Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...

Democrats still support corporate tax reform. To a man, they have said they would support a lower rate, if the loopholes were addressed. In fact, Trump campaigned on it. Of course, he was lying, as he lies about everything else. Why? Because people like you cheer him for it.

To a man, they have said they would support a lower rate, if the loopholes were addressed.

Excellent plan!! Which corporate loopholes do they want to address?

Google's broken again, eh? Sorry to hear. :(

I Googled, "Democrats whining about loopholes", but didn't find any specifics.
DemWitts should support this Tax plan. From what I have read the "rich" will be hit hard. Little man will benefit. Corporations and small businesses will benefit........and finally hire again. What not to like?
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Libtards never met a tax they did not like! They hate America.
If you like deductions, credits, and exemptions, then you love high tax rates.
You only want to get rid of the deductions and not the high rates.

No actually he has been a big proponent of cutting the tax rate for all, and eliminating all expenditures. Except for payroll for businesses. I am pretty sure he has said that, if not then I apologize if I misspoke for him. And I tend to agree.
Once, he admitted to me that he would like to eliminate all the deductions and keep the rates the same to pay off the deficit. He may have changed his tune on that issue. He also used to attack the FAIR tax, but now he supports it.

Now to leave the rates up to pay off debt he may have said in past. I most not have been on the boards at that time. I can't get behind that, but i can a rate cut and elimination of expenditures.
Libtards never met a tax they did not like! They hate America.
If you like deductions, credits, and exemptions, then you love high tax rates.
You only want to get rid of the deductions and not the high rates.

You started telling this lie when you finally realized that your deductions, credits, and exemptions are theft after all these years of me telling you so.

You don't have the integrity to admit you were wrong, and so you make up lies.

That's your character. Asshole.
Libtards never met a tax they did not like! They hate America.
If you like deductions, credits, and exemptions, then you love high tax rates.
You only want to get rid of the deductions and not the high rates.

No actually he has been a big proponent of cutting the tax rate for all, and eliminating all expenditures. Except for payroll for businesses. I am pretty sure he has said that, if not then I apologize if I misspoke for him. And I tend to agree.
That's exactly what I have been saying.

Although I never mentioned payroll for businesses.
Libtards never met a tax they did not like! They hate America.
If you like deductions, credits, and exemptions, then you love high tax rates.
You only want to get rid of the deductions and not the high rates.

No actually he has been a big proponent of cutting the tax rate for all, and eliminating all expenditures. Except for payroll for businesses. I am pretty sure he has said that, if not then I apologize if I misspoke for him. And I tend to agree.
Once, he admitted to me that he would like to eliminate all the deductions and keep the rates the same to pay off the deficit. .
Bullshit. Liar.

I have consistently said we should ban all tax expenditures and lower tax rates for EVERYONE.

I have ALWAYS put EVERYONE in all caps.


You are a fucking liar.

I have consistently said we can lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt AT THE SAME TIME. And I have consistently said that once the debt was paid back, we could lower tax rates for EVERYONE even more.

And if you fucking lie and deny this, I will rub my posts in your fat fucking lying face, you fucking asshole.

You've been wrong about tax expenditures all these years, and don't have the fucking courage or integrity to admit it. So you make up lies about the person who has been right all this time.

You have no fucking integrity at all, you little punk.
Libtards never met a tax they did not like! They hate America.
If you like deductions, credits, and exemptions, then you love high tax rates.
You only want to get rid of the deductions and not the high rates.

No actually he has been a big proponent of cutting the tax rate for all, and eliminating all expenditures. Except for payroll for businesses. I am pretty sure he has said that, if not then I apologize if I misspoke for him. And I tend to agree.
Once, he admitted to me that he would like to eliminate all the deductions and keep the rates the same to pay off the deficit. .
Bullshit. Liar.

I have consistently said we should ban all tax expenditures and lower tax rates for EVERYONE.

I have ALWAYS put EVERYONE in all caps.


You are a fucking liar.

I have consistently said we can lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt AT THE SAME TIME. And I have consistently said that once the debt was paid back, we could lower tax rates for EVERYONE even more.

And if you fucking lie and deny this, I will rub my posts in your fat fucking lying face, you fucking asshole.

You've been wrong about tax expenditures all these years, and don't have the fucking courage or integrity to admit it. So you make up lies about the person who has been right all this time.

You have no fucking integrity at all, you little punk.

You just admitted you want to use elimitaing the expendatures, and not compensaiting with equivalent rate reductions as a means of raising revenue to pay off the debt.
The pseudocons have been screaming for YEARS about having their government gifts taken away from them. I have been telling them for YEARS that eliminating tax expenditures is a core conservative principle.

