Democrats let out a sigh of relief

Bernie would NOT have beaten The Don.... he didn't stand a prayer..... Trump n Team would have come down so hard on him with made up bull shit, that he would not have been able to overcome... he's a communist, loves Castro, he's a Socialist..wants to turn us in to Venezuela, went to Russia on his honeymoon, wants to triple your taxes, wants to take your private healthcare away from you, had a heart attack, he bashes milionaires while being a millionaire, owns three homes, never accomplished anything while a Senator.... you name it, it would have been thrown at him by the Trumpsters.

And with a prayer, maybe maybe maybe, Biden has a shot at beating Trump.... though still a long shot.

Citizens, real live individual voters in mass....chose Biden over Sanders.... You can call them the establishment, but in reality, they are simply real, live people, every day, citizens.
Bernie beats Don every time, but your analysis is very establishmentarian. Stop believing the establishment. They lie.

Biden loses every time. If you think Don would be hard on Bernie, triple that for sniffy Joe.

Sorry, Bernie would have lost in a landslide and been a huge drag down ballot. No Senate and may have lost the House.
Sorry Biden loses in a landslide. Bernie wins.

Why do you believe the oligarchs? They lie.

"Bernie wins". Not a chance.
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Bernie beats Don. Biden loses to Don.

Your gig is up. You are a republican and we all know it.
Bernie would NOT have beaten The Don.... he didn't stand a prayer..... Trump n Team would have come down so hard on him with made up bull shit, that he would not have been able to overcome... he's a communist, loves Castro, he's a Socialist..wants to turn us in to Venezuela, went to Russia on his honeymoon, wants to triple your taxes, wants to take your private healthcare away from you, had a heart attack, he bashes milionaires while being a millionaire, owns three homes, never accomplished anything while a Senator.... you name it, it would have been thrown at him by the Trumpsters.

And with a prayer, maybe maybe maybe, Biden has a shot at beating Trump.... though still a long shot.

Citizens, real live individual voters in mass....chose Biden over Sanders.... You can call them the establishment, but in reality, they are simply real, live people, every day, citizens.
Republicans had a strategy to beat Bernie......Commie, Commie, Commie

Their only tactic against Biden seems to be claiming he has dementia. A hard sell when your overweight orange candidate can’t keep a thought in his head, constantly repeats himself, repeats himself and is prone to bizarre tweets in the middle of the night.

A rightist recently started a thread admitting exactly that.
Bernie beats Don every time, but your analysis is very establishmentarian. Stop believing the establishment. They lie.

Biden loses every time. If you think Don would be hard on Bernie, triple that for sniffy Joe.

Sorry, Bernie would have lost in a landslide and been a huge drag down ballot. No Senate and may have lost the House.
Sorry Biden loses in a landslide. Bernie wins.

Why do you believe the oligarchs? They lie.

"Bernie wins". Not a chance.
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?
Sorry, Bernie would have lost in a landslide and been a huge drag down ballot. No Senate and may have lost the House.
Sorry Biden loses in a landslide. Bernie wins.

Why do you believe the oligarchs? They lie.

"Bernie wins". Not a chance.
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?

Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

Jim Clyburn has more integrity in his dryer lint screen than most of our resident Dotards have in their entire being.

Yep, no less than other Democrats.

Democrat James Clyburn Says a Little Sexual Harassment Is Okay Plus Conyers’s Accusers Are White Women (UPDATED)
Posted at 7:00 pm on November 29, 2017 by streiff

Democrat James Clyburn Says a Little Sexual Harassment Is Okay Plus Conyers's Accusers Are White Women (UPDATED)

Your source is RedState .. SERIOUSLY?

  • Overall, we rate RedState borderline Questionable and strongly Right Biased, based on story selection that always favors the right and use of emotionally loaded (sensationalized) headlines. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing of information and a few failed fact checks.
Sorry Biden loses in a landslide. Bernie wins.

Why do you believe the oligarchs? They lie.

"Bernie wins". Not a chance.
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?

Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

View attachment 311798

Donnie needs to pat her ass a bit more to be certain! :)
Sorry Biden loses in a landslide. Bernie wins.

Why do you believe the oligarchs? They lie.

"Bernie wins". Not a chance.
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?

Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

View attachment 311798

You're one sick puppy.
Jim Clyburn has more integrity in his dryer lint screen than most of our resident Dotards have in their entire being.

