Democrats & Liberals need a wake up call STAT/ Big biz leaving the US

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Some 47 companies have moved their headquarters overseas in the last decade to save billions in corporate taxes. While Walgreens has reversed it's decision to relocate to Switzerland to avoid negative publicity their stocks have taken a hit and their shareholders are furious.

Meanwhile here at home the Republicans want to cut corporate tax rates to compete globally the Democrats are content to just call these companies unpatriotic & stamp their feet. Is it unpatriotic? Probably. Will calling them names bring the money back home? Highly unlikely.

US based companies don't "owe" us anything. Like any business the point is to maximize profits and if simply moving your home office stands to net you a cool extra 100m or more per year you'd be foolish to stay despite the name calling from the left.

Why not cut corporate rates and KEEP that money in our economy? Stomping your feet & yelling doesn't pay the bills dummies. Unless of course you want US companies to fund the growth of other countries.
Leaving? Good, let me help you pack, and get the fuck out of my country you unpatriotic bastards, AKA good capitalists who don't give a Goddamn, and aren't required to. See how that works boys, and why maybe trying to say they have the answers to everything is BULLSHIT?
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Leaving? Good, let me help you pack, and get the fuck out of my country you unpatriotic bastards, AKA good capitalists who don't give a Goddamn, and aren't required to. See how that works boys, and why maybe trying to say they have the answers to everything is BULLSHIT?

A wake up call won't do for you, perhaps a straight jacket?
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New York, a democrat run state, offers major tax exemptions for companies to relocate there from other states but for some reason applying this same DEMOCRAT logic nationally is frowned upon.

I just don't get it. Your damn greed is killing business.
There will be a day of reckoning for businesses who perform this coldly capitalist stunt.
Just like..hmm..say Walgreen's just did.


Wall Street investors delivered a thumbs down Wednesday to Walgreens' announcement of a $15.3 billion plan to complete its acquisition of Europe-based Alliance Boots and decision not to pursue potential tax savings by shifting its headquarters overseas.
Walgreens also weighed "harder to quantify" but equally significant risk of "consumer backlash and political ramifications, including the risk to our government book of business," said Wasson, referring to the millions of dollars in revenue the company gets from federal Medicare and Medicaid programs.

It's not even policy! But the perceived threat that the US might close it's wallet was ENOUGH.


You guys are not really smart, are ya?

Had Bush done this?

We might not have lost so many jobs overseas!

They are following their fiduciary (L-E-G-A-L) mandate to maximize shareholder value.

If they do not follow their mandate, they can and will be sued by their shareholders.

It's the best they can do in what is clearly a hostile environment for business.


It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.
Just like..hmm..say Walgreen's just did.


Wall Street investors delivered a thumbs down Wednesday to Walgreens' announcement of a $15.3 billion plan to complete its acquisition of Europe-based Alliance Boots and decision not to pursue potential tax savings by shifting its headquarters overseas.
Walgreens also weighed "harder to quantify" but equally significant risk of "consumer backlash and political ramifications, including the risk to our government book of business," said Wasson, referring to the millions of dollars in revenue the company gets from federal Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Walgreens stock smacked after tax inversion out

It's not even policy! But the perceived threat that the US might close it's wallet was ENOUGH.


You guys are not really smart, are ya?

Had Bush done this?

We might not have lost so many jobs overseas!

Bush wasn't into the use of billyclubs against Americans. And even in your own quote it says the threat of possible comsumer backlash weighed just as much in their decision.

Just don't forget that most companies aren't in bed with the government like Walgreens is because of the nature of their business. That billyclub won't work on everyone.

They are following their fiduciary (L-E-G-A-L) mandate to maximize shareholder value.

If they do not follow their mandate, they can and will be sued by their shareholders.

It's the best they can do in what is clearly a hostile environment for business.


It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.

Sure beats lowering corporate tax rates and having a positive relationship with employers.

You folks literally can't help yourselves. You have to punish, issue "consequences".

Some 47 companies have moved their headquarters overseas in the last decade to save billions in corporate taxes. While Walgreens has reversed it's decision to relocate to Switzerland to avoid negative publicity their stocks have taken a hit and their shareholders are furious.

Meanwhile here at home the Republicans want to cut corporate tax rates to compete globally the Democrats are content to just call these companies unpatriotic & stamp their feet. Is it unpatriotic? Probably. Will calling them names bring the money back home? Highly unlikely.

US based companies don't "owe" us anything. Like any business the point is to maximize profits and if simply moving your home office stands to net you a cool extra 100m or more per year you'd be foolish to stay despite the name calling from the left.

Why not cut corporate rates and KEEP that money in our economy? Stomping your feet & yelling doesn't pay the bills dummies. Unless of course you want US companies to fund the growth of other countries.

Simple enough solution, buy American made products by companies here in America.

Will you stop watching FoxNews now that it has relocated to Dubai?


You aren't prepared to support local American corporations and instead you are boosting the profits of a corporation who is effectively subsidizing terrorism by locating itself in the middle east.

Unless you stop you are destroying your own credibility around here. Tough choice but we all know that you will continue to support FoxNews and just blame Obama instead because that is easier than doing what is right for America.
Some 47 companies have moved their headquarters overseas in the last decade to save billions in corporate taxes. While Walgreens has reversed it's decision to relocate to Switzerland to avoid negative publicity their stocks have taken a hit and their shareholders are furious.