These lying assholes have heaped non-stop abuse on me for pointing out to them they are not conservatives, and that they are thieves much worse than any poor person on food stamps.

Much worse.

Now the fuckers are trying to lie about the whole reason I said I wanted to eliminate tax expenditures is so that we can lower tax rates on EVERYONE and so that entities earning identical incomes would be paying the same taxes, and that it would bring serendipitous campaign finance reform since a great deal of the bribery to our politicians is to put these thieving expenditures in the tax code.

Fuck you, bripat. You don't get to weave a whole new lie about me, you little fucking punk.
If you like deductions, credits, and exemptions, then you love high tax rates.
You only want to get rid of the deductions and not the high rates.

No actually he has been a big proponent of cutting the tax rate for all, and eliminating all expenditures. Except for payroll for businesses. I am pretty sure he has said that, if not then I apologize if I misspoke for him. And I tend to agree.
Once, he admitted to me that he would like to eliminate all the deductions and keep the rates the same to pay off the deficit. .
Bullshit. Liar.

I have consistently said we should ban all tax expenditures and lower tax rates for EVERYONE.

I have ALWAYS put EVERYONE in all caps.


You are a fucking liar.

I have consistently said we can lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt AT THE SAME TIME. And I have consistently said that once the debt was paid back, we could lower tax rates for EVERYONE even more.

And if you fucking lie and deny this, I will rub my posts in your fat fucking lying face, you fucking asshole.

You've been wrong about tax expenditures all these years, and don't have the fucking courage or integrity to admit it. So you make up lies about the person who has been right all this time.

You have no fucking integrity at all, you little punk.

You just admitted you want to use elimitaing the expendatures, and not compensaiting with equivalent rate reductions as a means of raising revenue to pay off the debt.
One of the chief reasons our debt is so high is because of the tax expenditures, retard. It only makes sense to even the books.


We can lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt which was caused by this theft, at the same time. Once the debt was paid down, then we can lower tax rates even more, for EVERYONE.

I have been very consistent about this, asshole. And you know it.

You've been an ignorant, innumerate liar all this time.

Try to catch up.
You only want to get rid of the deductions and not the high rates.

No actually he has been a big proponent of cutting the tax rate for all, and eliminating all expenditures. Except for payroll for businesses. I am pretty sure he has said that, if not then I apologize if I misspoke for him. And I tend to agree.
Once, he admitted to me that he would like to eliminate all the deductions and keep the rates the same to pay off the deficit. .
Bullshit. Liar.

I have consistently said we should ban all tax expenditures and lower tax rates for EVERYONE.

I have ALWAYS put EVERYONE in all caps.


You are a fucking liar.

I have consistently said we can lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt AT THE SAME TIME. And I have consistently said that once the debt was paid back, we could lower tax rates for EVERYONE even more.

And if you fucking lie and deny this, I will rub my posts in your fat fucking lying face, you fucking asshole.

You've been wrong about tax expenditures all these years, and don't have the fucking courage or integrity to admit it. So you make up lies about the person who has been right all this time.

You have no fucking integrity at all, you little punk.

You just admitted you want to use elimitaing the expendatures, and not compensaiting with equivalent rate reductions as a means of raising revenue to pay off the debt.
One of the chief reasons our debt is so high is because of the tax expenditures, retard. It only makes sense to even the books.


We can lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt which was caused by this theft, at the same time. Once the debt was paid down, then we can lower tax rates even more, for EVERYONE.

I have been very consistent about this, asshole. And you know it.

You've been an ignorant, innumerate liar all this time.

Try to catch up.
You just admitted it again, but you called me a liar. What does that make you?
No actually he has been a big proponent of cutting the tax rate for all, and eliminating all expenditures. Except for payroll for businesses. I am pretty sure he has said that, if not then I apologize if I misspoke for him. And I tend to agree.
Once, he admitted to me that he would like to eliminate all the deductions and keep the rates the same to pay off the deficit. .
Bullshit. Liar.

I have consistently said we should ban all tax expenditures and lower tax rates for EVERYONE.

I have ALWAYS put EVERYONE in all caps.


You are a fucking liar.

I have consistently said we can lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt AT THE SAME TIME. And I have consistently said that once the debt was paid back, we could lower tax rates for EVERYONE even more.

And if you fucking lie and deny this, I will rub my posts in your fat fucking lying face, you fucking asshole.

You've been wrong about tax expenditures all these years, and don't have the fucking courage or integrity to admit it. So you make up lies about the person who has been right all this time.

You have no fucking integrity at all, you little punk.

You just admitted you want to use elimitaing the expendatures, and not compensaiting with equivalent rate reductions as a means of raising revenue to pay off the debt.
One of the chief reasons our debt is so high is because of the tax expenditures, retard. It only makes sense to even the books.


