Democrats let out a sigh of relief

Democrats often let out a sigh of relief at inappropriate times. That's one of the reasons they were so angry when Hillary lost. Democrats are barely half way through the nominating process so it ain't nearly over. Be careful what you wish for democrats. Bernie is still viable and sleepy Joe is still brain damaged.

That's why they're so desperate to shut down the primaries. They know that, like Hillary, the more exposure Biden gets, the less support he'll see.
Yep, this is as disappointing as it gets.
A couple weeks ago, it looked like at the very least, Bernie would be right on the cusp all the way to the convention. The turnaround for Joe is simply unbelievable. Something else has happened, no way Joe pulled this off without some serious manipulation.

What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.

They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020

Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.

Michigan was his last hope. The math doesn't work for him with the states upcoming. Best he coalesce end start campaigning for Uncle Joe. But my fear is that he'll act like the same bitter old man he was after losing in 2016.

Was hoping beyond hope that he'd read the tea leaves and get out now. Doesn't appear to be happening so I assume he'll go full in on Biden in the next debate which I'm thinking at this point may be the only reason he is in it now.

For Biden I don't think he is a great debater but on occasion he can hold his own. Not sure it really matters now as the current POS in the White House lost almost every debate he's been in.

After the next states come up on the 17th I think it's going to be over to the point where everyone is going to be pushing him out as Biden begins to tease/select his VP choice.

Sanders will have even less influence in the convention as last time. However it's really up to him to smooth things out, that will be his sole responsibility.

Wouldn’t you all rather get an accurate view of just how badly Trump is going to destroy QPQJ? Let Bernie thrash him. Then it won't be such a disappointment.
A sigh of relief? Instead of at least something dynamic, something different, something that might have led to serious challenges to the status quo, we are offered yesterday's mediocrity again.
Sanders' ideas may have been based on outdated, thirties 'socialism'. Sanders may not have been whom I would have picked for a good candidate. Compared, however, to idea-less, power hungry, contemptuous offerings we get from the duopoly, he offered something human and vigorous.
I would be able to vote for someone like Gabbard, but people who voted for the illegal Iraq invasion disqualified themselves.
And people who have only displayed purely egoistic hunger for attention and power are not qualified, either.

Democrats should definitely stay home this fall.
The dems are happy to have 2 old white guys to choose from it doesn't matter that one just had a heart attack and the other can't remember what he had for breakfast

Trump, you guys have a morbidly obese sudafed addict who paints his face orange. Speaking of orange, he thinks that's the word for origins.

Boy, I'm glad we don't have any of those around. That would be bad.
"Bernie wins". Not a chance.
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?

Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

View attachment 311798

Donnie needs to pat her ass a bit more to be certain! :)

He paid for it along with her breasts and nose.
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Bernie would kill Trump in a debate.

Maybe with laughter.
"Democrats let out a sigh of relief"

My wife's a Democrat. I've been watching. So far she's just let out a fart and "Good grief!"
Hillary lost to Trump.
Biden is Hillary 2.0.
He can't beat Trump.
The most electable President in history was F.D.R. Won 4 times.
Bernie is F.D.R. 2.0
Bernie can beat Trump.
Bernie is the safe option.

Grumbles! Heavens...

You do know that your wishes are not facts - and neither are your fears?
#1 You miss the point. It's the soundbite narrative Bernie should adopt immediately. Credit entirely to Kyle Kulinski.
#2 If you wish to dispute facts then do so. Don't just be a dick.

I prefer to be a dick at times. Now, sue me.

FDR won enough support by the American electorate to become president four times.

Sanders is on course to rally a minority of Democrats behind his cause, twice in a row, and the second time that minority is dwindling.

The former apparently managed to adjust his narrative and platform to remain electable.

The latter can't adjust his self-presentation to garner majority Democratic support. There is something admirable about that, in a way. The man doesn't bend - and therefore will not be president of the U.S. of A. A lot about this is worthy of being regretted, but...

Now, whether or not Biden will ever be president is an open question. The equivalent of Hillary, the most vilified, smeared and abused woman in modern history, he is not. Not in any way, shape or form. How you came up with that comparison eludes me entirely.
I prefer to be a dick at times. Now, sue me.

FDR won enough support by the American electorate to become president four times.

Sanders is on course to rally a minority of Democrats behind his cause, twice in a row, and the second time that minority is dwindling.

The former apparently managed to adjust his narrative and platform to remain electable.

The latter can't adjust his self-presentation to garner majority Democratic support. There is something admirable about that, in a way. The man doesn't bend - and therefore will not be president of the U.S. of A. A lot about this is worthy of being regretted, but...

Now, whether or not Biden will ever be president is an open question. The equivalent of Hillary, the most vilified, smeared and abused woman in modern history, he is not. Not in any way, shape or form. How you came up with that comparison eludes me entirely.
Thanks for choosing not to just be a dick again. Indeed, FDR did. Bernie, without major media support, has been filling stadiums since before Trump. A clear majority of Americans support Bernie's ideas. The younger ones especially. Those having the most at stake so paying the most attention. Billionaires, on the other hand, control the corporate networks which unfortunately remain the main news source for our older, low information "electorate." Just because people continue being shuffled like lemmings through two shoots that both end in a cliff doesn't mean they're wrong or stupid for choosing neither. That Bernie can't win is simply your opinion at this point. "You do know that your wishes are not facts"? Indeed, Biden may also win the election. In that case, YIPPEE! Once again the lesser evil prevails in this seemingly endless rat race to the bottom. Getting mighty old, Olde... almost "worthy of being regretted"..
That Bernie can't win is simply your opinion at this point. "You do know that your wishes are not facts"?

