Democrats INSIST there is no voter fraud - again they lie

I've been on this forum since November 2011. Through all these years, I have asked countless times for one of these Voter ID tards to show me an example of ACTUAL voter fraud that would have been stopped by Voter ID.

They have yet to do so.

When I tell them that Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur, the dumb fucks hear me saying, "There is no voter fraud." Yes, they really are this fucking stupid.

Then they post examples of actual voter fraud, and then I point out that fraud could not be stopped by Voter ID. Not even the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina in this last election cycle could have been stopped by Voter ID!

You just can't fight that kind of stupid. They will continue to bash themselves on the head in public, never ever getting it.

If someone is pushing for government interference in our right to vote, and that interference does not achieve what they claim it will achieve, then it is blazingly obvious the REAL intent of that interference is something nefarious.

But the willfully blind and stupid will never ever get that, either.
I've been on this forum since November 2011. Through all these years, I have asked countless times for one of these Voter ID tards to show me an example of ACTUAL voter fraud that would have been stopped by Voter ID.

They have yet to do so.

When I tell them that Voter ID does not stop the types of voter fraud which occur, the dumb fucks hear me saying, "There is no voter fraud." Yes, they really are this fucking stupid.

Then they post examples of actual voter fraud, and then I point out that fraud could not be stopped by Voter ID. Not even the Republican voter fraud in North Carolina in this last election cycle could have been stopped by Voter ID!

You just can't fight that kind of stupid. They will continue to bash themselves on the head in public, never ever getting it.

If someone is pushing for government interference in our right to vote, and that interference does not achieve what they claim it will achieve, then it is blazingly obvious the REAL intent of that interference is something nefarious.

But the willfully blind and stupid will never ever get that, either.

Exactly. This isn't really about the accuracy of the vote count or genuine voter fraud. No one invested in the argument gives a shit about that. It's a completely fake concern. The two sides are just trying to control who votes. D's want more poor people at the polls, R's want less. So D's want to make voting easier and less intimidating for poor people, R's want to make it harder.
Absentee or mail in voting virtually negates all that.
Whenever I have asked the rubes to show me some real fraud which can be affected by Voter ID, they almost always point to a case involving absentee ballot fraud. :lol:

Voter ID will not stop absentee ballot fraud. This never seems to penetrate their skulls.

Even funnier, whenever they point out an actual case of voter fraud, it almost always has taken place in a state which has Voter ID. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

North Carolina has Voter ID. That didn't slow down the Republican fraudsters in the last election for one second.

So, clearly, the intent of Voter ID is not what they tell the rubes. But the rubes fall for it anyway because I have yet to see a single piss drinker engage in critical thinking.
Through all these years, I have asked countless times for one of these Voter ID tards to show me an example of ACTUAL voter fraud that would have been stopped by Voter ID.

They have yet to do so.
Because there isn't any. The only examples of significant voter fraud have been by Republicans, and they have been getting caught. And every single one of the caught criminals supported voter ID laws.
you continue to validate your ignorance with each new post. Is it narrative that we have record low unemployment rates? Is it narrative that taxes have been cut for everyone who pays taxes? is it narrative that our troops are finally coming home from the mess in the mid east? Is it narrative the illegal border crossings are way down and that Mexico is now helping us block caravans of illegals? Is it narrative that dialog has been opened with north korea for the first time ever? Is it narrative that the NATO members are finally paying their fair share?

If those are only narrative, then I say "go narrative"

Wow, deflect much? Another one of your lame modus operandi...change the subject when you can't argue the topic. You've provided zero facts relating to voter fraud or voter ID. (also your MO)

sorry witchey, but its you who cannot provide any facts to support your claims. The biased article you posted claimed 3 million americans have no valid ID, less than 1% of the population, it continues to rant, like you, but fails to provide any verification of that 1% claim or to provide the categories of american voters who are on the voter rolls but have no ID. Begs the question: how did they get on the voter rolls?