We can lower tax rates for EVERYONE and pay down the debt which was caused by this theft, at the same time. Once the debt was paid down, then we can lower tax rates even more, for EVERYONE.

I have been very consistent about this, asshole. And you know it.

You've been an ignorant, innumerate liar all this time.

Try to catch up.
You just admitted it again, but you called me a liar. What does that make you?
Here is what you said, liar: "Once, he admitted to me that he would like to eliminate all the deductions and keep the rates the same to pay off the deficit. ."

Fucking liar.

And you are obviously too stupid to know the difference between a deficit and the debt.
The GOP/Trump plan is to lower tax rates without a commensurate cut in the tax expenditures which caused the high tax rates and debt to begin with!

And so their plan will ADD to the debt even more!

The corporate tax expenditures are surviving nearly intact. Trump and the GOP are throwing up a lot of smoke to conceal this fact. They are waving around a postcard INDIVIDUAL tax return to hide their shameless crime. A little shiny object to keep the rubes distracted.

The American people are being royally fucked by special interests and they don't even know it.
I believe the real question here is why did the Republican's not support Obama's corporate tax reform. I believe one can find the answer by examining his proposal and the tax expenditures that he proposed eliminating. I have to work a little, I will check back in a couple of hours and see if anyone can even name a single tax expenditure that Obama proposed eliminating. By examining those proposals and the difference between it and Trump's we can easily see who the Republican's represent and who they do not.
Libtards never met a tax they did not like! They hate America.
If you like deductions, credits, and exemptions, then you love high tax rates.
You only want to get rid of the deductions and not the high rates.

No actually he has been a big proponent of cutting the tax rate for all, and eliminating all expenditures. Except for payroll for businesses. I am pretty sure he has said that, if not then I apologize if I misspoke for him. And I tend to agree.
That's exactly what I have been saying.

Although I never mentioned payroll for businesses.

Sorry did not mean to misrepresent you in that fashion.
Libtards never met a tax they did not like! They hate America.
If you like deductions, credits, and exemptions, then you love high tax rates.
You only want to get rid of the deductions and not the high rates.

No actually he has been a big proponent of cutting the tax rate for all, and eliminating all expenditures. Except for payroll for businesses. I am pretty sure he has said that, if not then I apologize if I misspoke for him. And I tend to agree.
That's exactly what I have been saying.

Although I never mentioned payroll for businesses.

Sorry did not mean to misrepresent you in that fashion.
You got the gist right.

The only tax expenditure I have ever mentioned which I would leave in place is the EITC. It is proven to increase productivity.
I believe the real question here is why did the Republican's not support Obama's corporate tax reform. I believe one can find the answer by examining his proposal and the tax expenditures that he proposed eliminating. I have to work a little, I will check back in a couple of hours and see if anyone can even name a single tax expenditure that Obama proposed eliminating. By examining those proposals and the difference between it and Trump's we can easily see who the Republican's represent and who they do not.
Devin Nunes (Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee) has already exposed who the Republicans represent.

"If people wanted to drop the corporate rate from 35 to say 33, 32, maybe 30, we could probably do it. But if you go back to several years that we looked at doing just that, the goal was to get to 25 percent, and by the time every lobbyist, every special interest group in town, representing every major corporation in this country, the tax rate was automatically all the way back above 30 by the time you put everybody's special loophole in."

No tax reform without border adjustment tax, Rep. Nunes says
Here is how it SHOULD be done:

Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes

Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions:

  • Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

  • Setting a maximum business tax rate of 25 percent.

  • Eliminating all loopholes and special deals on business taxes.

  • Switching to a territorial international system.
“These simple rules will revolutionize the system for taxing businesses,” Rep. Nunes said. “The expensing provision and the low rates will create a huge incentive for businesses to invest money to expand their operations. Meanwhile, by treating all businesses the same regardless of their size or how they’re organized, we’ll create a level playing field for startups and small businesses to compete with bigger firms.
Dear Tards,

Cutting tax rates without simplifying the tax code (i.e., eliminating tax expenditures) is not "reform". It's unconscionable, reckless, and stupid.


Obama was open to lowering the corp rate for his entire second term. But only with broadening the base. And there's legit debate on how much of offshore profits corps will bring on shore regardless of taxes. That is, why bring it back if there's no demand for it in terms of expansion or paying dividends. Offshore profits certainly don't hurt stock prices.
The Republicans owned by corporate special interests are dead set against a level playing field, and so our debt will climb to the point where a whole new tax will have to be created to pay for the special interests' government gifts.

A VAT or a BAT.

Mark my words.

Nunes should be screaming this from the rooftops. He's one of the few who actually cares about what is good for the country.

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