Democrats & Liberals need a wake up call STAT/ Big biz leaving the US

Leaving? Good, let me help you pack, and get the fuck out of my country you unpatriotic bastards, AKA good capitalists who don't give a Goddamn, and aren't required to. See how that works boys, and why maybe trying to say they have the answers to everything is BULLSHIT?

This will be my go to response to ignorant liberals from now on.
Fuck off you dumbass lib!!
There will be a day of reckoning for businesses who perform this coldly capitalist stunt.

No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.
There will be a day of reckoning for businesses who perform this coldly capitalist stunt.

No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.

Lots of folks are retiring overseas. Why not? It's way way less expensive and they welcome you with open arms. Belize, Panama, Costa Rica - all are short plane rides away.....There are some excellent websites for anyone considering taking the leap....

Retire Early Lifestyle
EscapeArtist | Live, Work, Play, Retire & Invest Abroad
International living - Live, Retire and Invest Overseas.

Some dear friends of mine moved to Placentia Belize 2 years ago...they love it. Told me they are living on a fraction of what they spent here......:thup:
There will be a day of reckoning for businesses who perform this coldly capitalist stunt.

No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.

See ya.:eusa_clap:
Liberals don't care. We can all smoke dope, live in communes and have green jobs.
Sallow WHY should we NOT compete with global tax rates to draw/keep business? You all are always talking about GLOBAL solutions to everything EXCEPT competing globally on tax rates. And PLEASE keep your bleeding heart bullshit out of your response. Apple or IBM are not responsible for the plight of the people in Detroit so please stay on topic.

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about.

Compete? We fucking already rule.

We have the most billionaires in the world.

The world pegs it's currency against the dollar.

This IS the wealthiest country in the world. No one comes close.

And how has that translated to the people?

Well lets see. In addition to having the most billionaires we have the largest gap between the haves and haves nots of any industrialized nation. Heck..we are almost third world in that regard.

Social mobility has come to a stand still.

We now have a de facto oligarchy rule by people like the Koch brothers.

Personally? Aside from your criminal background? I have no idea why you are in such a rush to shovel more money to these people.

Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy. What happened? Oh..not much. The wealthy got wealthier and the deficit started growing. Then? Reagan got desperate. He went, hat in hand to ol' Tip to raise taxes and spend money so the unemployment looked better. And they raised taxes on the poor and middle class and started spending money like crazy. That's when the economy took off.

Bush cut taxes for the wealthy. Then the deficit grew. Then he started spending like crazy on 2 wars and a bunch of other stuff. He didn't really create many jobs, but the fake economy based on war, oil and a housing bubble didn't lose them, either, until the shit hit the fan.

But what did that buy him from the wealthy? Nothing. They moved jobs overseas.

So really, guy? What's driving this?

There will be a day of reckoning for businesses who perform this coldly capitalist stunt.

No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.

Lots of folks are retiring overseas. Why not? It's way way less expensive and they welcome you with open arms. Belize, Panama, Costa Rica - all are short plane rides away.....There are some excellent websites for anyone considering taking the leap....

Retire Early Lifestyle
EscapeArtist | Live, Work, Play, Retire & Invest Abroad
International living - Live, Retire and Invest Overseas.

Some dear friends of mine moved to Placentia Belize 2 years ago...they love it. Told me they are living on a fraction of what they spent here......:thup:

Trust me,I've been considering it for the last five years. I never in a million years thought I would consider leaving America. These days? Fuck it,I really dont care anymore. This country is going to shit fast,and I'm not about to invest my money to enrich a bunch of libs and illegals. Fuck that!! They no longer represent America or me.
Sallow WHY should we NOT compete with global tax rates to draw/keep business? You all are always talking about GLOBAL solutions to everything EXCEPT competing globally on tax rates. And PLEASE keep your bleeding heart bullshit out of your response. Apple or IBM are not responsible for the plight of the people in Detroit so please stay on topic.

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about.

Compete? We fucking already rule.

We have the most billionaires in the world.

The world pegs it's currency against the dollar.

This IS the wealthiest country in the world. No one comes close.

And how has that translated to the people?

Well lets see. In addition to having the most billionaires we have the largest gap between the haves and haves nots of any industrialized nation. Heck..we are almost third world in that regard.

