Democrats label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum

The OP altered the title of his linked article and used the alteration as the title of his thread.

So? You're the one not arguing it. I've altered the titles of my threads for many reasons, that doesn't always make me a liar, now does it? I've also changed links to more credible sources too.

Why do you suppose the OP took out 'Jesse Jackson' and put in 'Democrats'? What would be the motive for that,

when he could have simply said 'Jesse Jackson labels Issa racist...' which would have precisely reflected the subject of the article he linked to?

Is everything a conspiracy to you if it doesn't fall in line with your reasoning, Carbine?
Why do you suppose the OP took out 'Jesse Jackson' and put in 'Democrats'? What would be the motive for that,

when he could have simply said 'Jesse Jackson labels Issa racist...' which would have precisely reflected the subject of the article he linked to?

Perhaps because Jesse Jackson isn't the only person calling Issa racist, now is he? You have liberal bloggers calling him racist, not only for shutting Cumming's mic off but for launching this investigation in the first place. Also, they were calling him racist before this incident took place, and for things that had nothing to do with racism:

Americans get it. Issa is a rank liar and a racist who has spent the past three years looking for a scandal in the Obama Administration.

Pathological Liar Darrell Issa Can't Stop Spreading the Hillary Clinton Benghazi Lies

The OP is about ONE Democrat, and ONE incident.
And one stupid tweet.
So Issa doesn't know the difference between the minority party in the legislature and African-Americans as a minority?

lol, he should come post here, he'd fit right in.

Oh brother. How does this have anything to do with the topic of discussion exactly?
^ This little gem shouldn't escape a highlight on the stupidometer either.

So, all you two have done for the past hour or so is called the OP a liar and me stupid. Where's the argument?
Wow. Like I told Billy the other day, ad hominem isn't an argument. And yes, Jesse Jackson is a Democrat. For all intents and purposes.


How old would you estimate you were when you learned about putting an 's' on the ends of words to make them plural?

Can you thus describe the difference between the words 'Democrat' and 'Democrats'?

I learned the difference between singular and plural terminology oh... by the first grade.

Democrat is singular, Democrats is plural. Just because he is a singular Democrat doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't represent a plurality of Democrats.

But then again, what does that have to do with anything?

So it's appropriate to engage in broadbrushing just because such broadbrushing MIGHT not necessarily be false?
How old would you estimate you were when you learned about putting an 's' on the ends of words to make them plural?

Can you thus describe the difference between the words 'Democrat' and 'Democrats'?

I learned the difference between singular and plural terminology oh... by the first grade.

Democrat is singular, Democrats is plural. Just because he is a singular Democrat doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't represent a plurality of Democrats.

But then again, what does that have to do with anything?

So it's appropriate to engage in broadbrushing just because such broadbrushing MIGHT not necessarily be false?

That's the libturd rule, isn't it?
I learned the difference between singular and plural terminology oh... by the first grade.

Democrat is singular, Democrats is plural. Just because he is a singular Democrat doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't represent a plurality of Democrats.

But then again, what does that have to do with anything?

Todd Akins is a Republican. During a campaign where he was supported by many Republicans he made comments about the existance of something he called "legitimate rape". So by your way of thinking this would mean it is OK to say Republicans believe in that there is such a thing as "legitimate rape"?

That's exactly what Democrats claimed, asshole.

Thats why I brought it up, asshole. It shows how both sides will take advantage of comments by random members of one party or the other to brand an entire party. Jackson doesn't represents the Demorcratic Party and Akins doesn't represent the Republican Party. It just propaganda fodder for the easy to influence low information base of any particular party.
Perhaps because Jesse Jackson isn't the only person calling Issa racist, now is he? You have liberal bloggers calling him racist, not only for shutting Cumming's mic off but for launching this investigation in the first place. Also, they were calling him racist before this incident took place, and for things that had nothing to do with racism:

Pathological Liar Darrell Issa Can't Stop Spreading the Hillary Clinton Benghazi Lies

The OP is about ONE Democrat, and ONE incident.
And one stupid tweet.

What's funniest is that the OP engaged in a misrepresentation and distortion that wasn't necessary.

Why not just leave the story as is and post it? Jesse Jackson's remarks were a good target; why not leave well enough alone?
Perhaps because Jesse Jackson isn't the only person calling Issa racist, now is he? You have liberal bloggers calling him racist, not only for shutting Cumming's mic off but for launching this investigation in the first place. Also, they were calling him racist before this incident took place, and for things that had nothing to do with racism:

Pathological Liar Darrell Issa Can't Stop Spreading the Hillary Clinton Benghazi Lies

The OP is about ONE Democrat, and ONE incident.
And one stupid tweet.

Any time you have the Congressional Black Caucus (Democrats (plural), introducing a resolution to have a white man punished for turning off the mic of a black man, that might racist, and indicate that they think the white man is racist for doing so.

Congressional. Black. Caucus.

Now what what part of that doesn't scream "ISSA IS RACIST!" to you?
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I learned the difference between singular and plural terminology oh... by the first grade.

Democrat is singular, Democrats is plural. Just because he is a singular Democrat doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't represent a plurality of Democrats.

But then again, what does that have to do with anything?

So it's appropriate to engage in broadbrushing just because such broadbrushing MIGHT not necessarily be false?

That's the libturd rule, isn't it?

No but it's good to see you acknowledge that the OP is doing nothing more than act as stupid as some stupid liberals act.

I would think you would set your aspirations somewhat higher than that.
Oh brother. How does this have anything to do with the topic of discussion exactly?
^ This little gem shouldn't escape a highlight on the stupidometer either.

