Democrats INSIST there is no voter fraud - again they lie

In previous discussions on voter ID those of you on the left have claimed that there are "millions" of old and poor people in the USA who are citizens, are registered to vote, but do not have any form of valid ID.

Thats your claim, right?

So, my question for this morning is: Do none of those old poor people collect welfare, food stamps, social security, medicaid, medicare, SSI, or any other government entitlement? Because if they are on any of those programs they had to show an ID to get started.

next: you claim they are on the voter rolls, right? You have to show an ID to register and get on the voter rolls. How did they do that with no ID?

Bottom line: This is a made up democrat crusade because dems know that they can not win without cheating at the ballot box.
They obviously do not need the same ID as to vote because they are getting along in society

You still have yet to offer proof that everyone has an acceptable ID

you made the claim that "millions of americans do not have valid ID to vote" you have yet to tell us who those people are and how they manage to survive with no acceptable ID, or how they got on the voter rolls with no acceptable ID (remember, the same ID required to register is required to vote).

All you can say is that "there are poor and old american citizens who have not ID" But you cannot prove that claim.

So time to go away, winger. You and seabuscuit lost this one.
Just because you close you eyes and stick your fingers in your ears does not mean the facts were not provided you.

Why Millions of Americans Have No Government ID

LOL, you post a propaganda piece from NPR as proof ???????

even if this BS is correct, which it isn't, it claims that 3 million citizens have no valid government issued ID. 3 million out of 330 million---------less than 1%. So for that 1%, most of whom would probably not vote if they had an ID, we are to put our entire election system at risk of being hacked, scammed, stuffed, and corrupted.

Admit it, witchey, you dems fight voter ID because you believe that you need voter fraud in order to win. No other explanation makes any sense.

You have a very lame dodge of facts. You dismiss all reputable sources, but yourself post nothing but opinion pieces from far right, extremely partisan, sources. NPR is not a partisan source.

You've been provided multiple sources that all day the same person voter fraud is so rare that it doesn't even make up a full 1% of Voter Fraud. On the other hand, multiple sources have been provided showing you that anywhere from 4-13% of U.S. Citizens do not have the required, restrictive, government issued photo IS with their current name of address on it. That is disenfranchising FAR more voters than you are stopping fraud.

You refuse to admit the fact that Republicans want to keep citizens from voting if they might vote for Democrats. They've admitted it, why can't you?

Hmmm, so now its 4-13% when the NPR article said 1%. At least you could try to be consistent in your lies.

One final try: Give us a categorical list of the americans who are on the voter rolls but have no valid ID, then tell us how they got on the voter rolls.
In previous discussions on voter ID those of you on the left have claimed that there are "millions" of old and poor people in the USA who are citizens, are registered to vote, but do not have any form of valid ID.

Thats your claim, right?

So, my question for this morning is: Do none of those old poor people collect welfare, food stamps, social security, medicaid, medicare, SSI, or any other government entitlement? Because if they are on any of those programs they had to show an ID to get started.

next: you claim they are on the voter rolls, right? You have to show an ID to register and get on the voter rolls. How did they do that with no ID?

Bottom line: This is a made up democrat crusade because dems know that they can not win without cheating at the ballot box.

Do you have a rare mental disorder that doesn't allow actual facts to permeate through your skull? It is not the showing of the ID that is objectionable. It is the narrow and restrictive form of ID that many states (that want to keep poor minorities from voting) require that is objectionable (and on purpose)

And when are you going to get it through that particular mental disorder of yours and figure out that Donald Trump LIES. All the time about everything. Don't parrot a liar. It makes you one too.

Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. They still don't - CNNPolitics

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I was born in Hawaii"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"she didn't intend to violate the law"

here isn La they sell liquor in the grocery stores, so you do need an ID to buy groceries.

And again you deflect...with racist malarkey. I've always thought you were an idiot, but not a racist birther idiot...until today.

I am not the least bit racist, I would say the same things about obama if he was as white as Taylor Swift. I was merely reminding you of lies put out by your left wing heroes.

forgot this one: "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya, there were signs in Kenya celebrating the first US president born in Kenya. His grandmother happened to die shortly after saying that (after an unscheduled visit from obama).

