Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

BINGO! This guy understand what shamless weasels Democrats are:

Democrats know corporate tax reform will juice the economy. That's why they once supported it

Democrats are freaking out about the Republicans’ tax cut bill, and for good reason. While the Democrats and their friends in the media will say the cuts in corporate taxes are a giveaway to big business, this is a transparently disingenuous critique. We know that because Democrats, when in charge, proposed their own massive cuts to the corporate tax rate, which gives away the game.

Why would Democrats want simplification and rate reduction in corporate taxes when they are in charge, but oppose it when Republicans are in charge? Because they know it will work.

President Barack Obama in 2012 rightly lamented that, “our current corporate tax system is outdated, unfair, and inefficient.” He cursed that the U.S. has “one of the highest tax rates in the world,” and said the tax code facing corporations is “unnecessarily complicated and forces America’s small businesses to spend countless hours and dollars filing their taxes.”

Obama proposed to cut the corporate tax rate and simplify the code not as a thank-you to corporate America, but because he knew it would juice the economy. And if we had to guess, that is exactly why Democrats oppose a rate cut and simplification today...
I couldn't get passed "opinion".
All my wealthy buddies are pissed at Republican's for "selling them out" heh Some of them are looking at a 45-46% tax rate because of this bubble tax thing (on the first $200k over $1 million - according to Ledger on OAN, who was ripping the plan a new one last night.)

We're actually gonna skate, for the most part, we lose a bit on mortgage deductions, but we still get our business expenses write off so it'll work out about the same or just a bit more; not having to have a lawyer do our taxes anymore will save us thousands though so we may actually end up paying less here o_O If they ditch the ACA mandate I'll be thrilled because I can pull more capital gains without getting bit in the ass by that bullshit. Fingers crossed for a new pull target of "less than 1M."

If they ditch the ACA mandate I'll be thrilled because I can pull more capital gains without getting bit in the ass by that bullshit.

Fuck you asshole. Thanks for confirming what the whole opposition to Obamacare is about. It is not about rising premiums, it is not about small business owners, it is not about a dysfunctional health insurance marketplace. It is about less than FOUR DAMN CENTS on the dollar. You can't pay a puny FOUR DAMN CENTS in capital gains tax on UNEARNED INCOME so that thousands, no MILLIONS of people can have health insurance. FOUR CENTS ON THE DOLLAR "sticks you in the ass". If anyone wants to know what is wrong with this country they need to look no further than assholes like you.

Wow nice off the hinges rant.

You are correct, I don't want to pay for you and a bunch of other idiots to play into the insurance scam bullshit. I also want EMTALA repealed so that hospitals don't pass the buck for illegals and idiots abusing the ER onto working Americans. You want insurance, pay for it your damn self. I'm already carrying medical bills for my family of 5, plus a good portion of 63 employee's ACA. What the fuck are you contributing? Go ahead an shove your four pennies up your ass son.

No fucking allowance for you bitches because you're pissing it away. Throw another tantrum, that'll convince me that you're not going to piss it away like a kid in a candy store who later expects me to pay for all the cavities as well.

Cry me a damn river. Family of five, HA HA. Try family of eight hoss. I've done my part to keep Social Security solvent. Have one in medical school, one in graduate school, and two undergraduates. You think I can do that collecting your damn pennies? No, I have tens of millions of dollars under management and I pay almost forty cents on the dollar on the fees I generate MAKING THE &%@)@ MONEY while you dipshits can't fork out a damn quarter on the dollar off the income I create for you while you sit on your fat ass.

That's my damn problem. It is called UNEARNED INCOME, by definition, YOU DIDN'T EARN IT. So while my son busts his ass making coal fired power plants more productive he pays a higher tax rate than you do sitting on your ass collecting capital gains. How does that make sense? Hell, even Ronald Reagan believed that all income should be taxed the same. And if anything, UNEARNED INCOME should be taxed MORE. You complain about people not working and yet our tax system actually ENCOURAGES PEOPLE not to work. My doctor clients pay a higher tax rate on the income their hard work and years of study generate than they do on the capital gains I provide to them. How the samhell does that make sense?

