Democrats let out a sigh of relief

We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Then, according to your logic,
it would have been anyone's landslide
and any one of them could beat Trump

Biden needed the top 3 candidates, minus Bernie, to drop out

They manipulated the race in favor of the candidate
who otherwise, was receiving the least support from voters

Do you not see how fucking stupid that is?

You mentioned how the Republicans were greedy
and didn't take one for the team....

Trump not only won but, he received more votes
and won more states then both John and Mitt

If Biden was receiving the least majority of votes
out of all the candidates, what does that tell you?
Better yet, what are the voters telling you?

How did Biden win 6 delegates in Iowa
with less than 15% of the votes?...same for Amy,

The Democratic leadership has determined that...
A woman nor a homosexual can beat Trump
but the candidate with the most baggage
and least voter support can?!

Here's the thing...Whether or not Trump is re elected
depends on what God has already planned

Nothing we love more than a Trumpublican offering wisdom and advice to Democrats. :D
I think Pence could handle the presidency if called upon. Can the Democrats find a good replacement of need for their pick for POTUS?
Pence is more stable than Trump. Few aren’t.

Doesn’t make him a good pick.

I have a dog that's more stable than Trump. She's smarter too. ;)
Maybe, but a dementia riddle Biden is no better.

Using the D word doesn't make it so. Is the Orange Anus suffering from dementia?

HELL yes!
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
If it comes down to Biden, the most important task for Joe will be picking a VP that is smart and could handle the job of President if need be. None of this "balancing the ticket by selecting a woman or someone from a state with many delegates. This time, we should be evaluating the VP as much as the POTUS.
Biden will be a one term President

Who he picks for VP will be critical.

Here's my Veep wish list for Uncle Joe

Michelle Obama, Stacy Abrams, or Kamala Harris

"Stacy Abrams". Lol :iyfyus.jpg:
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
Bernie beats Don. Biden loses to Don.

Your gig is up. You are a republican and we all know it.
Bernie would NOT have beaten The Don.... he didn't stand a prayer..... Trump n Team would have come down so hard on him with made up bull shit, that he would not have been able to overcome... he's a communist, loves Castro, he's a Socialist..wants to turn us in to Venezuela, went to Russia on his honeymoon, wants to triple your taxes, wants to take your private healthcare away from you, had a heart attack, he bashes milionaires while being a millionaire, owns three homes, never accomplished anything while a Senator.... you name it, it would have been thrown at him by the Trumpsters.

And with a prayer, maybe maybe maybe, Biden has a shot at beating Trump.... though still a long shot.

Citizens, real live individual voters in mass....chose Biden over Sanders.... You can call them the establishment, but in reality, they are simply real, live people, every day, citizens.
Bernie beats Don every time, but your analysis is very establishmentarian. Stop believing the establishment. They lie.

Biden loses every time. If you think Don would be hard on Bernie, triple that for sniffy Joe.

Sorry, Bernie would have lost in a landslide and been a huge drag down ballot. No Senate and may have lost the House.
Sorry Biden loses in a landslide. Bernie wins.

Why do you believe the oligarchs? They lie.

"Bernie wins". Not a chance.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.
If it comes down to Biden, the most important task for Joe will be picking a VP that is smart and could handle the job of President if need be. None of this "balancing the ticket by selecting a woman or someone from a state with many delegates. This time, we should be evaluating the VP as much as the POTUS.
Biden will be a one term President

Who he picks for VP will be critical.

Here's my Veep wish list for Uncle Joe

Michelle Obama, Stacy Abrams, or Kamala Harris

"Stacy Abrams". Lol :iyfyus.jpg:

The ONLY reason Abrams isn't governor of Georgia was a corrupt Secretary of State who purged the holy fuck out of voter rolls and pasted bullshit accusations on the official S of S website days before the election. Kemp squeaked it by 1.6%.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

I'm disappointed. I believe that a turnip could beat Trump in the next election and that the American people are going to punish the spineless Republican weenies in the Senate. Either Biden or Sanders would succeed in winning and taking control of both houses.

We're long overdue for a truly radical President - we haven't had one since FDR.

Don't get me wrong, I like Biden a lot, but I think this was the perfect opportunity for a Democratic-Socialist in the White House.

Hopefully Sanders will force a few policies in the Democrats platform.
Yep, this is as disappointing as it gets.
A couple weeks ago, it looked like at the very least, Bernie would be right on the cusp all the way to the convention. The turnaround for Joe is simply unbelievable. Something else has happened, no way Joe pulled this off without some serious manipulation.