Obama was the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the american people.
Nothing says “I am a retard” like believing Obama was born in Kenya
the founders were far right compared to today's liberals. Do you really think the founders would have supported infanticide, open borders, and benefits for illegals AND they wrote the second amendment. Today's libs are nothing like the founders, you are lying again, winger.

They were VERY liberal for the time. The Conservatives wanted to stay with Mother England, the liberals wanted freedom.

Liberals today don't support infanticide. Abortion isn't infanticide. And if the founding fathers could see what has been done with the 2nd amendment, they'd have written it quite differently I am sure.

Liberal in 1776 and liberal in 2019 are two completely different concepts. If you don't know that already then there is no point in discussing it further.

Abortion up to the instant of birth or a few minutes after is infanticide and all of the dems running for president support that.

I agree with you on the second amendment, it was written so that the people could protect them from the government, if they could have foreseen what the libs are trying to do today they would have made it read

"the right to keep and bear all kinds of weapons shall not be infringed or limited, the purpose of this amendment is to enable the citizens to protect themselves from an oppressive government like the ones they left in Europe and other places"
Conservative in 1776 and Conservative in 2019 is the exact same thing

Sold out to the power structure and refuse to do a thing to help the common man


does the common man benefit when unemployment rates are are all time lows? Does the common man benefit when there are more jobs than job seekers? Does the common man benefit when companies expand and build in the USA? Does the common man benefit when cheap illegal labor is not allowed to enter our country? Does the common man benefit when taxes are cut for everyone that pays taxes?

Speaking of selling out to the power structure--------------WTF do you think Biden and his son did with Ukraine and China. Open bribery and Biden even bragged about it.

People have jobs when liberals run the country
Jobs under conservatives have wages and benefits designed to maximize profits for the wealthy

what was the unemployment rate under obama? what is it today under Trump?

Whether you like it or not, the wealthy create jobs, if you tax them out of existence, jobs will go with them.

Did you ever work for a living? Did you have a boss? Did he make more than you did? Did you hate him for that?
In previous discussions on voter ID those of you on the left have claimed that there are "millions" of old and poor people in the USA who are citizens, are registered to vote, but do not have any form of valid ID.

Thats your claim, right?

So, my question for this morning is: Do none of those old poor people collect welfare, food stamps, social security, medicaid, medicare, SSI, or any other government entitlement? Because if they are on any of those programs they had to show an ID to get started.

next: you claim they are on the voter rolls, right? You have to show an ID to register and get on the voter rolls. How did they do that with no ID?

Bottom line: This is a made up democrat crusade because dems know that they can not win without cheating at the ballot box.

Do you have a rare mental disorder that doesn't allow actual facts to permeate through your skull? It is not the showing of the ID that is objectionable. It is the narrow and restrictive form of ID that many states (that want to keep poor minorities from voting) require that is objectionable (and on purpose)

And when are you going to get it through that particular mental disorder of yours and figure out that Donald Trump LIES. All the time about everything. Don't parrot a liar. It makes you one too.

Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. They still don't - CNNPolitics

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I was born in Hawaii"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"she didn't intend to violate the law"

here isn La they sell liquor in the grocery stores, so you do need an ID to buy groceries.

And again you deflect...with racist malarkey. I've always thought you were an idiot, but not a racist birther idiot...until today.

I am not the least bit racist, I would say the same things about obama if he was as white as Taylor Swift. I was merely reminding you of lies put out by your left wing heroes.

forgot this one: "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya, there were signs in Kenya celebrating the first US president born in Kenya. His grandmother happened to die shortly after saying that (after an unscheduled visit from obama).

Obama was the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the american people.
Birthers are racist, period. No you wouldn't say the same thing if Obama was white because your dear leader wouldn't have done his years long birther bologna that you lapped up like sweet cream had Obama been white.

You continually believe things that aren't true. It goes with being a Trump sycophant.
In previous discussions on voter ID those of you on the left have claimed that there are "millions" of old and poor people in the USA who are citizens, are registered to vote, but do not have any form of valid ID.

Thats your claim, right?

So, my question for this morning is: Do none of those old poor people collect welfare, food stamps, social security, medicaid, medicare, SSI, or any other government entitlement? Because if they are on any of those programs they had to show an ID to get started.

next: you claim they are on the voter rolls, right? You have to show an ID to register and get on the voter rolls. How did they do that with no ID?

