I hear more and more young people under 22 saying they are going to vote republican. I really think they know the reality of the job situation.
I've talked to young people and they all like Trump, and I didn't need a poll to find that out. They really don't like Hitlery, and Bernie is just a complete geriatric turn off to them. O'Malley, they don't even know who he is. The dems are in huge trouble.

40 isn't young. I know you folks "don't need polls". (Romney proved that) Votes will bear it out too, don't worry.
Did you just pull 40 out of your ass? Yup, you sure did, and my mother would beg to differ with you anyway, because she's a healthy, still drives herself to the store, 86 going to be 87 in December. She'd call a 40 year old a PUNK. But I know you're talking about little bubble headed teens and early twenty somethings that still have a water fall behind their ears, half of which are too busy partying or worrying about their BFF to vote. Nobody really gives a damn about them.

I had my son at 40 years old...:lol: he is in college now.
Democrats: The Party of the Past
November 09, 2015


RUSH: It’s a story at "Dem[ocrat]s Search for Fountain of Youth -- Democrats lean heavily on young voters to win elections, but their leading candidates for the White House are 68-year-old Hillary Clinton and 74-year-old [dinosaur] Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The two other Democrats who were often implored to enter the race are Vice President Biden, 72, and Sen. Elizabeth [Pocahontas] Warren (D-MA), 66. Democrats are led on Capitol Hill by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Senate Minority Leader [Dingy] Harry Reid (NV) -- who are both 75.


"Pelosi's top two lieutenants are 76-year-old Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) and 75-year-old Rep. James Clyburn (SC). In comparison, [Dingy Harry] expected successor as Democratic leader in the next Congress is ... Sen. Charles Schumer (NY) is [a spry] 64. The age of the Democratic Party's lynchpins is a sensitive subject as the party prepares for life after 54-year-old [Barack Hussein O]. Since Obama's election in 2008, Democrats have wracked up net losses amounting to more than [1,000] seats in state legislatures, almost 70 House seats, 13 Senate seats and 12 governors' mansions."

Democrats: The Party of the Past - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Vote for Trump

He is older than Hillary
Democrats: The Party of the Past
November 09, 2015


RUSH: It’s a story at "Dem[ocrat]s Search for Fountain of Youth -- Democrats lean heavily on young voters to win elections, but their leading candidates for the White House are 68-year-old Hillary Clinton and 74-year-old [dinosaur] Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The two other Democrats who were often implored to enter the race are Vice President Biden, 72, and Sen. Elizabeth [Pocahontas] Warren (D-MA), 66. Democrats are led on Capitol Hill by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Senate Minority Leader [Dingy] Harry Reid (NV) -- who are both 75.


"Pelosi's top two lieutenants are 76-year-old Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) and 75-year-old Rep. James Clyburn (SC). In comparison, [Dingy Harry] expected successor as Democratic leader in the next Congress is ... Sen. Charles Schumer (NY) is [a spry] 64. The age of the Democratic Party's lynchpins is a sensitive subject as the party prepares for life after 54-year-old [Barack Hussein O]. Since Obama's election in 2008, Democrats have wracked up net losses amounting to more than [1,000] seats in state legislatures, almost 70 House seats, 13 Senate seats and 12 governors' mansions."

Democrats: The Party of the Past - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Vote for Trump

He is older than Hillary

But seriously Rightwinger Hillary wears polyester pantsuits... she needs to hip it up a bit .
Polyester is from the 1970's :blues:
I gotta admire Republicans

Democrats run Obama and they whine that he is too young
They run Hillary and they moan about how old she is
I gotta admire Republicans

Democrats run Obama and they whine that he is too young
They run Hillary and they moan about how old she is
It's not just your old scab Hitlery, it's your entire party leadership. They're all fucking dinosaurs, and WHITE.


I gotta admire Republicans

Democrats run Obama and they whine that he is too young
They run Hillary and they moan about how old she is
It's not just your old scab Hitlery, it's your entire party leadership. They're all fucking dinosaurs, and WHITE.



How swiftly you change gears

Switching from hatred of a young black man to an old white woman
The democrat party only survives through the efforts of the mainstream liberal media. Years ago when Cronkite was king of the airwaves the democrat party could get away with incredible propaganda. The media knew about JFK's personal weaknesses but they kept is a secret. The media knew about Bill Clinton's serial abuse of women but they kept it under wraps and they got away with it for a while. As Dylan would say "the times they are a-changin" and Americans are smarter and better informed than they were when the only information had a left wing slant but the DNC still doesn't get it. The disrespectful attacks by the moderators on republican candidates during the last debate might have been accepted by Americans forty years ago but it backfired big time today. The nit-picking distortions of Dr. Carson's book might have been accepted as real news analysis twenty years ago but it backfired big time and the democrat party still doesn't get it. The liberal media can only protect Bill Clinton's abused angry wife for a while but sooner or later the DNC is going to have to find another candidate or go down in defeat to the biggest landslide in history.
  • Thanks
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Democrats elect first black president
Democrats elect first female president

Republicans....Party of white men

The average age of the leaders, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders, is 71, older than Ronald Reagan was during his successful 1980 campaign.

The Republican candidates average 57, with three candidates in their 40s, even after Scott Walker (47 at the time) dropped out in September. The sole Republican candidate old enough to collect Social Security? Donald J. Trump.

The average age of the leaders, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders, is 71, older than Ronald Reagan was during his successful 1980 campaign.

The Republican candidates average 57, with three candidates in their 40s, even after Scott Walker (47 at the time) dropped out in September. The sole Republican candidate old enough to collect Social Security? Donald J. Trump.

So.....47 year old Obama was too young
67 year old Hillary is too old

Kind of play both sides of the fence don't you?

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