Democrats let out a sigh of relief

Bernie was my choice but now it's time to get behind Biden. This is how republicans win even though they have nothing to offer but tax cuts for billionaires and kicking the needy and children off of food stamps. They pretty much all get behind this bucket of piss trump even though most of them hate his guts. United they stand, divided the democrats fall. Same thing happened in 2000 by the way.
Okay, so during the primary season the States each hold separate elections to see which Democrat prevails when all are tallied together at the end. Perhaps that would be the appropriate time "to get behind" one candidate or another? Just a thought..
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump.

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
All Republicans along with Putin wanted to see Sanders as the Democratic nominee

He would be the easiest Democrat for Trump to beat.

That is why Democrat’s have let out a sigh of relief.
Easier than a candidate who doesn’t want to have to stand for the next debate, speak for more than a handful of minutes at rallies, and comes out with crazy or incoherent stuff just about every time he opens his yap?

Trump will eat him alive in the debates alone. Layer in things like 30 sec ads featuring audio/video of his billion dollar, quid pro quo SOB bragging, and other highlights of his positions on foreign policy issues for decades, and I think the President’s gonna have a really fun upcoming campaign.

Meanwhile, what are you fuckin’ idiots gonna throw at Trump you haven’t already, with zero impact or damage? Take your time.

Get back to me when Biden claims George Washington captured airports

Covfefe MOFO!
So, you jerks don’t have anything else. Thanks.
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump.

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
All Republicans along with Putin wanted to see Sanders as the Democratic nominee

He would be the easiest Democrat for Trump to beat.

That is why Democrat’s have let out a sigh of relief.
Easier than a candidate who doesn’t want to have to stand for the next debate, speak for more than a handful of minutes at rallies, and comes out with crazy or incoherent stuff just about every time he opens his yap?

Trump will eat him alive in the debates alone. Layer in things like 30 sec ads featuring audio/video of his billion dollar, quid pro quo SOB bragging, and other highlights of his positions on foreign policy issues for decades, and I think the President’s gonna have a really fun upcoming campaign.

Meanwhile, what are you fuckin’ idiots gonna throw at Trump you haven’t already, with zero impact or damage? Take your time.

Get back to me when Biden claims George Washington captured airports

Covfefe MOFO!
So, you jerks don’t have anything else. Thanks.
You guys elected the orange retard

Don’t blame me
Right. We both have opinions and are unhelpful dicks about expressing them at times. One of us presumed that (about everyone) to begin with. It would not be all that surprising for Bernie to drop out or Joe to drop dead before the primary is over. We'll just have to wait and see.. no matter what fivethirtyeight says.

By and large I agree. I would insist Bernie stay in right to the end, so as to give his aims and his cause a proper representation. It is, however, absolutely crucial both major candidates do so without hurting their party's chances. And that means stopping the personal attacks, having a fair argument on the best course to chart, reconciling competing aims once the Democratic platform is being conceived, and to work together seamlessly once we're heading toward the general election. All else is a surefire loser.
Biden and Bernie have been attacking each other personally? Examples? Pointing out a candidate's past stances on political issues hardly qualifies.

I know Joe Biden. Joe Biden and I go way back. Joe Biden is a friend of mine. Howevva, being friends doesn't necessarily mean we always agree on everything...
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Biden and Bernie have been attacking each other personally? Examples? Pointing out a candidate's past stances on political issues hardly qualifies.

I know Joe Biden. Joe Biden and I go way back. Joe Biden is a friend of mine. Howevva, being friends doesn't necessarily mean we always agree on everything...
They are not even making up silly names for each other
Biden and Bernie have been attacking each other personally? Examples? Pointing out a candidate's past stances on political issues hardly qualifies.

I know Joe Biden. Joe Biden and I go way back. Joe Biden is a friend of mine. Howevva, being friends doesn't necessarily mean we always agree on everything...
They are not even making up silly names for each other
Joe Rogan on the Ds crazy demented candidate. LOL.
Biden and Bernie have been attacking each other personally? Examples? Pointing out a candidate's past stances on political issues hardly qualifies.

I know Joe Biden. Joe Biden and I go way back. Joe Biden is a friend of mine. Howevva, being friends doesn't necessarily mean we always agree on everything...

