Democrats Just Doing The Only Thing They're Good At

Oh......and I totally forgot.....Democrats are shutting down the the same time they're backing a total disregard for social-distancing in these riots.
I have yet to run into any part of the nation that is shut down.
If you mean do we have tanks patrolling the
But small businesses are being put out of business.
And like your average could care less.
When have businesses never gone out of business in the US?
That's your excuse for businesses being bankrupted by these anarchists? That businesses have always gone out of business? They do...but not because of riots that burn and loot...that's the "new reality" of Democratically controlled cities! If you're a business owner in THOSE cities you have no expectation that the Police will show up to protect your property in the event of a riot!
Just put your mask on. Because, the Democrats want to have a party right before you. Your children are the prize. But as long as you tell yourselves it's not true then it's not. Or you can live in the real world and realize what is really going on.

View attachment 366355
Not wearing a mask can kill them.
Not nearly fast enough and the death rate from covid is far too low at far less than one percent. Bullets are cheap and certain with a much higher fatality rate. Also far more humane if you give a shit about that.
This world would be a much better place if it wasn't for Democrats.
If you look at the news, and see yet another riot caused by the're just seeing the chaos that Democrats unleashed on this country for the sole purpose of taking over Washington, as well as every state in November.
Democrats want complete control of the country.
Every city that Democrats control is suffering from the same affliction.
Daily violence and destruction.
This is what Democrats are good at.
The Democrats side with the rioters and call them peaceful protesters.....but then their friends in the mob turn on them.
Democrat ideas suck (see the New Green Deal), so they have started something that must come to an end. The ends justify the means, correct? They have no sense of decency when it comes to getting what they want. Maybe they feel throwing out crazy ideas will only make people compromise, but the mob doesn't compromise.

I bet Obama is doing cartwheels....his revolution is happening. He's making a mess of this country....and it makes him really proud.

Democrats don't care. If they lose in a massive Red-Wave they'll just increase the violence and destruction.
If they are able to takeover the country, guess what, the violence won't end.
Democrats will simply use the violence and destruction as an excuse to clamp down on America.....but this will continue....for at least 10 years. A lib friend of my said that ANITFA is just a one-off situation. Little does he know that Democrats will allow this to continue for 10 years.
They enlisted criminals to do their dirty work, and guess who will be the first to suffer the consequences?
Not the criminals. We will all suffer the consequences.
Eventually the scum that made it all possible will come under the knife.....but law-abiding citizens will pay a heavy price in the end.
Even if Trump wins he will have to take drastic measures to reverse the chaos that Democrats have unleashed.
The left thinks this all plays into their hands.
This is terrorism.
Nothing good comes from terrorism.

View attachment 366307
So says the dumbasses who want to destroy the environment, increase Climate Change and give cops the OK to murder black men.
Cops murder fewer black men in a year than are murdered in Chicago by other blacks on a bad weekend, Dave but you're here claiming THAT cops are the problem in America? Funny stuff...
This world would be a much better place if it wasn't for Democrats.
If you look at the news, and see yet another riot caused by the're just seeing the chaos that Democrats unleashed on this country for the sole purpose of taking over Washington, as well as every state in November.
Democrats want complete control of the country.
Every city that Democrats control is suffering from the same affliction.
Daily violence and destruction.
This is what Democrats are good at.
The Democrats side with the rioters and call them peaceful protesters.....but then their friends in the mob turn on them.
Democrat ideas suck (see the New Green Deal), so they have started something that must come to an end. The ends justify the means, correct? They have no sense of decency when it comes to getting what they want. Maybe they feel throwing out crazy ideas will only make people compromise, but the mob doesn't compromise.

I bet Obama is doing cartwheels....his revolution is happening. He's making a mess of this country....and it makes him really proud.

