Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...

Hey, Bingo, answer my question…

Which economy?

Market economy? Real economy?

Because since the 1990's tax cuts have not helped the real economy that much. The market economy is off the charts though...
BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...

Hey, Bingo, answer my question…

Which economy?

Market economy? Real economy?

Because since the 1990's tax cuts have not helped the real economy that much. The market economy is off the charts though...
What does the market economy consist of?
BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...

Hey, Bingo, answer my question…

Which economy?

Market economy? Real economy?

Because since the 1990's tax cuts have not helped the real economy that much. The market economy is off the charts though...
What does the market economy consist of?

Exactly. I don't understand the distinction he's trying to make. The economy is the economy. The market economy is an ideal. It's not the current reality.
They taxed coca cola in nyc for god’s Sake.

It was either that or kick fat kids with Type II diabetes off free health care…
BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...

Hey, Bingo, answer my question…

Which economy?

Market economy? Real economy?

Because since the 1990's tax cuts have not helped the real economy that much. The market economy is off the charts though...
What does the market economy consist of?

If you have to ask…
They taxed coca cola in nyc for god’s Sake.

It was either that or kick fat kids with Type II diabetes off free health care…
BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...

Hey, Bingo, answer my question…

Which economy?

Market economy? Real economy?

Because since the 1990's tax cuts have not helped the real economy that much. The market economy is off the charts though...
What does the market economy consist of?

If you have to ask…

He asks because you are using terms in ways they aren't meant to be used.
BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...

Hey, Bingo, answer my question…

Which economy?

Market economy? Real economy?

Because since the 1990's tax cuts have not helped the real economy that much. The market economy is off the charts though...
What does the market economy consist of?

Exactly. I don't understand the distinction he's trying to make. The economy is the economy. The market economy is an ideal. It's not the current reality.

If you don't think the market economy is not a reality, you don't have access to it… or only limited access.

The market economy - New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, Chicago Board of Trade and Mercantile exchange… They used to serve to bolster and help the real economy. Over the last 30 years they have separated so that one grows regardless of deficiencies or lack of growth in the other.

Tax breaks for the middle class usually consist of bread crumbs that are included to sell the overall massive tax breaks for the market economy.

Why would corps hire American workers when they already have automated machines and computers doing their jobs?

Why would corps give workers a raise when paying high dividends keeps the stock price up?

The market economy is also now immune from failure and the consequences of mismanagement.

Stock price, dividends matter more than product quality and customer service -- see airlines.

In our consumer driven economy, the consumers power is waining.
BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...

Hey, Bingo, answer my question…

Which economy?

Market economy? Real economy?

Because since the 1990's tax cuts have not helped the real economy that much. The market economy is off the charts though...
What does the market economy consist of?

Exactly. I don't understand the distinction he's trying to make. The economy is the economy. The market economy is an ideal. It's not the current reality.

If you don't think the market economy is not a reality, you don't have access to it… or only limited access.

The market economy - New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, Chicago Board of Trade and Mercantile exchange… They used to serve to bolster and help the real economy. Over the last 30 years they have separated so that one grows regardless of deficiencies or lack of growth in the other.

Tax breaks for the middle class usually consist of bread crumbs that are included to sell the overall massive tax breaks for the market economy.

Why would corps hire American workers when they already have automated machines and computers doing their jobs?

Why would corps give workers a raise when paying high dividends keeps the stock price up?

The market economy is also now immune from failure and the consequences of mismanagement.

Stock price, dividends matter more than product quality and customer service -- see airlines.

In our consumer driven economy, the consumers power is waining.
You appear to believe that the "market economy" consists of the various stock exchanges in the country. I have news for you: stock exchanges are part of the "real economy." Every transaction that occurs in this country is part of the real economy. In fact, the world "real" in front of "economy" is redundant. There is no such thing as an "economy" that is distinct from the "economy."

You need to learn basic english. Your misuse of basic terms only confuses the issue.
Here is how it SHOULD be done:

Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes

Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions:

  • Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

  • Setting a maximum business tax rate of 25 percent.

  • Eliminating all loopholes and special deals on business taxes.