No Trumpster, like just about everything you spout, that's simply not true. You don't need restrictive, government issued photo ID with your current name and address on it to register to vote. You need to provide your State Issued ID number or your Social Security number to register. The information you provide is then run the a system that checks your name, date of birth and the ID you provided. If it fails the check, you MUST produce ID the first time you vote. Here in California, you can produce one of thirty types of ID the first time you vote. It does not have to be a current government issued photo ID.

I will again recommend that you volunteer to work the polls or get a seasonal job in an election office. It's eye opening. I'll be hiring soon, drop me a note.

you keep talking about "restrictive govt issued photo ID" Can you quote the state requirements for those and exactly what they entail?

No thanks on your poll worker job. maybe winger will take it and you two can work together to stuff some ballot boxes. :2up:

Silly me...I should have known better than to think you’d be willing to perform an actual civic duty. It’s obvious you’re not terribly civic minded.

so you post an opinion piece that is over 2 years old as proof? care to try again?

as to civil duty, I have served on local city boards, have done jury duty several times, once on a murder case, have always paid my taxes and followed the laws.
Through all these years, I have asked countless times for one of these Voter ID tards to show me an example of ACTUAL voter fraud that would have been stopped by Voter ID.

They have yet to do so.
Because there isn't any. The only examples of significant voter fraud have been by Republicans, and they have been getting caught. And every single one of the caught criminals supported voter ID laws.

why do you object to proving who you are before voting?
Liberal in 1776 and liberal in 2019 are two completely different concepts. If you don't know that already then there is no point in discussing it further.

Abortion up to the instant of birth or a few minutes after is infanticide and all of the dems running for president support that.

I agree with you on the second amendment, it was written so that the people could protect them from the government, if they could have foreseen what the libs are trying to do today they would have made it read

"the right to keep and bear all kinds of weapons shall not be infringed or limited, the purpose of this amendment is to enable the citizens to protect themselves from an oppressive government like the ones they left in Europe and other places"
Conservative in 1776 and Conservative in 2019 is the exact same thing

Sold out to the power structure and refuse to do a thing to help the common man


does the common man benefit when unemployment rates are are all time lows? Does the common man benefit when there are more jobs than job seekers? Does the common man benefit when companies expand and build in the USA? Does the common man benefit when cheap illegal labor is not allowed to enter our country? Does the common man benefit when taxes are cut for everyone that pays taxes?

Speaking of selling out to the power structure--------------WTF do you think Biden and his son did with Ukraine and China. Open bribery and Biden even bragged about it.

People have jobs when liberals run the country
Jobs under conservatives have wages and benefits designed to maximize profits for the wealthy

what was the unemployment rate under obama? what is it today under Trump?
Here's a perfect example of what I mean when I say Trump was elected on third base:



so using your "logic" and chart, Bush gets the credit for the unemployment reductions starting after his terms?

but if you want to credit the kenyan, tell us specifically what he did to reduce unemployment.
Wow, deflect much? Another one of your lame modus operandi...change the subject when you can't argue the topic. You've provided zero facts relating to voter fraud or voter ID. (also your MO)

sorry witchey, but its you who cannot provide any facts to support your claims. The biased article you posted claimed 3 million americans have no valid ID, less than 1% of the population, it continues to rant, like you, but fails to provide any verification of that 1% claim or to provide the categories of american voters who are on the voter rolls but have no ID. Begs the question: how did they get on the voter rolls?

No Trumpster, like just about everything you spout, that's simply not true. You don't need restrictive, government issued photo ID with your current name and address on it to register to vote. You need to provide your State Issued ID number or your Social Security number to register. The information you provide is then run the a system that checks your name, date of birth and the ID you provided. If it fails the check, you MUST produce ID the first time you vote. Here in California, you can produce one of thirty types of ID the first time you vote. It does not have to be a current government issued photo ID.

I will again recommend that you volunteer to work the polls or get a seasonal job in an election office. It's eye opening. I'll be hiring soon, drop me a note.

you keep talking about "restrictive govt issued photo ID" Can you quote the state requirements for those and exactly what they entail?