Democrats don't care. If they lose in a massive Red-Wave they'll just increase the violence and destruction.
If they are able to takeover the country, guess what, the violence won't end.
Democrats will simply use the violence and destruction as an excuse to clamp down on America.....but this will continue....for at least 10 years. A lib friend of my said that ANITFA is just a one-off situation. Little does he know that Democrats will allow this to continue for 10 years.
They enlisted criminals to do their dirty work, and guess who will be the first to suffer the consequences?
Not the criminals. We will all suffer the consequences.
Eventually the scum that made it all possible will come under the knife.....but law-abiding citizens will pay a heavy price in the end.
Even if Trump wins he will have to take drastic measures to reverse the chaos that Democrats have unleashed.
The left thinks this all plays into their hands.
This is terrorism.
Nothing good comes from terrorism.

View attachment 366307

The world would be better off without Trump's right wing fascist supporters like you. They represent thje worst of America. They have killed or attempted to kill people. We see jackbooted federal thugs attacking people. That is okay with you animals. You want to label every protestor as violent whether they are or not. The protests have been peaceful for the most part.

Trump is more likely to lose in a blue wave. His lack of leadership has been astonishing as more Americans become sick.
This world would be a much better place if it wasn't for Democrats.
If you look at the news, and see yet another riot caused by the're just seeing the chaos that Democrats unleashed on this country for the sole purpose of taking over Washington, as well as every state in November.
Democrats want complete control of the country.
Every city that Democrats control is suffering from the same affliction.
Daily violence and destruction.
This is what Democrats are good at.
The Democrats side with the rioters and call them peaceful protesters.....but then their friends in the mob turn on them.
Democrat ideas suck (see the New Green Deal), so they have started something that must come to an end. The ends justify the means, correct? They have no sense of decency when it comes to getting what they want. Maybe they feel throwing out crazy ideas will only make people compromise, but the mob doesn't compromise.

I bet Obama is doing cartwheels....his revolution is happening. He's making a mess of this country....and it makes him really proud.

Democrats don't care. If they lose in a massive Red-Wave they'll just increase the violence and destruction.
If they are able to takeover the country, guess what, the violence won't end.
Democrats will simply use the violence and destruction as an excuse to clamp down on America.....but this will continue....for at least 10 years. A lib friend of my said that ANITFA is just a one-off situation. Little does he know that Democrats will allow this to continue for 10 years.
They enlisted criminals to do their dirty work, and guess who will be the first to suffer the consequences?
Not the criminals. We will all suffer the consequences.
Eventually the scum that made it all possible will come under the knife.....but law-abiding citizens will pay a heavy price in the end.
Even if Trump wins he will have to take drastic measures to reverse the chaos that Democrats have unleashed.
The left thinks this all plays into their hands.
This is terrorism.
Nothing good comes from terrorism.

View attachment 366307

The world would be better off without Trump's right wing fascist supporters like you. They represent thje worst of America. They have killed or attempted to kill people. We see jackbooted federal thugs attacking people. That is okay with you animals. You want to label every protestor as violent whether they are or not. The protests have been peaceful for the most part.

Trump is more likely to lose in a blue wave. His lack of leadership has been astonishing as more Americans become sick.
Did you just pull that crap outta your butt?
That must have hurt even if you used lubricant.
Just put your mask on. Because, the Democrats want to have a party right before you. Your children are the prize. But as long as you tell yourselves it's not true then it's not. Or you can live in the real world and realize what is really going on.

View attachment 366355
Not wearing a mask can kill them.
Not nearly fast enough and the death rate from covid is far too low at far less than one percent. Bullets are cheap and certain with a much higher fatality rate. Also far more humane if you give a shit about that.
And don't you dare defend yourself from a mob successfully.
Charges will be brought against you.
This world would be a much better place if it wasn't for Democrats.
If you look at the news, and see yet another riot caused by the're just seeing the chaos that Democrats unleashed on this country for the sole purpose of taking over Washington, as well as every state in November.
Democrats want complete control of the country.
Every city that Democrats control is suffering from the same affliction.
Daily violence and destruction.
This is what Democrats are good at.
The Democrats side with the rioters and call them peaceful protesters.....but then their friends in the mob turn on them.
Democrat ideas suck (see the New Green Deal), so they have started something that must come to an end. The ends justify the means, correct? They have no sense of decency when it comes to getting what they want. Maybe they feel throwing out crazy ideas will only make people compromise, but the mob doesn't compromise.

