Democrats inheriting Dow, U/E, and Oil Prices

Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
Counting twenty hours a week with no pay raises as jobs to full employment was just a trick. Gasoline is rising already because of the anticipation of wasted trillions of dollars on green policies that will garner not much for the price paid. And then the other agendas....
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
Counting twenty hours a week with no pay raises as jobs to full employment was just a trick. Gasoline is rising already because of the anticipation of wasted trillions of dollars on green policies that will garner not much for the price paid. And then the other agendas....
Ah yes, the green new deal, when all fossil fuels will be gone. So what will it be retarded progs(redundant statement i know) fueling up your car with that little bit of electricity, or charging you phones and being able to keep enough cold in the fridge. That is how stupid you progs are....
Everyone who voted for that fool will be regretting it big time and it won't take long. Unless they are idiots that is.

I fear most who voted for him fall into the idiot category. They won’t even realize why they are paying so much for gas. They will believe whatever kakamami story the MSM can dream up and feed them with to cover for the Democrat’s idiotic policies.
It will be the fault of the oil companies who are trying to gouge the prices, so they can make obscene profits, as it was typical of the Obama's to blame just that, even though it was the failure of Obama's Dept of Interior that caused the BP oil spill.
Oil companies do not run foreign nations when their governments demand increases in the cost of the product that they produce. Oil companies just add 10% or so to the cost of the product they refine and sell. I do question the cost going up at the pump quickly when the costs rise on oil not yet produced and yet the oil refined into gas already rises in price.
In spite of your meat puppet faggot's agenda. Get ready for the cost of your fuel to spike.

I agree. Biden has said he will end fracking. Guess he doesn't care about $5 a gallon for gas cause he doesn't need to buy it.

If that jack ass gets in this country is in for four years of misery. Everyone who voted for that fool will be regretting it big time and it won't take long. Unless they are idiots that is.
No they won’t. They will merely be fed excuses and other people to
Blame by the media, and they will go along with it.
Just look at Obama. 8 years of bullshit under that guy, and many (including some here) still sit there singing his praises.

Hell, how many of these leftists talk about how much Trump sucked, but yet when you point out any/all of the huge economic strides he accomplished in a short time they immediately try and give OBONGO the credit for it. I mean hey, Obama’s policies were so great that they waited for him to leave office before they took effect and grew the economy. What a genius.
Remember his “magic wand” lecture, where he told us (again) jobs weren’t coming back? Well, he wasn’t necessarily wrong, he just omitted a little detail. It’s not that they couldn’t come back, it was the under HIS LEADERSHIP AND POLICIES those j weren’t coming back.

Hoe Xiden will be the same thing. A big difference, however, is that Biden isn’t a smooth talking bullshitter who can hide behind the race card. The media can’t shield Biden with the race card (but they will try no doubt). Gaffes are one thing. Misspeaking, saying a wrong name... whatever. But Biden isn’t making simple gaffes as the media would like you to believe. He says absolutely retarded shit because he believes it (“shoot your shotgun through the door”), and now he will be saying absurdities due to his cognitive decline.
But no doubt, if they media can just flat out censor and hide it they will.
In spite of your meat puppet faggot's agenda. Get ready for the cost of your fuel to spike.

I agree. Biden has said he will end fracking. Guess he doesn't care about $5 a gallon for gas cause he doesn't need to buy it.

If that jack ass gets in this country is in for four years of misery. Everyone who voted for that fool will be regretting it big time and it won't take long. Unless they are idiots that is.
No they won’t. They will merely be fed excuses and other people to
Blame by the media, and they will go along with it.
Just look at Obama. 8 years of bullshit under that guy, and many (including some here) still sit there singing his praises.

Hell, how many of these leftists talk about how much Trump sucked, but yet when you point out any/all of the huge economic strides he accomplished in a short time they immediately try and give OBONGO the credit for it. I mean hey, Obama’s policies were so great that they waited for him to leave office before they took effect and grew the economy. What a genius.
Remember his “magic wand” lecture, where he told us (again) jobs weren’t coming back? Well, he wasn’t necessarily wrong, he just omitted a little detail. It’s not that they couldn’t come back, it was the under HIS LEADERSHIP AND POLICIES those j weren’t coming back.

Hoe Xiden will be the same thing. A big difference, however, is that Biden isn’t a smooth talking bullshitter who can hide behind the race card. The media can’t shield Biden with the race card (but they will try no doubt). Gaffes are one thing. Misspeaking, saying a wrong name... whatever. But Biden isn’t making simple gaffes as the media would like you to believe. He says absolutely retarded shit because he believes it (“shoot your shotgun through the door”), and now he will be saying absurdities due to his cognitive decline.
But no doubt, if they media can just flat out censor and hide it they will.

