Democrats label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum

It doesn't matter to me. Rocko commented that he wasn't white. Somebody infered that the altercation between Issa and Waxman was racist. I don't understand how an altercation between two guys of the same race can be viewed as one or the other being racist.

When speaking technically you're both right and wrong. Defining race has nothing to do with skin tone, but Issa technically is a Caucasian because he is an Arab. So his ethnicity is Arab. Many would refer to hate or mistreatment of Arabs by another group, based on the Arab ethnicity as racist, similarly with Hispanics we see this applied. So racist isn't the technically correct term, but it is applied to certain cases involving hate or discrimination based on ethnicity.

That would make Issa a semitic caucasoid (member of Semitic-speaking people: a member of a Semitic-speaking people of Southwest Asia, including the Arab and Jewish peoples, and the ancient Assyrians, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Phoenicians).

Ya, you are describing the Levant I think. Genetic studies have kind of settled the question. Phoenicians weren't Arab and a bunch of Lebanese can trace themselves back to the Phoenicians with mixtures of the other ethnicities you mention in your post. But Issa also has his mothers genetics, which makes him half German and Czech.
Awful. Jesse Jackson Sr. Calls Darrell Issa a ?Racist? for Cutting Off Cummings | The Gateway Pundit

In the link you will see identical treatment of Issa by Waxman (D) when he ran the committee. No charges of racism then of course.

All assholes are racists
Issa is an asshole
therefore Issa is a racist

Given your logic, Cummings is definitely an asshole, too, but I haven't see or heard Jackson call him a racist.

Sarcasm, not logic. Valid it may be, and Issa is an asshole, but I doubt all assholes are racists.
That would make Issa a semitic caucasoid (member of Semitic-speaking people: a member of a Semitic-speaking people of Southwest Asia, including the Arab and Jewish peoples, and the ancient Assyrians, Babylonians, Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Phoenicians).

Which is a sub group of Caucasian.

Yup. Which makes him "white" and therefore fully capable of being a racist, unlike Cummings, who cannot ever be racist, 'cause he's negroid.

That used to be the mantra: A black person can not possibly be a racist, because to be a racist you must have power.

Well, with the most powerful man on Earth, who happens to be black, that is hardly valid any more.
Let's see, the Dems want to sanction Issa because he was a mean racist. In all fairness, they should spank the shit out of Cummings for throwing a childish, disruptive, totally unacceptable-in-civil company tantrum.
So i guess this thread is how you conservatives admit that it has always been reprehensible of you to cry racism! every time a black conservative got treated rudely by liberals?
Which is a sub group of Caucasian.

Yup. Which makes him "white" and therefore fully capable of being a racist, unlike Cummings, who cannot ever be racist, 'cause he's negroid.

That used to be the mantra: A black person can not possibly be a racist, because to be a racist you must have power.

Well, with the most powerful man on Earth, who happens to be black, that is hardly valid any more.

He has the power, and he's repeatedly demonstrated his stand on the issue of race...makes him a racist par excellence.
WHY does it matter?

It doesn't matter to me. Rocko commented that he wasn't white. Somebody infered that the altercation between Issa and Waxman was racist. I don't understand how an altercation between two guys of the same race can be viewed as one or the other being racist.

If you are white and I call you a ****** does that not make me a racist? Being a racist is a state of mind.

Class dismissed

Ya, that MIGHT make you a racist. That wouldn't make racism the cause of the altercation and/or a racist incident. It would only mean one of the participants used the word ******, and that in itself would not necessarily mean the person using the word was a racist.
So i guess this thread is how you conservatives admit that it has always been reprehensible of you to cry racism! every time a black conservative got treated rudely by liberals?

No this is the thread where we mock idiots like you for thinking people like Jackson or Sharpton are relevant

You are an example of why the conservatives are so far away from winning national elections. You think spokesman who influence a large block of voters are not relevant and write them off as such. Jackson and Sharpton are branders. They brand the Republicans as racist. It is not just black Americans that hear them. Hispanics and Asians hear them also. Anyone who feels discriminated against for any reason hears them. The details don't matter. If you don't understand the power of branding you just don't understand how politics work in this country.
It doesn't matter to me. Rocko commented that he wasn't white. Somebody infered that the altercation between Issa and Waxman was racist. I don't understand how an altercation between two guys of the same race can be viewed as one or the other being racist.

When speaking technically you're both right and wrong. Defining race has nothing to do with skin tone, but Issa technically is a Caucasian because he is an Arab. So his ethnicity is Arab. Many would refer to hate or mistreatment of Arabs by another group, based on the Arab ethnicity as racist, similarly with Hispanics we see this applied. So racist isn't the technically correct term, but it is applied to certain cases involving hate or discrimination based on ethnicity.
Odd isn't it how the left embraces the mantle of Dr. King, but practices what he was against?

I find it odd how conservatives embrace MLK every chance they get. Remember, he was in Memphis shortly before his death marching in solidarity with black sanitation workers who were trying to unionize. And we all know what conservatives think of unions. Or anyone who protests against the establishment for that matter.
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So i guess this thread is how you conservatives admit that it has always been reprehensible of you to cry racism! every time a black conservative got treated rudely by liberals?

No this is the thread where we mock idiots like you for thinking people like Jackson or Sharpton are relevant

You are an example of why the conservatives are so far away from winning national elections. You think spokesman who influence a large block of voters are not relevant and write them off as such. Jackson and Sharpton are branders. They brand the Republicans as racist. It is not just black Americans that hear them. Hispanics and Asians hear them also. Anyone who feels discriminated against for any reason hears them. The details don't matter. If you don't understand the power of branding you just don't understand how politics work in this country.

You aren't real bright son, Jackson and Sharpton are as racist as it gets....2010 was a landslide election the likes of which have not been seen since the 40's...and it is about to happen again in November.

Now I get are an angry black child, but seriously get an education because you are talking out of your ass.
When speaking technically you're both right and wrong. Defining race has nothing to do with skin tone, but Issa technically is a Caucasian because he is an Arab. So his ethnicity is Arab. Many would refer to hate or mistreatment of Arabs by another group, based on the Arab ethnicity as racist, similarly with Hispanics we see this applied. So racist isn't the technically correct term, but it is applied to certain cases involving hate or discrimination based on ethnicity.
Odd isn't it how the left embraces the mantle of Dr. King, but practices what he was against?

I find it odd how conservatives embrace MLK every chance they get. Remember, he was in Memphis shortly before his death marching in solidarity with black sanitation workers who were trying to unionize. And we all know what conservatives think of unions. Or anyone who protests against the establishment for that matter.

Conservatives don't like Unions, MLK marched with Union wannabe's and that makes Conservatives racist and anti MLK....exemplary logic there my boy. (rolling eyes)
:cuckoo: Yeah....because he wants to expose scum like you being criminals at the IRS in order to win an election.

burn in hell.

Meh....Issa is just a gigantic and corrupt douchebag
After considering all the decent people Democrats have called racist, maybe we should consider the possibility that we don't understand the meaning of the word.

Perhaps it's a compliment. Maybe it means "passionate, earnest, dedicated patriot".

Yes, that must be it!

Thank you, Democrats, for calling me a racist. Thank you for noticing.
So i guess this thread is how you conservatives admit that it has always been reprehensible of you to cry racism! every time a black conservative got treated rudely by liberals?

No this is the thread where we mock idiots like you for thinking people like Jackson or Sharpton are relevant

I'm not the one who started a thread about Jesse Jackson, you are.

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