Democrats label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum

Since when does a stupid tweet by Jessie Jackson equal all democrats?

You guys, seriously..

Where did my post say all democrats? BSNBC tried to push this racist nonsense as well and they certainly aren't republicans. But you go ahead and criticize me I'm sure it's different than when the entire republican party was paited in a poor light because of Todd Akin despite most of the party asking him to shut up or step down. Im sure will see similar requests of Jackson any day now.
The title, you dolt.

The Title - calling Democrats label Issa racist -- it really that bad this has to be explained to you, as one would an 8 year old?

Oh, so changing one letter in his title makes him a filthy liar? Your logic is flawed.

Here's the logic:

Fallacy: Hasty Generalization

Also Known as: Fallacy of Insufficient Statistics, Fallacy of Insufficient Sample, Leaping to A Conclusion, Hasty Induction.

Description of Hasty Generalization

This fallacy is committed when a person draws a conclusion about a population based on a sample that is not large enough. It has the following form:

Sample S, which is too small, is taken from population P.
Conclusion C is drawn about Population P based on S.

The person committing the fallacy is misusing the following type of reasoning, which is known variously as Inductive Generalization, Generalization, and Statistical Generalization:

X% of all observed A's are B''s.
Therefore X% of all A's are Bs.

The fallacy is committed when not enough A's are observed to warrant the conclusion.

Fallacy: Hasty Generalization

It's really bothering you huh? Instead of lashing out at the right perhaps you should distance yourself from the idiots on the left. Of course I don't expect you to do that because you're one of them. Jackson represents you well
Perhaps because Jesse Jackson isn't the only person calling Issa racist, now is he? You have liberal bloggers calling him racist, not only for shutting Cumming's mic off but for launching this investigation in the first place. Also, they were calling him racist before this incident took place, and for things that had nothing to do with racism:

Pathological Liar Darrell Issa Can't Stop Spreading the Hillary Clinton Benghazi Lies

The OP is about ONE Democrat, and ONE incident.
And one stupid tweet.

By a black man universally recognized as a black leader
Jesse Jackson still trying to stir up the races against each other

How frikken honorable would you call that? that man has more crime and corruption in his family has a nerve to speak out about other

race hustler, he just uses black people when it's convenient for his and the Democrat parties agenda..

shame people still fall for it but that's their game, pit each other against each other in this country
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If I was Issa I would look into whether Cummings worked with that bitch to pull off this stunt.

She promised to speak then changed her mind the night before....all for show so that Cummings can show off his lack of English skills.

is "look into" a Republican way of saying "spend (throw away) more taxpayer dollars" in a fruitless witch hunt?

Yeah, we know . . . . an investigation of any Democrat is a "waste of time" from the Democrat point of view. An investigation of any Democrat is a "witch hunt." That's how you people define the term, isn't it?
Since when does a stupid tweet by Jessie Jackson equal all democrats?

You guys, seriously..

Where did my post say all democrats? BSNBC tried to push this racist nonsense as well and they certainly aren't republicans. But you go ahead and criticize me I'm sure it's different than when the entire republican party was paited in a poor light because of Todd Akin despite most of the party asking him to shut up or step down. Im sure will see similar requests of Jackson any day now.

Notice that some protestor holding up a sign that says "go back to Kenya" indicts all TEA Party members as racists, but when a prominent Democrat accuses a Republican following formal procedure to the letter of racism, then that's just him.

See how that works?
I see a certain someone is jumping right back into the fray :rolleyes:

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as to the OP, last I checked, JJ Sr is a private citizen and can say whatever he wishes. Same as Bible Spice, who spoke :blahblah: at CPAC

So is this guy a private citizen who can say whatever he wants?

How old would you estimate you were when you learned about putting an 's' on the ends of words to make them plural?

Can you thus describe the difference between the words 'Democrat' and 'Democrats'?

I learned the difference between singular and plural terminology oh... by the first grade.

Democrat is singular, Democrats is plural. Just because he is a singular Democrat doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't represent a plurality of Democrats.

But then again, what does that have to do with anything?

So it's appropriate to engage in broadbrushing just because such broadbrushing MIGHT not necessarily be false?

So turds like you don't engage in broad brushing? Tell us what this poster indicates about the TEA Party:

Todd Akins is a Republican. During a campaign where he was supported by many Republicans he made comments about the existance of something he called "legitimate rape". So by your way of thinking this would mean it is OK to say Republicans believe in that there is such a thing as "legitimate rape"?

That's exactly what Democrats claimed, asshole.

Thats why I brought it up, asshole. It shows how both sides will take advantage of comments by random members of one party or the other to brand an entire party. Jackson doesn't represents the Demorcratic Party and Akins doesn't represent the Republican Party. It just propaganda fodder for the easy to influence low information base of any particular party.

Hmmmmm . . . . no. 99% of the time Democrats are the ones doing it. Just today, over in another thread, your Koomrade Joe is calling everyone in the TEA Party a racist because of one guy holding up this sign:


Smearing the entire Republican party of the actions of one person is a classic Democrat campaign tactic.
That's exactly what Democrats claimed, asshole.

Thats why I brought it up, asshole. It shows how both sides will take advantage of comments by random members of one party or the other to brand an entire party. Jackson doesn't represents the Demorcratic Party and Akins doesn't represent the Republican Party. It just propaganda fodder for the easy to influence low information base of any particular party.

Hmmmmm . . . . no. 99% of the time Democrats are the ones doing it. Just today, over in another thread, your Koomrade Joe is calling everyone in the TEA Party a racist because of one guy holding up this sign:


Smearing the entire Republican party of the actions of one person is a classic Democrat campaign tactic.

You're so wrapped up in being what you think you are supposed to be but you don't know what the fuck you are. If you quit following the instructiions from the folks that are trying (successfully) to brainwash you, you will discover your intellect can quide you to being a progessive thinker that can give intellectual quidence to the future. Quit wasting your time on following and learn to lead. You are obviously a leader. Leaders have a responsibility. Please take it seriously.
Thats why I brought it up, asshole. It shows how both sides will take advantage of comments by random members of one party or the other to brand an entire party. Jackson doesn't represents the Demorcratic Party and Akins doesn't represent the Republican Party. It just propaganda fodder for the easy to influence low information base of any particular party.

Hmmmmm . . . . no. 99% of the time Democrats are the ones doing it. Just today, over in another thread, your Koomrade Joe is calling everyone in the TEA Party a racist because of one guy holding up this sign:


Smearing the entire Republican party of the actions of one person is a classic Democrat campaign tactic.

You're so wrapped up in being what you think you are supposed to be but you don't know what the fuck you are. If you quit following the instructiions from the folks that are trying (successfully) to brainwash you, you will discover your intellect can quide you to being a progessive thinker that can give intellectual quidence to the future. Quit wasting your time on following and learn to lead. You are obviously a leader. Leaders have a responsibility. Please take it seriously.

Hears what I hear you saying . . . . .

Yada, yada, yada . . . . . . . . . Blah, blah, blah . . . . . . . . .

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