Here is the deal. When the owners of the shovel pay a lower tax on the shovels they rent out to the ditch diggers that actually dig the holes, eventually, everyone will want to own a shovel and nobody will be digging the ditches.

So basically you're bitching that you made what 6 or 8 kids when you didn't want to afford them? Why'd you have eight kids then? Now you expect everyone else to pay for them? Where the fuck is my orgasm for your apparent mistake there prick? How about you keep your dick in your pants if you don't want to pay for your own sperm donations? Don't deposit the slime, if you can't pay the dime!

I probably will never see a dime of everything my family has paid into social security - known that my entire life and I've let it go, because I know damn well that the government sucks ass at managing OUR money. They always have, always will. The second they get their fingers in there, the prices double, triple, as much as businesses can fucking get away with; $37 screws, a $7,622 coffee maker, $640 toilet seats; : suppliers to our military just won't be oversold and this is just ONE company that took advantage of our government - and our government is too fucking stupid to realize they're paying this shit because government paper pushers don't fucking care - it's not their money. Just like you.

My ass is not fat ,son, in fact it's "tight" according to my husband. Feel free to try again though, I find it amusing that your mental instability over a differing opinion on how /I/ should spend /my/ money makes you turn into a fool and attempt to make hurtful personal insults. So mature. I'm far more inclined to listen to your sage financial advice now. /sarc

Whats more amusing is that you know /nothing/ about my financial status at all. You just assume, make shit up to fit your narrative, and lie. Shall we compare work history of our families then? Mom worked for FAA for 42 years, bio-father was in the Army and retired to his farm, father (who raised me) was a four star general who retired to become a volunteer police officer. I could have retired at 25 thanks to my smart investing, but I worked. Clawed my way up the corporate ladder, went into business myself (three of them actually) so I could raise my kids, and retired maybe four years ago, with a short stint of helping out a friend of the family by managing his business (before his kids finally stepped up to the plate.) My husband was Army, got out in the Clinton years and he's had a minimum of two jobs, and has worked up to four at a time in order to buy everything we wanted for ourselves, and our kids. You can shove your likely 40hrs a week son, you don't even know what hard work is... Of our five kids, the eldest only daughter 30 is in college to be a nurse, eldest son 24 fuels airplanes, 22 year old son is a diesel mechanic, 22 year old son owns his own tattoo parlor, and the youngest son 18 is in college for accounting. All of those employed are making over $25/h, support themselves and their girlfriends/husband, and none of them have trashed their lives by having kids before they were financially ready - they know it is their responsibility to ensure that they can provide their kids the life they want for them; not someone else's money, not America's responsibility - THEIR'S alone.

It's funny you bitch up a storm about how "hard" you/your family work, but you fail to admit who signs those checks and how hard /they/ worked to get that money in the first place - to start that business up, to run the risk of losing everything, to pay you for your services, to pay your ACA (and whatever benefits), to pay 6% of your taxes, and namely to give you and yours a fucking job at all. You bitch about me wanting to pull more money out of the market, don't ask why I want to do that, just assume as immature brats fucking do. Kiss off with your entitled bullshit.

If you don't like the pay for a job, then fucking find another, if you don't - that's on you.
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All my wealthy buddies are pissed at Republican's for "selling them out" heh Some of them are looking at a 45-46% tax rate because of this bubble tax thing (on the first $200k over $1 million - according to Ledger on OAN, who was ripping the plan a new one last night.)

We're actually gonna skate, for the most part, we lose a bit on mortgage deductions, but we still get our business expenses write off so it'll work out about the same or just a bit more; not having to have a lawyer do our taxes anymore will save us thousands though so we may actually end up paying less here o_O If they ditch the ACA mandate I'll be thrilled because I can pull more capital gains without getting bit in the ass by that bullshit. Fingers crossed for a new pull target of "less than 1M."

If they ditch the ACA mandate I'll be thrilled because I can pull more capital gains without getting bit in the ass by that bullshit.