No thanks on your poll worker job. maybe winger will take it and you two can work together to stuff some ballot boxes. :2up:

Silly me...I should have known better than to think you’d be willing to perform an actual civic duty. It’s obvious you’re not terribly civic minded.

so you post an opinion piece that is over 2 years old as proof? care to try again?

as to civil duty, I have served on local city boards, have done jury duty several times, once on a murder case, have always paid my taxes and followed the laws.

It’s only gotten worse in the last two years. You will ignore or dismiss all facts. It’s your duty as a Trump sucking sycophant.

Ooh, really went all out, serving jury duty. You should be so proud. The “service gene” really found you didn’t it? :lol: Jury duty....:lol:

we have all seen the video of her making that claim, she lied.

a propaganda piece from the Wash post does not change that reality.

Yeah so? We all see The Liar in Chief, Trump, lie multiple times a day. He’s won lie if the year more than anybody. Trump lies easier than the fat fuck breathes.
sorry witchey, but its you who cannot provide any facts to support your claims. The biased article you posted claimed 3 million americans have no valid ID, less than 1% of the population, it continues to rant, like you, but fails to provide any verification of that 1% claim or to provide the categories of american voters who are on the voter rolls but have no ID. Begs the question: how did they get on the voter rolls?

No Trumpster, like just about everything you spout, that's simply not true. You don't need restrictive, government issued photo ID with your current name and address on it to register to vote. You need to provide your State Issued ID number or your Social Security number to register. The information you provide is then run the a system that checks your name, date of birth and the ID you provided. If it fails the check, you MUST produce ID the first time you vote. Here in California, you can produce one of thirty types of ID the first time you vote. It does not have to be a current government issued photo ID.

I will again recommend that you volunteer to work the polls or get a seasonal job in an election office. It's eye opening. I'll be hiring soon, drop me a note.

you keep talking about "restrictive govt issued photo ID" Can you quote the state requirements for those and exactly what they entail?

No thanks on your poll worker job. maybe winger will take it and you two can work together to stuff some ballot boxes. :2up:

Silly me...I should have known better than to think you’d be willing to perform an actual civic duty. It’s obvious you’re not terribly civic minded.

so you post an opinion piece that is over 2 years old as proof? care to try again?

as to civil duty, I have served on local city boards, have done jury duty several times, once on a murder case, have always paid my taxes and followed the laws.

It’s only gotten worse in the last two years. You will ignore or dismiss all facts. It’s your duty as a Trump sucking sycophant.

Ooh, really went all out, serving jury duty. You should be so proud. The “service gene” really found you didn’t it? :lol: Jury duty....:lol:

its one of our civic duties, I am not the least bit interested in working the polling place, if you like doing it, fine. But to pretend that getting paid to sit behind a desk and check people in somehow makes you special, its just another confirmation of your delusions.

If you present any facts I will certainly consider them in my thinking, but so far you have only presented biased propaganda articles from left wing publications.

we have all seen the video of her making that claim, she lied.

a propaganda piece from the Wash post does not change that reality.

Yeah so? We all see The Liar in Chief, Trump, lie multiple times a day. He’s won lie if the year more than anybody. Trump lies easier than the fat fuck breathes.

I get it, you don't like Trump, you have made that very clear. Just remember my vote will always cancel yours.

What I don't understand about you angry raving liberals is why are you always so mad? Is it because you believed the lying media and the lying pollsters when they told you that Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes? or is it because Trump is the first president to actually do what he promised during the campaign and due to that you have a gnawing inside you that the dem/lib party has destroyed itself?

we have all seen the video of her making that claim, she lied.

a propaganda piece from the Wash post does not change that reality.

Yeah so? We all see The Liar in Chief, Trump, lie multiple times a day. He’s won lie if the year more than anybody. Trump lies easier than the fat fuck breathes.

I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy when you rant and rave about Trump stretching the truth but totally give a pass to hillary and obozo for blatant lies.

we have all seen the video of her making that claim, she lied.

a propaganda piece from the Wash post does not change that reality.