Social mobility has come to a stand still.

We now have a de facto oligarchy rule by people like the Koch brothers.

Personally? Aside from your criminal background? I have no idea why you are in such a rush to shovel more money to these people.

Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy. What happened? Oh..not much. The wealthy got wealthier and the deficit started growing. Then? Reagan got desperate. He went, hat in hand to ol' Tip to raise taxes and spend money so the unemployment looked better. And they raised taxes on the poor and middle class and started spending money like crazy. That's when the economy took off.

Bush cut taxes for the wealthy. Then the deficit grew. Then he started spending like crazy on 2 wars and a bunch of other stuff. He didn't really create many jobs, but the fake economy based on war, oil and a housing bubble didn't lose them, either, until the shit hit the fan.

But what did that buy him from the wealthy? Nothing. They moved jobs overseas.

So really, guy? What's driving this?


All of that has FUCK to do with the corporate tax rate.

You're a lost cause
Sallow WHY should we NOT compete with global tax rates to draw/keep business? You all are always talking about GLOBAL solutions to everything EXCEPT competing globally on tax rates. And PLEASE keep your bleeding heart bullshit out of your response. Apple or IBM are not responsible for the plight of the people in Detroit so please stay on topic.

I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about.

Compete? We fucking already rule.

We have the most billionaires in the world.

The world pegs it's currency against the dollar.

This IS the wealthiest country in the world. No one comes close.

And how has that translated to the people?

Well lets see. In addition to having the most billionaires we have the largest gap between the haves and haves nots of any industrialized nation. Heck..we are almost third world in that regard.

Social mobility has come to a stand still.

We now have a de facto oligarchy rule by people like the Koch brothers.

Personally? Aside from your criminal background? I have no idea why you are in such a rush to shovel more money to these people.

Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy. What happened? Oh..not much. The wealthy got wealthier and the deficit started growing. Then? Reagan got desperate. He went, hat in hand to ol' Tip to raise taxes and spend money so the unemployment looked better. And they raised taxes on the poor and middle class and started spending money like crazy. That's when the economy took off.

Bush cut taxes for the wealthy. Then the deficit grew. Then he started spending like crazy on 2 wars and a bunch of other stuff. He didn't really create many jobs, but the fake economy based on war, oil and a housing bubble didn't lose them, either, until the shit hit the fan.

But what did that buy him from the wealthy? Nothing. They moved jobs overseas.

So really, guy? What's driving this?


All of that has FUCK to do with the corporate tax rate.

You're a lost cause


I addressed it dead on..Al Capone.
There will be a day of reckoning for businesses who perform this coldly capitalist stunt.

No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.

See ya.:eusa_clap:

Yeah,you'll see me leave along with business and my mills I've saved for retirement.
Have fun,because anyone who has any wealth will be doing the same thing.
Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind stay and spend their money here when they can live so much better elsewhere?
I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about.

Compete? We fucking already rule.

We have the most billionaires in the world.

The world pegs it's currency against the dollar.

This IS the wealthiest country in the world. No one comes close.

And how has that translated to the people?

Well lets see. In addition to having the most billionaires we have the largest gap between the haves and haves nots of any industrialized nation. Heck..we are almost third world in that regard.

Social mobility has come to a stand still.

We now have a de facto oligarchy rule by people like the Koch brothers.

Personally? Aside from your criminal background? I have no idea why you are in such a rush to shovel more money to these people.

Reagan cut taxes for the wealthy. What happened? Oh..not much. The wealthy got wealthier and the deficit started growing. Then? Reagan got desperate. He went, hat in hand to ol' Tip to raise taxes and spend money so the unemployment looked better. And they raised taxes on the poor and middle class and started spending money like crazy. That's when the economy took off.

Bush cut taxes for the wealthy. Then the deficit grew. Then he started spending like crazy on 2 wars and a bunch of other stuff. He didn't really create many jobs, but the fake economy based on war, oil and a housing bubble didn't lose them, either, until the shit hit the fan.

But what did that buy him from the wealthy? Nothing. They moved jobs overseas.

So really, guy? What's driving this?


All of that has FUCK to do with the corporate tax rate.

You're a lost cause


I addressed it dead on..Al Capone.