Having extensively studied fivethirtyeight's polling and analyses since Super Tuesday (I), I can confidently, based on the best available evidence, state that Bernie won't be president. And you are just being a dick now.
"Bernie wins". Not a chance.
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?

Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

View attachment 311798

Donnie needs to pat her ass a bit more to be certain! :)

I'd be thrilled if you could just show me ONE time that happened. Amazing how you idiots define your reality by your fantasies.
Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?

Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

View attachment 311798

You're one sick puppy.

Is that why Trump moved to FL?

Tax evasion and inability to accept criticism.

Yep. Can't wait to get good ol' Joe, one of his strengths is taking criticism, right?

Oh and too bad a few Democrats will be glad Trump moves to Florida. Show me one tax law he violated? You can't.
Tax evasion and inability to accept criticism.

Competent professionals and NYC will not be missing the Dumpster.

You must have forgotten the reliable source and the working link supporting your amusing allegation seems to be missing.

Rich People Are Fleeing New York In Droves, Study Shows
More people moved out of New York than into the state last year, with the wealthy leading the exodus, an annual study shows.
By Noah Manskar
Jan 3, 2019 2:45 pm ET
Rich People Are Fleeing New York In Droves, Study Shows

And I'm supposed to be surprised that old, white rich guys are moving to Florida to evade taxes?

Okeee - They can hang with the Dotard at Mar-a-Lago and tell him how bitchin he is. :rolleyes:
That Bernie can't win is simply your opinion at this point. "You do know that your wishes are not facts"?

Having extensively studied fivethirtyeight's polling and analyses since Super Tuesday (I), I can confidently, based on the best available evidence, state that Bernie won't be president. And you are just being a dick now.
Wait, so having now expressed your wishful "confident" opinion means you have rather expressed "facts" and that you're somehow not simply continuing to be a dick.
Well, alrighty then. Glad that's settled.
Thanks for choosing not to just be a dick again. Indeed, FDR did. Bernie, without major media support, has been filling stadiums since before Trump. A clear majority of Americans support Bernie's ideas. The younger ones especially. Those having the most at stake so paying the most attention. Billionaires, on the other hand, control the corporate networks which unfortunately remain the main news source for our older, low information "electorate." Just because people continue being shuffled like lemmings through two shoots that both end in a cliff doesn't mean they're wrong or stupid for choosing neither. That Bernie can't win is simply your opinion at this point. "You do know that your wishes are not facts"? Indeed, Biden may also win the election. In that case, YIPPEE! Once again the lesser evil prevails in this seemingly endless rat race to the bottom. Getting mighty old, Olde... almost "worthy of being regretted"..

What you mean is that a MINORITY, OF A MINORITY, supports Socialist Sanders' ideas. Once that minority learns what Socialism costs, THEM, they quickly become Capitalists.

And I'm supposed to be surprised that old, white rich guys are moving to Florida to evade taxes?

Okeee - They can hang with the Dotard at Mar-a-Lago and tell him how bitchin he is. :rolleyes:

You're desperation is duly noted. There is no tax evasion, we simply have far lower taxes. How is that a bad thing?

Why does it damage you so much that someone you don't like, is doing an incredibly great job of managing our government?
Tax evasion and inability to accept criticism.

Competent professionals and NYC will not be missing the Dumpster.

You must have forgotten the reliable source and the working link supporting your amusing allegation seems to be missing.

Rich People Are Fleeing New York In Droves, Study Shows
More people moved out of New York than into the state last year, with the wealthy leading the exodus, an annual study shows.
By Noah Manskar
Jan 3, 2019 2:45 pm ET
Rich People Are Fleeing New York In Droves, Study Shows

And I'm supposed to be surprised that old, white rich guys are moving to Florida to evade taxes?

"EVADING TAXES" LIBERAL TRANSLATION: Any legal tax law codified into the IRS handbook by the democratic legislature actually used legally by a rich person as a permissible tax shelter that poor and bitter liberals cannot also take advantage of!
Jimmy Dore is right again. These idiotic Biden supporters have been duped by the establishment again. They get duped over and over. They never learn.

Biden wasn’t a capable presidential candidate decades ago. He now has a touch of dementia which makes him even less capable.

Joe Biden isn't my first or second or even third choice as nominee.

I voted my conscience in the primary. I will hold my nose and vote for Biden if he gets the nomination.

For the only reason that trump is a lying, incompetent danger to our nation. Biden will be like Ford. A calm after a horrible storm. Do I want him as president? Not really. I've never been a fan. The man is bought by big banks and credit companies. My last straw with him was that bankruptcy law he helped write in the bush boy years.

If the republicans had nominated a sane and competent person I would vote for them but they didn't.

If Biden is the nominee I will vote for him.

No matter who, vote blue.

Why do you hate all the great things that have happened to our fellow Americans since Donald Trump became President?
Because this is just a bold faced lie, just like your leader's.

How is pointing out all the great things done by President Donald Trump a "bold-faced" lie?
Great things he has done? That is just you guys believing his lies.

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