Bottom line: This is a made up democrat crusade because dems know that they can not win without cheating at the ballot box.

Do you have a rare mental disorder that doesn't allow actual facts to permeate through your skull? It is not the showing of the ID that is objectionable. It is the narrow and restrictive form of ID that many states (that want to keep poor minorities from voting) require that is objectionable (and on purpose)

And when are you going to get it through that particular mental disorder of yours and figure out that Donald Trump LIES. All the time about everything. Don't parrot a liar. It makes you one too.

Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. They still don't - CNNPolitics

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I was born in Hawaii"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"she didn't intend to violate the law"

here isn La they sell liquor in the grocery stores, so you do need an ID to buy groceries.

And again you deflect...with racist malarkey. I've always thought you were an idiot, but not a racist birther idiot...until today.

I am not the least bit racist, I would say the same things about obama if he was as white as Taylor Swift. I was merely reminding you of lies put out by your left wing heroes.

forgot this one: "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya, there were signs in Kenya celebrating the first US president born in Kenya. His grandmother happened to die shortly after saying that (after an unscheduled visit from obama).

Obama was the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the american people.
Nothing says “I am a retard” like believing Obama was born in Kenya

so his grandmother lied because she did not want him to be president. It doesn't matter anyway at this point, his damage to the country is being reversed and he will never again sit in any position of power.

the really sad thing is that he had the chance to really do some good things and bring the country together, but instead he made the political divide deeper because deep down he hates this country and everything it stands for. Worst president in history is too kind.
In previous discussions on voter ID those of you on the left have claimed that there are "millions" of old and poor people in the USA who are citizens, are registered to vote, but do not have any form of valid ID.

Thats your claim, right?

So, my question for this morning is: Do none of those old poor people collect welfare, food stamps, social security, medicaid, medicare, SSI, or any other government entitlement? Because if they are on any of those programs they had to show an ID to get started.

next: you claim they are on the voter rolls, right? You have to show an ID to register and get on the voter rolls. How did they do that with no ID?

Bottom line: This is a made up democrat crusade because dems know that they can not win without cheating at the ballot box.

Do you have a rare mental disorder that doesn't allow actual facts to permeate through your skull? It is not the showing of the ID that is objectionable. It is the narrow and restrictive form of ID that many states (that want to keep poor minorities from voting) require that is objectionable (and on purpose)

And when are you going to get it through that particular mental disorder of yours and figure out that Donald Trump LIES. All the time about everything. Don't parrot a liar. It makes you one too.

Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. They still don't - CNNPolitics

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I was born in Hawaii"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"she didn't intend to violate the law"

here isn La they sell liquor in the grocery stores, so you do need an ID to buy groceries.

And again you deflect...with racist malarkey. I've always thought you were an idiot, but not a racist birther idiot...until today.

I am not the least bit racist, I would say the same things about obama if he was as white as Taylor Swift. I was merely reminding you of lies put out by your left wing heroes.

forgot this one: "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya, there were signs in Kenya celebrating the first US president born in Kenya. His grandmother happened to die shortly after saying that (after an unscheduled visit from obama).

Obama was the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the american people.
Birthers are racist, period. No you wouldn't say the same thing if Obama was white because your dear leader wouldn't have done his years long birther bologna that you lapped up like sweet cream had Obama been white.

You continually believe things that aren't true. It goes with being a Trump sycophant.

At this point I don't care if Obozo was born on Mars. He has gone down in history as the worst president in history (Jimmy Carter is very happy about that).

I believe that which is either obvious or proven. You, however, believe what you are told to believe by your left wing masters who control your every thought, word, and action,.
That's a really cute story you tell yourself. I doubt it makes you feel less spanked deep down inside. :lol:

everything I posted is true, and I am not interested in hearing about your sexual fantasies.

I realize you WANT that to be true and you have convinced yourself that is true...but it's not. You post rumors, innuendo and opinion, zero facts. You actually completely ignore facts because ALL of them are counter to the narrative you want to spin. It is why you love Trump so much...he does the same thing. :lol:

you continue to validate your ignorance with each new post. Is it narrative that we have record low unemployment rates? Is it narrative that taxes have been cut for everyone who pays taxes? is it narrative that our troops are finally coming home from the mess in the mid east? Is it narrative the illegal border crossings are way down and that Mexico is now helping us block caravans of illegals? Is it narrative that dialog has been opened with north korea for the first time ever? Is it narrative that the NATO members are finally paying their fair share?