Fuck you asshole. Thanks for confirming what the whole opposition to Obamacare is about. It is not about rising premiums, it is not about small business owners, it is not about a dysfunctional health insurance marketplace. It is about less than FOUR DAMN CENTS on the dollar. You can't pay a puny FOUR DAMN CENTS in capital gains tax on UNEARNED INCOME so that thousands, no MILLIONS of people can have health insurance. FOUR CENTS ON THE DOLLAR "sticks you in the ass". If anyone wants to know what is wrong with this country they need to look no further than assholes like you.

You can't pay a puny FOUR DAMN CENTS in capital gains tax on UNEARNED INCOME so that thousands, no MILLIONS of people can have health insurance.

How much do you feel this surcharge raises every year?

Close to sixty-five billion dollars a year.

Wow! I think your math is off.

Where did you find that number?

. We estimate a “static” revenue loss from repeal at $628 billion over ten years, assuming no gain in GDP from the lower tax rate.

Repealing the Net Investment Income Tax in the ACA - Tax Foundation
One part of the tax plan that isn't being widely reported is the fact that overseas profits will be taxed. The advantage could be to incite more companies to focus their activities in the US, thereby boosting the number of jobs in the US:

"However, the corporate tax part, experts said, included some ambitious proposals worthy of further discussion. They said the 20 percent excise tax is one such proposal targeting the abuses of so-called transfer-pricing where multinationals themselves set prices of goods, services and intellectual property rights that constantly move between their national business units."
"Under the proposal, U.S. business units that import products, pay royalties or other tax-deductible, non-interest fees to foreign parents or affiliates in the course of doing business would either pay a 20-percent tax on these or agree to treat the amounts as income connected to their U.S. business and subject to U.S. taxes."

Multinationals grapple with Republican excise tax surprise

All my wealthy buddies are pissed at Republican's for "selling them out" heh Some of them are looking at a 45-46% tax rate because of this bubble tax thing (on the first $200k over $1 million - according to Ledger on OAN, who was ripping the plan a new one last night.)

We're actually gonna skate, for the most part, we lose a bit on mortgage deductions, but we still get our business expenses write off so it'll work out about the same or just a bit more; not having to have a lawyer do our taxes anymore will save us thousands though so we may actually end up paying less here o_O If they ditch the ACA mandate I'll be thrilled because I can pull more capital gains without getting bit in the ass by that bullshit. Fingers crossed for a new pull target of "less than 1M."

If they ditch the ACA mandate I'll be thrilled because I can pull more capital gains without getting bit in the ass by that bullshit.

Fuck you asshole. Thanks for confirming what the whole opposition to Obamacare is about. It is not about rising premiums, it is not about small business owners, it is not about a dysfunctional health insurance marketplace. It is about less than FOUR DAMN CENTS on the dollar. You can't pay a puny FOUR DAMN CENTS in capital gains tax on UNEARNED INCOME so that thousands, no MILLIONS of people can have health insurance. FOUR CENTS ON THE DOLLAR "sticks you in the ass". If anyone wants to know what is wrong with this country they need to look no further than assholes like you.

Wow nice off the hinges rant.

You are correct, I don't want to pay for you and a bunch of other idiots to play into the insurance scam bullshit. I also want EMTALA repealed so that hospitals don't pass the buck for illegals and idiots abusing the ER onto working Americans. You want insurance, pay for it your damn self. I'm already carrying medical bills for my family of 5, plus a good portion of 63 employee's ACA. What the fuck are you contributing? Go ahead an shove your four pennies up your ass son.

No fucking allowance for you bitches because you're pissing it away. Throw another tantrum, that'll convince me that you're not going to piss it away like a kid in a candy store who later expects me to pay for all the cavities as well.

Cry me a damn river. Family of five, HA HA. Try family of eight hoss. I've done my part to keep Social Security solvent. Have one in medical school, one in graduate school, and two undergraduates. You think I can do that collecting your damn pennies? No, I have tens of millions of dollars under management and I pay almost forty cents on the dollar on the fees I generate MAKING THE &%@)@ MONEY while you dipshits can't fork out a damn quarter on the dollar off the income I create for you while you sit on your fat ass.

