Democrats let out a sigh of relief

The dems are happy to have 2 old white guys to choose from it doesn't matter that one just had a heart attack and the other can't remember what he had for breakfast

Trump, you guys have a morbidly obese sudafed addict who paints his face orange. Speaking of orange, he thinks that's the word for origins.
What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.

They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020

Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.

Michigan was his last hope. The math doesn't work for him with the states upcoming. Best he coalesce end start campaigning for Uncle Joe. But my fear is that he'll act like the same bitter old man he was after losing in 2016.

Was hoping beyond hope that he'd read the tea leaves and get out now. Doesn't appear to be happening so I assume he'll go full in on Biden in the next debate which I'm thinking at this point may be the only reason he is in it now.

For Biden I don't think he is a great debater but on occasion he can hold his own. Not sure it really matters now as the current POS in the White House lost almost every debate he's been in.

After the next states come up on the 17th I think it's going to be over to the point where everyone is going to be pushing him out as Biden begins to tease/select his VP choice.

Sanders will have even less influence in the convention as last time. However it's really up to him to smooth things out, that will be his sole responsibility.

Biden needs Sanders to keep trying. He needs someone to debate so he gets some broadcast face time.

The last election was all about face time - Trump was on every news show everyday for months before the election. Clinton hardly got any face time.

Biden needs all the face time he can get!

Biden can generate his own face time that isn't spent being called a Republican.
Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.

Michigan was his last hope. The math doesn't work for him with the states upcoming. Best he coalesce end start campaigning for Uncle Joe. But my fear is that he'll act like the same bitter old man he was after losing in 2016.

Was hoping beyond hope that he'd read the tea leaves and get out now. Doesn't appear to be happening so I assume he'll go full in on Biden in the next debate which I'm thinking at this point may be the only reason he is in it now.

For Biden I don't think he is a great debater but on occasion he can hold his own. Not sure it really matters now as the current POS in the White House lost almost every debate he's been in.

After the next states come up on the 17th I think it's going to be over to the point where everyone is going to be pushing him out as Biden begins to tease/select his VP choice.

Sanders will have even less influence in the convention as last time. However it's really up to him to smooth things out, that will be his sole responsibility.

One would think Bernie would want to avoid the legacy of being the guy who handed four more years to "the most corrupt president in US history".

My hunch is, he'll continue to yell at clouds.


Well like Trump, Sanders has his own slobbering media outlets. Have you watched the Young Turks lately? Jesus, talk about full on denial.

I can take about 30 seconds of Cenk Uygur prior to turning entirely catatonic. ;)



I got to hear after Super Tuesday that Biden could only win in the south, states the Dems won't win in November. Nevermind that it's important that all Democrats including African Americans get to voice their opinion for who should be the nominee. He completely skipped over North Carolina and Minnesota. Now we can add Michigan to the list ans soon Florida, Arizona and Ohio. Then later will come Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. All of which (Wisconsin is a little iffy) should fall in line with Biden.
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Bernie would kill Trump in a debate.
Biden will be able to hold up the stability of the Obama/Biden administration and after four years of constant turmoil offer a return to normalcy.
Yeah Hillary thought that too and got beat by a talk show buffoon. Stop supporting Trump.
People thought Trump could act “Presidential” once he was elected

Instead, they got the same petulant child.
Jimmy Dore

Maybe the people supporting Biden aren't out of touch morons, seems more likely they are just sick sadistic maniacs who get a kick out of watching his mental decline in Public like this. Shame on you.
Jimmy Dore on Twitter
Jimmy Dore is right again. These idiotic Biden supporters have been duped by the establishment again. They get duped over and over. They never learn.

Biden wasn’t a capable presidential candidate decades ago. He now has a touch of dementia which makes him even less capable.

Joe Biden isn't my first or second or even third choice as nominee.

I voted my conscience in the primary. I will hold my nose and vote for Biden if he gets the nomination.

For the only reason that trump is a lying, incompetent danger to our nation. Biden will be like Ford. A calm after a horrible storm. Do I want him as president? Not really. I've never been a fan. The man is bought by big banks and credit companies. My last straw with him was that bankruptcy law he helped write in the bush boy years.

If the republicans had nominated a sane and competent person I would vote for them but they didn't.

If Biden is the nominee I will vote for him.

No matter who, vote blue.

Why do you hate all the great things that have happened to our fellow Americans since Donald Trump became President?
Yeah Hillary thought that too and got beat by a talk show buffoon. Stop supporting Trump.
People thought Trump could act “Presidential” once he was elected

Instead, they got the same petulant child.
Jimmy Dore

Maybe the people supporting Biden aren't out of touch morons, seems more likely they are just sick sadistic maniacs who get a kick out of watching his mental decline in Public like this. Shame on you.
Jimmy Dore on Twitter
Jimmy Dore is right again. These idiotic Biden supporters have been duped by the establishment again. They get duped over and over. They never learn.

Biden wasn’t a capable presidential candidate decades ago. He now has a touch of dementia which makes him even less capable.

Joe Biden isn't my first or second or even third choice as nominee.

I voted my conscience in the primary. I will hold my nose and vote for Biden if he gets the nomination.

For the only reason that trump is a lying, incompetent danger to our nation. Biden will be like Ford. A calm after a horrible storm. Do I want him as president? Not really. I've never been a fan. The man is bought by big banks and credit companies. My last straw with him was that bankruptcy law he helped write in the bush boy years.

If the republicans had nominated a sane and competent person I would vote for them but they didn't.

If Biden is the nominee I will vote for him.

No matter who, vote blue.

Why do you hate all the great things that have happened to our fellow Americans since Donald Trump became President?