Gibberish rant.. Feel better?
In spite of your meat puppet faggot's agenda. Get ready for the cost of your fuel to spike.

I agree. Biden has said he will end fracking. Guess he doesn't care about $5 a gallon for gas cause he doesn't need to buy it.

If that jack ass gets in this country is in for four years of misery. Everyone who voted for that fool will be regretting it big time and it won't take long. Unless they are idiots that is.
No they won’t. They will merely be fed excuses and other people to
Blame by the media, and they will go along with it.
Just look at Obama. 8 years of bullshit under that guy, and many (including some here) still sit there singing his praises.

Hell, how many of these leftists talk about how much Trump sucked, but yet when you point out any/all of the huge economic strides he accomplished in a short time they immediately try and give OBONGO the credit for it. I mean hey, Obama’s policies were so great that they waited for him to leave office before they took effect and grew the economy. What a genius.
Remember his “magic wand” lecture, where he told us (again) jobs weren’t coming back? Well, he wasn’t necessarily wrong, he just omitted a little detail. It’s not that they couldn’t come back, it was the under HIS LEADERSHIP AND POLICIES those j weren’t coming back.

Hoe Xiden will be the same thing. A big difference, however, is that Biden isn’t a smooth talking bullshitter who can hide behind the race card. The media can’t shield Biden with the race card (but they will try no doubt). Gaffes are one thing. Misspeaking, saying a wrong name... whatever. But Biden isn’t making simple gaffes as the media would like you to believe. He says absolutely retarded shit because he believes it (“shoot your shotgun through the door”), and now he will be saying absurdities due to his cognitive decline.
But no doubt, if they media can just flat out censor and hide it they will.

Gibberish rant.. Feel better?
Bwaaahhaaaaaa......Typical progressive slave, who cant deny the facts of your answer.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
Counting twenty hours a week with no pay raises as jobs to full employment was just a trick. Gasoline is rising already because of the anticipation of wasted trillions of dollars on green policies that will garner not much for the price paid. And then the other agendas....
Ah yes, the green new deal, when all fossil fuels will be gone. So what will it be retarded progs(redundant statement i know) fueling up your car with that little bit of electricity, or charging you phones and being able to keep enough cold in the fridge. That is how stupid you progs are....
Solar technology is still a long way off. Investing in it I support. Forcing people to pay triple the price for gasoline and for powering their homes I do not. None of the Prog Socialist elitists want any windmills or solar panels near them. All that promote the rising of the ocean will purchase oceanfront property if they like it. Just as you may criticize a religious preacher who does not follow his sermons, there are endless Progs people in some sort of power in the secular entertainment/political/judicial/sports/media religion who are frauds when it comes to their lifestyles. W. Bush pushed Hydrogen as a power for vehicles when he was put into office. As soon as Progs came into power it was removed. Hydrogen was near free from the ocean. So it is clear other directions have been chosen. Our energy grid has been stymied by Prog rules and laws which is enforced by insane judges. Many who would have been in mental hospitals decades ago. But are now mainstreamed.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
Counting twenty hours a week with no pay raises as jobs to full employment was just a trick. Gasoline is rising already because of the anticipation of wasted trillions of dollars on green policies that will garner not much for the price paid. And then the other agendas....
Ah yes, the green new deal, when all fossil fuels will be gone. So what will it be retarded progs(redundant statement i know) fueling up your car with that little bit of electricity, or charging you phones and being able to keep enough cold in the fridge. That is how stupid you progs are....
Solar technology is still a long way off. Investing in it I support. Forcing people to pay triple the price for gasoline and for powering their homes I do not. None of the Prog Socialist elitists want any windmills or solar panels near them. All that promote the rising of the ocean will purchase oceanfront property if they like it. Just as you may criticize a religious preacher who does not follow his sermons, there are endless Progs people in some sort of power in the secular entertainment/political/judicial/sports/media religion who are frauds when it comes to their lifestyles. W. Bush pushed Hydrogen as a power for vehicles when he was put into office. As soon as Progs came into power it was removed. Hydrogen was near free from the ocean. So it is clear other directions have been chosen. Our energy grid has been stymied by Prog rules and laws which is enforced by insane judges. Many who would have been in mental hospitals decades ago. But are now mainstreamed.

LOLOL.. What was that about?
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
Obama abandoned any attempt to bring back manufacturing jobs from overseas to help Americans. He declared openly to Americans that these jobs were GON, NEVER COMING BACK, and that this was 'The New Norm'.

Yeah, that dill-hole sounded like someone who would fight for America, fight for Americans, and never quit in trying to do what was best for America...


Barry mocked President Trump, asking him what 'magic wand' he had that he was going to wave to bring those jobs back....

Aluminum Mill to Bring 550 Jobs Back to Kentucky Town ...