What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.
Yep, this is as disappointing as it gets.
A couple weeks ago, it looked like at the very least, Bernie would be right on the cusp all the way to the convention. The turnaround for Joe is simply unbelievable. Something else has happened, no way Joe pulled this off without some serious manipulation.

What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.

They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020
Yep, this is as disappointing as it gets.
A couple weeks ago, it looked like at the very least, Bernie would be right on the cusp all the way to the convention. The turnaround for Joe is simply unbelievable. Something else has happened, no way Joe pulled this off without some serious manipulation.

What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.

They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020

Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.
Democrats often let out a sigh of relief at inappropriate times. That's one of the reasons they were so angry when Hillary lost. Democrats are barely half way through the nominating process so it ain't nearly over. Be careful what you wish for democrats. Bernie is still viable and sleepy Joe is still brain damaged.
Yep, this is as disappointing as it gets.
A couple weeks ago, it looked like at the very least, Bernie would be right on the cusp all the way to the convention. The turnaround for Joe is simply unbelievable. Something else has happened, no way Joe pulled this off without some serious manipulation.

What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.

They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020

Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.

Michigan was his last hope. The math doesn't work for him with the states upcoming. Best he coalesce end start campaigning for Uncle Joe. But my fear is that he'll act like the same bitter old man he was after losing in 2016.
Yep, this is as disappointing as it gets.
A couple weeks ago, it looked like at the very least, Bernie would be right on the cusp all the way to the convention. The turnaround for Joe is simply unbelievable. Something else has happened, no way Joe pulled this off without some serious manipulation.

What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.

They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020

Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.

Michigan was his last hope. The math doesn't work for him with the states upcoming. Best he coalesce end start campaigning for Uncle Joe. But my fear is that he'll act like the same bitter old man he was after losing in 2016.

Was hoping beyond hope that he'd read the tea leaves and get out now. Doesn't appear to be happening so I assume he'll go full in on Biden in the next debate which I'm thinking at this point may be the only reason he is in it now.

For Biden I don't think he is a great debater but on occasion he can hold his own. Not sure it really matters now as the current POS in the White House lost almost every debate he's been in.

After the next states come up on the 17th I think it's going to be over to the point where everyone is going to be pushing him out as Biden begins to tease/select his VP choice.

Sanders will have even less influence in the convention as last time. However it's really up to him to smooth things out, that will be his sole responsibility.
Yep, this is as disappointing as it gets.
A couple weeks ago, it looked like at the very least, Bernie would be right on the cusp all the way to the convention. The turnaround for Joe is simply unbelievable. Something else has happened, no way Joe pulled this off without some serious manipulation.

What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.

They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020

Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.

Michigan was his last hope. The math doesn't work for him with the states upcoming. Best he coalesce end start campaigning for Uncle Joe. But my fear is that he'll act like the same bitter old man he was after losing in 2016.

Was hoping beyond hope that he'd read the tea leaves and get out now. Doesn't appear to be happening so I assume he'll go full in on Biden in the next debate which I'm thinking at this point may be the only reason he is in it now.

For Biden I don't think he is a great debater but on occasion he can hold his own. Not sure it really matters now as the current POS in the White House lost almost every debate he's been in.

After the next states come up on the 17th I think it's going to be over to the point where everyone is going to be pushing him out as Biden begins to tease/select his VP choice.

Sanders will have even less influence in the convention as last time. However it's really up to him to smooth things out, that will be his sole responsibility.

One would think Bernie would want to avoid the legacy of being the guy who handed four more years to "the most corrupt president in US history".

My hunch is, he'll continue to yell at clouds.

What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.

They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020

Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.

Michigan was his last hope. The math doesn't work for him with the states upcoming. Best he coalesce end start campaigning for Uncle Joe. But my fear is that he'll act like the same bitter old man he was after losing in 2016.

Was hoping beyond hope that he'd read the tea leaves and get out now. Doesn't appear to be happening so I assume he'll go full in on Biden in the next debate which I'm thinking at this point may be the only reason he is in it now.

For Biden I don't think he is a great debater but on occasion he can hold his own. Not sure it really matters now as the current POS in the White House lost almost every debate he's been in.

After the next states come up on the 17th I think it's going to be over to the point where everyone is going to be pushing him out as Biden begins to tease/select his VP choice.

Sanders will have even less influence in the convention as last time. However it's really up to him to smooth things out, that will be his sole responsibility.

