Democrats & Liberals need a wake up call STAT/ Big biz leaving the US


They are following their fiduciary (L-E-G-A-L) mandate to maximize shareholder value.

If they do not follow their mandate, they can and will be sued by their shareholders.

It's the best they can do in what is clearly a hostile environment for business.


It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.

Sure beats lowering corporate tax rates and having a positive relationship with employers.

You folks literally can't help yourselves. You have to punish, issue "consequences".


And where are you folks talking about "helping" people.

Oh wait, yeah, you talking about helping rich folks all the time.

But when you talking about cutting?

You want to cut snap. You want to cut welfare. You want to cut education. You want to cut just about anything "helps" the poor and middle class.

And in fact, you want to draw from these folks to pay for the stuff that makes rich folks richer.

Like Military funding.
Like funding agriculture.
Like funding big oil.

I have NEVER heard a conservative talking about cutting a weapons system.

But I have heard them talk about "fat" poor kids.

Cry me a river..dude.
Liberal solutions seem to always involve mandates, force and punishment. They're clueless.

I swear, it's in their freakin' genes.

Control, intimidation, capitulation, submission.



Yeah it's not like 99% of the folks sitting in first class on a plane are doing it on your dime.

Oh wait..they are.

It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.

Sure beats lowering corporate tax rates and having a positive relationship with employers.

You folks literally can't help yourselves. You have to punish, issue "consequences".


And where are you folks talking about "helping" people.

Oh wait, yeah, you talking about helping rich folks all the time.

But when you talking about cutting?

You want to cut snap. You want to cut welfare. You want to cut education. You want to cut just about anything "helps" the poor and middle class.

And in fact, you want to draw from these folks to pay for the stuff that makes rich folks richer.

Like Military funding.
Like funding agriculture.
Like funding big oil.

I have NEVER heard a conservative talking about cutting a weapons system.

But I have heard them talk about "fat" poor kids.

Cry me a river..dude.

Your little rant has NOTHING to do with this thread. Stay on topic
It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.

Sure beats lowering corporate tax rates and having a positive relationship with employers.

You folks literally can't help yourselves. You have to punish, issue "consequences".


And where are you folks talking about "helping" people.

Oh wait, yeah, you talking about helping rich folks all the time.

But when you talking about cutting?

You want to cut snap. You want to cut welfare. You want to cut education. You want to cut just about anything "helps" the poor and middle class.

And in fact, you want to draw from these folks to pay for the stuff that makes rich folks richer.

Like Military funding.
Like funding agriculture.
Like funding big oil.

I have NEVER heard a conservative talking about cutting a weapon's system.

But I have heard them talk about "fat" poor kids.

Cry me a river..dude.
  • I don't want to cut welfare, that's relatively small potatoes.
  • I don't want to cut education - that which is about students.
  • I'd cut military funding.
  • I'd cut subsidies.

And, deflection noted. Not very graceful, though, you need to work on that.

Wanna try again?


Simple enough solution, buy American made products by companies here in America.

Will you stop watching FoxNews now that it has relocated to Dubai?


You aren't prepared to support local American corporations and instead you are boosting the profits of a corporation who is effectively subsidizing terrorism by locating itself in the middle east.

Unless you stop you are destroying your own credibility around here. Tough choice but we all know that you will continue to support FoxNews and just blame Obama instead because that is easier than doing what is right for America.

This conversation is about the relationship between our government & US based businesses.
My emotional based response or your emotional based response is irrelevant.

Please refrain from your retardation & stay on topic.

You opened the patriotism door in your OP!

Not my problem if you can't handle how poorly your own lack of patriotism reflects on you.

And I suggest that you refrain from insulting other posters. That exposes the weakness of your position.

Just gives pause to think.

Is breaking the law and going to jail, patriotic?

They are following their fiduciary (L-E-G-A-L) mandate to maximize shareholder value.

If they do not follow their mandate, they can and will be sued by their shareholders.

It's the best they can do in what is clearly a hostile environment for business.


It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.

Sure beats lowering corporate tax rates and having a positive relationship with employers.

You folks literally can't help yourselves. You have to punish, issue "consequences".


well it has to be their way or the high way. He call's them fucks and then say's there is no hostility...I wouldn't stay either with people like that and Obama accusing them of gaming the system..Then they wail there isn't any jobs and blames everyone but themselves

You people without jobs can thank the Democrat/liberal/progressives
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Sure beats lowering corporate tax rates and having a positive relationship with employers.

You folks literally can't help yourselves. You have to punish, issue "consequences".


And where are you folks talking about "helping" people.

Oh wait, yeah, you talking about helping rich folks all the time.

But when you talking about cutting?

You want to cut snap. You want to cut welfare. You want to cut education. You want to cut just about anything "helps" the poor and middle class.

And in fact, you want to draw from these folks to pay for the stuff that makes rich folks richer.

Like Military funding.
Like funding agriculture.
Like funding big oil.