Barry, who shared his daddy's hatred for America and his hope to see the United States eliminated as a world power and world influence, declared openly from the start he wanted to 'fundamentally change' the US and did everything he could to do so.

President Trump inherited an economy flattened, given up on, the record-setting amount of job/business crushing regulations, and intentional high unemployment.

President Trump did not just beat Barry's ass as far as success goes. Trump became the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER. You want metrics Biden and the Democrats have to live up to now? They have to top President Trump's officially recorded achievements - these are only a fraction of them:

- Strongest economy in DECADES

- Highest Stock market Records EVER

- Most Americans working at 1 time in US history

- Lowest Black unemployment rate in US history, doing more for blacks than Democrats had done in 200 years

- Lowest Latino unemployment rate in US history

- Lowest Asian Unemployment rate in US history

- Lowest female unemployment rate in US history

- Lowest young adult unemployment rate in US history

- More jobs

- Higher wages...without a govt mandated higher minimum wage

- Raises

- Bonuses

- More opportunities for advancement

- MILLIONS of Americans no longer on Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment - finally not being held hostage by Democrats on their 'plantation' through their policies of 'Economic Slavery'

Before ever winning the WH and control of the Senate, without even being in control of the Federal Govt, Democrat Governance across the country has put the nation in a nose dive while 'slapping the chains' back on the people who 'won their freedom' under President Trump -- In the name of COVID-19 Democrats have wiped out, destroyed:

- OVER 46% of ALL Black-owned US small businesses
- OVER 34% of ALL Latino-owned US small businesses
- OVER 31% of ALL Asian-owned US small businesses
- OVER 25% of ALL Women-owned US small businesses.....

Already, thanks to Democrat control / governance our nation is much worse off...and this is just the start.

So everyone should remember those metrics above and hold Democrats accountable for their comparative performance.

The Democrats are now 'on the clock'...
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
You can bet when XiBiden and his two cronies in the Senate and Congress start fucking up this country, they "will" blame President Trump. It is their way to push their failed policies not on themselves, but someone else. But i will tell you this, when the poor really starts to suffer, i am going to ask them who they voted for. If they say Biden, i am going to tell them, "tuff fucking luck buddy, you voted for your misery now live with it"...

You are projecting.. Do you like being upset?
Is that all you can come up with? What did the brown turd Obama do during his terms of office? The exact same thing about Bush, because big ears, couldnt do shit for the economy, but he sure did fuck over a lot of people...
Obama set a record for job growth and turned the economy around. Because of trumps incompetence people are lining up daily for boxes of food. The poor are suffering now.
Obama did no such thing you fucking moron, all he did was put the most in poverty since the war on poverty started. Which included College Degree idiots working at Starbucks. This is why prog elites get in power, because dumbfucks like you dont ever remember. It is just your greed for other people's money..

He did what I said he did and don't argue with me by citing crap from the Washington Times.

Can you prove the data sited on this topic from the Washington Times is wrong? Otherwise, you merely have a personal problem with the Washington Times and are simply complaining.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Bullshit. trump inherited a record economy from Obama. The unemployment rate was 4.5 percent when Trump took office. The dow was setting records when trump took office. The unemployment rate rose because of trumps incompetence because he knew the virus was coming before it hit and did no prepare. So spare us the lies because the republican senate has been part of the problem.
Obama abandoned any attempt to bring back manufacturing jobs from overseas to help Americans. He declared openly to Americans that these jobs were GON, NEVER COMING BACK, and that this was 'The New Norm'.

Yeah, that dill-hole sounded like someone who would fight for America, fight for Americans, and never quit in trying to do what was best for America...


Barry mocked President Trump, asking him what 'magic wand' he had that he was going to wave to bring those jobs back....

Aluminum Mill to Bring 550 Jobs Back to Kentucky Town ...

Barry, who shared his daddy's hatred for America and his hope to see the United States eliminated as a world power and world influence, declared openly from the start he wanted to 'fundamentally change' the US and did everything he could to do so.

President Trump inherited an economy flattened, given up on, the record-setting amount of job/business crushing regulations, and intentional high unemployment.

President Trump did not just beat Barry's ass as far as success goes. Trump became the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER. You want metrics Biden and the Democrats have to live up to now? They have to top President Trump's officially recorded achievements - these are only a fraction of them:

- Strongest economy in DECADES

- Highest Stock market Records EVER

- Most Americans working at 1 time in US history

- Lowest Black unemployment rate in US history, doing more for blacks than Democrats had done in 200 years

- Lowest Latino unemployment rate in US history

- Lowest Asian Unemployment rate in US history

- Lowest female unemployment rate in US history

- Lowest young adult unemployment rate in US history

- More jobs

- Higher wages...without a govt mandated higher minimum wage

- Raises

- Bonuses

- More opportunities for advancement

- MILLIONS of Americans no longer on Welfare, Food Stamps, Unemployment - finally not being held hostage by Democrats on their 'plantation' through their policies of 'Economic Slavery'

Before ever winning the WH and control of the Senate, without even being in control of the Federal Govt, Democrat Governance across the country has put the nation in a nose dive while 'slapping the chains' back on the people who 'won their freedom' under President Trump -- In the name of COVID-19 Democrats have wiped out, destroyed:

- OVER 46% of ALL Black-owned US small businesses
- OVER 34% of ALL Latino-owned US small businesses
- OVER 31% of ALL Asian-owned US small businesses
- OVER 25% of ALL Women-owned US small businesses.....