If those are only narrative, then I say "go narrative"

Wow, deflect much? Another one of your lame modus operandi...change the subject when you can't argue the topic. You've provided zero facts relating to voter fraud or voter ID. (also your MO)

sorry witchey, but its you who cannot provide any facts to support your claims. The biased article you posted claimed 3 million americans have no valid ID, less than 1% of the population, it continues to rant, like you, but fails to provide any verification of that 1% claim or to provide the categories of american voters who are on the voter rolls but have no ID. Begs the question: how did they get on the voter rolls?

No Trumpster, like just about everything you spout, that's simply not true. You don't need restrictive, government issued photo ID with your current name and address on it to register to vote. You need to provide your State Issued ID number or your Social Security number to register. The information you provide is then run the a system that checks your name, date of birth and the ID you provided. If it fails the check, you MUST produce ID the first time you vote. Here in California, you can produce one of thirty types of ID the first time you vote. It does not have to be a current government issued photo ID.

I will again recommend that you volunteer to work the polls or get a seasonal job in an election office. It's eye opening. I'll be hiring soon, drop me a note.
They were VERY liberal for the time. The Conservatives wanted to stay with Mother England, the liberals wanted freedom.

Liberals today don't support infanticide. Abortion isn't infanticide. And if the founding fathers could see what has been done with the 2nd amendment, they'd have written it quite differently I am sure.

Liberal in 1776 and liberal in 2019 are two completely different concepts. If you don't know that already then there is no point in discussing it further.

Abortion up to the instant of birth or a few minutes after is infanticide and all of the dems running for president support that.

I agree with you on the second amendment, it was written so that the people could protect them from the government, if they could have foreseen what the libs are trying to do today they would have made it read

"the right to keep and bear all kinds of weapons shall not be infringed or limited, the purpose of this amendment is to enable the citizens to protect themselves from an oppressive government like the ones they left in Europe and other places"
Conservative in 1776 and Conservative in 2019 is the exact same thing

Sold out to the power structure and refuse to do a thing to help the common man


does the common man benefit when unemployment rates are are all time lows? Does the common man benefit when there are more jobs than job seekers? Does the common man benefit when companies expand and build in the USA? Does the common man benefit when cheap illegal labor is not allowed to enter our country? Does the common man benefit when taxes are cut for everyone that pays taxes?

Speaking of selling out to the power structure--------------WTF do you think Biden and his son did with Ukraine and China. Open bribery and Biden even bragged about it.

People have jobs when liberals run the country
Jobs under conservatives have wages and benefits designed to maximize profits for the wealthy

what was the unemployment rate under obama? what is it today under Trump?

Whether you like it or not, the wealthy create jobs, if you tax them out of existence, jobs will go with them.

Did you ever work for a living? Did you have a boss? Did he make more than you did? Did you hate him for that?

The unemployment rate under the Great Obama dropped by five percent
Crooked Donnie has only dropped it one percent
Whether you like it or not the rich monopolize available wealth and ensure the workforce is under control

It is the workers who create wealth and only receive a small portion of the wealth they create
Last edited:
They were VERY liberal for the time. The Conservatives wanted to stay with Mother England, the liberals wanted freedom.

Liberals today don't support infanticide. Abortion isn't infanticide. And if the founding fathers could see what has been done with the 2nd amendment, they'd have written it quite differently I am sure.

Liberal in 1776 and liberal in 2019 are two completely different concepts. If you don't know that already then there is no point in discussing it further.

Abortion up to the instant of birth or a few minutes after is infanticide and all of the dems running for president support that.

I agree with you on the second amendment, it was written so that the people could protect them from the government, if they could have foreseen what the libs are trying to do today they would have made it read

"the right to keep and bear all kinds of weapons shall not be infringed or limited, the purpose of this amendment is to enable the citizens to protect themselves from an oppressive government like the ones they left in Europe and other places"
Conservative in 1776 and Conservative in 2019 is the exact same thing

Sold out to the power structure and refuse to do a thing to help the common man


does the common man benefit when unemployment rates are are all time lows? Does the common man benefit when there are more jobs than job seekers? Does the common man benefit when companies expand and build in the USA? Does the common man benefit when cheap illegal labor is not allowed to enter our country? Does the common man benefit when taxes are cut for everyone that pays taxes?