  • Switching to a territorial international system.
“These simple rules will revolutionize the system for taxing businesses,” Rep. Nunes said. “The expensing provision and the low rates will create a huge incentive for businesses to invest money to expand their operations. Meanwhile, by treating all businesses the same regardless of their size or how they’re organized, we’ll create a level playing field for startups and small businesses to compete with bigger firms.

Looks good, git 'er done!
BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...

Hey, Bingo, answer my question…

Which economy?

Market economy? Real economy?

Because since the 1990's tax cuts have not helped the real economy that much. The market economy is off the charts though...
What does the market economy consist of?

Exactly. I don't understand the distinction he's trying to make. The economy is the economy. The market economy is an ideal. It's not the current reality.

If you don't think the market economy is not a reality, you don't have access to it… or only limited access.

The market economy - New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, Chicago Board of Trade and Mercantile exchange… They used to serve to bolster and help the real economy. Over the last 30 years they have separated so that one grows regardless of deficiencies or lack of growth in the other.

Tax breaks for the middle class usually consist of bread crumbs that are included to sell the overall massive tax breaks for the market economy.

Why would corps hire American workers when they already have automated machines and computers doing their jobs?

Why would corps give workers a raise when paying high dividends keeps the stock price up?

The market economy is also now immune from failure and the consequences of mismanagement.

Stock price, dividends matter more than product quality and customer service -- see airlines.

In our consumer driven economy, the consumers power is waining.

The market economy - New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, Chicago Board of Trade and Mercantile exchange…

That's not the "market economy", that's the stock market and commodities market. Moron.
Here is how it SHOULD be done:

Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes

Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions:

  • Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

  • Setting a maximum business tax rate of 25 percent.

  • Eliminating all loopholes and special deals on business taxes.

  • Switching to a territorial international system.
“These simple rules will revolutionize the system for taxing businesses,” Rep. Nunes said. “The expensing provision and the low rates will create a huge incentive for businesses to invest money to expand their operations. Meanwhile, by treating all businesses the same regardless of their size or how they’re organized, we’ll create a level playing field for startups and small businesses to compete with bigger firms.

Looks good, git 'er done!
Not gonna happen.

The other Republicans on House Ways and Means are owned. Lock, stock, and barrel.
Here is how it SHOULD be done:

Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes

Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions:

  • Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

  • Setting a maximum business tax rate of 25 percent.

  • Eliminating all loopholes and special deals on business taxes.

  • Switching to a territorial international system.
“These simple rules will revolutionize the system for taxing businesses,” Rep. Nunes said. “The expensing provision and the low rates will create a huge incentive for businesses to invest money to expand their operations. Meanwhile, by treating all businesses the same regardless of their size or how they’re organized, we’ll create a level playing field for startups and small businesses to compete with bigger firms.

Looks good, git 'er done!
Not gonna happen.

The other Republicans on House Ways and Means are owned. Lock, stock, and barrel.

And with 100 percent expensing, liberals would still whine, "No corporations are paying 25%".
Here is how it SHOULD be done:

Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes

Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions:

  • Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

  • Setting a maximum business tax rate of 25 percent.

  • Eliminating all loopholes and special deals on business taxes.

  • Switching to a territorial international system.
“These simple rules will revolutionize the system for taxing businesses,” Rep. Nunes said. “The expensing provision and the low rates will create a huge incentive for businesses to invest money to expand their operations. Meanwhile, by treating all businesses the same regardless of their size or how they’re organized, we’ll create a level playing field for startups and small businesses to compete with bigger firms.

Looks good, git 'er done!
Not gonna happen.

The other Republicans on House Ways and Means are owned. Lock, stock, and barrel.

And with 100 percent expensing, liberals would still whine, "No corporations are paying 25%".
If there were no tax expenditures, there would be no "expensing".
Here is how it SHOULD be done:

Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes

Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions:

  • Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

  • Setting a maximum business tax rate of 25 percent.

  • Eliminating all loopholes and special deals on business taxes.