Yeah so? We all see The Liar in Chief, Trump, lie multiple times a day. He’s won lie if the year more than anybody. Trump lies easier than the fat fuck breathes.

I was merely pointing out your hypocrisy when you rant and rave about Trump stretching the truth but totally give a pass to hillary and obozo for blatant lies.

The hypocrisy is all yours pointing out the rare times other people lie when Trump lies about everything...including stupid shit that matters to no one. (Like whether or not it rained at his inauguration.)
No Trumpster, like just about everything you spout, that's simply not true. You don't need restrictive, government issued photo ID with your current name and address on it to register to vote. You need to provide your State Issued ID number or your Social Security number to register. The information you provide is then run the a system that checks your name, date of birth and the ID you provided. If it fails the check, you MUST produce ID the first time you vote. Here in California, you can produce one of thirty types of ID the first time you vote. It does not have to be a current government issued photo ID.

I will again recommend that you volunteer to work the polls or get a seasonal job in an election office. It's eye opening. I'll be hiring soon, drop me a note.

you keep talking about "restrictive govt issued photo ID" Can you quote the state requirements for those and exactly what they entail?

No thanks on your poll worker job. maybe winger will take it and you two can work together to stuff some ballot boxes. :2up:

Silly me...I should have known better than to think you’d be willing to perform an actual civic duty. It’s obvious you’re not terribly civic minded.

so you post an opinion piece that is over 2 years old as proof? care to try again?

as to civil duty, I have served on local city boards, have done jury duty several times, once on a murder case, have always paid my taxes and followed the laws.

It’s only gotten worse in the last two years. You will ignore or dismiss all facts. It’s your duty as a Trump sucking sycophant.

Ooh, really went all out, serving jury duty. You should be so proud. The “service gene” really found you didn’t it? :lol: Jury duty....:lol:

its one of our civic duties, I am not the least bit interested in working the polling place, if you like doing it, fine. But to pretend that getting paid to sit behind a desk and check people in somehow makes you special, its just another confirmation of your delusions.

If you present any facts I will certainly consider them in my thinking, but so far you have only presented biased propaganda articles from left wing publications.

I don't work at a polling place, I work at the registrars office. I've spent my entire adult life in civil, public service. But hey, you served on jury duty...bully for you.
No, I’m not outraged over something else that’s a complete lie. Obama did not, as every single fact checking organization has pointed out, encourage non citizens to vote.

Trump, on the other hand, said he is a traitor.

"Obama did not, as every single fact checking organization has pointed out, encourage non citizens to vote."

You Obamunists can't stop lying.

Here he is, on vid, telling illegal aliens "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

She says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting.

[And that is who she is speaking for!]

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
[Who would come for legal citizens voting?????????]

Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

[Just like you.....a bald-faced liar!]

And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera.

[Meaning: 'Go ahead and one will be the wiser!']

The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

[Meaning, I guess....if you are living with lots of other illegals...well, heck, at least some of you should go vote! After all....Trump is trying to get rid of you illegals!]

All fact checkers call you a liar.

There are no 'fact-checkers,' you fool......they are all Democrat/Liberal apparatchiks.

“…a fact checking organization that prides itself on its claimed neutrality. Think about it this way – what if there was a fact checking organization whose fact checkers were all drawn from the ranks of Breitbart and Infowars? Most liberals would likely dismiss such an organization as partisan and biased. Similarly, an organization whose fact checkers were all drawn from Occupy Democrats and Huffington Post might be dismissed by conservatives as partisan and biased.”
The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers

I provided Hussein Obama's own words, him saying to illegal aliens "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

Let's review: I never lie, have no reason to as I am never wrong.

All of my posts are linked, sourced, and documented.

QED....the Muslim told illegal aliens to go and vote, and no one would come for them. many illegal aliens live in the United States at the Democrat's behest?

I you?