Speaking of selling out to the power structure--------------WTF do you think Biden and his son did with Ukraine and China. Open bribery and Biden even bragged about it.

People have jobs when liberals run the country
Jobs under conservatives have wages and benefits designed to maximize profits for the wealthy

what was the unemployment rate under obama? what is it today under Trump?

Whether you like it or not, the wealthy create jobs, if you tax them out of existence, jobs will go with them.

Did you ever work for a living? Did you have a boss? Did he make more than you did? Did you hate him for that?

Trump started his "presidency" on third base and you think he got a home run...:lol:
Do you have a rare mental disorder that doesn't allow actual facts to permeate through your skull? It is not the showing of the ID that is objectionable. It is the narrow and restrictive form of ID that many states (that want to keep poor minorities from voting) require that is objectionable (and on purpose)

And when are you going to get it through that particular mental disorder of yours and figure out that Donald Trump LIES. All the time about everything. Don't parrot a liar. It makes you one too.

Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. They still don't - CNNPolitics

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I was born in Hawaii"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"she didn't intend to violate the law"

here isn La they sell liquor in the grocery stores, so you do need an ID to buy groceries.

And again you deflect...with racist malarkey. I've always thought you were an idiot, but not a racist birther idiot...until today.

I am not the least bit racist, I would say the same things about obama if he was as white as Taylor Swift. I was merely reminding you of lies put out by your left wing heroes.

forgot this one: "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya, there were signs in Kenya celebrating the first US president born in Kenya. His grandmother happened to die shortly after saying that (after an unscheduled visit from obama).

Obama was the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the american people.
Nothing says “I am a retard” like believing Obama was born in Kenya

so his grandmother lied because she did not want him to be president. It doesn't matter anyway at this point, his damage to the country is being reversed and he will never again sit in any position of power.

the really sad thing is that he had the chance to really do some good things and bring the country together, but instead he made the political divide deeper because deep down he hates this country and everything it stands for. Worst president in history is too kind.
I can’t believe you are gullible enough to still believe the grandmother fib

His grandmother repeatedly said he was NOT born in Kenya and the guy interviewing her kept saying he was born in Kenya

Trump: Obama's grandmother said he was born in Kenya

The edited portion that often makes the rounds on the Internet includes this part of the interview:

McRae: "Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to visit Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?"

"She says yes she was. She was present when Obama was born," said the translator.

Smoking gun? Only if you stop the tape there and don't listen to the rest of the interview.

McRae immediately followed up by saying, "Okay, when I come in December, I would like to go by the place, the hospital where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?"

The translator can be heard translating, and then, he said, "No. Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America."

Said McRae: "Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya."

The response came back, "He was born in America, not in Mombasa."

"Do you know where he was born?" McRae continued. "I thought he was born in Kenya. I was gonna go by and see where he was born."

"Hawaii. She says he was born in Hawaii," the translator said. "In the state of Hawaii, where his father, his father was also learning there. The state of Hawaii."

"I thought she said she was present," McRae said. "Was she able to see him being born in Hawaii?''

"No, no," the translator said. "...She was not ... she was here in Kenya. Obama was born in America ... Because the grandmother was back in Kenya and Obama was born in America, where he is from, where his father was learning, learning in America, the United States."
Last edited:
In previous discussions on voter ID those of you on the left have claimed that there are "millions" of old and poor people in the USA who are citizens, are registered to vote, but do not have any form of valid ID.

Thats your claim, right?

So, my question for this morning is: Do none of those old poor people collect welfare, food stamps, social security, medicaid, medicare, SSI, or any other government entitlement? Because if they are on any of those programs they had to show an ID to get started.

next: you claim they are on the voter rolls, right? You have to show an ID to register and get on the voter rolls. How did they do that with no ID?

Bottom line: This is a made up democrat crusade because dems know that they can not win without cheating at the ballot box.