I have NEVER heard a conservative talking about cutting a weapons system.

But I have heard them talk about "fat" poor kids.

Cry me a river..dude.

Your little rant has NOTHING to do with this thread. Stay on topic

He knows he can't refute my point.

So, straight to deflection he goes.


The American Left has turned into a gang of narcissistic authoritarians.

Precisely the people they used to hate.

And they know it.

Sure beats lowering corporate tax rates and having a positive relationship with employers.

You folks literally can't help yourselves. You have to punish, issue "consequences".


And where are you folks talking about "helping" people.

Oh wait, yeah, you talking about helping rich folks all the time.

But when you talking about cutting?

You want to cut snap. You want to cut welfare. You want to cut education. You want to cut just about anything "helps" the poor and middle class.

And in fact, you want to draw from these folks to pay for the stuff that makes rich folks richer.

Like Military funding.
Like funding agriculture.
Like funding big oil.

I have NEVER heard a conservative talking about cutting a weapon's system.

But I have heard them talk about "fat" poor kids.

Cry me a river..dude.
  • I don't want to cut welfare, that's relatively small potatoes.
  • I don't want to cut education - that which is about students.
  • I'd cut military funding.
  • I'd cut subsidies.

And, deflection noted. Not very graceful, though, you need to work on that.

Wanna try again?




Because NONE of that is ever what you post about or start threads over.

It's always about cutting taxes for big business or the wealthy.

You cannot do that without substantial cuts to the big ticket items.

The biggest of which, is the military.

Go ahead.

See what happens when you post a thread on cutting say 300 billion a year to the military budget.

Your conservative friends her will call you a commie and gay.

Trust me on that.

There will be a day of reckoning for businesses who perform this coldly capitalist stunt.

Yup, 4 times a year they will celebrate their new MASSIVELY lower tax burden. How many billions does the US have to lose before we wake the hell up?

There is no solution that will ever pass congress that will actually solve the problem. Anything they pass is bound to be gigantic gifts to narrow business interests rather than any real attempt to repair the structural defects in our tax code. Tax dodging is a world-wide business practice and nothing any politician can do will change that.
Sallow WHY should we NOT compete with global tax rates to draw/keep business? You all are always talking about GLOBAL solutions to everything EXCEPT competing globally on tax rates. And PLEASE keep your bleeding heart bullshit out of your response. Apple or IBM are not responsible for the plight of the people in Detroit so please stay on topic.
And where are you folks talking about "helping" people.

Oh wait, yeah, you talking about helping rich folks all the time.

But when you talking about cutting?

You want to cut snap. You want to cut welfare. You want to cut education. You want to cut just about anything "helps" the poor and middle class.

And in fact, you want to draw from these folks to pay for the stuff that makes rich folks richer.

Like Military funding.
Like funding agriculture.
Like funding big oil.

I have NEVER heard a conservative talking about cutting a weapons system.

But I have heard them talk about "fat" poor kids.

Cry me a river..dude.

Your little rant has NOTHING to do with this thread. Stay on topic

He knows he can't refute my point.

So, straight to deflection he goes.


What deflection?

It's pretty simple.

Government needs taxes to run.

No taxes.

No government.

And if you are talking about cutting them? You are talking about weakening the government.
Your little rant has NOTHING to do with this thread. Stay on topic

He knows he can't refute my point.

So, straight to deflection he goes.


What deflection?

It's pretty simple.

Government needs taxes to run.

No taxes.

No government.

And if you are talking about cutting them? You are talking about weakening the government.

Decrease corporate taxes.

End the hostile environment for businesses.

You'll get your taxes.

Wait, let me guess:

NO. You'd rather punish.

Quick! Make all those Corporations swear Loyalty Oaths....errrr...Non Desertion Agreements!

Because oaths and pledges are a little creepy, this effort needs something else—something that comes out of the legal and business worlds: a contract. More specifically, an NDA.

Non-disclosure agreements are common in corporate America, where tens of thousands of senior managers and employees sign contracts promising to keep all sorts of information confidential. It’s often a condition of employment.

Now it’s time to change the “D” and expect the same from boards of directors—a “non-desertion agreement” with the John Hancock of every board member and CEO in the United States.

If boards thought for even a second about the long-term interests of their companies, they would summon their lawyers and sign. It’s protection against the risks of resurgent nationalism that could strip them of the many advantages (indirect government subsidies, easy access to American markets) that they currently enjoy.

For those companies less able to act as Americans or recognize their real interests, there are two ways to make this work. The president should issue an executive order that says any company that wants to keep its federal contracts must sign a new-fangled NDA. It’s reasonable to expect most federal contractors to be American companies. Obama has already used that leverage to raise the minimum wage for companies doing business with the government and, in a little-noticed move, to force government contractors to pay their suppliers on time.

This executive order would get the attention of major corporations, most of which receive federal contracts. Mylan and Medtronics, for instance, are deserting even as they receive hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money through Medicare and Medicaid. But other companies with few or no federal contracts might be tempted to desert anyway.