Assuming that one was meant to be a reply to me, Grumbles, it would appear you need to ramp up your reading comprehension. Did I say "Biden and Bernie have been attacking each other personally"? Let me answer that for you: I did not.

"And that means stopping the personal attacks". I meant, in particular, attacks by over-eager campaign surrogates, but also distortions and borderline lies like this one.

Really, Grumbles, why is that so hard? Why is it so hard to acknowledge that, yes, Bernie currently doesn't have a plausible path to victory, and, yes, both campaigns can and should do better to protect the Democrats' chances in November.
it would appear you need to ramp up your reading comprehension
No it doesn't, but wtf ever. There's no borderline lying going on either. If you'd read your own link carefully, the distinction is fairly clear. To Biden, Medicare and S.S. have always just been bargaining chips. He's just been a professional politician. Never had convictions about anything other than getting elected or reelected. All show, no genuine substance. Doesn't even give a shit about being a Democrat. I watched him rudely throw Anita Hill under the bus for christsakes.. while obsequiously handing the SC seat to her sexual harasser, Clarence Thomas, and kissing Hatch's ass with puckered lips. Biden is and always was a shit. 'Nuff said.

Btw, try to keep in mind that I'm an Independent. No warmongering, corporatist Democrat here. I don't care who wins if it's not Bernie or Tulsi. No clear improvement evident with Biden. Just as there was none with Hillary.
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You need to believe Americans are as dim as you but only angry, bitter not-too-brights will blame Trump for the impact of C-Virus on our investment mkts.

I realize Americans are selfish creatures. They didn't care Bush got us into a war in Iraq or fucked up Katrina, but when he crashed the economy and caused everyone to lose money, THEY did hold him responsible.

Trump isn't worthy to carry Bush's briefcase.

Trump makes Reagan look insightful, Clinton look honest, Bush look smart and Obama look humble. It's not a good look in a crisis as he fails.
it would appear you need to ramp up your reading comprehension
No it doesn't, but wtf ever. There's no borderline lying going on either. If you'd read your own link carefully, the distinction is fairly clear. To Biden, Medicare and S.S. have always just been bargaining chips. He's just been a professional politician. Never had convictions about anything other than getting elected or reelected. All show, no genuine substance. Doesn't even give a shit about being a Democrat. I watched him rudely throw Anita Hill under the bus for christsakes.. while obsequiously handing the SC seat to her sexual harasser, Clarence Thomas, and kissing Hatch's ass with puckered lips. Biden is and always was a shit. 'Nuff said.

Btw, try to keep in mind that I'm an Independent. No warmongering, corporatist Democrat here. I don't care who wins if it's not Bernie or Tulsi. No clear improvement evident with Biden. Just as there was none with Hillary.

You do understand that Bernie, too, is a "professional politician", don't you?

Still, I can see what you like about him, as you exhibit the exact same grumpy, my-way-or-the-highway attitude, the same anti-establishment venom, the same take-no-prisoner approach, the same purity-or-nothing stance that arguably cost Bernie enough to cap his support at below 40%. That is particularly due to women, one of the Democrats' major constituencies, who are put off by what I would call Bernie's belligerence.

Did Biden commit errors in his career? Certainly. It is an outlandish distortion to assert he never "had convictions about anything" - that's just you running your foul mouth - and I cannot even begin to explain something like, "Biden is and always was a shit."

Say, Grumbles, have you followed the coronavirus outbreak? At all? In light of Trump's botched approach, which threatens to cost thousands upon thousands of lives, how could you tell yourself and others that neither Biden nor Hillary would be a "clear improvement" compared to a fact-averse, ineducable, impervious-to-counsel, anti-science, concerned with no one but himself, and obsessively mendacious Trump? Who initially found it a good idea to fund the corona counter-measures by repurposing funds for heating assistance for the most desperate? And who appears now to be going after social security while throwing corporations another tax cut under the cover of coronavirus? Or, you could read about what Trump's judges are up to. You fine, as were these shits, with prison guards keeping a man naked in a feces-covered cell for six days? Really, what on earth were you thinking?