Yep, no less than other Democrats.

Democrat James Clyburn Says a Little Sexual Harassment Is Okay Plus Conyers’s Accusers Are White Women (UPDATED)
Posted at 7:00 pm on November 29, 2017 by streiff

Democrat James Clyburn Says a Little Sexual Harassment Is Okay Plus Conyers's Accusers Are White Women (UPDATED)

Your source is RedState .. SERIOUSLY?

  • Overall, we rate RedState borderline Questionable and strongly Right Biased, based on story selection that always favors the right and use of emotionally loaded (sensationalized) headlines. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing of information and a few failed fact checks.

James Clyburn’s FLIPPANT DEFENSE of Sexual Misconduct: “Who elected them?”
Kevin Jackson
November 30, 2017

James Clyburn’s FLIPPANT DEFENSE of Sexual Misconduct: “Who elected them?”

In defense of sexual misconduct by Congressman John Conyers, another Congressional Black Circus clown, James Clyburn weighed in.

When asked why Conyers wasn’t being held to the standard of other men in other industries, Clyburn flippantly replied, “Who elected them?”

James Clyburn's FLIPPANT DEFENSE of Sexual Misconduct: "Who elected them?"
"Bernie wins". Not a chance.
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?

Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

View attachment 311798

You're one sick puppy.

Is that why Trump moved to FL?
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?

Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

View attachment 311798

You're one sick puppy.

Is that why Trump moved to FL?

He moved to Florida for the same reason as millions of other folks. We have far lower taxes than New York City, we have magnificent weather, and our state is among the five most fiscally responsible among all fifty (not 57) states.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.


I think you realize I know my shit about polling and the electorate. So I'll be serious for a moment. Winning elections is about enthusiasm. When roughly only half the electorate actually shows up to vote, the critical factor is who shows up. :)

Which candidate is able to generate the most enthusiasm to get their voters out to the polls.

Barack Obama was able generate enormous turnout among minority voters. And by minority voters I mean not just Blacks, but Latinos, and Asians as well. I knew Hillary Clinton would not generate any enthusiasm among minority voters. I said this repeatedly before the election and many folks like you said I was wrong. Well I was right. Black women came out in heavy numbers to vote for Hillary, but Black men did not, nor did any other minorities.

Which brings me to sleepy Joe. I do not see any real enthusiasm for Joe. Primary voting for Dems is down 11% compared to the 2008 election cycle when Obama ran. Primary voting was also down for Hillary compared to Obama as well. This is all very bad news for sleepy Joe.

Meanwhile, Trump is breaking Republican primary voting records with no opposition.

Winger, this is bad news for Dems whose heart is deep into socialism but for the most part cannot publicly admit it. Joe is as plain vanilla and status quo as it gets. He is John Kerry only stupider, more corrupt, and if possible, even more out of touch.

Winger if you think I am wrong, please correct me. But I don't think I am. :)

Trump picked up the “I hate Hillary” vote in 2016. I am not sure about Trump, but I hate Hillary. Biden is widely liked.

If you want enthusiasm, look at the 2018 midterm. Dems came out in record numbers on an “I hate Trump” platform

I don’t think Dems have to worry about turnout.

Okay, fair enough and thank you for your response. I know Black voters prefer Biden to Bernie, but does a 77 year old rich white guy excite black voters like Barack Obama did? Will Black voters turn out for Joe like they did Obama?

The Dem formula for winning elections since the late 1960's is to get 40% of the White vote and 90% of the Black vote.

Hillary got only 37% of the White vote per the exit polls which we know were heavily biased in her favor because they said she would win in a landslide. She got 91% of the Black vote but a large number of Black men stayed away.

Current polling suggests Trump will get 16% of the Black vote. If that is correct he wins. Biden will not get anywhere close to 40% of the white vote which means the Obama coalition will have to turn out for him in big, big numbers.

And by the way, Obama got 40% of the White vote in 2008 and 2012. That along with heavy minority turnout is why he won.

Primary voting is heavier for Dems this election cycle than it was for Hillary. That is a positive for your team. But is still 11% below the Obama Primary turnout, so I guess we shall see.
Hillary lost to Trump.
Biden is Hillary 2.0.
He can't beat Trump.
The most electable President in history was F.D.R. Won 4 times.
Bernie is F.D.R. 2.0
Bernie can beat Trump.
Bernie is the safe option.
Much better chance than sniffy Joe has.

