Democrat's latest farm bill strategy: Threaten to double the price of milk


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
you want to talk about BLACKMAIL....these people AND the Democrat party are snakes and then they look you in the face and spew, they CARE for the people

The top Democrat on the House Agriculture Committee has launched a new strategy for passing a farm bill this year: threaten to send milk prices skyrocketing.

Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) said he called Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack this week suggesting that the agency begin the process of implementing the 1949-era dairy policies that would take effect Oct. 1 if Congress fails to act on a farm bill... "Clearly this is not going to get done by the 1st of October, so my suggestion to the secretary is that they should start now putting the framework together to implement the permanent law on dairy Jan. 1," Peterson said Wednesday in the Capitol. "And it sounds to me like they're going to take a very serious look at that."

The 1949 law requires the Agriculture Department to manipulate the dairy market in such a way that milk is priced at a floor of roughly $39 per 100 pounds — a figure that would lead milk prices to roughly double at today's rates.

Peterson's strategy is not to see that happen, but to rouse the affected industry groups, particularly the powerful International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), into pressuring Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and other GOP leaders to enact a bill preventing the cost hike.

"IDFA is really going to hate this," Peterson said. "And once Vilsack's calling them and setting up the mechanism to get $39 milk, IDFA's going to call Boehner. So, it might actually work."

Peterson said his strategy has the backing of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

all of it here
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The 1949 law requires the Agriculture Department to manipulate the dairy market in such a way that milk is priced at a floor of roughly $39 per 100 pounds — a figure that would lead milk prices to roughly double at today's rates.

How is a fact a threat?

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