That's my damn problem. It is called UNEARNED INCOME, by definition, YOU DIDN'T EARN IT. So while my son busts his ass making coal fired power plants more productive he pays a higher tax rate than you do sitting on your ass collecting capital gains. How does that make sense? Hell, even Ronald Reagan believed that all income should be taxed the same. And if anything, UNEARNED INCOME should be taxed MORE. You complain about people not working and yet our tax system actually ENCOURAGES PEOPLE not to work. My doctor clients pay a higher tax rate on the income their hard work and years of study generate than they do on the capital gains I provide to them. How the samhell does that make sense?

Here is the deal. When the owners of the shovel pay a lower tax on the shovels they rent out to the ditch diggers that actually dig the holes, eventually, everyone will want to own a shovel and nobody will be digging the ditches.

So basically you're bitching that you made what 6 or 8 kids when you didn't want to afford them? Why'd you have eight kids then? Now you expect everyone else to pay for them? Where the fuck is my orgasm for your apparent mistake there prick? How about you keep your dick in your pants if you don't want to pay for your own sperm donations? Don't deposit the slime, if you can't pay the dime!

I probably will never see a dime of everything my family has paid into social security - known that my entire life and I've let it go, because I know damn well that the government sucks ass at managing OUR money. They always have, always will. The second they get their fingers in there, the prices double, triple, as much as businesses can fucking get away with; $37 screws, a $7,622 coffee maker, $640 toilet seats; : suppliers to our military just won't be oversold and this is just ONE company that took advantage of our government - and our government is too fucking stupid to realize they're paying this shit because government paper pushers don't fucking care - it's not their money. Just like you.

My ass is not fat ,son, in fact it's "tight" according to my husband. Feel free to try again though, I find it amusing that your mental instability over a differing opinion on how /I/ should spend /my/ money makes you turn into a fool and attempt to make hurtful personal insults. So mature. I'm far more inclined to listen to your sage financial advice now. /sarc

Whats more amusing is that you know /nothing/ about my financial status at all. You just assume, make shit up to fit your narrative, and lie. Shall we compare work history of our families then? Mom worked for FAA for 42 years, bio-father was in the Army and retired to his farm, father (who raised me) was a four star general who retired to become a volunteer police officer. I could have retired at 25 thanks to my smart investing, but I worked. Clawed my way up the corporate ladder, went into business myself (three of them actually) so I could raise my kids, and retired maybe four years ago, with a short stint of helping out a friend of the family by managing his business (before his kids finally stepped up to the plate.) My husband was Army, got out in the Clinton years and he's had a minimum of two jobs, and has worked up to four at a time in order to buy everything we wanted for ourselves, and our kids. You can shove your likely 40hrs a week son, you don't even know what hard work is... Of our five kids, the eldest only daughter 30 is in college to be a nurse, eldest son 24 fuels airplanes, 22 year old son is a diesel mechanic, 22 year old son owns his own tattoo parlor, and the youngest son 18 is in college for accounting. All of those employed are making over $25/h, support themselves and their girlfriends/husband, and none of them have trashed their lives by having kids before they were financially ready - they know it is their responsibility to ensure that they can provide their kids the life they want for them; not someone else's money, not America's responsibility - THEIR'S alone.

It's funny you bitch up a storm about how "hard" you/your family work, but you fail to admit who signs those checks and how hard /they/ worked to get that money in the first place - to start that business up, to run the risk of losing everything, to pay you for your services, to pay your ACA (and whatever benefits), to pay 6% of your taxes, and namely to give you and yours a fucking job at all. You bitch about me wanting to pull more money out of the market, don't ask why I want to do that, just assume as immature brats fucking do. Kiss off with your entitled bullshit.

If you don't like the pay for a job, then fucking find another, if you don't - that's on you.

I guess reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Did you miss the part where I have tens of millions of dollars under management? Do you really think I could not afford those kids? And sorry about your Social Security. I will make out like a bandit, as will my wife. When she goes on Medicare her Medicare number will be my Social followed by a B. Figure that one out. When you do, well you will understand why my kids are so successful. And seriously, 40 hours? What a joke. Try fifty to sixty. Twenty two, home owner that is above the median home value. Just got back from Germany a couple of weeks ago, his company flew him out there. Already published and routinely counsels CEO's of multi-million dollar utility companies.