You are the fool. If Trump told you the world was flat you would believe him. You are a liar and you are always wrong. Citing right wing kooks like yourself is not providing facts. How many people have been tried and convicted for voting illegally.

For your this down: I'm never wrong, I never lie, and I vote for policies not people.

You are the one who needs a education. You are always wrong and always lie. There is no other way to defend Trump except to lie. I first vote for honesty and Trump fails on that miserably. I do not support his pro-white supremacist policies nor his trade war.

"Fact checkers" lmao
Your examples are like Hitler saying it's a FACT the Nazi party is the party of "peace" :rolleyes:

Rejoice wytch....your kind are winning and you'll get your desire to destroy this once great nation.
Only problem is.....your ass is gonna suffer as much as the "other" side. You may win the battle, but all your kind are losing the war.
You just aren't wise enough to understand what you're doing.

You are the Nazi and Trump is the President of hate.

The Nazis were socialists, Leftists, like you and the Democrats.

Have you ever read a book????

Trump railed against foreigners just as Hitler did. Telling minorities to go home is racist and his speech in Minnesota was a disgraceful attack on Somalis. A leftist is not someone who holds Trump accountable. You are a right wing fascist.
"Obama did not, as every single fact checking organization has pointed out, encourage non citizens to vote."

You Obamunists can't stop lying.

Here he is, on vid, telling illegal aliens "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

She says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting.

[And that is who she is speaking for!]

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
[Who would come for legal citizens voting?????????]

Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

[Just like you.....a bald-faced liar!]

And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera.

[Meaning: 'Go ahead and one will be the wiser!']

The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

[Meaning, I guess....if you are living with lots of other illegals...well, heck, at least some of you should go vote! After all....Trump is trying to get rid of you illegals!]

All fact checkers call you a liar.

There are no 'fact-checkers,' you fool......they are all Democrat/Liberal apparatchiks.

“…a fact checking organization that prides itself on its claimed neutrality. Think about it this way – what if there was a fact checking organization whose fact checkers were all drawn from the ranks of Breitbart and Infowars? Most liberals would likely dismiss such an organization as partisan and biased. Similarly, an organization whose fact checkers were all drawn from Occupy Democrats and Huffington Post might be dismissed by conservatives as partisan and biased.”
The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers

I provided Hussein Obama's own words, him saying to illegal aliens "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

Let's review: I never lie, have no reason to as I am never wrong.

All of my posts are linked, sourced, and documented.

QED....the Muslim told illegal aliens to go and vote, and no one would come for them. many illegal aliens live in the United States at the Democrat's behest?

I you?

You are the fool. If Trump told you the world was flat you would believe him. You are a liar and you are always wrong. Citing right wing kooks like yourself is not providing facts. How many people have been tried and convicted for voting illegally.

For your this down: I'm never wrong, I never lie, and I vote for policies not people.

You are the one who needs a education. You are always wrong and always lie. There is no other way to defend Trump except to lie. I first vote for honesty and Trump fails on that miserably. I do not support his pro-white supremacist policies nor his trade war.

1. "You are always wrong and always lie. " come you can't produce any such lies, or errors on my part?

Write a memo to yourself, just a reminder that I never lie and I'm never wrong.

2. "How many people have been tried and convicted for voting illegally."
I'll assume that Hussein Obama has a higher IQ than your double digits, and he must have made the calculation that there were millions he could tap, or he wouldn't have told illegals to go and vote.

Obama: "When you vote, you’re a citizen yourself"

Cavuoto: Obama encouraging illegal immigrants to vote?

Illegal voted

3. "I do not support his pro-white supremacist policies ..."

There are no white is a term made up to fuel morons like you.

.....there is no such thing as a 'white supremacist'...
It is one of those terms, like 'boogey man' that is used to fuel other immature minds.

Let's prove it:
. There are no white supremacists. The term is a created 'term of art' to camouflage the real villains, the Democrats.

Neither being white, nor using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"

I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, i.e., superior to any other group.
The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

Drop back when you need another spanking.....dunce.
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