Do you have a rare mental disorder that doesn't allow actual facts to permeate through your skull? It is not the showing of the ID that is objectionable. It is the narrow and restrictive form of ID that many states (that want to keep poor minorities from voting) require that is objectionable (and on purpose)

And when are you going to get it through that particular mental disorder of yours and figure out that Donald Trump LIES. All the time about everything. Don't parrot a liar. It makes you one too.

Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. They still don't - CNNPolitics

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I was born in Hawaii"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"she didn't intend to violate the law"

here isn La they sell liquor in the grocery stores, so you do need an ID to buy groceries.

And again you deflect...with racist malarkey. I've always thought you were an idiot, but not a racist birther idiot...until today.

I am not the least bit racist, I would say the same things about obama if he was as white as Taylor Swift. I was merely reminding you of lies put out by your left wing heroes.

forgot this one: "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya, there were signs in Kenya celebrating the first US president born in Kenya. His grandmother happened to die shortly after saying that (after an unscheduled visit from obama).

Obama was the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the american people.
consider the source:
everything I posted is true, and I am not interested in hearing about your sexual fantasies.

I realize you WANT that to be true and you have convinced yourself that is true...but it's not. You post rumors, innuendo and opinion, zero facts. You actually completely ignore facts because ALL of them are counter to the narrative you want to spin. It is why you love Trump so much...he does the same thing. :lol:

you continue to validate your ignorance with each new post. Is it narrative that we have record low unemployment rates? Is it narrative that taxes have been cut for everyone who pays taxes? is it narrative that our troops are finally coming home from the mess in the mid east? Is it narrative the illegal border crossings are way down and that Mexico is now helping us block caravans of illegals? Is it narrative that dialog has been opened with north korea for the first time ever? Is it narrative that the NATO members are finally paying their fair share?

If those are only narrative, then I say "go narrative"

Wow, deflect much? Another one of your lame modus operandi...change the subject when you can't argue the topic. You've provided zero facts relating to voter fraud or voter ID. (also your MO)

sorry witchey, but its you who cannot provide any facts to support your claims. The biased article you posted claimed 3 million americans have no valid ID, less than 1% of the population, it continues to rant, like you, but fails to provide any verification of that 1% claim or to provide the categories of american voters who are on the voter rolls but have no ID. Begs the question: how did they get on the voter rolls?

No Trumpster, like just about everything you spout, that's simply not true. You don't need restrictive, government issued photo ID with your current name and address on it to register to vote. You need to provide your State Issued ID number or your Social Security number to register. The information you provide is then run the a system that checks your name, date of birth and the ID you provided. If it fails the check, you MUST produce ID the first time you vote. Here in California, you can produce one of thirty types of ID the first time you vote. It does not have to be a current government issued photo ID.

I will again recommend that you volunteer to work the polls or get a seasonal job in an election office. It's eye opening. I'll be hiring soon, drop me a note.

you keep talking about "restrictive govt issued photo ID" Can you quote the state requirements for those and exactly what they entail?

No thanks on your poll worker job. maybe winger will take it and you two can work together to stuff some ballot boxes. :2up:
In previous discussions on voter ID those of you on the left have claimed that there are "millions" of old and poor people in the USA who are citizens, are registered to vote, but do not have any form of valid ID.

Thats your claim, right?

So, my question for this morning is: Do none of those old poor people collect welfare, food stamps, social security, medicaid, medicare, SSI, or any other government entitlement? Because if they are on any of those programs they had to show an ID to get started.

next: you claim they are on the voter rolls, right? You have to show an ID to register and get on the voter rolls. How did they do that with no ID?

Bottom line: This is a made up democrat crusade because dems know that they can not win without cheating at the ballot box.

Do you have a rare mental disorder that doesn't allow actual facts to permeate through your skull? It is not the showing of the ID that is objectionable. It is the narrow and restrictive form of ID that many states (that want to keep poor minorities from voting) require that is objectionable (and on purpose)

And when are you going to get it through that particular mental disorder of yours and figure out that Donald Trump LIES. All the time about everything. Don't parrot a liar. It makes you one too.

Trump says again that Americans need ID to buy groceries. They still don't - CNNPolitics

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I was born in Hawaii"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"she didn't intend to violate the law"

here isn La they sell liquor in the grocery stores, so you do need an ID to buy groceries.

And again you deflect...with racist malarkey. I've always thought you were an idiot, but not a racist birther idiot...until today.