So, all you two have done for the past hour or so is called the OP a liar and me stupid. Where's the argument?

You never fail to try that tactic. Stop being such a mincer and respond to the posts that HAVE the argument in them.
Todd Akins is a Republican. During a campaign where he was supported by many Republicans he made comments about the existence of something he called "legitimate rape". So by your way of thinking this would mean it is OK to say Republicans believe in that there is such a thing as "legitimate rape"?

Easily countered.

When he made those comments, you most likely thought that any Republican could hold those views, thus in that sense they fit perfectly into the already existing mold of being misogynists. The liberal "war on women" campaign is an effort by Democrats to label any and all Republicans as being anti-Women's rights or anti-choice or whatnot. Seriously, you guys have been trying to label people as racists, bigots and misogynists for the past six years.
Then stop being racist, bigoted, anti-choice misogynists.

Do you understand how ridiculous it is to say things like "the liberal war on women"? Liberal..... war on women...... that makes sense to you? Liberals were the ones who made sure that women could vote, so why are liberals now waging a war on women? Is it because women have too much power in America? There isn't a liberal alive who actually believes that.
True, because its a straw man.
Liberals do believe that women cannot make it on their own. Liberals believe gov't is there to help them. Liberals believe women are OK, as long as they take jobs in public service. That's assuming women can get jobs at all in this economy. Liberals believe that if women like their doctor, they can keep their doctor.
Oh brother. How does this have anything to do with the topic of discussion exactly?
^ This little gem shouldn't escape a highlight on the stupidometer either.

So, all you two have done for the past hour or so is called the OP a liar and me stupid. Where's the argument?

It's all PPV has. First PPV started off defending a view of what happened that was clearly at odds with facts. When that was revealed as a farce, the shift to calling people stupid started. It's how they roll.
I learned the difference between singular and plural terminology oh... by the first grade.

Democrat is singular, Democrats is plural. Just because he is a singular Democrat doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't represent a plurality of Democrats.

But then again, what does that have to do with anything?

Todd Akins is a Republican. During a campaign where he was supported by many Republicans he made comments about the existence of something he called "legitimate rape". So by your way of thinking this would mean it is OK to say Republicans believe in that there is such a thing as "legitimate rape"?

Easily countered.

When he made those comments, you most likely thought that any Republican could hold those views, thus in that sense they fit perfectly into the already existing mold of being misogynists. The liberal "war on women" campaign is an effort by Democrats to label any and all Republicans as being anti-Women's rights or anti-choice or whatnot. Seriously, you guys have been trying to label people as racists, bigots and misogynists for the past six years.

You're so buried in your unfaltering belief in your self rightous intellect that you think you are able to see through the internet and read the minds of posters. You've given this grand interpretation on my comment when in fact all I was doing was giving an example of how comments by random politicians can be, and are falsely attributed to an entire party and the members of that party, be it Republican or Demorcat.
How old would you estimate you were when you learned about putting an 's' on the ends of words to make them plural?

Can you thus describe the difference between the words 'Democrat' and 'Democrats'?

I learned the difference between singular and plural terminology oh... by the first grade.

Democrat is singular, Democrats is plural. Just because he is a singular Democrat doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't represent a plurality of Democrats.

But then again, what does that have to do with anything?

So it's appropriate to engage in broadbrushing just because such broadbrushing MIGHT not necessarily be false?

False equivalency much, Carbine?
Todd Akins is a Republican. During a campaign where he was supported by many Republicans he made comments about the existence of something he called "legitimate rape". So by your way of thinking this would mean it is OK to say Republicans believe in that there is such a thing as "legitimate rape"?

Easily countered.

When he made those comments, you most likely thought that any Republican could hold those views, thus in that sense they fit perfectly into the already existing mold of being misogynists. The liberal "war on women" campaign is an effort by Democrats to label any and all Republicans as being anti-Women's rights or anti-choice or whatnot. Seriously, you guys have been trying to label people as racists, bigots and misogynists for the past six years.

You're so buried in your unfaltering belief in your self rightous intellect that you think you are able to see through the internet and read the minds of posters. You've given this grand interpretation on my comment when in fact all I was doing was giving an example of how comments by random politicians can be, and are falsely attributed to an entire party and the members of that party, be it Republican or Demorcat.

Good morning to you too!

No, I'm not buried in anything, save the air I'm breathing. You on the other hand are paranoid. When you post, you open up a window into your own mind for people to see. Also, I'm not that stupid. Notice how you singled out another Republican for your example. Textbook argumentative bias.

Might it be that YOU are buried in misinformation?
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If I was Issa I would look into whether Cummings worked with that bitch to pull off this stunt.

She promised to speak then changed her mind the night before....all for show so that Cummings can show off his lack of English skills.

is "look into" a Republican way of saying "spend (throw away) more taxpayer dollars" in a fruitless witch hunt?
If I was Issa I would look into whether Cummings worked with that bitch to pull off this stunt.

She promised to speak then changed her mind the night before....all for show so that Cummings can show off his lack of English skills.

is "look into" a Republican way of saying "spend (throw away) more taxpayer dollars" in a fruitless witch hunt?

Hey, a lot of people who are pinned will say "oh it's just a waste of time and money, let's change the subject!"
I see a certain someone is jumping right back into the fray :rolleyes:

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as to the OP, last I checked, JJ Sr is a private citizen and can say whatever he wishes. Same as Bible Spice, who spoke :blahblah: at CPAC
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