Democrats just don't get that with Trump "what you see is what you get"


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Billy put up a thread trying to make the point that Trump is an attention whore like Charlie Sheen. Well hell's bells every politician running an election campaign is an attention whore.

Trump just happens to be very successful at it. And the media doesn't understand that they are playing right into his hands.

Hillary's campaign team errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr MSM have been trying to destroy him with wall to wall negative coverage. But with the Donald it has backfired on them.

Big time. :)

When Trump says anything that the Clinton campaign errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr MSM think they can use against him, the media goes wild.

His numbers go up as a push back by supporters against the media and the foolish R's that have been idiotic enough to chastise him.

Trump will not be cowered. So when the MSM attempts to smear him with "all Muslims must never be allowed in the USA" his supporters know damn well that it's a smear and that he was talking about a pause in the refugee program till those in charge can get their shit together.

Or the bullshit attempt at a smear that Trump was talking about Megan Kelly's period his supporters AND others knew damn well he wasn't talking about her period.

If he was the Donald would have laid it on the line with "Man oh man she was on the rag and really went after me". Or "Crap it must have been her time of the month" or "Can't CNN afford Midol for the bitch".


That's how the Donald would have put it. You poor left wing souls have finally met your match with Trump. He's been vetted over and over and over. No secrets with the man. He's been out there for years.

His motto really could be Popeye's.

"I yam what I yam and that's all I yam".
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Billy put up a thread trying to make the point that Trump is an attention whore like Charlie Sheen. Well hell's bells every politician running an election campaign is an attention whore.

Trump just happens to be very successful at it. And the media doesn't understand that they are playing right into his hands.

Hillary's campaign team errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr MSM have been trying to destroy him with wall to wall negative coverage. But with the Donald it has backfired on them.

Big time. :)

When Trump says anything that the Clinton campaign errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr MSM think they can use against him, the media goes wild.

His numbers go up as a push back by supporters against the media and the foolish R's that have been idiotic enough to chastise him.

Trump will not be cowered. So when the MSM attempts to smear him with "all Muslims must never be allowed in the USA" his supporters know damn well that it's a smear and that he was talking about a pause in the refugee program till those in charge can get their shit together.

Or the bullshit attempt at a smear that Trump was talking about Megan Kelly's period his supporters AND others knew damn well he wasn't talking about her period.

If he was the Donald would have laid it on the line with "Man oh man she was on the rag and really went after me". Or "Crap it must have been her time of the month" or "Can't CNN afford Midol for the bitch".


That's how the Donald would have put it. You poor left wing souls have finally met your match with Trump. He's been vetted over and over and over. No secrets with the man. He's been out there for years.

His motto really could be Popeye's.

"I yam what I yam and that's all I yam".

I agree. What you see is what you get. You either like him or you don't and he could care less either way.
Many of us have an idea of what he's really like.

With Trump what you see is what you get, and what you see is a guy who flip flops at the drop of a hat if it suits his personal agenda-du-jour.

That is what you will get.
With Trump what you see is what you get, and what you see is a guy who flip flops at the drop of a hat if it suits his personal agenda-du-jour.

That is what you will get.

Yeah. Kinda sounds like the most transparent administration in history and lets not forget Hope and change.
With Trump what you see is what you get, and what you see is a guy who flip flops at the drop of a hat if it suits his personal agenda-du-jour.

That is what you will get.

Yeah. Kinda sounds like the most transparent administration in history and lets not forget Hope and change.

so you're conceding, in a perversely partisan way, that Trump is really just more of the same, politically.
His motto really could be Popeye's.

"I yam what I yam and that's all I yam".

I am sure Ivana found out that to be a lie...

I got some interesting results when I Googled Trump and Manchurian candidate. His love of China worries me. He seems obsessed with China. What is with him and China?

With Trump what you see is what you get, and what you see is a guy who flip flops at the drop of a hat if it suits his personal agenda-du-jour.

That is what you will get.

Yeah. Kinda sounds like the most transparent administration in history and lets not forget Hope and change.

so you're conceding, in a perversely partisan way, that Trump is really just more of the same, politically.

His motto really could be Popeye's.

"I yam what I yam and that's all I yam".

I am sure Ivana found out that to be a lie...

He had an affair with Marla to be certain but then he married her.

As far as I know there were no cigars or pizza involved with Ivana and the kids upstairs while he was jerking off into someone's mouth.
His motto really could be Popeye's.

"I yam what I yam and that's all I yam".

I am sure Ivana found out that to be a lie...

He had an affair with Marla to be certain but then he married her.

As far as I know there were no cigars or pizza involved with Ivana and the kids upstairs while he was jerking off into someone's mouth.
Yet we are only speaking about Thrump....But if you think that one dirty old man is different than the other, blow away..

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