That’s where the rest of us come in. Under my scheme, companies that sign non-desertion agreements would embed a tiny American flag or some other Good Housekeeping-type seal in their corporate insignia for all to see, just as companies during the Great Depression that agreed to Franklin Roosevelt’s recovery plan hung an emblem of a blue eagle in their windows with the legend, “We Do Our Part.”

Companies that fail to sign non-desertion agreements would face the kind of public shaming that has gone out of fashion but could come back with a vengeance: boycotts, petitions, angry shareholder meetings full of the language of patriotism...

The United States Needs Corporate ?Loyalty Oaths? - The Daily Beast

The American Left has turned into a gang of narcissistic authoritarians.

Precisely the people they used to hate.

And they know it.


Bullshit, our current tax code is the result of decades of lobbying by corporate meddlers who do not give a shit about the American economy. The left has been wanting to penalize the fuck out of people who engage in out-sourcing for years, seems "free market" conservatives have a problem with that.
This conversation is about the relationship between our government & US based businesses.
My emotional based response or your emotional based response is irrelevant.

Please refrain from your retardation & stay on topic.

You opened the patriotism door in your OP!

Not my problem if you can't handle how poorly your own lack of patriotism reflects on you.

And I suggest that you refrain from insulting other posters. That exposes the weakness of your position.

Just gives pause to think.

Is breaking the law and going to jail, patriotic?

Did you assholes on the left all pass around an email about me? Every other damn response is about my past. Why does it bother you all so? Is it perhaps that lately ive been leaving you jackasses empty handed and you have nothing relevant to respond with that is on topic?

I treat my past transgressions as a sort of badge of honor. Not because of what I did but because of where I've been & what I've learned from it.
Does it just kill you that I found success after a life of hardships & stupidity? Just can't stant to see someone succeed despite their past? Likely would have made you all happier for me to hurt someone else and wind up back in prison huh?

Maybe I should join the others who constantly call you Shallow instead of Sallow. I guess it speaks more of me that I have continued to extend that tiny bit of courtesy to you as compared to the nonsense you ultimately revert to responding to me with.
Some 47 companies have moved their headquarters overseas in the last decade to save billions in corporate taxes. While Walgreens has reversed it's decision to relocate to Switzerland to avoid negative publicity their stocks have taken a hit and their shareholders are furious.

Meanwhile here at home the Republicans want to cut corporate tax rates to compete globally the Democrats are content to just call these companies unpatriotic & stamp their feet. Is it unpatriotic? Probably. Will calling them names bring the money back home? Highly unlikely.

US based companies don't "owe" us anything. Like any business the point is to maximize profits and if simply moving your home office stands to net you a cool extra 100m or more per year you'd be foolish to stay despite the name calling from the left.

Why not cut corporate rates and KEEP that money in our economy? Stomping your feet & yelling doesn't pay the bills dummies. Unless of course you want US companies to fund the growth of other countries.

There are over 4 millions jobs going unfilled because of the need for skilled labor.

Republicans don't believe in education. It's why business wants immigration reform. So they can bring in educated people. It's well known they can't get them from Republicans. It's why the go overseas. You can get all the tax breaks in the world, but if all you have to choose from are stupid and uneducated people, then of course you go overseas. Even you must know that.

Seriously, look at Republicans here on the USMB. I wouldn't let them mow my lawn.
Some 47 companies have moved their headquarters overseas in the last decade to save billions in corporate taxes. While Walgreens has reversed it's decision to relocate to Switzerland to avoid negative publicity their stocks have taken a hit and their shareholders are furious.

Meanwhile here at home the Republicans want to cut corporate tax rates to compete globally the Democrats are content to just call these companies unpatriotic & stamp their feet. Is it unpatriotic? Probably. Will calling them names bring the money back home? Highly unlikely.

US based companies don't "owe" us anything. Like any business the point is to maximize profits and if simply moving your home office stands to net you a cool extra 100m or more per year you'd be foolish to stay despite the name calling from the left.

Why not cut corporate rates and KEEP that money in our economy? Stomping your feet & yelling doesn't pay the bills dummies. Unless of course you want US companies to fund the growth of other countries.

There are over 4 millions jobs going unfilled because of the need for skilled labor.

Republicans don't believe in education. It's why business wants immigration reform. So they can bring in educated people. It's well known they can't get them from Republicans. It's why the go overseas. You can get all the tax breaks in the world, but if all you have to choose from are stupid and uneducated people, then of course you go overseas. Even you must know that.

Seriously, look at Republicans here on the USMB. I wouldn't let them mow my lawn.

Wait I thought there were no jobs so we can't blame the unemployed. Will you get your story straight for once?

On the issue, libs are in a bind. They swear big companies created the tax code and run government. But cannot account for the fact that big business is leaving because of that very tax code. If they actually controlled gov't wouldn't they write a tax code that would enable them to stay here?
The cognitive dissonance is shattering.

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