I am not the least bit racist, I would say the same things about obama if he was as white as Taylor Swift. I was merely reminding you of lies put out by your left wing heroes.

forgot this one: "I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"

His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya, there were signs in Kenya celebrating the first US president born in Kenya. His grandmother happened to die shortly after saying that (after an unscheduled visit from obama).

Obama was the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the american people.
consider the source:

"I've been to all 57 states"
Signs of dimentia, memory loss and Mental decline, and he is still better than all 12 of the nimrods on stage last night. HAHAHA
I realize you WANT that to be true and you have convinced yourself that is true...but it's not. You post rumors, innuendo and opinion, zero facts. You actually completely ignore facts because ALL of them are counter to the narrative you want to spin. It is why you love Trump so much...he does the same thing. :lol:

you continue to validate your ignorance with each new post. Is it narrative that we have record low unemployment rates? Is it narrative that taxes have been cut for everyone who pays taxes? is it narrative that our troops are finally coming home from the mess in the mid east? Is it narrative the illegal border crossings are way down and that Mexico is now helping us block caravans of illegals? Is it narrative that dialog has been opened with north korea for the first time ever? Is it narrative that the NATO members are finally paying their fair share?

If those are only narrative, then I say "go narrative"

Wow, deflect much? Another one of your lame modus operandi...change the subject when you can't argue the topic. You've provided zero facts relating to voter fraud or voter ID. (also your MO)

sorry witchey, but its you who cannot provide any facts to support your claims. The biased article you posted claimed 3 million americans have no valid ID, less than 1% of the population, it continues to rant, like you, but fails to provide any verification of that 1% claim or to provide the categories of american voters who are on the voter rolls but have no ID. Begs the question: how did they get on the voter rolls?

No Trumpster, like just about everything you spout, that's simply not true. You don't need restrictive, government issued photo ID with your current name and address on it to register to vote. You need to provide your State Issued ID number or your Social Security number to register. The information you provide is then run the a system that checks your name, date of birth and the ID you provided. If it fails the check, you MUST produce ID the first time you vote. Here in California, you can produce one of thirty types of ID the first time you vote. It does not have to be a current government issued photo ID.

I will again recommend that you volunteer to work the polls or get a seasonal job in an election office. It's eye opening. I'll be hiring soon, drop me a note.

you keep talking about "restrictive govt issued photo ID" Can you quote the state requirements for those and exactly what they entail?

No thanks on your poll worker job. maybe winger will take it and you two can work together to stuff some ballot boxes. :2up:

Silly me...I should have known better than to think you’d be willing to perform an actual civic duty. It’s obvious you’re not terribly civic minded.
They were VERY liberal for the time. The Conservatives wanted to stay with Mother England, the liberals wanted freedom.

Liberals today don't support infanticide. Abortion isn't infanticide. And if the founding fathers could see what has been done with the 2nd amendment, they'd have written it quite differently I am sure.

Liberal in 1776 and liberal in 2019 are two completely different concepts. If you don't know that already then there is no point in discussing it further.

Abortion up to the instant of birth or a few minutes after is infanticide and all of the dems running for president support that.

I agree with you on the second amendment, it was written so that the people could protect them from the government, if they could have foreseen what the libs are trying to do today they would have made it read

"the right to keep and bear all kinds of weapons shall not be infringed or limited, the purpose of this amendment is to enable the citizens to protect themselves from an oppressive government like the ones they left in Europe and other places"
Conservative in 1776 and Conservative in 2019 is the exact same thing

Sold out to the power structure and refuse to do a thing to help the common man


does the common man benefit when unemployment rates are are all time lows? Does the common man benefit when there are more jobs than job seekers? Does the common man benefit when companies expand and build in the USA? Does the common man benefit when cheap illegal labor is not allowed to enter our country? Does the common man benefit when taxes are cut for everyone that pays taxes?

Speaking of selling out to the power structure--------------WTF do you think Biden and his son did with Ukraine and China. Open bribery and Biden even bragged about it.

People have jobs when liberals run the country
Jobs under conservatives have wages and benefits designed to maximize profits for the wealthy

what was the unemployment rate under obama? what is it today under Trump?
Here's a perfect example of what I mean when I say Trump was elected on third base:



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