I'd rather not, but thanks anyway. :rolleyes:

We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Yeah.....that's right

The DemRats let out a sigh of relief , exactly the same way they did in 2016, when they screw Bernie that time.

Yes, they (the rats) are doing it again.
You are so misinformed. The DNC changed the rules this year and Bernie was all in. Its all about votes you dunce.

IF you actually believed that the DNC was going to allow Socialist Bernie Sanders be their nominee for President of the United States, I have a bridge to show you! SUCH A DEAL!
The dems are happy to have 2 old white guys to choose from it doesn't matter that one just had a heart attack and the other can't remember what he had for breakfast

Trump, you guys have a morbidly obese sudafed addict who paints his face orange. Speaking of orange, he thinks that's the word for origins.
I didn't vote for Trump

So I'm not "you guys"

You can't think outside of your little box can you?
The dems are happy to have 2 old white guys to choose from it doesn't matter that one just had a heart attack and the other can't remember what he had for breakfast

Trump, you guys have a morbidly obese sudafed addict who paints his face orange. Speaking of orange, he thinks that's the word for origins.
I didn't vote for Trump

So I'm not "you guys"

You can't think outside of your little box can you?

You defend him. Therefore "you guys have a morbidly..." stands.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Yeah.....that's right

The DemRats let out a sigh of relief , exactly the same way they did in 2016, when they screw Bernie that time.

Yes, they (the rats) are doing it again.
You are so misinformed. The DNC changed the rules this year and Bernie was all in. Its all about votes you dunce.

IF you actually believed that the DNC was going to allow Socialist Bernie Sanders be their nominee for President of the United States, I have a bridge to show you! SUCH A DEAL!

How did the DNC put Biden over Sanders?
Yeah Hillary thought that too and got beat by a talk show buffoon. Stop supporting Trump.
People thought Trump could act “Presidential” once he was elected

Instead, they got the same petulant child.
Jimmy Dore

Maybe the people supporting Biden aren't out of touch morons, seems more likely they are just sick sadistic maniacs who get a kick out of watching his mental decline in Public like this. Shame on you.
Jimmy Dore on Twitter
Jimmy Dore is right again. These idiotic Biden supporters have been duped by the establishment again. They get duped over and over. They never learn.

Biden wasn’t a capable presidential candidate decades ago. He now has a touch of dementia which makes him even less capable.

Joe Biden isn't my first or second or even third choice as nominee.

I voted my conscience in the primary. I will hold my nose and vote for Biden if he gets the nomination.

For the only reason that trump is a lying, incompetent danger to our nation. Biden will be like Ford. A calm after a horrible storm. Do I want him as president? Not really. I've never been a fan. The man is bought by big banks and credit companies. My last straw with him was that bankruptcy law he helped write in the bush boy years.

If the republicans had nominated a sane and competent person I would vote for them but they didn't.

If Biden is the nominee I will vote for him.

No matter who, vote blue.

Why do you hate all the great things that have happened to our fellow Americans since Donald Trump became President?
Because this is just a bold faced lie, just like your leader's.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Yeah.....that's right

The DemRats let out a sigh of relief , exactly the same way they did in 2016, when they screw Bernie that time.

Yes, they (the rats) are doing it again.
You are so misinformed. The DNC changed the rules this year and Bernie was all in. Its all about votes you dunce.

IF you actually believed that the DNC was going to allow Socialist Bernie Sanders be their nominee for President of the United States, I have a bridge to show you! SUCH A DEAL!
Talking crap will not help. Get up to speed.

"This year, the rules have changed — perhaps in part to avoid the speculation that happened after the nominating convention in 2016, where supporters of Bernie Sanders felt cheated out of the nomination."

Here's How The New Democratic Party Rules About Delegates Will Impact The 2020 Election

Democratic primary delegate count – latest
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Breathing a sigh of relief that it appears you got Joe Biden as your candidate is like being relieved you have inoperable colon cancer instead of your leg needing amputated in a bridge construction accident.

No one is more happy to see Joe representing the DNC than Trump and all his supporters! :auiqs.jpg:

Crazy as he is, at least Bernie had real conviction in his beliefs and passion to his ideals.
I think Pence could handle the presidency if called upon. Can the Democrats find a good replacement of need for their pick for POTUS?
Pence is more stable than Trump. Few aren’t.

Doesn’t make him a good pick.

I have a dog that's more stable than Trump. She's smarter too. ;)

Why do you laugh at and wish to ignore all the great things, President Donald Trump has done for our country?
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Breathing a sigh of relief that it appears you got Joe Biden as your candidate is like being relieved you have inoperable colon cancer instead of your leg needing amputated in a bridge construction accident.

No one is more happy to see Joe representing the DNC than Trump and all his supporters! :auiqs.jpg:

Crazy as he is, at least Bernie had real conviction in his beliefs and passion to his ideals.

Bernie was sincere, if misguided; Biden's a loon
At the end of the day, voters vote for their kitchen table budget.

With the unemployment rate low, and wages up, that means that voters have more income for things they like to do, like vacations....

Democrats game plan seems to be to insult these middle wage voters as uneducated, racist, homophobic, and a myriad of tropes that turn off voters. Plus, they are offering free shit that the middle working man knows he or she will have to pay for....

Not a winning platform if you ask me.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Talking crap will not help. Get up to speed.

"This year, the rules have changed — perhaps in part to avoid the speculation that happened after the nominating convention in 2016, where supporters of Bernie Sanders felt cheated out of the nomination."

Here's How The New Democratic Party Rules About Delegates Will Impact The 2020 Election

Democratic primary delegate count – latest

Come on, get up to speed!

Do you honestly think the DNC would allow a Socialist, not even a Democrat, to bring down their party for at least a generation including dozens of down-ticket losses?

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