
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

How did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling president do it?

Obama didn't "do" anything.. The ppb went to $100 so everyone started ordering rigs and drilling.
You posted a cute chart suggesting Obama lowered oil prices
Yep. Manufacturing has been leaving the US steadily since the 1980s.
Aluminum Mill to Bring 550 Jobs Back to Kentucky Town ...

President Obama is officially on record for setting a new US record for imposing the most number of job-destroying, negative economy impacting regulations in USA history....and, as demonstrated, gave up on ever trying to get manufacturing back.

One of the things President Trump did to achieve so much economic success was to eliminate most of those restrictions. Biden has already publicly declared he will bring back those Obama regulations, signaling he intends to torpedo the US economy and re-instate the Obama/Democrat policies of 'economic slavery'.
Fracking has been in common use since 1960 .. Obama opposed it on public land which makes NO difference since none of the oil majors will drill on public land.. Even when Dubya was in office there were thousands of unused oil leases available on public lands.

Oh look, a fucking liar.

How cute.

Actually fracking has been around since the 1930s.. and NOBODY drills on public lands.

Actually, drilling on public lands was part of the (Teddy) Roosevelt National Park move. Drilling (farming, grazing, etc.) on public lands has been around since the federal government began seizing land in the name of the king - er, I mean "the people."

Fracking as we know it today, high volume hydraulic fracking, was developed in the early 2000's.

{ . It wasn’t until the beginning of the 21st century, however, that two key changes helped spark fracking’s current boom. One was the use of a certain type of fracturing fluid: slickwater, a mix of water, sand, and chemicals to make the fluid less viscous. The other innovation was the pairing of fracking with horizontal drilling, a technique that increases the productive potential of each well because it can reach more of the rock formation that contains the oil and gas. These advances, combined with an influx of investment amid high global fossil fuel prices, sent fracking into overdrive. Indeed, of the approximately one million U.S. wells that were fractured between 1940 and 2014, about one-third of those were fractured after 2000. }

Now you could be ignorant, or you could be lying - more likely you just spew whatever shit the party tells you.

Most use wells produce less than 50 barrels of oil per day so they don't frack and still use old time rocker pumps.. They also don't use gas injection like Ain Dar. Domestic production has almost NO economies of scale which is one reason we have the highest lift costs in the world.

Its been used everywhere else in the world for 60 years.

Fracking has been in common use by the petroleum industry in Canada since at least the mid-1960s. Massive hydraulic fracturing has been widely used in Alberta since the late 1970s to recover gas from low-permeability sandstones of the Spirit River Formation.
Hydraulic fracturing by country - Wikipedia
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
The dow has raisins on news of tRump's end.

Unemployment is nearly twice what it was when tRump inherited it from President Obama.

Gas prices here were under $2.00 a gallon 4 years ago.

Take your weak attacks elsewhere.

How is holding Democrats accountable to the metrics they are inheriting an “attack”? The Dow is at 30, U/E is more than 50 percent lower than it was when the pandemic hit, and gas prices are under $3. Whether these metrics improve or decline, whether Obama gets credit or Trump gets blame, Democrats are now accountable for these metrics.
You never did that for tRump. You're just looking for excuses to criticize.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

How did the anti fracking, anti pipeline, anti drilling president do it?

Obama didn't "do" anything.. The ppb went to $100 so everyone started ordering rigs and drilling.
You posted a cute chart suggesting Obama lowered oil prices

Don't you know how to read an effing chart?

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