  • Switching to a territorial international system.
“These simple rules will revolutionize the system for taxing businesses,” Rep. Nunes said. “The expensing provision and the low rates will create a huge incentive for businesses to invest money to expand their operations. Meanwhile, by treating all businesses the same regardless of their size or how they’re organized, we’ll create a level playing field for startups and small businesses to compete with bigger firms.

Looks good, git 'er done!
Not gonna happen.

The other Republicans on House Ways and Means are owned. Lock, stock, and barrel.

And with 100 percent expensing, liberals would still whine, "No corporations are paying 25%".
If there were no tax expenditures, there would be no "expensing".

If there were no tax expenditures, corporations would still have expenses.
Here is how it SHOULD be done:

Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes

Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions:

  • Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

  • Setting a maximum business tax rate of 25 percent.

  • Eliminating all loopholes and special deals on business taxes.

  • Switching to a territorial international system.
“These simple rules will revolutionize the system for taxing businesses,” Rep. Nunes said. “The expensing provision and the low rates will create a huge incentive for businesses to invest money to expand their operations. Meanwhile, by treating all businesses the same regardless of their size or how they’re organized, we’ll create a level playing field for startups and small businesses to compete with bigger firms.

Looks good, git 'er done!
Not gonna happen.

The other Republicans on House Ways and Means are owned. Lock, stock, and barrel.

And with 100 percent expensing, liberals would still whine, "No corporations are paying 25%".
If there were no tax expenditures, there would be no "expensing".

If there were no tax expenditures, corporations would still have expenses.
Which they could not use to lower their taxes.
Looks good, git 'er done!
Not gonna happen.

The other Republicans on House Ways and Means are owned. Lock, stock, and barrel.

And with 100 percent expensing, liberals would still whine, "No corporations are paying 25%".
If there were no tax expenditures, there would be no "expensing".

If there were no tax expenditures, corporations would still have expenses.
Which they could not use to lower their taxes.

Which they could not use to lower their taxes.


Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.
Not gonna happen.

The other Republicans on House Ways and Means are owned. Lock, stock, and barrel.

And with 100 percent expensing, liberals would still whine, "No corporations are paying 25%".
If there were no tax expenditures, there would be no "expensing".

If there were no tax expenditures, corporations would still have expenses.
Which they could not use to lower their taxes.

Which they could not use to lower their taxes.


Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.
NO tax expenditures means NO allowing for expensing.
Here is how it SHOULD be done:

Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes

Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions:

  • Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

  • Setting a maximum business tax rate of 25 percent.

  • Eliminating all loopholes and special deals on business taxes.

  • Switching to a territorial international system.
“These simple rules will revolutionize the system for taxing businesses,” Rep. Nunes said. “The expensing provision and the low rates will create a huge incentive for businesses to invest money to expand their operations. Meanwhile, by treating all businesses the same regardless of their size or how they’re organized, we’ll create a level playing field for startups and small businesses to compete with bigger firms.

NO tax expenditures means NO allowing for expensing.

Ummmm....Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

It's funny that you don't understand your link.
Here is how it SHOULD be done:

Nunes Introduces Bill to Reform Business Taxes

Supported by twenty-six cosponsors, the American Business Competitiveness Act (ABC Act) would drastically simplify the business tax code by eliminating the income tax on businesses and replacing it with a cash flow tax. The bill implements four main provisions:

  • Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

  • Setting a maximum business tax rate of 25 percent.

  • Eliminating all loopholes and special deals on business taxes.

  • Switching to a territorial international system.
“These simple rules will revolutionize the system for taxing businesses,” Rep. Nunes said. “The expensing provision and the low rates will create a huge incentive for businesses to invest money to expand their operations. Meanwhile, by treating all businesses the same regardless of their size or how they’re organized, we’ll create a level playing field for startups and small businesses to compete with bigger firms.

NO tax expenditures means NO allowing for expensing.

Ummmm....Allowing for 100 percent, same-year expensing for business investments.

It's funny that you don't understand your link.
Ah, I see what you mean.

I am against all tax expenditures, except for the EITC.

I don't expect to see any politician propose banning them all. Rand Paul might.

Nunes does have expensing in his plan. So that is not a NO tax expenditure plan, but it is the best one out there.

The perfect is the enemy of the good.

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