One would think Bernie would want to avoid the legacy of being the guy who handed four more years to "the most corrupt president in US history".

My hunch is, he'll continue to yell at clouds.


Well like Trump, Sanders has his own slobbering media outlets. Have you watched the Young Turks lately? Jesus, talk about full on denial.
The dems are happy to have 2 old white guys to choose from it doesn't matter that one just had a heart attack and the other can't remember what he had for breakfast
For Biden I don't think he is a great debater but on occasion he can hold his own. Not sure it really matters now as the current POS in the White House lost almost every debate he's been in.

A sigh of relief? Instead of at least something dynamic, something different, something that might have led to serious challenges to the status quo, we are offered yesterday's mediocrity again.
Sanders' ideas may have been based on outdated, thirties 'socialism'. Sanders may not have been whom I would have picked for a good candidate. Compared, however, to idea-less, power hungry, contemptuous offerings we get from the duopoly, he offered something human and vigorous.
I would be able to vote for someone like Gabbard, but people who voted for the illegal Iraq invasion disqualified themselves.
And people who have only displayed purely egoistic hunger for attention and power are not qualified, either.
They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020

Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.

Michigan was his last hope. The math doesn't work for him with the states upcoming. Best he coalesce end start campaigning for Uncle Joe. But my fear is that he'll act like the same bitter old man he was after losing in 2016.

Was hoping beyond hope that he'd read the tea leaves and get out now. Doesn't appear to be happening so I assume he'll go full in on Biden in the next debate which I'm thinking at this point may be the only reason he is in it now.

For Biden I don't think he is a great debater but on occasion he can hold his own. Not sure it really matters now as the current POS in the White House lost almost every debate he's been in.

After the next states come up on the 17th I think it's going to be over to the point where everyone is going to be pushing him out as Biden begins to tease/select his VP choice.

Sanders will have even less influence in the convention as last time. However it's really up to him to smooth things out, that will be his sole responsibility.

One would think Bernie would want to avoid the legacy of being the guy who handed four more years to "the most corrupt president in US history".

My hunch is, he'll continue to yell at clouds.


Well like Trump, Sanders has his own slobbering media outlets. Have you watched the Young Turks lately? Jesus, talk about full on denial.

I can take about 30 seconds of Cenk Uygur prior to turning entirely catatonic. ;)

Yep, this is as disappointing as it gets.
A couple weeks ago, it looked like at the very least, Bernie would be right on the cusp all the way to the convention. The turnaround for Joe is simply unbelievable. Something else has happened, no way Joe pulled this off without some serious manipulation.

What manipulation?

Money? He didn't have any
Media? Nope, they were writing him off.
Ads? Again, he had no money

If the DNC were in the bag for Biden they would have helped him out. They were ready to write him off and let him die on the vine as they didn't lift a finger to support him.

You're just a guy wishing for a conspiracy.

They're just parroting Dear Leader and his Russian Troll buddies. We should expect little more out of them.

Pocahontas, working in conjunction with the Democrat Party, totally destroyed the campaign of Bernie Sanders. If she would have quit 3 days earlier, Sanders would have beaten Biden in a route, it wouldn’t even have been close. They also got two other losers to support Sleepy Joe!
9:55 PM · Mar 10, 2020

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
4:30 AM · Mar 9, 2020

Yeah, they are fucking morons. Warren's support split 50/50 at best. Sanders is bleeding support across the board and so far hasn't gained in any single state more votes than he got in 2016, quite the opposite to include his home state. This thing is over.

Michigan was his last hope. The math doesn't work for him with the states upcoming. Best he coalesce end start campaigning for Uncle Joe. But my fear is that he'll act like the same bitter old man he was after losing in 2016.

Was hoping beyond hope that he'd read the tea leaves and get out now. Doesn't appear to be happening so I assume he'll go full in on Biden in the next debate which I'm thinking at this point may be the only reason he is in it now.

For Biden I don't think he is a great debater but on occasion he can hold his own. Not sure it really matters now as the current POS in the White House lost almost every debate he's been in.

After the next states come up on the 17th I think it's going to be over to the point where everyone is going to be pushing him out as Biden begins to tease/select his VP choice.

Sanders will have even less influence in the convention as last time. However it's really up to him to smooth things out, that will be his sole responsibility.

Biden needs Sanders to keep trying. He needs someone to debate so he gets some broadcast face time.

The last election was all about face time - Trump was on every news show everyday for months before the election. Clinton hardly got any face time.

Biden needs all the face time he can get!

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