I bet Obama is doing cartwheels....his revolution is happening. He's making a mess of this country....and it makes him really proud.

Democrats don't care. If they lose in a massive Red-Wave they'll just increase the violence and destruction.
If they are able to takeover the country, guess what, the violence won't end.
Democrats will simply use the violence and destruction as an excuse to clamp down on America.....but this will continue....for at least 10 years. A lib friend of my said that ANITFA is just a one-off situation. Little does he know that Democrats will allow this to continue for 10 years.
They enlisted criminals to do their dirty work, and guess who will be the first to suffer the consequences?
Not the criminals. We will all suffer the consequences.
Eventually the scum that made it all possible will come under the knife.....but law-abiding citizens will pay a heavy price in the end.
Even if Trump wins he will have to take drastic measures to reverse the chaos that Democrats have unleashed.
The left thinks this all plays into their hands.
This is terrorism.
Nothing good comes from terrorism.

View attachment 366307

The world would be better off without Trump's right wing fascist supporters like you. They represent thje worst of America. They have killed or attempted to kill people. We see jackbooted federal thugs attacking people. That is okay with you animals. You want to label every protestor as violent whether they are or not. The protests have been peaceful for the most part.

Trump is more likely to lose in a blue wave. His lack of leadership has been astonishing as more Americans become sick.
You need to first get your eyes checked followed in rapid sucession by a through mental work up.
This world would be a much better place if it wasn't for Democrats.
If you look at the news, and see yet another riot caused by the're just seeing the chaos that Democrats unleashed on this country for the sole purpose of taking over Washington, as well as every state in November.
Democrats want complete control of the country.
Every city that Democrats control is suffering from the same affliction.
Daily violence and destruction.
This is what Democrats are good at.
The Democrats side with the rioters and call them peaceful protesters.....but then their friends in the mob turn on them.
Democrat ideas suck (see the New Green Deal), so they have started something that must come to an end. The ends justify the means, correct? They have no sense of decency when it comes to getting what they want. Maybe they feel throwing out crazy ideas will only make people compromise, but the mob doesn't compromise.

I bet Obama is doing cartwheels....his revolution is happening. He's making a mess of this country....and it makes him really proud.

Democrats don't care. If they lose in a massive Red-Wave they'll just increase the violence and destruction.
If they are able to takeover the country, guess what, the violence won't end.
Democrats will simply use the violence and destruction as an excuse to clamp down on America.....but this will continue....for at least 10 years. A lib friend of my said that ANITFA is just a one-off situation. Little does he know that Democrats will allow this to continue for 10 years.
They enlisted criminals to do their dirty work, and guess who will be the first to suffer the consequences?
Not the criminals. We will all suffer the consequences.
Eventually the scum that made it all possible will come under the knife.....but law-abiding citizens will pay a heavy price in the end.
Even if Trump wins he will have to take drastic measures to reverse the chaos that Democrats have unleashed.
The left thinks this all plays into their hands.
This is terrorism.
Nothing good comes from terrorism.

View attachment 366307

The world would be better off without Trump's right wing fascist supporters like you. They represent thje worst of America. They have killed or attempted to kill people. We see jackbooted federal thugs attacking people. That is okay with you animals. You want to label every protestor as violent whether they are or not. The protests have been peaceful for the most part.

Trump is more likely to lose in a blue wave. His lack of leadership has been astonishing as more Americans become sick.
The protests have NOT been peaceful for the most part! The same pattern of behavior occurs over and over again. Protests start out peacefully but then the radical left uses the protests to give them cover while they commit acts of violence. Stop pretending this isn't happening, know that it is!
This world would be a much better place if it wasn't for Democrats.
If you look at the news, and see yet another riot caused by the're just seeing the chaos that Democrats unleashed on this country for the sole purpose of taking over Washington, as well as every state in November.
Democrats want complete control of the country.
Every city that Democrats control is suffering from the same affliction.
Daily violence and destruction.
This is what Democrats are good at.
The Democrats side with the rioters and call them peaceful protesters.....but then their friends in the mob turn on them.
Democrat ideas suck (see the New Green Deal), so they have started something that must come to an end. The ends justify the means, correct? They have no sense of decency when it comes to getting what they want. Maybe they feel throwing out crazy ideas will only make people compromise, but the mob doesn't compromise.