So, you're a proud independent, eh? I don't really know what that is, but I've noticed this sort is proliferating of late. They all sort of agree on their own purity, and that everybody else is at fault for not living up to their elevated standards. Oh, and they all bitch a lot about everyone, their uncle and their dog. Or so I seem to recall.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

A sigh of relief in the form of a fart.
So, you're a proud independent, eh? I don't really know what that is
So I've gathered. Yeah, there's such a thing as being Independent to the left of the corporate duopoly or Independent to its right. Most are the latter. Like Bernie, I haven't actually moved. I've remained in place since Bill Clinton made unmistakably clear that the bulk of F.D.R.'s reforms were to be reversed or abandoned altogether. That supporters on the left side of the duopoly were the easiest enemy to manipulate and appease by simply taking them for granted while always offering the right more than it ever requested or threatened. You would know these things if you were indeed half as old and wise as your identity implies.
Did Biden commit errors in his career? Certainly. It is an outlandish distortion to assert he never "had convictions about anything" - that's just you running your foul mouth - and I cannot even begin to explain something like, "Biden is and always was a shit."
Of course not. You obviously don't know Joe. Or shit, but have such strong notions and feelings to share.. If you actually met Joe he'd likely have you spun around and your pants down to your ankles in no time.
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Unlike Reagan, who made his intent to give away the New Deal store explicit to any paying attention, Clinton made an art form of whispering sweet nothings to his base while actually giving away the store for personal gain. Obama expertly followed suit, even upped his game. Joe wishes he were half so clever. Hillary same. None have deserved our support. All have been far more evil than good. Of course Trump is worse, but he's even dumber than Joe. This is a mixed blessing. People are actually beginning to wake up and realize they've been getting screwed royally by the entire lot. We can turn this ship around and Trump has finally made that need plain. A younger Bernie, like a Tulsi or AOC, will make it happen. The Democratic Party? Left to its own devices? Clearly never.
Unlike Reagan, who made his intent to give away the New Deal store explicit to any paying attention, Clinton made an art form of whispering sweet nothings to his base while actually giving away the store for personal gain. Obama expertly followed suit, even upped his game. Joe wishes he were half so clever. Hillary same. None have deserved our support. All have been far more evil than good. Of course Trump is worse, but he's even dumber than Joe. This is a mixed blessing. People are actually beginning to wake up and realize they've been getting screwed royally by the entire lot. We can turn this ship around and Trump has finally made that need plain. A younger Bernie, like a Tulsi or AOC, will make it happen. The Democratic Party? Left to its own devices? Clearly never.

Tulsi or AOC are whackjobs.

You whine that Clinton loosened some of the restrictions that went back to FDR, but a lot of those restrictions made it very difficult for people to own homes.

Clinton opposed welfare reform until he realized most of his own base wanted it, were sick and tired of standing in line behind someone with a stack of food stamps and two full grocery carts...
You whine that Clinton loosened some of the restrictions
I what now?
Clinton opposed welfare reform until he realized most of his own base wanted it, were sick and tired of standing in line behind someone with a stack of food stamps and two full grocery carts...
So? The poor use electronic transfer now.. still have two carts..? What are you babbling about? This has nothing to do with reversing New Deal reforms. You're being the whackjob.

This is largely what I'm talking about.
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So, you're a proud independent, eh? I don't really know what that is
So I've gathered. Yeah, there's such a thing as being Independent to the left of the corporate duopoly or Independent to its right. Most are the latter. Like Bernie, I haven't actually moved. I've remained in place since Bill Clinton made unmistakably clear that the bulk of F.D.R.'s reforms were to be reversed or abandoned altogether. That supporters on the left side of the duopoly were the easiest enemy to manipulate and appease by simply taking them for granted while always offering the right more than it ever requested or threatened. You would know these things if you were indeed half as old and wise as your identity implies.
Did Biden commit errors in his career? Certainly. It is an outlandish distortion to assert he never "had convictions about anything" - that's just you running your foul mouth - and I cannot even begin to explain something like, "Biden is and always was a shit."
Of course not. You obviously don't know Joe. Or shit, but have such strong notions and feelings to share.. If you actually met Joe he'd likely have you spun around and your pants down to your ankles in no time.

Very funny. Let me just note you didn't have a word to say in defense of your ludicrous assertion that neither Hillary nor Biden were (or would be) an improvement on Trump.

Otherwise, as I said before, independents all sort of agree on their own purity, and that everybody else is at fault for not living up to their elevated standards. Oh, and they all bitch a lot about everyone, their uncle and their dog.

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