Democrats Keep Betraying Women, Losing Votes!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Sexual Assault Survivor Outed By Sen. Heitkamp Says The Senator Lost Her Vote

Just like Despicable Feinstein, Heitkamp betrayed and used a supposed Sexual Assault survivor as a 'TOOL' / 'WEAPON' by 'outing' her in an attack against her opponent.

"One of the women whose name was published in Democratic Sen. Heitkamp’s open letter, which listed alleged sexual assault survivors without their consent, said Thursday morning that she will not be voting for her.

letter was directed at Heitkamp’s opponent for the midterm election in North Dakota. More than 100 names were listed, including Lexi Zhorela, who was on CNN, as “survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or rape.”

Following its publication, Heitkamp said in a
statement, “I deeply regret this mistake and we are in the process of issuing a retraction, personally apologizing to each of the people impacted by this and taking the necessary steps to ensure this never happens again.”

:wtf: A 'RETRACTION'?!

So , does Heitkamp actually believe that apologizing, claiming she's 'sorry' (Yeah, like Al Franken said he was...before reversing it and declaring he really wasn't), and issuing a 'retraction' will 'UN-DO' the fact that she betrayed a woman's trust and 'OUTED' her to the world? That's sorta like thinking you can 'UN-fornicate' a girl that you've already gotten pregnant.

Democrats, as they continue to prove, continue to USE women for their own personal / party political gain without thinking of who they have to use, who they have to betray, or what pain they may be causing these women.

Sexual Assault Survivor Outed By Sen. Heitkamp Says The Senator Lost Her Vote

They don't care about women. It's not about that. If it were, the Pussy Hatters would be showing up to protest at every Keith Ellison campaign event. So far, not a peep out of em on Ellison. That should tell you everything about Democrats.

Ellison's fine because he has that (D) by his name. It's not about women, it's about obtaining power. The Democrats will do anything to get the power back. Hopefully most Americans understand that and give em the boot in upcoming elections.
Sexual Assault Survivor Outed By Sen. Heitkamp Says The Senator Lost Her Vote

Just like Despicable Feinstein, Heitkamp betrayed and used a supposed Sexual Assault survivor as a 'TOOL' / 'WEAPON' by 'outing' her in an attack against her opponent.

"One of the women whose name was published in Democratic Sen. Heitkamp’s open letter, which listed alleged sexual assault survivors without their consent, said Thursday morning that she will not be voting for her.

letter was directed at Heitkamp’s opponent for the midterm election in North Dakota. More than 100 names were listed, including Lexi Zhorela, who was on CNN, as “survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or rape.”

Following its publication, Heitkamp said in a
statement, “I deeply regret this mistake and we are in the process of issuing a retraction, personally apologizing to each of the people impacted by this and taking the necessary steps to ensure this never happens again.”

:wtf: A 'RETRACTION'?!

So , does Heitkamp actually believe that apologizing, claiming she's 'sorry' (Yeah, like Al Franken said he was...before reversing it and declaring he really wasn't), and issuing a 'retraction' will 'UN-DO' the fact that she betrayed a woman's trust and 'OUTED' her to the world? That's sorta like thinking you can 'UN-fornicate' a girl that you've already gotten pregnant.

Democrats, as they continue to prove, continue to USE women for their own personal / party political gain without thinking of who they have to use, who they have to betray, or what pain they may be causing these women.

Sexual Assault Survivor Outed By Sen. Heitkamp Says The Senator Lost Her Vote

Sexual Assault Survivor Outed By Sen. Heitkamp Says The Senator Lost Her Vote

Just like Despicable Feinstein, Heitkamp betrayed and used a supposed Sexual Assault survivor as a 'TOOL' / 'WEAPON' by 'outing' her in an attack against her opponent.

"One of the women whose name was published in Democratic Sen. Heitkamp’s open letter, which listed alleged sexual assault survivors without their consent, said Thursday morning that she will not be voting for her.

letter was directed at Heitkamp’s opponent for the midterm election in North Dakota. More than 100 names were listed, including Lexi Zhorela, who was on CNN, as “survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or rape.”

Following its publication, Heitkamp said in a
statement, “I deeply regret this mistake and we are in the process of issuing a retraction, personally apologizing to each of the people impacted by this and taking the necessary steps to ensure this never happens again.”

:wtf: A 'RETRACTION'?!

So , does Heitkamp actually believe that apologizing, claiming she's 'sorry' (Yeah, like Al Franken said he was...before reversing it and declaring he really wasn't), and issuing a 'retraction' will 'UN-DO' the fact that she betrayed a woman's trust and 'OUTED' her to the world? That's sorta like thinking you can 'UN-fornicate' a girl that you've already gotten pregnant.

Democrats, as they continue to prove, continue to USE women for their own personal / party political gain without thinking of who they have to use, who they have to betray, or what pain they may be causing these women.

Sexual Assault Survivor Outed By Sen. Heitkamp Says The Senator Lost Her Vote


How about a Lawsuit against Herr Heitkamp and The Democrat Party to the tune of oh, I don't know.....$100 Million Dollars?
I'm sure that has plenty to do with Hilarious Hillary and the Michelle Obama Trek Salt Vampire constantly gender-baiting. They're so condescending toward their fellow women, they expect ALL women to mindlessly think and vote in the same way. They idiotically believe all women violently, psychotically hate men as much as they do. Filthy liberal whores. What a waste of fallopian tubes these liberal woman-like things are.

And as usual with today's DemocRats, it's just another negative, hate-filled platform. Nothing that could possibly benefit the average American voter in any way, shape or form, male or female.
They don't care about women. It's not about that. If it were, the Pussy Hatters would be showing up to protest at every Keith Ellison campaign event. So far, not a peep out of em on Ellison. That should tell you everything about Democrats.

Ellison's fine because he has that (D) by his name. It's not about women, it's about obtaining power. The Democrats will do anything to get the power back. Hopefully most Americans understand that and give em the boot in upcoming elections.

You must have missed the Kavanaugh hearings.
There were plenty of women protestors there.
Both inside the hearing and outside the Capitol building and outside the Supreme Court, too.
Your cherry-picking Ellison as an example for your argument is a joke.

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