Meanwhile here at home the Republicans want to cut corporate tax rates to compete globally the Democrats are content to just call these companies unpatriotic & stamp their feet. Is it unpatriotic? Probably. Will calling them names bring the money back home? Highly unlikely.

US based companies don't "owe" us anything. Like any business the point is to maximize profits and if simply moving your home office stands to net you a cool extra 100m or more per year you'd be foolish to stay despite the name calling from the left.

Why not cut corporate rates and KEEP that money in our economy? Stomping your feet & yelling doesn't pay the bills dummies. Unless of course you want US companies to fund the growth of other countries.

Simple enough solution, buy American made products by companies here in America.

Will you stop watching FoxNews now that it has relocated to Dubai?


You aren't prepared to support local American corporations and instead you are boosting the profits of a corporation who is effectively subsidizing terrorism by locating itself in the middle east.

Unless you stop you are destroying your own credibility around here. Tough choice but we all know that you will continue to support FoxNews and just blame Obama instead because that is easier than doing what is right for America.

This conversation is about the relationship between our government & US based businesses.
My emotional based response or your emotional based response is irrelevant.

Please refrain from your retardation & stay on topic.
Some 47 companies have moved their headquarters overseas in the last decade to save billions in corporate taxes. While Walgreens has reversed it's decision to relocate to Switzerland to avoid negative publicity their stocks have taken a hit and their shareholders are furious.

Meanwhile here at home the Republicans want to cut corporate tax rates to compete globally the Democrats are content to just call these companies unpatriotic & stamp their feet. Is it unpatriotic? Probably. Will calling them names bring the money back home? Highly unlikely.

US based companies don't "owe" us anything. Like any business the point is to maximize profits and if simply moving your home office stands to net you a cool extra 100m or more per year you'd be foolish to stay despite the name calling from the left.

Why not cut corporate rates and KEEP that money in our economy? Stomping your feet & yelling doesn't pay the bills dummies. Unless of course you want US companies to fund the growth of other countries.

Simple enough solution, buy American made products by companies here in America.

Will you stop watching FoxNews now that it has relocated to Dubai?


You aren't prepared to support local American corporations and instead you are boosting the profits of a corporation who is effectively subsidizing terrorism by locating itself in the middle east.

Unless you stop you are destroying your own credibility around here. Tough choice but we all know that you will continue to support FoxNews and just blame Obama instead because that is easier than doing what is right for America.

Amazingly these were the same knuckle draggers that say that Europe is socialist and Obama was trying to import their systems over here.

Equally amazing is that the "bad for business" policies of Europe--you know the ones Obama wants to install here--are drawing business from the US apparently.

Start spinning're making as much sense as ever.
Some 47 companies have moved their headquarters overseas in the last decade to save billions in corporate taxes. While Walgreens has reversed it's decision to relocate to Switzerland to avoid negative publicity their stocks have taken a hit and their shareholders are furious.

Meanwhile here at home the Republicans want to cut corporate tax rates to compete globally the Democrats are content to just call these companies unpatriotic & stamp their feet. Is it unpatriotic? Probably. Will calling them names bring the money back home? Highly unlikely.

US based companies don't "owe" us anything. Like any business the point is to maximize profits and if simply moving your home office stands to net you a cool extra 100m or more per year you'd be foolish to stay despite the name calling from the left.

Why not cut corporate rates and KEEP that money in our economy? Stomping your feet & yelling doesn't pay the bills dummies. Unless of course you want US companies to fund the growth of other countries.

Simple enough solution, buy American made products by companies here in America.

Will you stop watching FoxNews now that it has relocated to Dubai?


You aren't prepared to support local American corporations and instead you are boosting the profits of a corporation who is effectively subsidizing terrorism by locating itself in the middle east.

Unless you stop you are destroying your own credibility around here. Tough choice but we all know that you will continue to support FoxNews and just blame Obama instead because that is easier than doing what is right for America.

This conversation is about the relationship between our government & US based businesses.
My emotional based response or your emotional based response is irrelevant.

Please refrain from your retardation & stay on topic.

You opened the patriotism door in your OP!

Not my problem if you can't handle how poorly your own lack of patriotism reflects on you.

And I suggest that you refrain from insulting other posters. That exposes the weakness of your position.
Simple enough solution, buy American made products by companies here in America.

Will you stop watching FoxNews now that it has relocated to Dubai?


You aren't prepared to support local American corporations and instead you are boosting the profits of a corporation who is effectively subsidizing terrorism by locating itself in the middle east.

Unless you stop you are destroying your own credibility around here. Tough choice but we all know that you will continue to support FoxNews and just blame Obama instead because that is easier than doing what is right for America.

This conversation is about the relationship between our government & US based businesses.
My emotional based response or your emotional based response is irrelevant.

Please refrain from your retardation & stay on topic.

You opened the patriotism door in your OP!

Not my problem if you can't handle how poorly your own lack of patriotism reflects on you.

And I suggest that you refrain from insulting other posters. That exposes the weakness of your position.

I didn't open patriotism, I merely repeated the democrat position. As far as insults go, I call them as I see them. It is not my job to try to force a business to do anything. If they make a product I like I couldn't give two shits where they base their home office. My frustration is sharply focused on the reason they moved to begin with. Unfortunately I can not "boycott" stupid democrat policies, ie corporate tax rates.

Bank A offers you 35% interest on your investments. Bank B offers you 17% interest on the same investment.

Where's your money going? If you say bank B you're either a liar or a moron.

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