Parents, well I am a product of the proverbial across the railroad track marriage. Dad grew up hard, dirt poor, his Dad was a tenant farmer but he played a mean hand of poker and built himself his own farm. But mom, well she came from money. Huge land holdings in the South Mountains of North Carolina. Look it up, that area has some of the tightest held land in the country and Mom is still holding some King's grants, which means the land has been in the family since well before the American Revolution. Let's just say I know a little bit about inherited privilege. And for the most part, IT SUCKS. Because Dad's siblings, all were engineers and Dad climbed into the board room from the bottom rung of the ladder. But Mom's siblings, they didn't amount to squat and pissed away their inheritance. Mom is the only one with any part of that land left.

But here is my problem. You bitched and moaned about the investment surtax on high income earners. It's less than FOUR FREAKIN CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Either you are the greediest pig at the slop trough are you are nothing but a total poser. It is UNEARNED INCOME for Christ sakes. You didn't do a damn thing to EARN THAT CAPITAL GAIN. You purchased a stock, probably from the recommendation of someone like me, and then you sat on your ass, fat or tight, it don't make a damn. You didn't sweat, you didn't produce anything, you just held it. That doesn't make you a hero. That doesn't make you smart. And honestly, four cents on the dollar IS NOT SHIT. Ronald Reagan believed capital gains should be taxed the very same as income. If you really are in the income group that is subject to the investment surcharge then you face a taxrate of almost twice the capital gains rate on your earned income. You know, the money you make busting ass and taking risks with all those businesses you had. The capital gains tax is a damn BLESSING. It surely is not a bite in the ass. Hell, if you were really paying attention to the tax proposal that is on the table you would notice that the pass through provision is one hell of a break for someone like you claim to be. And even at that, well the applicable tax rate is still higher than the capital gains rate INCLUDING THE SURTAX.

Honestly you are either full of shit or grossly ignorant to reality, probably both.
All my wealthy buddies are pissed at Republican's for "selling them out" heh Some of them are looking at a 45-46% tax rate because of this bubble tax thing (on the first $200k over $1 million - according to Ledger on OAN, who was ripping the plan a new one last night.)

We're actually gonna skate, for the most part, we lose a bit on mortgage deductions, but we still get our business expenses write off so it'll work out about the same or just a bit more; not having to have a lawyer do our taxes anymore will save us thousands though so we may actually end up paying less here o_O If they ditch the ACA mandate I'll be thrilled because I can pull more capital gains without getting bit in the ass by that bullshit. Fingers crossed for a new pull target of "less than 1M."

If they ditch the ACA mandate I'll be thrilled because I can pull more capital gains without getting bit in the ass by that bullshit.

Fuck you asshole. Thanks for confirming what the whole opposition to Obamacare is about. It is not about rising premiums, it is not about small business owners, it is not about a dysfunctional health insurance marketplace. It is about less than FOUR DAMN CENTS on the dollar. You can't pay a puny FOUR DAMN CENTS in capital gains tax on UNEARNED INCOME so that thousands, no MILLIONS of people can have health insurance. FOUR CENTS ON THE DOLLAR "sticks you in the ass". If anyone wants to know what is wrong with this country they need to look no further than assholes like you.

You can't pay a puny FOUR DAMN CENTS in capital gains tax on UNEARNED INCOME so that thousands, no MILLIONS of people can have health insurance.

How much do you feel this surcharge raises every year?

Close to sixty-five billion dollars a year.

Wow! I think your math is off.

Where did you find that number?

. We estimate a “static” revenue loss from repeal at $628 billion over ten years, assuming no gain in GDP from the lower tax rate.

Repealing the Net Investment Income Tax in the ACA - Tax Foundation

From the link in your link.


House Healthcare Bill Would Repeal $574.5 Billion in ACA Taxes- Tax Foundation

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