Sniffy JOE?

Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?

Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

View attachment 311798

You're one sick puppy.

Is that why Trump moved to FL?

Tax evasion and inability to accept criticism.

Competent professionals and NYC will not be missing the Dumpster.


We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.


I think you realize I know my shit about polling and the electorate. So I'll be serious for a moment. Winning elections is about enthusiasm. When roughly only half the electorate actually shows up to vote, the critical factor is who shows up. :)

Which candidate is able to generate the most enthusiasm to get their voters out to the polls.

Barack Obama was able generate enormous turnout among minority voters. And by minority voters I mean not just Blacks, but Latinos, and Asians as well. I knew Hillary Clinton would not generate any enthusiasm among minority voters. I said this repeatedly before the election and many folks like you said I was wrong. Well I was right. Black women came out in heavy numbers to vote for Hillary, but Black men did not, nor did any other minorities.

Which brings me to sleepy Joe. I do not see any real enthusiasm for Joe. Primary voting for Dems is down 11% compared to the 2008 election cycle when Obama ran. Primary voting was also down for Hillary compared to Obama as well. This is all very bad news for sleepy Joe.

Meanwhile, Trump is breaking Republican primary voting records with no opposition.

Winger, this is bad news for Dems whose heart is deep into socialism but for the most part cannot publicly admit it. Joe is as plain vanilla and status quo as it gets. He is John Kerry only stupider, more corrupt, and if possible, even more out of touch.

Winger if you think I am wrong, please correct me. But I don't think I am. :)

Trump picked up the “I hate Hillary” vote in 2016. I am not sure about Trump, but I hate Hillary. Biden is widely liked.

If you want enthusiasm, look at the 2018 midterm. Dems came out in record numbers on an “I hate Trump” platform

I don’t think Dems have to worry about turnout.

Okay, fair enough and thank you for your response. I know Black voters prefer Biden to Bernie, but does a 77 year old rich white guy excite black voters like Barack Obama did? Will Black voters turn out for Joe like they did Obama?

The Dem formula for winning elections since the late 1960's is to get 40% of the White vote and 90% of the Black vote.

Hillary got only 37% of the White vote per the exit polls which we know were heavily biased in her favor because they said she would win in a landslide. She got 91% of the Black vote but a large number of Black men stayed away.

Current polling suggests Trump will get 16% of the Black vote. If that is correct he wins. Biden will not get anywhere close to 40% of the white vote which means the Obama coalition will have to turn out for him in big, big numbers.

And by the way, Obama got 40% of the White vote in 2008 and 2012. That along with heavy minority turnout is why he won.

Primary voting is heavier for Dems this election cycle than it was for Hillary. That is a positive for your team. But is still 11% below the Obama Primary turnout, so I guess we shall see.
Joe is crazy. He may put on black face and come out singing...Mammy. Thinking he is a friend to African Americans.
Hillary lost to Trump.
Biden is Hillary 2.0.
He can't beat Trump.
The most electable President in history was F.D.R. Won 4 times.
Bernie is F.D.R. 2.0
Bernie can beat Trump.
Bernie is the safe option.

Grumbles! Heavens...

You do know that your wishes are not facts - and neither are your fears?
Hillary lost to Trump.
Biden is Hillary 2.0.
He can't beat Trump.
The most electable President in history was F.D.R. Won 4 times.
Bernie is F.D.R. 2.0
Bernie can beat Trump.
Bernie is the safe option.

Grumbles! Heavens...

You do know that your wishes are not facts - and neither are your fears?
#1 You miss the point. It's the soundbite narrative Bernie should adopt immediately. Credit entirely to Kyle Kulinski.
#2 If you wish to dispute facts then do so. Don't just be a dick.
Tax evasion and inability to accept criticism.

Competent professionals and NYC will not be missing the Dumpster.

You must have forgotten the reliable source and the working link supporting your amusing allegation seems to be missing.

Rich People Are Fleeing New York In Droves, Study Shows
More people moved out of New York than into the state last year, with the wealthy leading the exodus, an annual study shows.
By Noah Manskar
Jan 3, 2019 2:45 pm ET
Rich People Are Fleeing New York In Droves, Study Shows

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