No, you didn't..... Gomer Pyle
There will be a day of reckoning for businesses who perform this coldly capitalist stunt.

No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.

Are you going to pull all your money out at once? Shouldn't you do it in increments so as to not crash the economy?
No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.

See ya.:eusa_clap:

Yeah,you'll see me leave along with business and my mills I've saved for retirement.
Have fun,because anyone who has any wealth will be doing the same thing.
Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind stay and spend their money here when they can live so much better elsewhere?

Ever live in a third world country? You'll soon miss living in a country where a government interferes with your life and taxes you like they do in this country. Taxes, the price we pay for civilization.
Quick! Make all those Corporations swear Loyalty Oaths....errrr...Non Desertion Agreements!

Because oaths and pledges are a little creepy, this effort needs something else—something that comes out of the legal and business worlds: a contract. More specifically, an NDA.

Non-disclosure agreements are common in corporate America, where tens of thousands of senior managers and employees sign contracts promising to keep all sorts of information confidential. It’s often a condition of employment.

Now it’s time to change the “D” and expect the same from boards of directors—a “non-desertion agreement” with the John Hancock of every board member and CEO in the United States.

If boards thought for even a second about the long-term interests of their companies, they would summon their lawyers and sign. It’s protection against the risks of resurgent nationalism that could strip them of the many advantages (indirect government subsidies, easy access to American markets) that they currently enjoy.

For those companies less able to act as Americans or recognize their real interests, there are two ways to make this work. The president should issue an executive order that says any company that wants to keep its federal contracts must sign a new-fangled NDA. It’s reasonable to expect most federal contractors to be American companies. Obama has already used that leverage to raise the minimum wage for companies doing business with the government and, in a little-noticed move, to force government contractors to pay their suppliers on time.

This executive order would get the attention of major corporations, most of which receive federal contracts. Mylan and Medtronics, for instance, are deserting even as they receive hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money through Medicare and Medicaid. But other companies with few or no federal contracts might be tempted to desert anyway.

That’s where the rest of us come in. Under my scheme, companies that sign non-desertion agreements would embed a tiny American flag or some other Good Housekeeping-type seal in their corporate insignia for all to see, just as companies during the Great Depression that agreed to Franklin Roosevelt’s recovery plan hung an emblem of a blue eagle in their windows with the legend, “We Do Our Part.”

Companies that fail to sign non-desertion agreements would face the kind of public shaming that has gone out of fashion but could come back with a vengeance: boycotts, petitions, angry shareholder meetings full of the language of patriotism...

The United States Needs Corporate ?Loyalty Oaths? - The Daily Beast

Yeah I saw that. Sounds so Hitler like
how wonderfully sickening
No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.

See ya.:eusa_clap:

Yeah,you'll see me leave along with business and my mills I've saved for retirement.
Have fun,because anyone who has any wealth will be doing the same thing.
Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind stay and spend their money here when they can live so much better elsewhere?

But have a greater chance at getting a brain eating parasite from the local water...
There will be a day of reckoning for businesses who perform this coldly capitalist stunt.

No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.

Are you going to pull all your money out at once? Shouldn't you do it in increments so as to not crash the economy?

Of course. Along with any other American who doesnt want to get screwed. Just like business is doing right now. I could leave and save at least a million throughout my retirement.
Think about what that means to the average retiree. Unless of course you're the type who is depending on soc sec.

Yeah,you'll see me leave along with business and my mills I've saved for retirement.
Have fun,because anyone who has any wealth will be doing the same thing.
Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind stay and spend their money here when they can live so much better elsewhere?

Ever live in a third world country? You'll soon miss living in a country where a government interferes with your life and taxes you like they do in this country. Taxes, the price we pay for civilization.

Yes as a matter of fact I have. If you have money you'll live better than you can in America by a long shot.
He knows he can't refute my point.

So, straight to deflection he goes.


What deflection?

It's pretty simple.

Government needs taxes to run.

No taxes.

No government.

And if you are talking about cutting them? You are talking about weakening the government.

Decrease corporate taxes.

End the hostile environment for businesses.

You'll get your taxes.

Wait, let me guess:

NO. You'd rather punish.


Corporate profits are at an all time high, cry me a fucking river.

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