Already, thanks to Democrat control / governance our nation is much worse off...and this is just the start.

So everyone should remember those metrics above and hold Democrats accountable for their comparative performance.

The Democrats are now 'on the clock'...

Its a real waste of time to revisit Trump's bragging lies.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
You can bet when XiBiden and his two cronies in the Senate and Congress start fucking up this country, they "will" blame President Trump. It is their way to push their failed policies not on themselves, but someone else. But i will tell you this, when the poor really starts to suffer, i am going to ask them who they voted for. If they say Biden, i am going to tell them, "tuff fucking luck buddy, you voted for your misery now live with it"...

You are projecting.. Do you like being upset?
These folks literally do think that Trump made America great again. The information ecosystem in which they exist has carefully parceled out their reality for them, and that's that.

I don't think there is anything that can be said to them. At least now. They will not know what you're talking about. Literally. Not kidding.

What will you say when all goes down under the Democrats. Will you blame it all on Trump or admit that you were completely blinded by personal hatred and not pragmatism when you voted for Harris/Biden?
Its a real waste of time to revisit Trump's bragging lies.
Sorry, these are historically documented, substantiated facts. If your precious Democrats can't live up to them, can't do better, or can't even hold the status quo then just say so. Don't start off the Democrat Reign by attempting to lower the bar for Dementia-China Joe and Kamala 'fweedom' Harris and the Socialist Congress.

As I pointed out already, Democrats aren't even in full control yet, and they have already destroyed close to HALF of all Minority-owned small businesses, crippling the economy while forcing Minorities back onto the Democrats' 'economic plantation'.

Great start, snowflake. I can't wait to see what they do when they do have complete control of the government.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

If Democrats "preserve" what they in herit. You won't have a country in four years. An uncontrolled pandemic, a crashed economy, and massive debt.

Democrats are inherited 8 million sick people, 360,000 grieving families, and an economy where more than 200,000 small businesses have closed their door permanently. You have no trade deals, and your strategic alliances are in a shambles.

The only way America has to go is up from here. This is the lowest point in the nation's history.
Amazing how you point out metrics that are currently in place to Democrats that everyone can benefit from and it turns into a shit show because the word “accountable” is used. They don’t like being accountable. Predictably, It has already turned into “But, Trump...” and “Well, Obama...”

From January 2021, moving forward, Democrats now own the economy. Their economic policies and how they impact the Dow, Unemployment, and Energy prices is on them. At a minimum, they should at least stay at or near the validates metrics I sited. Whether you give Obama or Trump credit for those metrics, Democrats NOW own them and are accountable moving forward.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.

If Democrats "preserve" what they in herit. You won't have a country in four years. An uncontrolled pandemic, a crashed economy, and massive debt.

Democrats are inherited 8 million sick people, 360,000 grieving families, and an economy where more than 200,000 small businesses have closed their door permanently. You have no trade deals, and your strategic alliances are in a shambles.

The only way America has to go is up from here. This is the lowest point in the nation's history.

Economically speaking, how and why are a lower Dow, a higher unemployment, and higher energy prices going to get a pandemic under further control? Would the 300k grieving families be higher or lower had Biden been in place in February 2020? His immediate response was to keep the borders open while all other nations were shutting them. Small business? The modern day Democrats are anti-small business. Taxes, regulations on par with big corporations. 2020 exposed Democrats at the National and local levels that push for more lockdowns, little or no relief, or sit silent and passive as small businesses are burnt and looted in the name of peaceful protests.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Gas is under 2.00 here
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
The dow has raisins on news of tRump's end.

Unemployment is nearly twice what it was when tRump inherited it from President Obama.

Gas prices here were under $2.00 a gallon 4 years ago.

Take your weak attacks elsewhere.
Democrats will be inheriting a record Dow at a record 30, unemployment at 7 percent after being near 15 percent 7 months ago from China’s global virus, and gas prices under $3 gallon.

Remember these metrics. Democrats now own them and are accountable at a minimum to preserve them or improve them. These all were enhanced under Trump and a Republican Senate.
Gas is under 2.00 here

I was referring to a National Average.

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