I bet Obama is doing cartwheels....his revolution is happening. He's making a mess of this country....and it makes him really proud.

Democrats don't care. If they lose in a massive Red-Wave they'll just increase the violence and destruction.
If they are able to takeover the country, guess what, the violence won't end.
Democrats will simply use the violence and destruction as an excuse to clamp down on America.....but this will continue....for at least 10 years. A lib friend of my said that ANITFA is just a one-off situation. Little does he know that Democrats will allow this to continue for 10 years.
They enlisted criminals to do their dirty work, and guess who will be the first to suffer the consequences?
Not the criminals. We will all suffer the consequences.
Eventually the scum that made it all possible will come under the knife.....but law-abiding citizens will pay a heavy price in the end.
Even if Trump wins he will have to take drastic measures to reverse the chaos that Democrats have unleashed.
The left thinks this all plays into their hands.
This is terrorism.
Nothing good comes from terrorism.

View attachment 366307

The world would be better off without Trump's right wing fascist supporters like you. They represent thje worst of America. They have killed or attempted to kill people. We see jackbooted federal thugs attacking people. That is okay with you animals. You want to label every protestor as violent whether they are or not. The protests have been peaceful for the most part.

Trump is more likely to lose in a blue wave. His lack of leadership has been astonishing as more Americans become sick.
You need to first get your eyes checked followed in rapid sucession by a through mental work up.

Er....doesn't any sort of 'mental exam' require the existence of a brain???
This world would be a much better place if it wasn't for Democrats.
If you look at the news, and see yet another riot caused by the're just seeing the chaos that Democrats unleashed on this country for the sole purpose of taking over Washington, as well as every state in November.
Democrats want complete control of the country.
Every city that Democrats control is suffering from the same affliction.
Daily violence and destruction.
This is what Democrats are good at.
The Democrats side with the rioters and call them peaceful protesters.....but then their friends in the mob turn on them.
Democrat ideas suck (see the New Green Deal), so they have started something that must come to an end. The ends justify the means, correct? They have no sense of decency when it comes to getting what they want. Maybe they feel throwing out crazy ideas will only make people compromise, but the mob doesn't compromise.

I bet Obama is doing cartwheels....his revolution is happening. He's making a mess of this country....and it makes him really proud.

Democrats don't care. If they lose in a massive Red-Wave they'll just increase the violence and destruction.
If they are able to takeover the country, guess what, the violence won't end.
Democrats will simply use the violence and destruction as an excuse to clamp down on America.....but this will continue....for at least 10 years. A lib friend of my said that ANITFA is just a one-off situation. Little does he know that Democrats will allow this to continue for 10 years.
They enlisted criminals to do their dirty work, and guess who will be the first to suffer the consequences?
Not the criminals. We will all suffer the consequences.
Eventually the scum that made it all possible will come under the knife.....but law-abiding citizens will pay a heavy price in the end.
Even if Trump wins he will have to take drastic measures to reverse the chaos that Democrats have unleashed.
The left thinks this all plays into their hands.
This is terrorism.
Nothing good comes from terrorism.

View attachment 366307

The world would be better off without Trump's right wing fascist supporters like you. They represent thje worst of America. They have killed or attempted to kill people. We see jackbooted federal thugs attacking people. That is okay with you animals. You want to label every protestor as violent whether they are or not. The protests have been peaceful for the most part.

Trump is more likely to lose in a blue wave. His lack of leadership has been astonishing as more Americans become sick.
You need to first get your eyes checked followed in rapid sucession by a through mental work up.

Er....doesn't any sort of 'mental exam' require the existence of a brain???
The exam was lampooned by Chris Wallace last week...

....and of course CNN's talking idiots (Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon) heard the dogwhistle and were making fun of it live. Then something horrible happened.

They both got it wrong. Don Lemon mistook a Rino for a Hippo. Realising their mistake they laughed it off and went to commercial.

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